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The annual meeting ; qf the Thv6rcirgill ! Road Board., yesterday? was. attended by ; Messrs Triimble '(chaiyipan^ t -S^ne,]^cNei)., j Dodds, Drabble,.. Phillips, Mclvor* and , Johnson.,; After i^hepiin,utesof;last.apnual | ; meeting* had been confirmed, the election j ; of a chairman ; for; they ensiling jyear was! proceeded with.. T Mr^Mclvor . : nioved the: appointment .'off Mr, T? Sfcqne^; to,^ .the, qffice. I This was, rseponcleol; by,; Mr„ 7 Drabblq r .in a ; few-appropriate?; Remarks, .-.and* ?. was;«sup- ; ported by the retiring & chairman.. A The J j motion having been carried unanimousty, \ i Mr MclvOr-mciyed a'ttMrty yb^e-of-^fianks ! | to Mr Trumbie*for!his¥efvide i s as chairman i | durtii^ ! the i pdst i yea^i''; J 7^iiis ( 'W_s 'se'cb'nded j by Mr Phillips, ; "and' bsfried' unanimously. . \ Mr "Trumble returned 'thanks, and thei chairman elect then? addressed* the- Board, thanking the members^ fpr the honor 1 done him, and laying before theni'' 'a?? balance . sheet showic jg the financial condition of i the Board.— On the motion of Mi*"TDi*abble, seconded by MrjVlcNeill, Mr' A Hogue 1 was. appointed ;treasuror. --.Mr : Mclvor gave ..notice "thai; /.at next meetinghe -would A. move the ' i appointment of Mr Longuet' -as' Ticlei'k,^* Collector, and valuator, at the jate of £100 a-year, and, in the course of a few remarks made in doing so, he alluded in highly eulogistic terms to Mr. Lohguet's services in the past— rThe question of the hour of meeting was then discussed, -and a ! very general feeling was: expressed, that the:- evening ' would be a more suitable time to meet than in the' middle, of the day.' Ultimately, a resolutionHvas carried fixing ; the Meetings, at 7 p.m. on'the" first Friday.,. in each •: month.-^-It-was moyfed by : Mi*^M:civor, ; • -" -That^ the 'members'- 'of^the Bbarddiave ,' their dinner'at Mi* Jbniisoh^or-the Albion j I Hotel at 6 p.mV oh ; Fi;idays." This was j ' seconded by Mr' f)od3& Mr Johnson '■ | strongly* jthe motion^? as also did j I Messrs Phillips' andjM<?Ne9]:. MV Mclvor, | j in reply, said, he was not introduping any- ! ; thiiig new; it Svas the practice itf all other! Boards in Southland. Mr Drabble sai<Hie would . scorn : to be",f ed . fit, the. public ex- 1 p'eris'e ; if the mo'f ion* was carried, .'lie should J thinkithe jtime had • arrived when.he • ought I to retire from public ■ t life altogether, i Mr | Stone opposed- -the 'motion, but would' toot j ; object to it if Mr Mclvjr paid for the din-! ner. '.To thisj -"-however^ Mi* -Mclvor Ob-j jected, s maintaining T that . 'the .cost should] 'fall on' the rate p : ayer&. ' The' motion was ! rthen. put, ..and lopt on „the. .voices.7 Tlibj TSdardthen rose.,, •—., '.? ,\ •'.'•• '■'.'■■ '■•■-.-..• .-•-. " . : At fiie'rinee'ting of "the' Oreti Road Board ' there were pi esent Messrs Morisoni (in. the chair),. Tay lor, Johnston,- and Carmichael. ;Mr Morisonwas re-appointed a member pf the Board for the Waiau subdivision, =an.d Mr -Martin was -alsd-'elected -'fori fhe77same ; ' subdivision. The clerk reported having; visited' the proposed -site for a bridge over; the Glenquoich Creek at Merrivale,. and| also the deviatibu oh roiidy ScOtt's G-ap tol Orawea. He estimated that, £47' odd! wpuiii,. be, required for the wprli7at')Grlen-! quoich,., and -thai; fhe'deymtioa'pf^t^e roadj would cost £Soj exclusive of t^e'jpurchas'ei of land. Messrs -jjghnstoi} and Morisonj sent in a report re the road; -fromWhite Hills Eidge to BirchwoOd via. Peatboag and Arawa Elat."^Tliey esti-j mated that an expenditure* pofc £450 fog culverts, bridges, fp'rito^tibn] &c., would be] required,' and' could 'hot' recorapend thd "Board ,J to gd'-'tb such' \an' expensed J Coh4 sideration of both reports" was* postponed; : .— It rwas. decided,. t,p,~apply, tq^r. E,llis in '..order. to, ascertain^ if,^liis cpnsenfc;wp.ulc|^be given to the proposed* deyhitipri;, ,*itj iSflerri j vale. — Messrs J. .Gardner and R. McKinj von ;Wiste,is:tating that ;they ;had;- authorised expenditure-of.£6- on.the .road-to Mount ..Linton- Matipjiy.-i and--; asking-; th#ißpau*dfto re-im burse tliem::' iiit- this sum. Itvseas decided to ref und-the- amount in question! [^-^ttentioh was* drawh"tb T rth^state' J of cthe ro£*4 vleading ■tp;Sunnyßide7gejrjjyv &U- d tlie Inspector was requested to report regardjling: the-2ssame;?4-Mr IE. / E.* ..Outhbertson wrote, requesting ithat' a? sum of £80J)e 'exp'ehdedt in T'improyihg- '■ Keayy^siHe cuttings from* Eastern- Biish to Launaker's Bush, ahd'Y'ab'but^'^SD; in ;: forming an(jl . ditching a. swampy "Tpfeqe r -of, froad.on^ha "tbp "bf Wair'a_i J^mt6Vj l Wmk -..niaitt-b-^ leading to TW^intpn.^ ..CpnsJLdemtion of contra unieatipn '" pqstpQhe!i,-TTCQhsid^rati of a ! cbmni-hmcatibn' tftdax: Mr "CO wan'rebpecc- . ing tiie state* ;qf 'thfe^(^^ißadipg. :r _rom the 'NoVtliir^ad to \hti u raiiway"at iHarrin^ytbn's'jiras'.likewise defeiSed.r— AJ letter .was f ßeceived J from 'the Col OniaT Bank 1 , siting iVthat. j f 9j per jce.nt.;/fW-pu^7nbfe "chargecT "on; : >-QyemrattT—- The r clerk was in^ucted'rto cqmmqnicate Avitji Southland <Qou^t^,-C v p^ngi]^ T^ki^iyiir ji^p^Ds^o^pbjecjfing 'jekpended^by^th'e^ ; under v .dir^ ECJIy-tnThSr;^ proved.— A , nuiiiber. of accohrit§ Pmerp spaßsed'i:ff or s' pa^enl£ i MDhe^'elebti6h cif vehawmato'' 'was*' thetoi^rooeedbd;owl|h^ Taylor prOp'oSe'd^firid^Mrk^ *Ws}aa tie t^iea'^fiM&tf^th^ ( Gao-ied,^the Bojird| a^-joqrhejd junt_l th^tfe :Septemb3r.:7r-v ; ?7-- ■? Xp :7-?7v?7 ; J^Cl ; l7 ; Tiie Litodhiifstiß^T3biaJH^ m^ day at Mitsdn?s Hot&l^'Ta?j*street. P\ Presedt iF^^^syl^GU?bbh'i(Ghai%^s ?sßSafifci^, Caihexbn;: Elemihg^l MiUM?/; Caiverty? and

submitted and approved of, and directed to be published.- -The chairmen was-re-elected for the ensuing year. — Ah application of John Murdoch for the formation of a tramway was referred to the Oteramika Road Board. — An application of R.^Gleave ; for permission to fence across^the^T&ad line was granted, conditionally ufltit the. '■. road should be required. — It was resolved that Messrs Thomson be requested to leave" ! Hedgehope. Mr "Millar was'directefr fo' get the'obstijae^ons ongthe-»road;f caused hy Mr McLeeJ,. mnfegd|.ina Jo'Ufavjal^Be ditch at Duusdale Creek filled up.— -The in the &, and adj^ert^ipg the. same, was SQnJrmi_d._. J^^ £609 '2.8. 8d; the valuations of jthejubdivisions beingr-Myross, £41<16: £2660 ; -and Waimiiuiu, GtSSiferon.'sJ liiam'e"! ufSs adt^^L^^Vliithe Fih'^h(^'vVCdminittebV_-in - of4;ijMr Elliot resigned.— A: petitioni>£&^ ForestoHiJVCbt) the f oration of a "slfort line of road was referred to a connhiltee itoillgal jftfclieE.^items jbeiug^gone Ithraiighy, this iordinaiy was concluded;-r-iA^:spe^; meeting; fwas held at^ o'clock : asttb^theMw road which Laciißeen^j^ ■r an— .through-— thej_prop^iiies_-«fllMessrs j Kenneth, Finlayson, andjjohn Dick,aad to j which these^pai-ttes "'bbjs'dt^dp'lThey ap- j "pearecl £pef sqnaljy &?$) P9#B^ a^ ae^ RCt^JP I injury which meJy would sustain. The Chairma'n read toi them |he clauses in the V^t^.b.eW^^ .as.cjq .^pm-pensatipn-<&e;jlVut*the^ -objeotor^-siiir-rier- j ststin'gf . : in'. tnefr'-objecSpas/'/a ;^bqitfrhi ttee - . fwas, apppihf&drtbVexa^ .next meeting,. wn,ieh \v*<^; appointed, to, $3 jiejcL pi^J^tE^^fember^ y^.v-n*' j^^v I , Tiie* Jfol^ at. the// Clarendon rjjojßl,- .^resent— IVfcArthurfT(c^ 'Melvor, Toshachi ißcowhycGray,; Hamilton, p3'alAe'y, R '4h'c¥ Seith.— Thei chairmanjiTtrea'.urer' '-(Wc « -clerks and and valuator Qlr-Russell)^ wefe rer.apgwntedyfpyi^ "Kfuifier' . was 'lapplxinted' 'auditor 'On iili4 '^Etme terms as 'the Tast'aT^ Th^T^tatement,_jqE /,appw ; iinaneiaLpmoi^ \ .aSw,cprrect.TT-:A I .. letter from 'the ..County-; 1 'OfSli was rekd, a intimating \ i subsidy Vfrom' I^e\Vco'up.lyj''^7^'e r b6aril l j ; ;Pay a blp> *^ eighteen months, £4:55 \ I Bs. 6d, of, wliich, the clerM mentioned, £$00 j \ .belPnged . tpt.tlie.^Waikivyi jdistnct.r^The j j reportyof - the -: .engineer waSj -read, recpiii- \ I amending the payment of a numbeivQf»^pro-| j • 'grp'ss* ; payments- ;tb \ bontracto'rsLand> others, j j and; ttie rsainsHvaa' | appPovedrbf.^A! , depa- [ •. ' ikfibir'f f6m !^he J otatara''B , ush'district^vas | 1 heard ( in support of a petition for v l tliej j f orniatiph ; .di:' 1 a- ' ii6w. : : rb'adV ; The- " en^irieer ! 1 was instructed^Oyinspett/^d report toi ; next, .meeting. — Another deputation wasl i ] .heardywhp— petitipned--for -the -metalling; i !• r and of 1 the* road, for üb\utr; aj J quarter of .a mile,, leading to,;fche Waikiwi; , j Bush Cemetigry:' 1 'Tfiey'were 5 informed that! I the; petition ( wpulcl ; be . considered, and the [ ! result communicated to ' the ' Hev." 'Mr! | Tanner. — Tenders;.! ,w,eipj directed to bei : | called for for the cpmpletion of a road; ; petitioned for byi Miytfurzbender. — Some: : further unimportant business was trans-, ; acted, r and thP'Bffard adjourned: 'V

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Southland Times, Issue 3484, 21 August 1879, Page 2

Word Count

ROAD BOARD MEETING. Southland Times, Issue 3484, 21 August 1879, Page 2

ROAD BOARD MEETING. Southland Times, Issue 3484, 21 August 1879, Page 2


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