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(PER PRESS . ASSOCIATIONS SPECIAL. WIRE.) , AUCKLAND, Wednesday. A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce has been called for Friday to make arrangements respecting the Sydney Exhibition. The captain -of the German, man-of-war Ariadne, in/harbor, states that when in the Pacific he hear& of the Rev. Geo. Brown's 'afetion in punishing murdering Natives. He went to New Britain and Duke Islands, and made searching investigation into the whole' circumstances of the case, hoth from Missionaries ; 'arid Natives, and the '-'conclusion he ■•■: was forced to come to was that Mr Brown acted judiciously,- that his whole conduct in the affair was" commendable •in the highest degree, and that he had written to the German Government to that effect, | and also recommended bis Government to j communicate his opinion on Mr Brown's proceedings tb the British Government. He £on r siders Mr Brown's action will be of vast benefit to* civilisation -.Christianity, and trade throughout the whole Pacific.*,-- ,_,." ' ' Since thebig pump at the Thames ceased working, carbonic- acid -gas has been rising •rapidly in the 1 Caledonia shaft, and is extend-' ing to other workings. Yesterday .ttje Golden Calf men hadtq,stqp worl?,' being driven^ut by the gas,- —ln the afternoon a strong ■ easterly. wind partially cleared the workings, but during the night and to-day the gas has been accumulating rapidly, and it is now feared that operations in many mines will have tb cease" in consequence. During January there were 32 deaths in -Auckland, as against 18 during the same month last year, Of- the* deatbs,,lß were children under 1 year, the prevailing causes being diarrhoea and whooping cough. ,Mr_Fred Combes, of the firm" of Combes and Daldy, was found drowned this morning in a well at rear of the premises oi the firm. A few months ago he was found in- the same well but was rescued. It is'not known as yet what was the cause of his drowning. He was not seen since yesterday evening until found dead this morning. tfsW PLYMOUTH, Wednesday. r A boy has been', sentenced to a month's hard labor for ■ destroying telegraph insulators,

Sir G. Grey and Mr Sheehan both, sent 1 tele--grams bf condolence ' to|MfcS!iqre-. serir., ofcj. Mokau, whose sou was drowned., ' W '-: V The Harbor Board election is exciting, : T great attention. V. W J GlSßblli^/WEDIfESDAYW, Five deaths — three adults aud twb 1 chil-J-' dren — occurred here to-day! '■ ' WW-W WELLINGTON, Wedxesday^ :.; Information has been received that a seaman hauled Kelly was washed overboard from.the.May sch.oqiierin the Straits, oaher voyage hence tq Newcastle.' JVW/ V £100 -advance has been offered ; and refused on two sections ourchased at the laud Sate'yesterday: WJJVJWWVWWJV WVV'V J^VVJWv The absence pf ; all /Mr : Vallance's horses . from. D.unJedin,.generai; entries caused some remarks. It appears Mr- Vallaucesent an ur-, gent /telegram to the Secretary making the entries, and also sse t a P. O. 0 j;der." llie latter was delivered: in: time, but riibt. the -urgent' niessage,Vahd so. the entries were not; made. / The Commissioner of -Higher Education leaves.fbr .Auckland to-mbiTOiv: The Premier and the ..'Hon'.' Mr JPisheralso go, ahd the Hi nemoacv\ill bring the mails up./. : "' ■';■ A'booksellerhamed Jones is reported miss- :- iugj'he had been for some time. Jin depressed spirits. /JJ ..--:'; ■..-■-•;■-■"-■:.:■ ■''•'.:.■■;. .::/,; ;V W- V V A movement is ; on foot amongst the sup-porters-of MJr JHutchison, at /the late mayoralty J electioh^to 'present him with a testimonial. V WW- ~a. : AA W W;--- ; --. ;- 'JAt'a'meeting/qf the Eihibitiqn Commissioners a, letter was read JJroniJ the Sidney Governmentjrespeet'iig the Mmibsion : of live stock, cattle, sheep, h6rges,&c.,'fqr exhibition, wdiich states that the regulation;: respecting the ad- '• mission of -sheep, r -qulring those imported to be kept aJ'shbrt'time'Jii'rqitarantine/ancl- to be dipped, would be enforced. There were no restrictions in respect to other stock; '•'• Owing ■to; the programme of the; Exhibition JCom-mitjieefnot.ha-ing come to hand it; wias ; impossible ;toreply to numerduscommiinications alreacly/JJrecei'ved frorh Hvbuld-ba /exhibitors. i.Mr.-Colife was elected secretary biitof alist of 25 applicahtsW'Lt was resblved'thattheTress ;ShqultV;be> invited' to attend : the ; meetihg of theJ commission. /.It "was also, explained that _Goverhriieut"pi-6po3ed' to. ask, the; ; ;ditt'ercnt Chambers of CommerceJ'to act as local committees In-, large -towns. ''The /Chairman stated that b^Jhopcd/toV be Jahle 'to; prqciii'e/ahd tq tranship a; good specimen of "a -Mabri -house,: but as the. negotiations' entered into: were incomplete partibulai'-s must be' 'withheld. . J Betting qn the Cup has not changed much since last 'night, save that: J Laertes has hardened a .little : the Diver. JJhaisj-risfen a Jpoint, and Rata has bcen^back/eclajt 100 to 10. With, regard to to-morrow's- events, the Maiden having seven entries, is likely to have fivq : starters ; 'both /King Quail and Lady '' Grey ; beiiig looked - upon J as ribri-fctarters. Piior to- the big'hve^^./Nei'o,- CastiUiah , Roebuck, or Black Prince, are not good /enough to ■cairry weigh' 6 for 'age against-' Merlin with weights and condition in his .favor. The three-year old should • dispose of f -the niare.J Roebuckis the best of the rest. The Hurdle, race, will lie -'.between- 'The -Agent arid Te Whetuj as no weights will begot oif then* backs by not going for- it." WTBe first-named should, this time ; be victorious, and- Grey Mohus" third, if persevered with;-' The big ovent is a far more /open grace,, Maritana, rinrspite of ■her penalty,, has been/backed .as ; fiti/ancl her owner .considers his chance*. gqodv>y VDanebuiy and Mufti are reported .hardly ,them--selves, :and -Laertes -as lookediupqn/as more capable/: V I cannot , see ; this J horse as/a winner at the end of two miles, and intend, to how staud by Lara* who is, in fine form- and weil backed. Longlands, although a sticker, is in disrepute, but would, ; without doubt, have won *a : trophy^ but' fqrf his .rough, passage across the Straits. He-even how will run a good race. Diver is looked on as a horse certain of a place. AHe is in nice form, and .Walker rides him. .Jtiady Grey has never as yet appeared ih public,, aud is reported as un-, trained. King Quail ican't stand, .although' the. colt will doubtless run J a. good race; Sailor won't be within ; so yai*cis,o| the winner. I select PM^> Diver, Laertes, and Rata, iq/tiie order named::! Ray on Bribery" should dispose of his opponents in the Hutt Park Stakes without trouble. Jv. t •-.-.. i Since, writing., this., evening/. l. learn that King Quail will start for' 'tiie '.Maiden Plate. Longlands has 'risen considerably in the market, and is now "at 4'to i. There- are ho other~ alterations in the betting. For the Cup Lara has been bacued several times f or twenties against Laertes, or to win. -The latter is still favorite. W': '• - : .* : OHRISTCHURCHJ Wednesday. At the Harbor Board meeting to-day the chairman stated there would : be an irregularity in the forthcoming elections, ■•; which would render an Order in Council. /necessary before the • new Board could sit.V JHe had communicated with the . Government ; upon the subject, bufthey had declined to advise him. They had, however, consented to afford relief if necessary, and Sir George Grey had telegraphed, ".Will certainly as you wish." .:.'■■■ -, V W '"~ ' ■'' V:r ; -. At. a public meeting' held to-night it #as resolved to co-operate with the mayors of the' country , towns tq raise: subscriptions in aid of the sufferers by the„Glasgo'vv. 'B'ankf ailiire. ' -.- It is proposedjto hold-a--chess^congress here ; .about August next. .. Representatives will be invited from the chief towns -iii' the colony, and a trophy aud .the championship, with other prizes, will be competed for., . An address will-be presented. to : His Excellency the J'Gqviernof d.uring*hig'stay hCTe." ; V x The 'follb wing' nominations for the, great. Autumn Handicap were made this evening:-— '- J.i W. MallockV. Foul Play ; and Neiho; P. ■ Butler's Laertes.; ;S. Horsf all?s JRanJdwick and King Quailw.W.C.WVV'eßb's Dundee and. Undiue, ;, ; AV i;: iße^ve's : Orange. Lightning^' D.;V Knight's Lara- ;• J JR-j Jjßay's JTempletonf Titania,, Maritana, /Sinking -/Fund, Insolvent, and Bribery ; R. Yallahce's Dahebuiy, Mufti, Qamballo, and 'Huhtirigdßn • ■' W- Walter's Venus JTransit ; ,H.W Goodman's J Chancellor and York ; J." Reany'_ ! Kihg Philip;:Ei Hawkins' Guy Fawkes ; "WW F. Neilsoh's.. Fishhook 'arid-*JNatat6r ; •S. Ndswcirthy's Tyro ; ' J. Stephenson's Vampire ;T. Logan's Cloth-' of Gold and Dead- Heat ; : — Williams' .Blue ; Peter; G. Fraser's Maroro; — Longland's; Mata, Naiad, Sheepshanks, and Robinhoodi; ■-•': • : DUNEDIN,' Wednesday. W ; Last night two trolly wheels were placed on the line of railway between.: Palmerston and.GoQdwqpd station^vv^henthe passed' this place it was J %od' dark for the obstruction to- beVseen; ,the cowcatcher .; of the engine, however,, cleared:. the ,, line, and no damage beyond that causedto the cowcatche. was sustainedJ The Government have offered a regret; bf jfi 100' for eyiclehce- which will lead. to the'coiiviction bfthe person who com,- , mitted this ciiminal or mad act. -W ; - .JW;> V:4 „' '■ A large quantity wjf r JPrqudfebt's ' tramway plant has arrived, ahd'a' start 'was made in George, street, this' morning with, the Vwork ; Jof ' laying'thq cityj tramwiay.' ''•' ■''/ ; - X >: : WW n: jT;t r i JjZ The aindiint Vj/pf Vreyehvie qh JgQQdscteleared at;Gi^tqn^:tq-dajV^^Jsi379J ; :; J:WV--;'V// / „.V/TheihCTease'o f population in Otago by/ "immigration over emigration, during the month of January is 1019,squls.-_ ..; . Sir Bar'tle'man has" resigh'ed "_iis appoint*ment,.inV.the > .JCplonial.-Bahk/of;NeW--Zea_a_id id 'X'goX into' .a general "cbmmisabh/ and agency : Dunedih. ;V, f ;/..: : '' AA'-A.X-.A ' "JV - A deputation '"from the Harhor JBbard waited ron -.'Mr Macandrew /this morning,; ?v?lthe. gazetting of the' site of "r^lwa,y station sheds, &c. In reply JMr. Macandrew said that the JJmatter of. gazetting the site /now/rested with the Public Works Department, and there was Vno reason why it should bedelfjyj?d, : J V - ;

(PER PRESS AGENCY.) TAURANGA, Wednesday. - The special reporter of the Bay .of Plenty Times is at Taupo, and has twice interviewed Rewi. He distinctly refuses to answer any questions, and says people will know soon enough what he has come for. The insult he offered to Major Seanell has created a great sensation amongst the Maoris. Rewihas spoken to say he persists in claims, as wired through the" Press Agency. " OAMARU, Wednesday. The following are the vital statistics for the month of January;— ltfrth-3, 41 ; marriages, 8 ; deaths, 9. , For the corresponding month cf 1878, the numbers were : Births, 34; marriages, 9 ; deaths, 10. LYTTELTON, Wednesday. In the R.M. Court this morning, Alexander Mitchell was ordered to pay five pounds for passage money, and a fine of two pounds, or r in default 4 weeks' imprisonment with .hard labor, for stowing himself away bn board, the brig Afgbs from 'Sydney to'JjAuckland, - - PORT CHALMERS, Wednesday, -. ' A jjassengej- named, 4WJ» "Wylie, * whtf '

arrived by the ship Easter Hill, makes ft startling statement to; the effect that on Jan. 9, at B*a.ih., the sea comparatively smooth, William Taylor, a ship's boy, aged* 1 7 years, fell from the main royal mast overboard. He struck the rigging in his descent, and broke a ■rattling., A sehmen named Johnstone jumped after -'him- and endeavored to save him but did not succeed, and was hauled on board. The ship was only going two knots, but no effort beyond this was made to save the boy, who floated' as thejship passed put of -"sight. w-

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Southland Times, Issue 3317, 6 February 1879, Page 2

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TELEGRAMS. Southland Times, Issue 3317, 6 February 1879, Page 2

TELEGRAMS. Southland Times, Issue 3317, 6 February 1879, Page 2


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