'k Splendid Gathering. About 100 gaescs assembled at Hawke's dining looms, Ft'kekohe, on Tuesday ever ; ng, 16th inst., to enjoy a dipner and smoke concert organised by Lov?i Pukekohe Lodge, M.U. Oddfellows. Bro. A. E. Wilkinson, P. 8.. prtiided. At the head of the table were a number of responsible Manchester Ui'ity officers, including the (jraud Master of New Zealand, Bro. John Clark. The pmpose of the function, as the chairman explained, was lo celebrate the five-yet" peiiod of Manchester work in Pukekohe. Toasts of the "Fng" and f he "Governor" were loyal'y honoured, men.!i.n be ; ng made of the term " loyal" and of the fact that F's Fttc'leujy had recently been made a member of the order. Bro. T. Aitken, P.P.O.M ; proposed "The Defence Force V to which Captain Schofield and Mr R. F. Webster sr'tably rep' : ed. Bro. Yoing, V.0., sang and was euthu-iasiica ] y entored. V" Webster proposed the " Manchester Unity of Oddfellows," and spoke on the du f: es of tue cit ; TOO>'b : p which Oddfe"owship taught. In replji'ng Bro. John Clark, Grand Master of New Zealand, congratulated Bro. Wilkinson upon h ; s election to the Management Committee of the Auckland d'stiict. He said that they were members of the greatest "riendly ; society in the world—a society that | up'- "led humanity and brought joy to m ;, 'iona of homes in the dark days of sickness tj the breadwinner. The grand and noble teachings of *he order tended to nuke members more considerate not only of breM eu but to 'ho world at large, lucre was an uu ,:f t ig u' charac.-jr and a broadening iJ- Fukekoho lodge members w«re units of a soc'.ety of over 1.000,000 me'Jib«rs scattered r l ' over! the ir'ngjisb speak 'ig world IL-' speaker paid a waim tribute to »be pinn. ei&of sjio Manchester UrUy ia New Zea'jnd. The Society challenged ''nvtstigation into its working and ui-"'kmls and lie was sure the i'utr-e of the society would be more glotlous than the oafct Bro. omi*' N.u. of Lodge Excelsior, fc 1 w-.ously proposed *he "Aucl-'-n-tDistr't " Bro. fl. A. Wbitaker, P.G.M., h reply, said f he Aucr'and d'<jtrict stood for so' : darily; Pvicially they were woith £IOI,OOO A groat : ncre.i«e has bteu made in me in hers-hip aud they were mak : ug st'' greater i«'es. { Its gieat \lgour was due to the (ounhy lodges. " Have fa if h ' • Odd'ellowsbip," was I'.s mess.ige. "Gip it with both handt." 8.0. W. Dean D.P.G.M., who has been rn aci've worker for 17 years. said the p? '•, ess of recent vers was | enough to gladden 'he heait of every member of the u: let . \\ iion ha joined the>e were U lodges with 1250 members ?id : i lit thoi! t ;, ii>> the increase w;-s nearly He sagf.-esti'd that of tho sVk I.- ids ui the ciiety wonhj be to put the i."i' • ent'-uly above reproach. He p'god them to fhe membersb'p for * hat w;i< * le keystone to progress. Bro J. McLeod, D.B. ROM., said the whole soc ety showed u half a million ster' : ng : Bnd + he benefits to humar'ty weie inev uable. Five; ve? r s ago pr'cokohe lodge liad 11 1 memberi, 8»u i December last it had 6;5 financial members Ir fc-ids were over 1300 ; -A it had paid -i beuotits £75 18s. The speaker dwelt upon the good work done *.".d declared that he had uever Hown a legitimate claim Übe leiused The sick benefits given by tVkekohe lodge were greater tb'io tbr.--e of any other branch in New Zealand. He refeired to the keen competition iVum the State wl ch w?s now pressing upon socielics tbit had done good work for ov». - fiO years, but he was glad to" hope that the frienf"y societies wov'd shoiily be subsidised. Handsomely amed Past G.and emblems were presented to Bros D. R. Hans il ton r J; _E. FergJ*»n md C. Cooper. Bro- A'tken recited < r *nd Dro. F. Perb-ns proposed 'he " Agrlci>'tP*al Interests," to which .Bros. Han ''ton *Mid Law fie rep'Vl. M•. T. W, n 'cer sang aud was encored. Bro. Wb ; ttaker. P.G.M.. proposed '■ Knt I 'cd Societies,'' t.y wb'ch N.G. Bro. Smith and Bro, Euss.e M ., of Lodge rxce'sipr) replied, f 'ie custorn;'-/ coinp r Tionts and mutu»' good wishes being px<V'icr r d M'Cab ;, ',i'H«op..s : Siiid he 1." ,: i , v( , i1-';" ' " ; n> »" *asoueof the most v uuol" ■'' , .i'oi •< t'oi 'ded = i T ik..koln\ ''>' • Vi«ito/5.7 yu-o io: in! by the cha'taii 'i and rr.spuudcn to bv Bios. Wt'Utaker and I>ay. i id* "The Hosts" reminded to by V ■ Hawkel brought to ii rouclii-ion a happy ■ mi S U< IS: '' fl l-'"'ofl
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Bibliographic details
Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 1, Issue 20, 24 July 1912, Page 3
Word Count
771ODDFELLOWSHIP. Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 1, Issue 20, 24 July 1912, Page 3
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