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I Because it is cotton wool specially treated and !' iiflpre^natfid d^ with medicinal' esse'll'ces*' 'Wawft',_' : Wonder Wool; when .'applied ' : 'tb'-'-4„e'*tiffeei^^m-r^v' sets up a tingling sensation.??. ln A brief, space • the sufferer is relieved, ' d?ild' -. £tf ter 1 sul-^quent; api^ictttions, 'the- eause , '[of disabilitv -is .removed. ? Tho • whole ?thimj( ia so •sin-pie. Ai , i'OstiMl:.:qirculaitibn r 'Yis : the origin:; of, pain ; ; '. and this 'is? imine-* ! dialuly alleviated by the dilTu-ioii '-.bX<'tiie : comforting ;. remedying In?at iu.-,the? (wool. 1 Tlio expet-ience o'fYMrY WilliOni Hawker !is of value. 110 : wi'ites.: v'Q'ne.rbf <my 1 gitfts had a, toothache foir about o.' week?; Ono external appHc&ty'ariV.f.of ; , "ItVayiriii'a, Wonder Wool comp*'o<,ely;,«3ii*e'd foov, -My lyoungest daughter- sutfei'fedYfrom ' croup, follpwlng.,..Whc)Opinff:.-: : opiiigh.: . We . were afraid/, to go to a'teep . for foar ;■ of her choking. . _ We jpreparcd ; a jacket of, Wawu's Wonder Wool ,: and she dbtained almost instant relief, and in a Week or two was '.completely oUred." Wawn's Wonder Wool is easy to apply, easv to keep on, clean, suro in its work. Doctors and nurses recommend it. Wawn's Wonder Wool costs out 2/6 at chemists or stores, or poet free from N. 35. Agents, Sailhiond and Spi'aggxm, Ltd., Well iii <*- Lull.— l.

before the interval a junior rep. player,' Tutae Teua. collided with another player .anjtlvsuffered a broken leg just above the ankle. Dr. Kahlenbcrg attended the injured man, who was removed to his home? Those who scored for tlie Old BoysY.M.P. tcaiii were Nolan \v. : li'angliuids and Devery. (a "t'l-y each)! and Ilundleby converted the tries, one kick froni ah extremely dilllciill angle being - a splendid' effort: on Hie resumption of play tlie junior rep., 'team' 'assumed the offensive' and had tho best- df. 'the play in the second part. the whilstle sounded time : tlie rep.. .-team had netted 12 points, tries.-, being -scored by Nicol (="-), and T. Williams, .'while Church converted a pfjialty, . thus "leaving the senior team the wih tiers by a margin of three points. Mv. Poi-willo was refeiee, and acquitieu himself with credit. . TE' AUT'£ (13) v. HIGH.. SCHOOL (:!). Tile visiting, team played in red . anu black jerseys, and the ibcal team in black. ■Mr. Olsen wils referee. The toss was won. by Te AUte-Ywlio. elected to play .with the son at* titelr -''backs: "YT'ife game wa s most spectacular ?ltr character, tlie play beistig l;ipt and o'peiiY the ball going up ana ddwn the field in quick succession. The 1 combination of the visitors outclassed the i local 'team ;-frotti the . outset, though tii« lofcol -team played - well, and were . .Unv fortunate in not scoring on two occasions. The Te Aute forwards were 'faster-, .mid heavier than "tile, local boys, and they .succeeded oh almost* every occasion in preventing- the local team getting the ball to its backs. ' Occasionany, however; this did occur, and the local boys provided some, brilliant runs. The tackling by both teams was uniyue and exact, but ; the visitors tackletf low right throughout' ; -and their smothering tactics -proved rather I embarrassing- to the local team, which put; •forward ii splentUd 'effort nevertheless. From tile kick off "Te-A*lfe» -pressed, ana 1 tile SUn in tho ci'iß"of thoVHigh School teiim proved Jiarassirig'. -.'A'-'Mne exchange of line kicking, followed.^ :aiia from -a liheoiit- Peina (Te Aute) secured \'the-,ball ; , and .with a pleasing "p'iecf. '.of,..- coinbihatiouj •work, in .which Mcpherson,' Tibbie 'ana l-Pjue showed' up. the plaV/'cainc dangcrtorisly near, the local team's line. Mahangii J Pi-re (Gisborne) in .-t feint run cleared tlie pressuw b'V a good kick, Which Mouat foSowcd ub iand took his man, but a fine, opportunity iiwas.- missed for want of'-sup-pprt. -The Te'Autc Wipg (SlcPherson) took charge of .the ball, and- in a brilliant run cfrricd it Into tlie'. local .'team's 25 line. In someYscriminage play in that locality ite AwaraV (iGisboriif?) "inade a short run ; along' the line; and -passed to Priestley, 'the. latter returned lb Mouat.— anu lie i passed to Perif, Who* niiss'ed it, and the ball got into, the hands of the . visitors, only a smart: piece of play by Pere ; i£'lieving. Some «qual, fast and spectacular i play followed for some minutes in midfibld aiid Peiha* (Te Aute) let the ball out •to the Te Aute backs, who attacked strongly. Pore relieved the pressure by a line kick. The visitors again attacked, and for a ! time the local boys' were hard piessed". Mouat was getting away with the ball and about to kick it out of play, when White (Te Aute) snatched it and scored in the comer. The kick by Pine failed? Te' Aute 3, Gisborne nil. Te Ante continued to press, and a dangerous onrush was repulsed by Pcre, ' who was .playing one of the best garnet for his side ; secn this season. Mouat followed up; and, todk hlsTiiair, nut there being no other .local bo^-, handv Peina secured,' nnd after a brilliant run scored' in -the corner. Pinq converted the kick. Te Aute 6, Gisbonie: nf«l. . The School backs then got;.npid of the. oval and for a. time some pretty work by. Priestley.. Mount,. Bull' and Hampton carried play to the Te Aute -25 liner Pere- (GisbornG) made a dive for the touch lino but Was held off, and McPherson (Tc "Ante)" relieved by a good kick. Further quick play followed in. mldfiekl;.and ii mull by- Hansen (Gisborne) "gave Te Aute- ttie opportunity, to send the ball out to the wings, and -for a "time the position' Wa«s precarious. ;M'ouat relieved, tlie pres-j suio by a good run, hut the tackling of Tlie Teds was' deadly and 'an attenipf to initiate. . a. passing rash, was smothered. In -tlie fast -play which, followed .Carson and puie showed upf prominently. , Te Ante rorwaids got the ball? and Hansen; saved the position wUha^nark. Play n)Tstj"A*ed in Te.Aiitc territory alinost consistently uiitU call- ttnie,' and' tlie? Gisbonie team's, forwards Were p'uttirig, vim into thcii- worte At call of tihic the play ;was hovofing ovtr Te Aute's goal line", with High School attacking hotly.- . *.'•' ,*■ , ; On resumlilg play Te Aute assumed, the offensive, and ;foi}. a time were in dangerous proximity fo' Gisborne's goal line, but ijinai*t combined play by Mouat, Priestley and Pere. sent play back to midfield: The "local team then attacked, arid Pi-iesilcy '-■almost- ' -ijcored*. Shortly ' afterwavds in* tlie general "play, Pere' made a dive- foi" the line," buffwa's held off, and then Mount Wad an ajttempt. The le Aute backs were tiring, and* a spell w^isaffprded owing to . Bull (Gisborne) . »-arterlng' a kiiqck fin ( the head from which tie .Was Obliged tb "retire ■■froni the field for: sonio minutes';.'*. A vigorous, attack opehe<T. by' Tibbie, ,*.and. ! . supported b'y ' Pihq. l^iiia. McPlioisdii >ahd Wiilhann,; resulted in TibbUr scbrtng inva good r-osition after a a-un of ;• some ,20 •yai'ds.- The 'kick hy Pine succeeded. • To Aute 13, Gisbome nil. Gisborne then assumed the attack, and Bull and ''Hampton: showed up, although tlie latter, did hot plav up to usual form on. Satpida^-^and Te Ante- were oii the defensive.- Some pretty play, on thc wing' resulted lh-'Te 'Awarau scoring in the cOr- ! ner. 'The kick failed, altttough a goodonirfdr such a diillcult ..angle. High School .then continued- to- attack, and the play was in their favor right up till the call, of time, tlie .Sohool teairi being- unlueky iii hot scoring. -.'on two or three, occasions. One or 1 two players were injured during the course of the game, but* none" seriously. . The Te Aute team wast-, entertained at 'a-- dinner by the High School in local tea rooms in the evening. The fiinctlon Was presided : over by Mr. f. ]R)ote (rector of the Hfgfr*' School), and there were present: • Sir Raines Carroll, Messrs.. E. H.'. Mann (chairman of tho High * Schooi Ueai'd), J. .Kinder, . J, H. - Bull- (meinbei-s of the Board), Jr. Scully (master at Te Aute College), A. Takaraiigi (captain of the Tc Atite team which visited Australia some years ago), Capt. Pitt, Wi Friday (representing Te Aute old noys), W. Howard and P. Edmoiidson (of the P.B. Rugby Union), .puiing the evening eulogistic Speeches were made, and an octette ivoiii.tho- vjsitlng'' , team g'avesev-. eial . items. The chairman of the P.B. Rugby Union suggested fhat the, hiatcn. should be played' again before? the visitors left on' Wediie&aay. rilght,' and suggested Wednesday afternoon as a .sUitablc occasion? Mi-.: Scully, oh behalf of thc Te Aute team, agreed, with' the suggestionThe visiting team was then contracted to th,e OperaYHouse as the giiests of the picture management. '

TE k,\R AK AW V. Wit AT ATUT;tJ (6). The -final, match in tlie.? Waikphu SubUnion 'a competitipnt wag , played at Svhatatutii oii' Saturday? when Te Karafca • defeated, the.. local .team ,-by. .'£• points to. G af lei- ?a very . fast land e'xoi'ting . game. . Bywinning- this match. Tc .Karaka wihsi tne competition, and holds the cup for another year. Sir. J. li. Rcjdy. was referee.

A football enthusiast writes- "If the loeal Rugby Union would try and arrarfge a match . between? a town, team, and, a combined team fVoVn vVaikohu, I am sure the match -"would c'rei^e a lot of' interest and alsb help tho/^anie 'along considerably "in the country. The mafcli would give qni- Selector air oppbrttmify; of Seefng t)i*e»cOunt'i*y/ players in' actions and 1-im sure- UVcre a'fc at least a'-half-dozferi : Miy-ers-iir the 'country' teanisY goo<l r "enough td- Warrant selection irt' dur i<e'rjresentative feapij, I ; wj»uldvlike the" Rugby \jni6n. to ;#**»*W*»i----_»-_»i i ' " - ii i '-r'-iiTT '_■_, "-•'*" liii-,:-"-*.. .•■«:•?•■' — .1- '.*■■..- -'-■-.' ■i;.?.' -** ','•"-. '■*'■'' '' to make, assurance- doubly sure."., Wise., words at ./this season, wlieu winter's' dire-. complaints • threa'te'ii.. i frbm evtiy? "poftit i . , Ah btiiphatic assur arijie . of imn^unity ??frpm lunk- .complaints, . .chest troubles, coughs, colds,? and, influenza' is obtained by taking -."Saxter's Lruig server— a -sure,- sat'o /remedy at all times.. It h'^^ a. -richy pleasant taste,, and- its soothing a<*tloii .^'ever.t fails , to stop 'the tickle and gfive ease-to Ihe soVe threat. A wise plan .is :■ to keep a bottle .always handy. -.Large 6ize 2/6— at all chemists a'u'a?*gr6ceri.j|:''*? , '. ? ' ' 1 ? .''England*' is showing tlio. way to all? of tlie'fp, , ?sjud '"Mr C.'B. Norwood, who has returned from, a trip to, America, England, • and "No country 1 visited- is ' u'dju'sti'ng* herseilf more rapidly to the' new 'conditions born of "the. -.war. than iv England'. Sho leads tho way, arid I i^iriYsure- shb will reach a stable poriod eorino'i- than any of the other countries affected."— Post. ' YA Uvr 'spent in the freeY'-e of Nazal Id protect tjie mucbuja, -iaepib'taneit of ., the Y*induth; nose, ,agtd tKr__t agairpt Jhflu^nza infeet'ohia betttij* th&n hpu'rk bf •^'fferih'-r -ii*"*.'?* .' . ? v . ... In conversation .with, a stock, dealer a Southland Times' representative was informed that the sale of 372 head of cattle at £32 each had taken place between a Balclutha grazier and a Christchurch butchery. .This probably represents ono of the biggest transactions that has taken place in South Otago for some .time. An atmosphere of Nazol is a great protection against Influenza. Inhale it very (rctjcueutTy'day a_u iligbt.— *l : .

' discuss this inatter to-night at their meet- ■ ling." / d

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15276, 26 July 1920, Page 8

Word Count

A THERAPEUTIC MARVEL OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15276, 26 July 1920, Page 8

A THERAPEUTIC MARVEL OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVII, Issue 15276, 26 July 1920, Page 8


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