Women’s World
tsde 9lound
People and Parties
Dr. Eva Hill, who for the last seven months has held the position of medical superintendent of the Public Works Department's railway camps between Gisborne and Waicua, left at the end of last week, after a short holiday in Gisborne. for her home at Pin Pill. Aliss Jocelyn Blair, who lias been spending a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Blair, Iranui road, returned to-day to Wellington, to resume her training at the Karitane Hospital. Captain and Mrs. Bongard, and their daughter. Miss Betty Bongard, left on Friday for Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Willock returned from Wainui beach during the week-end, accompanied by their family. Mrs. E. Adair is the guest of Mrs. L.-T. Barnard at Wainui beach. Mr. and Mrs. 11. L, Maclean, Harris street, returned on Saturday from a holiday spent in Hamilton and Raglan. Mr. I). Reid left by aeroplane mi Monday for J fastings, en route to bis home in Wellington, after a holiday visit to Gisborne and the. East Coast. Mr. and Mrs A. deLautour and family are staying at Wainui beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams, who have been visiting Palmerston North, have returned to their home at WharcIcopae. Mrs. J. 11. Taplin returned on Monday to her home at Ruatoria after visiting Gisborne. Miss Evelyn Winter left on Friday on a short holiday visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mclldowie have returned to tlieir home, Tolangi, after a holiday spent at Wainui beach. Miss Nancy Bruce, Kanakanaia, is the guest of Mrs. T. B. Spence, Whatatutu. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Burke and the Misses Burke returned during the weekend from Rotoiti. Miss I. MacDonald, Tolaga Bay, is the guest of Mrs. C. Adair, Sheehan street. Misses E. Millar and C. Oman, who have spent a holiday visiting Auckland, Rotorua and Tnurnnga, returned to Gisborne on Fridav. Miss Zoe Williams, Napier, is visiting Mrs. R, E. Barton at Ruakituri. Airs Grevis Winter, Co-bdcn street, is spending a short holiday in Hamilton, where she is the guest of her mother. Airs Oakden. Air F. A'. Carpenter, who was the guest of Air and Airs J. C. N. Thomas at Lake Rotoiti, returned !o Gisborne on Saturday. Air and Airs E. D. Moore and family, after a holiday visit to Gisborne, have returned to Nelson. Aliss L. Pain has returned from a holiday visit to Christchurch. Air. and Mrs. L. Jex-Blake returned on Sunday from Lake Rotoiti. Alia and Airs. F. A. McFndyen, Whitaker street, are staying at Wainui beach. Aliss AC Nathan, Auckland, is the guest of Airs A. L. Kemp, “Kiroi, ” Ruatoria. Air. ami Airs. T. E. Roberts are Paten visitors to Gisborne and Napier. Aliss Cecil Barker. Gisborne, who lias been visiting Wellington, left on Saturday to stay with Mrs. IV. Izard, Wanganui.
Aliss G. Addison McConnell, Epsom, is the guest of Airs. Hunt. Gisborne. Mrs. W. C. Dickie. Kaiapoi, who arrived in Kaiapoi with her husband in 1861.. celebrated her ninety-ninth birth Miss D. Ross has returned to Gisborne after spending a few davs with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Raumati, Hawke’s Bav. /
Air. and Airs. S. Dennis, after spending a few days with the former’s parents. Air. and Mrs. E. J. Dennis. R-nu-mati, Hawke's Bay, have returned to Gisborne.
water-heating In new HOMES. ft will pay you to ask your builder or plumber to give you particulars of the new inexpensive method of heating water with the Mercer All-Copper Open Fireplace Boiler. Install a Mercer in your living-room fireplace and save on your water-heating costs. Full particulars from Poverty Bay Power Board.*
I Mr. and Mrs. W. (!. Sherrnlt mid Miss Margaret Shemitt linvo returned from n holiday \ isit. to Lake Rotoili. Airs. C. Agnew Brown is spending a holiday at Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay. Mr. and Mrs. A. (!. Hicks returned yesterday from a holiday visit to lan ranga. Miss S. Chr so has returned from a camping holiday at Ja.ipm Miss .Jeanette Dunlop is the guest of Miss Tui Gardner at llihiroa. Miss Nancy Mellae, who has been visiting the Hast Coast, was the guest of Mrs. A. S. Mu r at Wainui beach on her return journey to her home near Frasertowu. Miss Margot Laurie. Eeilding, is the guest of Mrs. dames Pine, Butene road. Mr. Maurice Sliaml, Christ-.-hureh. is the guest of Mr. and Airs. J. 11. Ormond while on a holiday visit to ois bm ne Miss Elizabeth Williams, ami Miss C Ramsay. Dunedin, were the gnesta of Airs. 'S. J. Plummer at Tokomaru Bay during the week-end. and on Saturday evening they attended the dance given by Mr. A. i>. Williams at M’nkctiti.” day on New Year’s Hay. Mr. ami Mrs. W. A'. Pies.se wore visitors to East Coast townships last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barns-Graham and family left on Monday for their country home at llangaroa. Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Barker have returned from Rotoiti. Canon If. Parke has returned to Gisborne after visiting his daughter, Airs. Fitzgerald, at llangaroa. The Misses .7. and K. Barns-Graham, who recently returned from a trip abroad, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ■T. Barns-Graham at llangaroa. The marriage took place in Napier recently of Miriam Margaret, second daughter of Airs. Parker and the late Mr. J. J. Parker, Colenso avenue. Napier, to John Leo. eldest son of Mr. ami Mrs 11. J. Cassin. St. Aubvn street, Hastings. Nuptial .Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Murphy, of SL Patnck's Clmreh. Napier. Tlie engagement of Miss Margaret OTiradv, daughter of Sir James O’Grady, former Governor of Tasmania, to Mr Philip Booth, of Tasmania, cabled from London, marks the public announcement of a “secret” which has been known to personal friends of the voting couple in Australia. The romance is the culmination of one of Afiss O’Orndy’s Australian friendships of longest standing. Air. and All's. N. P. Booth and their family were among the G'st neople she met after going to TTobart with her father ns his hostess of Government House in 1924. On many occasions Miss OTiradv was their ernes* at their home. The family is nrornincul hi Hobart social life. Air. Philip Booth ’s ?1 ami a medical student of Alelbourue f niversitv. He intends going to Entdand to practise after taking his de "ree. Afiss O’Gradv did not accompany her father lo Ihe Falkland Islands, of which he was appointed Governor shortly after his return In England Several months ago she took a position in a London modiste's salon.
A Birthday Party
A number of vonog folk were glioses of Mr and M-s ChaAv
°t their residence r! Pa hi In hi a few days ago, the occasion being a birthday party in honor of their dan Mi levs
Coma, aged 10 years, and Eileen
A f ter, games on fix' lawn during the early part of (he afternoon, the young folk were entertained to afternoon tea on Hie verandah, which was decorated with green or. v. colored st reamers and balloons. In the centre of Ihi' long table was a two-decker cake, the top portion bearing six candles, and the lower 10, indicating the ages of the two children in whose honor the party was given. The rest of the afternoon was spent with musical items, songs and recitations. A nice array of presents was received by Lornn and Eileen from their young guests. Lorna was fmelted in blue muslin, and Eileen in mauve muslin. The children present included: Lola Dodd, Vera Peterson. Thelma Young, Margaret Rlubhings, Joan Knight, Joy Bryson_ Elsie Bryson. Afnrgaret Walsh. Betty Dickerson. Kathleen Young. Fred Bryson, Jim Bryson, Eugene Irwin, and Frank Dickerson. Children’s Party On -Saturday afternoon a merry party of children were entertained at Wainui beach bv Mrs. E. A. McEadyen. Airs. D. M. Mclldowie, and Airs. J. AIoIldowie, who combined in giving a children’s party for liitle Miss Albina AlcFadven and Master Jim Atclldowic.
The children spent the afternoon on the beach, bathing, playing in the sand, and were greatly entertained hv a donkev and cart, attended by a man dressed as a clown, provided for their amusement. Baskets were attached to the donkey, and rides in the cart and on (lie donkev were thoroughly enjoyed. A delirious party tea was served in the beach cottage, where hydrangeas were chawninely nri-aw-d for its de-ora-tion, v Idle the tea table held vases of gallardins.
Am-ng the adults present were M and Mrs. \. Tbnnu’«. Mr. and Air; ■'
Pniith, Mr. and. Mrs C. Tat torsi] eld. Mr. and Mrs. E. T). Moore (Nelson): Mesdames T,. Davis, d. .Tohso»>. Taylor EMi-kland). L. Cooner. A. While, F. Bpl'inson, •’•■■l B. Ifansen; IMisses AI. Bull. AT. AI-Wl io. TV. and B. Moore tN-ls-n). an' l '■ Einith: Messrs J. and D. M. Melldowie ai d F. A. MsFad veil. The -hil'lren nreseut. w—e Misses A!;*renret Smith. I'-r'-'ra Davis. Barbara t aordands. Pnlli Dansen. Mary Mr T, d'nv'e. PNori and Margaret M-. Fml von; Masters Barry Thomas, Bill n ooner. Bill Lan'dands. IYW -nd T ni Fnbinson. I? orrer .Tob«oii, Leslie AleDdowie, and Tan Afoorc.
Pre-Nuptial Party On ’Monday afternoon a. delightful nart.v was given hv Mrs Doyle at T» Karaka in honor of .Miss Amy Wilson, whose marriage will take place this month. The hostess received her guests in a charming frock of floral crop-do
chine in shades of lduc, and a black hat; her daughter. Miss Eileen Doyle, wore a dainty floral silk frock in paste! tones, trimmed with white, and worn with a white straw hat. Shantung, with a spot design in black, red and brown, smartly fashioned, with coatee effect, was worn by the guest of honor.
The guests each brought a paper ’parcel containing u gift for the bride-to-be, and these parce'Vt, of various shapes and sizes, were used for an interesting competition, in which the guests were required to guess the contents of each. This proved very amusing, ns many of the pnrreks were arranged to conceal effectively what they contained, making correct guessing difficult in many cases. Mrs W. \V. Bridge was the winner of this coinpetit ion. The garden was looking very pretty, and tin' weather being line and warm, those present remained out of doors most of the time. Some of the guests played tenuis, while others sat on the shady verandah, where tea was served
Sweet pens, tastefully arranged, decorated the drawing-room and tea
Some of those present- were MosdaiiU's Wilson, Bryant, Da ngliorne, IT. Telford, Bom-field, Fletcher, 1.1. •v-evens, Keane, W. W. Bridge, Bar- . lav, Beamons. Roberts, and A. Eraser; ■'D-a; ('. AYilron, A!. AlcPhail, N. 1 -S’-ea.mans. Eraser, Telford (_ ! ). On- (■)). ami Sister Burgess. Engagement A-i engagement is announced be- '•>„ ( '.arcnce George, eon of Air and 11:.-. ißurkinslmw, of Dcnnevirke, lo In .Margaiv-i, eldest daughter of Hi' nml A! \V. 1-. 11 iinii’.on, of Ruu- : nhvhn, C.unrnl il iwke’s Bay. Air Be k'nshaw is accountant to the Cook Hospital Beard. Tennis at Whataupcko There was not a large attendance at the VYliat-aiipoko tennis courts on Satur--!:i --. i.i.me members being still away on holiday visits, but some very good games were enjoyed in perfect weather A delirious afternoon tea was provided by Misses A. Adair. .V Bailanlyin', and j. ilesßarres, in the pavilion, where the I'lble was prettily decorated wit It galliardias arranged in crystal (axes. Among the ladies present were. Airs. B. 0. Jeffreys; Misses B. Murray. G. Boswell. R. Wilder. R. Cedenvall, G’jlallorau. Albrecht. B. Kemp, S. liaison. .). Jones, Nnlder, E. l’acke. and X. Maigolionth. Party at Mr.mituka During the week-end several visitors from Gisborne motored—in three cars—to the residence of Airs. Tlieo. A. Field at Manutuke, where some other guests were already assembled to join the party from Gisborne in a visit to the G rl Guide’s camp which is situated on Air. G. Jobson’s property nearby. The party, with many other visitors to tin' camp-, was entertained at afternoon tea by Miss N. Meredith, who is in charge of the camp. A delightful afternoon was spent in the shade of the trees by the river, in which some of the party Jjathed. Fate in the afternoon the part.' i I lin'd to Mrs. Field's homestead. -v 1 a’re thev were entertaind at dinner by their hostess. Mrs. Field received her guests in a handsome frock of bind; satin, printed with f!r>: ii sura\s, and v.ide-brimmcd black bat of line straw. Miss Audrey Field was daintily attired in pink ami white limal voile, with white collar and cuffs.
The reception rooms were charmingly decorated with white Argentine pea ar-
nnged in bowls, and vases of mixed -looms.
Some of those present were Mr. and Mrs. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. D .I’Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Birie; Misses Hazel Meredith, A. Berridge, Al. Lawrle (Feildii]gb M. and 11. Pirie, At. Weber, and J. Povilgrain : Messrs. Y. G’Halloran, •). Berry, and C. Pirie: and Master Owen Meredith. Evening Party A very enjoyable social evening was given on Aionuay by Alias Moira Pirie in honor of her guest, Miss Margot Lawrio. of Fcilding. The party took place at the residence of Aliss Pirie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pirie, in dlitem: road.
Airs. Pirie received her daughter’s guests in a smartly fashioned frock of
.Miss Moira Pirie wore a dainty frock of Hoi'iii georgette in shades of wine and beige; Miss Heather Pirie was prettily trucked ui Nile green, the cm sage being of embossed chenille, and the skirt of georgette. Satin and lace, in a I ecomlitg shade of blue, were effectively com-
bined in the I rook worn by the guest, of honor.
The drawing-room was artistically decorated wity tangerine tiger-lilies, heather, and many lined antirrhinums,
golden shades predominating. The guests were entertained with several musical items, which were greatly appreciated. Some of the contributors to the programme were Aiesdames Marsieano and J. Pirie. who each gave a vocal solo, and Mr. Frank Jeuno, who gave a delightful violin solo, ably accompanied by .Mrs. Jenne. Community singing ypis very much enjoyed by those present, and was accompanied at the piano hv Aliss Al. Pirie.
Card games were played by enthusiasts. while others found great amusement in the parlor entertainment “If.” A very iolly evening was spent by all present, during which a dainty supper wa.s served. Surprise Party
Last Bat in day night a surprise party was taken to the beautiful home of Mr A. B. Williams by Miss Kura Beale. There were oft coup’es present. . The big drawing and dining-room, which are connected by sliding doors, were used for dancing. Bridge tables were arranged in the smoking-room and another room upstairs. A -most delicious hand-round supper was served on a verandah overlooking the swimpiing hath, which was surrounded by masses of blue hydrangeas. The dunce room looked very gay with large bowls of blue hydrangeas, while the bridge rooms had vases of red geraniums and gillanlias. Dancing ennfinu-d until late and then most of the guests went into the pond and enjoyed a swim.
Among those present were Mrs A. AT. Beale, black ring velvet; Mrs .Fox, black lace; Mrs A. L. Temple, black georgette; .Mrs lx. S. Ixillianis, black georgette! aid lace; Mrs (!. lx. Williams, coral pink georgette; .Mrs 0. T. Williams, green floral ninon; Airs 8. It, Bunlelt, black crcpe-de-cliioe; Airs Fiveis, red Horn! georgette; Airs L. Cotte-rill, black georgette; Airs ,T. At. Morris, beige lace; Mrs 8. Cotterill, Horn! taffetas; Alesdnmes Burnett, 11. R, Ludbrook, A. V. 8. Reed, It. G. Sherwood-1 lale, S. Lum.sden, 0. Bushy, (!. F. defferd. W. Porter. 11. IF. Heald, If. Kemp, and 11. F. Williams. Miss Kura Beale, white embroidered georgette; .Miss France (Northumberland, England), deep royal blue
Miaou; Miss T. Hill (Hustings), lor(|U(>:,;e blue taffeta; Aims At. Beale, while flora I taffetas and deep hems of silk flsdi net; Al ; ss «’L Plummer, 11ame
georgette; Miss B. Barker, beige and brown tulle; Miss dean Ludbrook, blue .rporo-etle: Miss Elizabeth Williams, while georgette; Miss At. Bushy, red
georgette; Miss Ann (ladduin, yellow satin; .Miss \alcric Barker, blue tloial ninon; Misses Nancy Mcßae, ,1. Budhroolc, M. Widest cod, Barbara ’Reed. ,1. Morris, Mary Murphy, Ruth Heed, O. Ramsay (Dunedin), B. Williams, Olgo Hunter. Griffons; Jloardy (Auckland). B. Livers, 11. Busby, A. Busby, Hoclge (Hawke’s Bay), X. Fannin, Bang. IB I). Smith, Amy Bm'dett, and M. Bea:e. Messrs. A. B. Williams, O. T. WilIbuns, ,F. Bennett, IB B. W illi anis, W. Barton. M. I’. Young, 'll. Burnett, Mevrie Williams, H. It. Budhronk, R. X. ' l.uilbrook, B. C. Watkins, Brian ,|ones, .lolin Budhronk, David Brain, B Smith. If. 11. Wicksteed, d. D. Williams, K. Nathan (Wellington), A. V. S. .Reed, K. Williams, Hume St radian (Hawke’s Bay), Rage (Wellington)', W. W. Budbrook, IB Kemp. F. WV. .!. Fox, K. M. .). Ouilwick, A. Davis, is. O. 1 ouug, 1,. B Stock, B. Rouse, T. Kay, Leslie France (Northumberland, Lnglnnd), h. G. Sherwood-Hale, T>. VV. Williams, J. Smith, 11. F. Heald, S. Luinsih’ii, Geoffrey CotlerilJ. .1. Busby, L. Cooper, S. porter, H. .Sherrifi'. Worsp, Wiiiton Porter, D. Sherrifi', W. Porter (Nelson) A. B. Temple, A. K. B. Williams, 'P ilickev. IB Beale, S. F. Bu.rdett, K. Cu 11 wick, F. defl'erd, C. Jeffenl, K. S. Williams. .1. B. Morris, D. Beale, Captain Plummer, and Dr. X. R. Mackay.
Garden Party On Saturday afternoon a number of people were entertained by Mrs. T. 13. Spence at her residence “To Hau, Whatatutu. Tlio hostess received her guests m a becoming frock of green spotted crepe do chine, worn with a black hat. The guests were entertained in the pretty garden, where roses bloomed in profusion despite the dry weather. Two tennis courts were at the disposal of the players present, and bathing was enjoyed in a swimming pool in the river. A delicious afternoon tea was served on the cool shady verandah. The draw-ing-room was fragrant with roses, which were tastefully arranged in bowls. A very jolly afternoon was spent by all present, who included a number of children. At 7 o’clock supper was served on the verandah, after which several guests took their departure, while the others remained until latter in the evening.
Some of those present were Mr. and Mrs. IB D. Dymock and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Spence and family, Mr. and Atrs. 13. J. Hoidsworth, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Hoidsworth, Air. and Airs. J. G. Appleton and family; Mcsdames Stevens, Fletcher, V. Smith and family, B. 11. Alueleau and family; Misses N. Stevens, It. and J. Telford, M. McPliail. P. and J. Spence, Juliet and Josephine Scott, M. Thodey, N T . Bruce, and P. Appleton; Messrs. R. Scott, G. Wilson. J. Hoidsworth, A . Caulton, 13. Fitzgerald, A. Fletcher, G. Spence, W. Scott, and Burns (Auckland). Alias Joan Margoliouth returned during the week-end from a holiday visit to Carterton and Hastings.
Miss It. Sc.otb is the guest of Airs. S. D. Nathan at Wainui beach. Air. A. Forsythe, who has been visiting Gisborne, returned to Wellington to-day. Aliss Cicely Ramsay, Dunedin, is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Williams at ‘‘Sherwood.’’ Aluriwai.
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17675, 13 January 1932, Page 9
Word Count
3,168Women’s World Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17675, 13 January 1932, Page 9
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