TO-DAY’S LATER RESULTS BIO* ATTENDANCE REGISTERED The 1931 Show of the Poverty Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Association will figure in the history of that society as one of the pleasantest on record. The weattier which yesterday was hot and without the Benefit of a cool breeze, was absolutely ideal to-day, there being just sufficient movement in the air to ensure the comfort of Show patrons, whose enjoyment of the function was evinced in many ways. The programme for to-day's session was a varied one, with some unusually interesting feitures, and with something to interest every patron, of whatever bent. Jumping and riding competitions were the centre of interest during this afternoon, when the open jumping, jubilee cup jumping, and leaping matches for ladies and gentlemen were conducted. The grand parade was especially effective, and the dog-trial competition which followed the luncheon adjournment was watched with concentration by the majority of those present on the ground. During the morning demonstrations of the show points of the animals they had handled in their capacity of judges were given by Mr. L. Wheeler, judge of Romney sheep, and by Mr. J. Smith, jun.,' in their respective rings. Both demonstrations were followed closely by breeders of stock)* and the judges were rewarded for their work by the very evident appreciation shown by the public. Oiie topic in respect of which discussum was heard, apart from the value of Ufa exhibits' detailed in the catalogue, wn§ the absence of a grandstand. Though many spectators, and especially ladies', were of the opinion that a grandstand' would be a valuable addition to the facilities of the new showgrounds, there was general agreement that this facility was one of the last which the society should deal with. It was noted that the traffic provisions about the showgrounds had improved materially since' last year, and the addition of shelter for the, dog section lo the existing facilities was also the subject of pleased comment. Most of those interested in the competitions proceeding in the ' ring—and these comprised the majority of the people present at the show—secured very satisfactory views of the proceedings from the rising groupd outside the ring, and from the topsi of cars parked in the neighborhood. Hence it may be assumed that the seating accommodation provided by a grandstand was not seriously missed. It must be said, however, that in some respects the arrangements for the public at the showgrounds are of the most primitive character, and that without embarking upon any extravagant scheme of improvements the association could materially better tjie existing stato of things. Late results on to-day's programme were'as under: — The giand parade of champions and prize-winners, held early in the afternoon, was probably equal lo any of the last 10 years, in the strength of the various stock exhibits, ranging from saddle hacks to the smaller dairy cows, with a wide selection lying between. Music supplied by the City Band heralded the parade, and was also heard with pleasure at other intervals in the programme. CHAMPIONS AND CUP WINNERS Among the championships and cups won at the Show, decided up to this afternoon, were the following!:— Champion hack: Miss A. Gaddum’s KifSps Dream. Champion light harness horse: P. F. Barkeris Blue Girl. j Stpneham Cup, for aggregate points in selected saddle classes: Miss A. Gaddum. lOhampion Jersey cow: N. Burrows’ Pinewoods Maggie.
Champion Jersey bull: J. D. Ileichenbach’s Finvoy Handsome Lad. Yearling Jersey heifer, Common, Shelton and Co.’s Cup: Chas. B. Burland. Jersey and other milking classes, T. Holden’s Cup: N. Burrows. / J. G. Rutherford cup for lady’s hack : Miss A. Gaddurn’s King’s Dream. MisS M. A. R. Ferguson’s cup for lightweight hunter: 11. R. Williams’ (Jhiqpita. Open jump cup: W. McLean’s Sarn. Wire jump cup (donor, R. W. Coop): Miss’ Marion Fraser’s Cassidy. F. Sherriff’s cup for pony leaping match: W. L. Rutledge’s Echo. Jubilee challenge cup, sheep dog trials: D. Cranswick’s Dick. Ropaneys, Primes Ltd.’s cup for most points in stud classes: E. R. Black. Sopthdowns, W. Good and Co.’s cup for most points in stud classes: Claud Williams. Fat lambs, Poverty Bay Licensed Victuallers Association’s cup for aggregate points: Cl. D. Jobson. Fat sheep. Ormonds Motors’ cup for most points: W. Allen. Freisians, Messrs. Williams Bros.’ cup for most points: Mrs. E. Lovelock. Pedigree Jerseys, Messrs. Lovell and Christmas’ cup for most points: N. Burrows. ,CATTLE The pedigree Friesian classes contained very small entries, and the judge, Mr. G. 11. Ballard, found his ta3k an extremely light one. H(\wevfi, he found some good beasts among tWCpi The young cow was high in condition, and he saw a great improvement in the bull since lie was shown last year. This is the first year that Milking Shorthorns have figured in the Poverty Bay Show. These classes hud an encouraging initiation, and the judge, Mr. James Parkinson, of Opotiki, expressed himself as pleased with both the num-bers-and the quality for a new section. The cattle before him were very good, and he saw some fine dairy animals among them. With these as a basis, the local breeders should be given some encouragement to continue with their work on the right Imps. The winning mature cow was ail outstanding beast, and slm had every indication of being a great producer/ The winning yearling heifer was also a fine animal, and should develop into an excellent cow. lie suggested that there should be more classes in the !si|king Shorthorn section; among the classes that he missed were those for mature bulls and also for calves. ANY BREED Milk cow, of any age, greatest value of production (fi entries): M. Leiglx 1, Denis O’Grady 2. Dairy cow, of any age, greatest milk produpfion (3 entries): Denis O’Grady 1. " . PEDIGREE JERSEY Cow or heifer that lias completed a C.O.R-. test (6 entries) : N. Burrows’ fawn Cowslips Faith 1, N. Burrows’ fawn Fencourt Graceful 2, N'. Burrows’ fawn WaiCupu Bessie 3. GRADE JERSEY Heifer, 2 years (5 entries) : J. T. Herbert 1. R. H. Biggar 2 and 3. Heifer, 3 years (3 entries): J. T. Herbert 1 and 2, Martin Leigh 3. ’ Cow, 4 years old and upwards (5 entr'igff: K. G. Poulgvain’s Pansy 1, Martin Leigh’s Betty 2, Martin Leigh’s Creamy 3.
DOGS PEKINGESE Dog (1 entry): Joan Stevens’ Diiity 1. Dog (1 entry): Joan Stevens’ Din tv 1. Junion class (1 entry): Barrie Moss’ Seng Seng 1. ‘ POINTER 1 Dog, puppy (I entry): Miss Greggan’.s Billy 1. : Colonial bred, dog (1 entry): Vernon Xossiter’s Dapple Joe 1. ; Novice, dog (1 entry): Miss Grcg- | gan’s Billy 1. Junior, dog (l entry): Miss Grcggan’s Billy 1. j Limit, dog (2 entries): Vernon Nossiter’s Dapple Joe I, W. L. Rutledge’s Dqn Juan 2. Open, dog (2 entries): Vernon Nossiter’s Dapple Joe 1, W. L. Rutledge’s » Don Juan 2. i Novice, bitch (1 entry): Harry Seal’s Bellgrovo Paw a 1. POMERANIAN, OVER 7LB. i Limit, bitches (I entry): Miss Jean . Gribbon’s Golden Sunshine 1. ; Open, hitches (1 entry): Miss Jean Gribbcn’s Golden Sunshine 1. POMERANIANS Novice, bitch (2 entries): J. Marsh’s Queenie Bubbles 1, William Moat’s. ; Sun-Bonnet 2. GOLDEN RETRIEVER DOG •Fuppv, (i to 12 months (1 entry): Juliet Arthur’s Golden Beau 1. Junior, dog (2 entries): Juliet Arthur’s Golden Beau .1, Conway Seymour 2. Class 84-3 (J entries): Trevor Hanson’s Scott I, A. Stein V Bronze Royal 2, Conway Seymour 3. Class 8.3-0 (3 entries): Trevor Hansen’s Scott 1, A. Stein’s Bronze Royal 2, Conway Seymour 3. GREYHOUND Junior, dog (1 entry): E. Hitchiner’s King Richard 1. Limit, dog (4 entries): Janies \\ • Gordon’s Black Panther 1, A. Kiunimont’s Honor’s Gift 2, E. Hitehiuor s King Richard 3. R. Turnbull's Bob In h.c. . Open, dog (3 entries): J. W • Gordon s Black Panther 1, A. Kinnimonl’s Honor's Gift 2. Master Samuel Gribben s Brown Panther 3 Puppy, over six months and under 12 months,"’bitch (1 entry): .11. Turnbull's Silver Leaf 1. Novice, bitch (3 entries): Master r \V. Ouien’s Charming Bell 1. Mrs. I". Diinn’s Minnie 2. H. Turnbull’s Silver Leaf 3. Li in it. bitch (5 entries): Master r. \V Outen’s Charming Belle 1. .Mr. F. Dunn s Arachnc 2. Mrs. F. Dunn’s .Minnie 3, .Miss G. and J- Cmld’s Lady Rita -Mar h.c. . Open, hitch (4 entries): Master F. V • Oaten's Charming Belle 1, Air. I. Omni s Araehno 2, Mrs. I. Dunn s Minnie 3, .Miss G. and J. Ciuld’s Lady Rita Alar h.c. 11 ET’RI EVER—CL RLY COATED Limit, dog (1 entry) : A. E. Drummond’s Bruce 1. Open, dog (2 entries): A. L. Drummond’s Bruce 1, Miss Helen Busbys Sport 2. SEALYIIAM TERRIER Colonial bred, dog (1 entry): Mrs. P. 11. King’s Opilii Brandon 1. Novice, dog (1 entry): Airs. P. 11. King’s Opilii Brandon 1. Junior, dog (1 entry): Airs. P. If. King’s Opilii Brandon 1. Limit, dog (1 entry): Airs. P. H. King’s Opilii Brandon 1. Open, dog (1 entry) : Airs. P. 11. King’s Opilii Brandon 1. Puppy, bitch (1 entry) : Airs. P. 11. King’s Opilii Gay Lady 1.
Colonial bred, Tfitcli (1 entry) : Mrs. P. 11. King’s Opihi Gay Lady 1. Novice, bitch (1 entry) : Mrs. P. H. King’s Opihi Gay Lady 1. Junior, bitch (1 entry) : Mrs. P. H. King’s Opihi Gay Lady 1. Limit, bitch (1 entry) : Mrs. P. H. King’s Opihi Gay Lady 1. Open, hitch (1 entry): Mrs. F. H. King’s Opihi Gay Lady 1. ENGLISH SETTER Colonial bred, dog (3 entries) : Mrs. M. Legge’s Darficld Ben 1, E. M. Fyson’s Holme Squire 2, Fred. Reclfearn’s Holme Rocksand 3. Limit, dog (3 entries) : Mrs. M. Legge’s Darlield Ben 1, E. M. Fyson’s Holme Squire 2, Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Rocksand 3. Open, clog (3 entries): Mrs. 31. Legge’s Darfield Ben 1, E. - M. Fvson’s Holme Squire - 2, Fred. Rodfearn’s Ilolme Rocksand 3, Puppy, hitch (1 entry): F. Redfcarn’s Ilolme Lark 1. Open, bitch (2 entries): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Bilberry 1, Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Lark 2. Colonial bred, bitch (1 entry): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Lark 1. Junior, bitch (1 entry); Fred. Redfcarn’s Holme Lark 1. Limit, hitch (1 entry) : Fred. Redfcarn’s Ilolme Lark 1. IRISH SETTER Colonial bred (1 entry): Fred. Red. fearn’s Holme Rory 1. Novice class (2 entries): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Rory 1. Miss E. Mills’ Paddy 2. Junior class (1 entry): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Rorv 1. Limit (1 entry): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Rory 1. Open class, dog (4 entries): Fred. Rndfearn’s Holme Rory 1, A. J. E. Verry’s Mick 2. SHEEP DOGS Sheep dog, puppy (3 entries) : Jack King’s Scott 1, W. L. Rutledge's Pai 2, G. llindie’s Don 3. Brace, two dogs of any breed (5 entries): Fred. Redfearn’s Holme Rocksand and Holme Bilberry 1, T. M. Askew's Matai Ace and Matai Judy 2. E Goodwin’s Bonnie Spot and Dancing Girl 3. Cliidren’s class—Any variety (6 entries): Lorna, Sheen’s Peter 1, Annette Budge’s Princess Beauty 2, Nola Williamson’s Holme Flirt 3. Ladies’ special, open to all dogs (23 entries) : .Mrs. M. .Legge’s Darlield Ben I, .Miss F. Jackson’s Holme Squire 2. Mrs. Redfeani's Holme Rorv 3, Mrs. M. A. Black's Beowulf of Rtinhine h.e. Sporting gun dog (4 entries): E. M. Fyson’s Ilolme Squire 1. W. 11. Seal s Bollgrove Mike 2. W. L. Rutledge’s Don Juaft 3. Grand puppy stakes, any breed (4 entries) : Fred. Redfeani’s Holme Lark L 11. Turnbull's Silver Leaf 2. Mrs. M. Foster's Spider of Roxburgh 3. Working gnu dog (2 entries) : E. M. Fyson’s Holme Squire. .1, W. If. Seal’s Bollgrove Alike 2. Non sporting stakes (7 entries) : Mis. M. A. Black’s Beowulf of Rualiine 1. I',. Goodwin’s Bonny Spot 2, W. Neweonibe’s Prince Arthur 3. PRODUCE Non-separator butter: Mrs. M. AlcOullough 1, Mrs. P. J. Henry 2, Aliss A Spratt 3. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS SHEEP DOG TRIAL (For Prize-winners of First Day) B. King’s Waif 1, J. Atkins’ Wade 2, D. Cranswick’s Dick 3.
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17610, 28 October 1931, Page 11
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1,969A. AND P. SHOW Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LV, Issue 17610, 28 October 1931, Page 11
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