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Advertisers wishing to nuke use of the Franklin A. and P. Schedule and Catalogue must send in their " copy " without delay to tho Times Office, where the printing is now being done. Prices: full page in either Schedule or Catalogue, £l, half page 15=; full page in both Schedule and Catalogue, £1 Ifts; half page, 20h Term-: ten per cant discount for cash with order; five per cent, for payment before Maich 31st. 1920; after March 31st. 1920 net, Date of Show—February 27th and 28th, 1920. Address all communications to Editor Times, Box 14, Pukekohe. Tho meeting of the Rt. H. n. W. F. Massey's Central Committee-, which was to have been held on Thursday, will take place in the Borough Council Chambers on Saturday night at 8 p.m. Tho unveiling of a roll of honour, also presentation to Mr W. K. Coruthwaite will take place at Bom bay on Saturday, December 13th, at 1.30 pm. Relatives ani friends are invited to attend
A slight error occurred in our rep'>rt of tho Dilworth sale of pedigrea stock, the cows "Dilworth Dor. thy'' and "Dilworth Blossom" being purchasod by Mr Hugh H. P. Smvih", of "Killaruey Farm," Mauku.
Speaking at Te Awamutu, Mr W. Pollock, orgauiser of the R.S.A. Auckland, and member of the Dominion Executive, said that during the late war the remains of a veteran who had participated in the immortal Charge of the Light Biigade were being taken to a pauper's grave. This was stopped by members of the New Zealand Division.
In the rush incidental to publishing our six-page number last Friday a mistake in a proof was overlooked. It was stated that tho Franklin Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Coy. Ltd. would commeneo operations on June Ist. This should have read January Ist, 1920.
The Rt. Hon. W F. Massay, Prime Minister, was nominated for Franklin by tho following: Alfred Martyh Burriball, W.iiuku ; Duncan McLennan, Papakura: Dynes Fulton, Tuakau; Charles Rasper Lawrie, Pukekohe ; Emily Ethel Aldred, Waiuku; Rosa May, Waiuku; William Claud Motion, Otaua ; Richard Thomas Reid, Waiuku In our paragaph referring to an incipient fire at Messrs Cooper ani Curd's premises on Tuesday last, we omitted to state that the services cf the local brigade were summoned. Although the fire was extinguished from a spectacular view point, the fireman worked solidly fur four hours recovering a large quantity of coal before the seat of the real outbreak was located. As a general i ulo tho tire brigades in other places nlways inform the press when a tire has occurred, but as tho local brigade does not observe the usual courtesies, and as our representative arrived on the scene after the brigade had gona, he repoitcd just what ho saw, and did not. know of tho bri-
gmle's work. A serious accident occurred near Pokeno a few days au'o. particular:' of which are very meagre. From what we cim gather, it appears mat a youth named Gordon was riding along the road, and his horse bolte i A goods traiu was proceeding in the ■ inaction of Auckland, and the guards noticing the runaway had tiie train pul!led up, aad made. Tho youth was found to be in an unconscious s'ato, and bully smashed about the head. He was put in the van and conveyed to the Auckland Hospital.
At the BM. Court on Thurs day last, G Bakalich proceeded against W. Glasgow of Tuakau for £o 1 s s 3 I expenses incurred, and damage suffered by reason of the default, of tho defendant to onipH with a contract for tenant v made on July 23rd P.ll't between plaintill's wife, and defendant, wlurobv tho plaintiff had arranged with defendant for tho tenaiy ut a dwelling house at Tuakau. The defendant denied that lie had onterod into an Mgrn-rnent. His Worship gave judgment f<>r plaintill' for 1 7-t tal expen-es incurred, together with c,,.-;|h Mr <! O. Mali onoy appeared for plainti!! find MrP lia'ile\ for defendant.
A lengthy report of the Ramarama Flower Show, which wns late in coining to hand, will appear on Friday.
Mr J Res, Independent Liberal Candidate will again address the electors, in the Premier Hall, Pukekohe, on Thursday evening, December 11 :h
A standing advertisement is com" menced in f his issue by Mr Enos 8 Pegler, the well-known Maruirewa land and commission agent. A farm of 188 acres, with buildings is detailpd to-day.
The Right Rev. Dr. Averill> Bishop of Auckland, will visit thi 8 district on Friday next His Lordship will minister confirmation in St. Andrew's Church at 2 30p.m, and will dedicate war memorials at St. Paul's, Buckland, at half past seven.
On Saturday evening billiard enthusiasts will have an opportunity of seeing Mr Claik Maconachy's brilliant billiard and snooker playing at Mr Bob Hastiug's salooD, King street. Pukekohe. Pairons should secure tickets as early as possible as a limited number only are available. As thero is likely to bo a capacity house at the Premier Hall on Tuesday next to wicueis3 the picture v Shoulder Arms " the public are to secure reserves at the Bookery before the evening of the show. The request is made in order that the management will be enabled to make the best arrangements to accommodate the audience For the Christmas holiday screenings the Lyceum Management have this year departed from their usual course of screening current programmes, and have secured only premier star features. For Christmas night the screwing will be " Desert Gold " with our own New Z »aland mare of that name playing a big part, For Boxing night, Chdilie Chaplin in '' The Immigrant " will bo the principal attraction For New Year's night, January Ist, " The Sen f imental Bloke " will be shown, this picture will ba accompanied by Mr Ernest Drake, who will sing as a prelude " Doreen." At tlif Magistrate's Court on Thursday, Mr F. K. Hunt, SM , gave judgment in the case, F. W. Adolph, v* N. V. Dyke, a dispute over a chalf-cuttiug contract, a report of the hearing, previously appearing in these columns. With regard to the claim, he gave judgment for ihe amount claimed, £2 12s (3d, and costs, whilo oa the counter claim of £7o, he concluded thar defendant was entitled to some compensation, but not to the full amount of his claim. He thought that a contract was entered into, and that the contractor failed to carry it out An independent witness had proved in his evidence, that Adolph had promised to return in three weeks, and to give three days' notice whpn ho was to return. He never went, and in his mind he had no intention of going. Dyke had relied on Adolph coming, and only for this could have got another man, but was relying on Adolph to complete the job. He gave judgment for Dyke for £25 together with costs. He observed that these men, when they contracted to do a job, should cairyitout. The question of costs was left to Counsel for both parties.
A claim for £23 10s being arrears of rent unpaid, and also damages for breach of covenant, as the result of the defendant to lay down soil worked by him in grass, which he failed to do, was heard before Mr F. K. Hunt, SM. on Thursday. The plaintiff was J. J. Hooey of Pukekohe, and defendant, C. Olsen of Patumahoe. It appears that plaintiff leased to defendant a small area of land, aad the latter wa a , according to an agreement of lease, bound to lay it down in grass, all soil worked by him, to the satisfaction of the lessor. The claim was laid under Clause 7 of the agreement, the defence being based on clause 7a of the same agreement, which inter alia, stated, that in the eyent of the buildings being at any time totally destroyed by fire, tho agreement shall become null and void, but without rcli-ving the lessee from previous breaches Counsel for plaintiff, Mr C. " M'-.hiinoy, submitted that there wore previous breaches, because under instructions from plaintiff's wife he had written to defendant drawing his attention to the fact, that the terms of the agreement had not bpen complied with. The house wa-j subsequently destroyed, after defendant had received his letter. Evidence was given by both parties, defend,ant admitting that he owed £1 I.V; for rent. His Worship gave judgment for £ 1 Km together with costs. Mr <\ O. Mahoney appeared for plaintiff, and Mr W. P. Hopkins for defendant.
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Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 8, Issue 488, 9 December 1919, Page 2
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1,412LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 8, Issue 488, 9 December 1919, Page 2
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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 8, Issue 488, 9 December 1919, Page 2
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.