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The Pahiatua Star. (Published Tuesdays and Fridays.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1888.

\\ t t. u-t that tire largo number of i town and country settlers who < < ii.U d the lata Mr John 1 Kiran's funeni mi Wt iin. I.iy will recognise the liatc liecessity for doing some- . . to the i i tl ground and approach *i< :o. 'l l e felling of the Cemetery was n rreat tax on tile Trust, owing to scurcity of funds, and although a tea ] uniL. weto sub-, ribed for the p trimthe Town Hoard had to make ’1 bwh m (■ !. 1. but unfortunately tire got into it b. f. r it was ready for burning, and the Cemetery is now in a worse state L unfortunate, and the Trust are powtrle-s unit >s the matter is taken up in an earnest manner hy the settlors • iii i\< •. l'eruapsit would be hard Ui e ,p ct money from some, but these <-o ,1,1 spore n few days lal>or, which wo I answer the same p irpn.-e. We .Mint that the circumstances in which ti . Trust are place 1 demand that they .all la .i . • 1 hy the settlers, anil we a-k if there are any in our midst who will not cheerfully respond if an . .. »is made to them? It is a duty w, ow, each other to see that the t. . •ryi- in a fit state for the re- <■< i of the d .id. and we appeal to the -i tth-rs i f the whole ot the I'aliiar :• d. .•! .i to j- mt ' .'ether and effect ti:< • unproven.ents which the Trust is nplish for want of foods. The v. nr* of logging up and burning w .Id n>t take very long under well i rgnus. I parties, und in a very short time tin ground would be thoroughly : ui; for gra - - sow ing. l’he matter i-> one that requires imn.i diate atti ution, and it would not lie of piec e if the Cemetery Trust call. 1 s public meeting in order toenWitli the lucres -e of population deaths ore .iif> r: .lately In-coming more frequent, and an effort must l.e made to convert the l emetery into a more respectable place for the interment of the dead. ; ti-- . few will have the desired effect.

The fortn: ,htlv meeting of the Town Hoard take, place on Moudav evening.

Full n •on Mr I>. Knight*, last year's . —f.jl . \] eriineut. a nuiuber of settler* in. ud sowing the j new bums with lurnips and grass. W# rfOi’iid Catholic friend* of iht celobr*ti n «>f Ma*« in the Scitool on Sunday, ai II a.m. Mr limiting will viaii Pahiatua every Movulay, and may I* consulted at Nfr It ild’» between 1 find 2 p.m. left at Mr lttdd’a will be atlended to. Mum Mason A Cl.aldecott announce an eiteniive "tock tale ut Ng&wapurua, i «ar the Man.maiu bridge, on Monday. 1 mi Uculari* will be found in a«lvertiaemeut. Noimnatkoi'* f»»r the Pahtalna C 'iunntlee c!t»i*** at noon on Monday, i* « r«. may obtained from Mr A. W. Selcole, at l*t« private bonne or at the 'iowu 1‘ ird « ;t. iat the Intier place on Saturday and Monday only).

John TT«aly. late conilalde at Ekela* huna. haa baen arroKte.l at Lyttelton on -ienl ebar"»-a ot forgery, *aid to have biwMi committed wbilai he wan «tatione<l at Eketahcna He will be brought before toe K.M. Court at Wellington on Monday ne\L.

A U rible trace ly hai occurred at Sal* f »rd. a town in I*anea»hire. Samuel ! »*•! by. a chexjii*! in that city, who wm in dr«kt.ti:te eirmmataneca, jhuim ne«l hu» uife anJ mix cktldreo, and then couuniUed auddb.

Mr P. J. Quirk gives notice to settlors on the Makaksl.i Hi ul that he intends to bum the bi.wh on his sections the tirst C*\or able opportunity.

The Town Roiir i loan poll will be taken on Tuuaday, the -i»t February. Mr Howlett iuikca r.n altcraiiou to hi* ad VertuK.uent, which wo dirvv; attention to. Tenders for fencing and sowing grass for Mr U. IL Rhodes close to-tgorrow evening. Mr l ain-nall. tenders for 'eiu .ug al..*i>loee at the -u:nc tune. yfesera Mclnne<s ilroe. have removed the r workshop off the Ihruu-rham road. The owners of a few more building* and fences wiil shortly follow suit. The mad coach did not arrive in Pahml n until 10 o'clock on Wednesday night, having been d isycl through bush tires near Mauriceville. l>r Henry Williams lm. Wen appointed nn additional public vaccinator for the Masterton district. A c v. itch from the Secretary of State for the f dollies announces that Her Msjesiv has be. n pie i ed to approve of the members of the late Ministry being allowed u retain the title of “ Honorable." Mr A. AV. Sedcole ha« received notice that h.s -crvices as local village steward have boon dispensed with. Tliis is part of the nUi nruiiieiit polirv. Mr McKay lias again taken up the running. Mr Wokeinan has a very prolific cow. For two years in succession she has brought forth twins, and strange to say the colors are the same in both instances —one being ilaik led and the other roan. An Auckland mining boom has commenced. The Maritoto ore yields 111400 per t >n. The share* which were lid on Friday, went up to Is oil Mouday, and are still rising. The meeting in connection with the Town Id uni loan on Tuesday evening was not largely attended, but there were sufficient ratepayers pi sent to sanction the prop, -al to borrow lluKi. This was done on the motion of Mi Crewe, seconded by Mr 11. Sedcoie. The chair was occuppied by Mr liciggs.

A horrible uccident occurc.l at Dublin on Friday last. A female lion-tamer named Scniile placed her head in the iuoiiin of a lion lor the purpose of having her photograph taken in that position. The lias.i of the camera st irtled the a uiual, and caused it to close its jaws and wore the woman like a mouse. The utilortnuate woman was Uri ilfullv mangled, and expired almost immediately. During the past week Mr Byrne, of . mm engaged taking th* agricultural statislies in the i'ahtatua Alfrodtou Ridings. Constable Cullin', no lias been appointed h take the statistic > within the I’auiatua Town District.

Tiie wind is still at concert pitch. Yes:, rd iv afternoon whilst a few mouth'sold babe w as bi ing driven along the main real in a perambulator, a gust of wind tore the carriage out ol the hands of the attc idaiu and lodged it, babe and all, upside down in the si le drain. The little .me .screamed, the wind howled, and the attendant looked scared; but fortunately no damage w as done. A correspondent writes: —The rabbit scare in Australia is no new thing. When the Portuguese discovere 1 Porto Santo they sen* along until other emigrants a ’ Situal ,0. She an 1 iier young eventually devoured every „r.-nn tiling and drove the colonists into Ma le ra. Ur. 1 this fact been generally known some years ago 1 Tenders are invited bv the Engineer of the I’aiiiatua Road Board for metalling on tiie, a Roil; also fur side cutting and bridge building on Baneke’s Road. Tenders to al noon on Saturday, the doth instant. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Ron 1 Board odice.

Tiie Masterton borough dean-lock still continues. A meeting was held the other evening, when the Mayor referred to the Councillors as " those fellows." He was pr uuptly called to order. Several reports were read, and the Mayor had to move th. ir adoption himself, but as no seconders were furthcoming the motion., fi ll through. N o doubt the burgess, s by this timo have had enough ol Mayor and Councillors, and w ould willingly see the whole boiling cons.gned to some place whore they would be less troublesome.

Tiie burn* in the district so fir cannot be looked upon as sati-Factory. A few good burns have been obtained, but the iii*!.•■ ity are ileeid. lly bad, and anything There would "pp ar to be a strange fatality about btiring this sea on. No sooner is a good fire t uned than it rains and puts the best part of the fire out. Years of labor on some holdings will be required to clour up what the fire has left.

A Paliiatua-Puketoi settler last week set fire to the filled bush on liis suburban section, and not only made a mess of his own land, but that of eight others. lie gave no warning, and consequently no one was prepared. The settlers who suffered complained to the cause of their trouble; ho said he didn't care a d—arued nisli 1 They retaliated by expressing a denre to sweep out the bottom of the Tirauinea River with his carcase. However, the dispute led to nothing serious; but we trust the offending one lias received a lesson that will enable him in future to apply the match ut the proper time.

The steamer Australasian visited the Cru/ot Islands on the passage out lroui I.ondin to Melbourne. Signals were made ai-1 cannon fired from tile steamer, with a view to attracting the attention of any castaways on the island, but thero was no sign of life or of recent habitation on the island. A reef not marked on the chart was discovered some distance from the islands. Faccharin has arrived in Pahiatna, and we have sampled its qualities. It is a substance extracted from coal tar, and rl.lints to bo !100 times ns sweet an sugar. The -penmen we examined vvn* received .by Mr Hewlett by the lasi 'Frisco mail. It was ns big a* tho head of a small tin tuck, ami when put in a half-tumbler of vvan r rendered it very sweet indeed. It api>ears that two ounces of •• saccharin" will sweaten as inanv cups of tra as a 40 lb. bag of sugar; which may he of service to explore:-, who do not careabootcarrying more • eight than is necessary. At tue same j it mu.-t be remembered it i- not a foo 1. nnd consequently those w ho u-e it in-t- rvd of sugar will havo to-use more food in other forms, or else do with less nourishment.

Cant Prkaoi Boon.—No inan can do a g«,-.d j,,h of work, or ach a good sermon, try a lawsuit well, doctor a patient, or write a good article when ho feels minerable and dull. »ith sluggish brain and unstrung nerve*, and ui .ie should make the attempt in such rendition .when it ran he s*i easily and cheaply removed bv a little American Co s Hop Billers. Lock for

A little over a fortnight since Mr K. 11. Keauey, Government Engineer, whilst coming ihr.- igb the bush near Mauriceville. fell over a limb, and on gotting up expeiieuceda very painful sensation in his right leg—about the knee and thigh, tiie )*tn-r being considerably br:u-. i. Thinking it win merely a wrench. Mr Heaney went about his usual occupation, until! necessity compelled him to consult Dr. Rrnnttiig a week ago at Wood ville. Ibe doctor pronounced tiie hurt to the kuec to be serious, and recommended great care to bo taken to prevent tin, kneejoint becoming permanently stiff. It appears that toe upper and lower ligaments hod been ruptured, and as there was only one wav of giving perfect rout to tiie log, Mr Roaiiov had lo put a whole week in bed. He is now about the house again, we are pleased to say. but the leg is anything but light ; indeed ii is likely to be several months, even with great care, before he will be able to bear much weight on it.

The case in which two priest* brought proceedings against Cardinal Moran to compel his l'minetice to account for 4*ooo. which they alleged lie received for the relief of poor priests in the O'-ory parish, came oil in the Dublin Rolls Court on Moudav and was dismissed.

Professor Kirk has received from the ranger in the I’nliipuhi bush, Auckland, a telegram that the ttre that broke out last week was still ruging, and he feared that extensive damage had been done. Professor Kirk will shortly make a visit to Whangarci nnd Waikato to inspect the plantations there, and will also ascertain to w hat uxteut the l’uhipuhi forest is injured. Major-General Sohaw inspected the Wellington fortifications on Monday, and expressed himself highly pleased with them, but was of opinion that they are unnecessarily elaborate, nnd could have been made effective at much less cost. Ho also inspected the Naval Brigado and Permanent Artillery, w hom he characterised as an exceptionally smart body of men. Tiie Minister for Defence has requested the Agent-General to make inquiries in reference to obtaining two non-commissioned officers of the Royal Artillery as instructors in gunnery.

A point of law of an unusual kind camo tip for discussion in the Christchurch K.M. J Court on Monday. On Christmas Day ono of the hives of bees belonging to a beemaster in Sydenham swarmed. They 1 alighted in a neighbouring garden, anil the owner of the bees wished to follow them for tho purpose of recapture, but the owner of the garden said ho would chuck him out if lie caine in after the bees. The bee-master being afraid, did ;*not go in, and lost his bees, and sued for their value. From the discussion which took place it appeal's that the owner of bees has a right to follo w his bees on to the land of another in order to retake them, but in order to justify the trespass, the bees must have settled. It was doubtful if they had done so, and therefore judgment was for defendant. Tiio Magistrate said that keeping bees in town was an intolerable nuisance. Wise Foi.i.y.—“ For ton years mv wifo was confined to her bed with such a combination of ailments that no doctor could toil w hat was tho matter or cure her, and I used up a small fortune in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw an American flag with American Co’s Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought 1 would be a fool once more. I tied it, but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her, she is now well and strong as any man's wife, and it cost me only two dollars.'—ll. W-, Detroit Mich. Read

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Bibliographic details

Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 171, 10 February 1888, Page 2

Word Count

The Pahiatua Star. (Published Tuesdays and Fridays.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1888. Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 171, 10 February 1888, Page 2

The Pahiatua Star. (Published Tuesdays and Fridays.) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1888. Pahiatua Star and Eketahuna Advertiser, Volume 2, Issue 171, 10 February 1888, Page 2


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