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The office oftlie-Union SiS., Co. will be opein 'to-night froni /6/.30 ,to 7.30 for booking .passengers only. / :* A . fine shearing L record ' was 'put) v up yesterday by six Nativ;es oji the machines' at Mr 02. M. Hutchuisoh's Ruakituri station, the men cutting out. 1400 slieep m ten hours, 1 an average 'over 233. The follo^infi/ letter • Jias been receivedby Mi- F. Hall from- the secretary of the-Ne-w Zealand Pictures Supplies,* Ltd. :— / "Dear Mr KM,— I am directed by my Board to write yd^'/iii,' appreciation, of the manner m whioh you haye carraed out your original conception ojb a 'picture theatre for Gisborne. Mr lttghtpn'; m&o. we privileged, to attend'nth&.'optmiiig of the theatre, reported at a J-Bceht meeting of the Board that, the theatre, both from- the poanfc pf view of, ite desigit atul jts , appointments, left < nothing to be desired. In picture <x>hstruotidfr as carried out' in this :Doniini6h,v, your theatre^ stands well m the forefront: It' must, hold pmdo of 'place. ih/Gisbbrhe ffo r a very -long time-to oome. directors! desire wie to place, ott record and 'to con- i vey ,*# you this ..expression, of their 'an-' preciation. '"■ /.,.- — './.. / , T% practical examination*^ of tlto As- , seated Bo*ard . bi ■« the -BoyST/ Academy '-' anpV Royal College of^Mufe w&e f held ! .yesterday at the CSn^ht by' :Mr/ Alger- ; nonH:Lindo. Th e successful 'candidates rtf'^/o 3 ?. / f olk >^^-Higher /„ Division: Olga •Paitndge Lower Divi- ' | J 9 n V.^ Eva .^ a^ ri dg c (Convent), Harry ' Loyekm ;. (MW Hale)/ 1 and Kutn Pasco {Miss, Hay ward). Elementary : Veda M. Matthews, < passed ■ with distinction . (Mrs. P. D. Leslie), Mavis Sneliy Eileen Lmdon, .Una. Rogers, Mabel Monk, Annie BaUajjtyne, Mary Hurry (Convent), and Olive Preston (Miss Hahgood). Primary : Dominica .Hale (Convent) and Eleanor Matthewfr , (Mrs Leslie). MSr

"The auditor states that 'otfr account^ aro one of the best- kept accounts m the' Dominion," remarked tnV Mayor (Mr Sherratt) at last evening's meeting of the "Borough Council. The Ohaef Commissioner of Boy Scouts' 'dubs left on. his -North' .lsland, tour of itigpee'tioh* on Monday. He. will inspect the Autfk^'d troops and visit Thames, Napier, a\itd Gftsborne about the end of the month. * A complaint by the rubbish* removal contractor, that the holidays made it awkward for him (as theactual days hdd to be observed) unless double pay,, was. given, was discussed by the Council last night, wfi«ni it was . decided to pay / the extra wagetff if 3t wag found necessary to send the carts out. A despatch by Mr. Keith Murdoch stated that one band of Australian* captured 31 machme^guris. / The German dog- which was captured carrying an artillery message, is now prised as ah Aus•tralian rriascot. Another, messenger dog was' shot. This\ wag the : first time the Australians had, knowledge that the Ger. mans used dogs as messeng-el's/ --.-. '. Disappointment was expressed by members of the'.; borough. Council last evening that : Mir de G; ' 'Fraser^, , late , 'Borough engineer, who left . f or'v Auckland by • Saturday* s steamer, had. been allowed without some. v publio ex-pression'-from the 'Council ana opportunity of making a presentation. , It Was decided to forward Mr Fraser a letter of /appreciation, duly signed! and sealed. ''■■-.'&. >■/- ., / The London Daily Telegraph/ states that the national housing sdheme devised to meet, the shortage, caused by the cessation' of btiildingiadurmg^ the . war . will probably 'provide is6t "$»/' erect-ton ol 200,000-' cottages thrdughouVthe country. JThe tenants will be/iebnfined/ip ivorkers "Under , the NatioiJ^l Istsnrance. -Acts .-'Tht ;Ldcal^ Government Board -is/f conferring with the, local authorities regarding sites and cost!.. The /Go vemihent, vis substantially; subsidising ivthe scheme, ■ytj. Thecase iri which* the ;;native* 'ftattiiera Tarau'i was charged 1 'with 1 'tOhungaism was concluded 1 m thie Magistrate's Court .yesterday, afternoon. In the . box th« [defendant admitted that at the riieetiug -house' he informed the natives that he hadl come to drive Out the evil spirits of the Maori who subsequently attempted suicide, as -the representative of an old Maofi* 'woman, who had sent /him foi that' purpose ./;-Hisf Worship cohvictec the accused and ; inflicted - a penalty ' ol £25^ with £9 7s costs, m default twe riionths- iriipi^n^sht. "S :' v v... . Mr J. C. Field, who was the ohlj stud 1 sheep/eiirtiibitbr '^ anc Lincoln classes, "at. 'the- sKo^' yesterday; has decided to compete m the ' Christ church show. A visitor; remarked thai if Gisborne could" arrange to. hold th< show a week* eajflier than the Hawke'i Bay fixture lit would: encourage' exhibi. tors .to compete at that and the othei shows which follow almost .successively throughout the Dominion. As thingi exist at present if aii exhibitor compete! m, Gisborne he 3s prevented:, froth tak ing part m other shows. ....''• /..-' '- There was a fairly representative meet ing of ratepayers iri- the Cook Counti Councj^ Chambers yesterday j when th* County. Chairman (Mr. F. J. Lysnar presided, to discuss -Kaiti drainage vpro posals. ,* It -.was. /decided to endorse'i two schemes put^ forward by /Mr. de G Fraser and already! published, arid striki a uniform rate Over the Kaiti district The meeting decided to take the, iriiti^ steps 'to raise a loan ,(£2feoo) the/ pur, pose. Some discussion then took plao oyer the sanitary work r asfflf roa*d hietal ling required m thfr .district* and Marion suggestions were considered ' arid 'deal; with. . ■■•■« '■-:■■■■'.,!>*£ .i -. ■■..■:\-'x- r -. //;. " ; Mr. Percival /PhHlips, writing fron 'British headquarters, emphasises/ . thl jfact that the Australians were tjie cehtr'i of attack, adding: .."-. '. 'Fifty 'Germani .surrendered just outside the wood, bpj the redoubt on the edge of the wood eh filaded the' infantry until flanking bomb ers put it out of action. The appearand and grit of th© Australians, utterly sur prised the Germans/ Little groups' b snipers, crouching, m shell-holes, ran a the sight of the slbuch-hatted nien strip ;ped of their packs but festooned wit! bombs, moving lightly ' through th< mire, with bayonets poised, /nonchalant deliberate, offering sudden death witl a smile. Some of the Huns were carighi like; rats, and fought wildly until thej fell. ■* »; -.- '.";'■ .',' •"., '.' /.'■; .•'.'. The first draft of men for the CI Camj left last night: by.' the Arahura^ . Th< men assembled at 'the Garrisbhv^Hall' a-1 3 p.m. for orders, and again at 6.30 when the' usual/preseritatjons, were made and addresses ..given 'by; the Mayor (Mr, W. G. Sherratt)' and Lient-Coloribl Moir, ■Mr..- Sherratt urged the. men/tb/maintain the honor .arid standard of. the troops who had previously left; 1 He >; reminded them tiiat they .'VoidaVbe^in^allv&aUty bedrers ' of /that "jgtfeoV hanie*':^Arizac/* Continuing, M. . Sherratt .: /wished ': the men God-speed .and a safe returniLieufr.Colonel; Moir; also/ addressed' the men, ex^lainin^ that = they had ft' m ■ their power to make themselves' ;ffc' to m this gjeat struggle. "This" is a man's game, he said, ' 'and yoii are now going to eriter/iM6 'ttainin"^ tb fit men tp carry ofl the' good name the previous troops from the East Coast have/made for themselves;" T^e:Mayor: ess ,(Mrs. Sherratt), and Mesdatrifes MurV j£l Ir ,& K^S ■■s% Miss^awspri dsstnbuted v * 'hdusewivV, " ' 'whiie ' Mr Morris presented Temarnferit^ ; ' 7 'TMe/€itV Band played the men to the . wharl, where they Were given an enthusiastic send-off by friends, v f y'yyAh. ingenious 1 machhTie; . really^' a land torpedo, has been; invented by Mr R. O. Lindsay, ;-'a returned soldiery a son of Col. ■J^P^y* . <>f.-'Timaru, amd a private demonstration of the inverition was given to a number of well-known citizens (says, the CJhristchurch Press). Mr Lindsay demonstrated with a home-made and very roughly-constructed model, but the principle of the invention w«», easily comprehended. The ! machine will *weigh' about lOcwt,. including its freight, and will be, so constructed as to- be impervi- 1 OUs to bombs, rifle, or machine gun fire.' It. will possess the great advantage of i being cheap, and its ' inventor > clain^^ that once the necessary material can be" prooured /between , £60 and £80- will^ v^^ llfl ,i«4#-^ ch ?hiabhNi?. When; it is remembered that' a 'torpedo cbsfe up to £2000, and a big shell about £300, v and that only about one m 20 of these performs the -\vork to. which-' it 1 is setj' it will be readily recognsiedvthdt the new mvefltiori; if successful, would pijove an. jnyaluable weapbn./ Majbr^Seneral Sir Alfred Robin' -saw the^mo'del /a*' work,/ and : informed; the inventor that ■■ if lief woiild coiistrli^/ii fullftlited - -^orkiiigij model he, would ! tie^giveri 'every oppor4 tiiiiity ,to demonstrate its worth at" Trentham, where a' hiiriiature battle-! field and "no-man's; land" would be cori-1 strricted.'arid; the land torpedo, would be! given a fair taial under real war condi-j tions. Those who saw the model :ati work were evidently impressed yHth its possibilities, and it was that) tho " MayOr jShould /convene' '/ '^aricer meeting at # a r hear date, when everything! m HConiVection . with the matter fcan be , more fully gone into. ■ ' / /• / 1; Mr.- Gleave, of ,-tKe.- Local; TypWyrlting • Office, Good's Buildiiigs, infontis lis that' he has chased. a new *'Yost ? \ - type-' tviiter with, all the latent iriipiWenierits, | so* that now' he ; will; "be able r io -cope, ' .increasing bushiess Vvith evert /greater proniptitudo and efficiency than heretofore:*; 'v; / -y "/ •/ / : ' When the Lavehham estate was sub--divided^ some seventeen y e^rs . ago ;■ Mr' Aridi'ei'/' Tubh'y ,Ac|iiiV&d -a cohsidei-able; area. This. '-'h^'Ji'a's' farmed •■*& thoroughlyi up-to-dq,te lines, and to-day his holding is tery desirable one: !He lias decided to' dispose df fbrty acres, by auc- ; tion on Saturday next*: and this" should find a ready sale. The pix)pei-ty will bo sold, iii : twd, sections of 30 and. 10 abres; respectively. On. the flatter afour-rpom-j: ed, dM'elling andl outbuildings ' is erected, , and> both sections are well wa.tfered by ', '. Avihdmills;/ A • perusal' of: our/advertisihglunt,& #°^ d ;^t.isfy iriteiiding purchasers thkt v the teVhis are rearifiriable. The sale coriimencea at 2 p.m. at Miller's maa-t and is being conducted by Messrs ' 1 Williams and Kettle, Ltd. Lawrie's A. B. Pills are A*e best of- all : for :liver. kidnav n^/l^^ I

The Coast coach 'leaves town aft 7' ana* . to-morrow- ■ t • liace patrons are reminded that they will be able to return to 'town by ti'airi, leaving the Park' at 6.30 p.m. •' Mr .G. A;.' Tltoad, . sem&ary of %b& » Wairoa. A. arid P. Assoefeft/ion, wal- •■&■*& visitor at to-days-s how. A reward of £100 is offered by Mr. Robert Kriox, of Whangara, m corihec-/ tionj, with the - loss of 400 ewes which have 'either -been stolen or-have strayed from his property. Captain , Laureati aeroplaned from i Turiii to (London/ witlioiit 'a:, stop,' icbv^eV-' the 656 riii]<^ m 7_ hburs. 22 miri'titelS. : r He crossed the Alps at an alti*ude of 12,000 : ieet. .&■' We li.aye been iriformed (say* "IHe son Cbl^st) that recently cbnside'rabl© losses have been sustained I locally ;hv" cargo ' be^hg pillaged . m transit from.Welldngffcori'to 'Nelson. .; Driveiv ihe^, magician, coricludes his Gisborne season- at .jfiis/ Ma/jesly?^ Theatre .....this- evening -with' another* 'oT^his mystif ying peff onnarices. A nfimber/bf new tricks in^^ legerdemain -; Will /be In&roduced*.;- -/ •*/ - • 't y'yy.- -.-/. .-'/,/-'

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14436, 24 October 1917, Page 2

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14436, 24 October 1917, Page 2

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14436, 24 October 1917, Page 2


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