THE DRAW IN THE BALLOT. (Special to Herald.) WEUINGTON, this. day. . The following is the . list; lor recruiting district No. 19 — Adaims, George, laborer, Kaitaratahi. *Adanis, William Siaintteij- engine driver, ... ? Gisborne. ' t Alom, Alfred Jamieson, farm laborer, .Wairoa. .-'■''%'■■ Astou, -William, painter Gi&boriie. Atwell, Henry Girling^ labc'rer; HaaVey's ,'camp. ••,';' .':.- ' .:':'■ Barclay, Daivid, taeip. M d?*i-v«rj Gisborne. ♦Barclay, James, taxiVdriW,: Gisbonie. • Barnacle, Henry AJfi-ed Yorke, dtdver, y '.'., ■ Baty, John..' Henry, carrier, Patutahi. ■', Bauld, William,y hotel porter, Waux>a. Beel,v Thomas Henry, laborer, Kaitara-i-talii. •-■•»'. fifi-fi'-Bilham, Russell, gardener, .Mangapapa. Black. John O. dtovjw, WAiohika.?Blair,^\Alexander David, butter i»aker Gidborne. " Blake, Gharles, farm hand, Wairoa. *Bolger, John James, clerk, Mbrrins--"ville. - Bothamliey, William James> roadman, Gisborne. Boyd, James Joseph Cornelius, Mangapapa. : ''■ Brassiogton, Lawrence IMward, ironmoiig»r, Gisborhe. Brodie, Walter, laborer, Brown, Edward, carpenter/ Wairoa., Brown* Janies, farmer, Waerenga«-a-hika. •Buckley,- George, Jaborea*, 1 ' Gisborne. Buckley, Jfiohaei Henry, laborer; PflketaM'a. \ v. Burgess, Edward Frank, farmer, Tolaga Bay. ■-,•," Burgess, George Harroik, jvorkinff manager, Waingake. .-- - * /' '■'■'■'■ ' y> Butler, W., fei'm laliorw, Rakauroa*. Butler, William Thomas*, laborer; Kaka--i*ika station. ,• : j Byrne, Fred:, laborer-, Ngatapa. Campbelh Dan, bridjge- carpenter, Te. Karaka*. • • > ' •Campbell, James Patrick, storekeeper;Mohaka. ■"•' -*-' : * Bidmead, Lincoln, laborer, Gisborne. Brown^ Fr.edk;- 'Adolph, cafiing^riiaker, GKsborne. ■-?■'• :< ; Crook, Chas. Rob^, laborer, • Gisborne. Doig,. Sydney -Gordon-,' plumber-, Tokorparußay. . Carroll, Thomas, farm laborer, Hanga-' ro». •Carter., William Henry Bayliss, gardener, Patwtalii. Cheesman^,. Ghaybs Edward, laborer, « Wnaffekopaa. ■* Chiloott,. Allan,: farmer,. Matawai. Clark, Aubrey Shearman, station con-j tractor, Waiokoha; - Clark, Joseph, . fencer,. Haugauoa. Clarke, Josfiiph,. shepherd, Ohinopoutea. Cloughy ,Mi]Mam\, Dancy,. engane-drivei*, Kaitaratahi. : Coghla.-:i Chfl»los Pajtripk, horse-breaker, Ruakituri. Collins, William, laborer, Gisborne. Cook, William, dairy farmer- Gisborne. Coop, George Hartley,, sheepfarmer, Wa*Rig»ke. Costello, Stephen, . contractor, Wheturau. Cox, Cliffo)cd, groceij, Wainui, Gisborne. Crabb, Chafles, laborer, Wau*oa* Crarer, John, cordial maker, Wairoa. Croon, Charles, contractor,. Gisbome-.: Daim, Arthur, bushfeller, Cape Runaway. Dalgairns, Ivor Stuart Crall, accountant, Tuparoa^ Daltop, Geraldi laborer, Gisborne. Daniel, Cyril Raymond, engine-driver, "Waipiift. Bay. Daulton, • George Michael, storekeeper, Muriwai. . '■*. Davison, Octavius Charles, sawmiller, Tolaga Bay. ' Davys, Lancelot Douglas, clerk, GisDorue. Dawson, .Alfred Leslie, engineer, Gisborne. Deighton» Horace, More^, life) insurance agent/ Oi^prhe..' •Delaney, Thotrias Bridge, carpenter, Te v Karaka. * Douglas, John Allan, plumber, Buckley. Doyle, James, clerk, Raratonga. Drake, Francis Gleniw. accountant, Kaiti; Dudson, S. J., plumber, Napier. Duggan, John, laborer, Waipjrp Bay. Ellis, Christopher, laborer, Gisnorne. •Ellis. John Henry, plumber. Farrell, Bernard, laborer, Otahuhu. Fischer/ Johann ; Frrederick Rudolph, constable, Gisborne. Flavell, Roy Williani, bush contractor, Taumutu Station. Fletcher, George William Isaac, oook,. Gisborne. Ford, Harry Gilmour, farmer, Ww^oa. Forrest, Ernest Benjamin, Gisborne., ' Fox, Edward Chs.Hes, tobacconist's assistant, Gisborne. •French, George Spencer, laborer, Mangapapa. fi.:- •-..-• .George,;. Harry, hairdresser, Gisborne. Gleye, William Henry.,, apigrist, Manutuke. Glover, J-oseph Martin, laborei*, Waipiro ■ Bay. '- "-'," '- v ' y Goodall, Arthur, laborer, Tiwhapui. , Gordon, Harry, shepherd,, To Hua. ' Gordon, H^rbertj, anepherd,, Giphoi'n©. . Greatley, 'Thomas, Te Karaka. .. . Griffin, Ged'rge 'Dagworthy^ carpenter/ Mangapapa."' Gudgeon, Mclytlle Quantrille, farmer, Port Awanui. •Hall, Charles,' clerk, Gisborne. Hansen, Hans Olaf, carpenter,, Gisborne Hargreavds, James. Elmore, bu,shnjau, Gisborne. '■"■'.--, Harris;, Arthur John, bla^ksiWW, Taupuewaeroa. ' ' Haiuis; George, roadman, Ihungia. . Havwobd, Roland Valehtaiie, driver, Putorino. ? Hay, William, paintei\ Gisbor^. Hill, Clycte Errol, iscrmCr, Waimata YaK ley." -'■ '■•.-•■•■."' "~ - Hird, James Charles, telephone clerk, Opoutama. ''.--' Hodge, Herbert William, sawyer, Qrmond. y- fi- fi *: Hogg, William 'Alan-, marine engineer. Howai-d, Bernhardt Ilobert, Ruakituri. Hudson, tElsiesti Richard, carpent<ei\ Hudson, Yfarshafll Henry, dental surgeon, Gisboi'ne..' Imies, Ralpli' Mayhew, storekeeper, Matengareka'.y '" _"■'•' - '! . Jackson, 'Daniel, carpenter, Kinikini. Jackson, 'FweritynmKi, ; 'managCr,. Tarndale ■'•' '■ ",- ■■ r; ."' ' ■ Johnson, Edward,' station hand, Tolaga Bay. * •"'■ ..:.."-. Johnson, John laborer, Frasevto^n. Johnson,: Matthew, f^eewng works fore man, Tokomaru BAy. Johnston, Thomas, sl&ughtennan, Fcild-
ing. '■'"'•' fi' '■' Jones, Joha .Henry, carpenter, Gisborpe, Jordan, Thofcva**. Alexander, Gisborne. , Kane, Thomaa, laborth Gisbbrrie' ' Kelly, Jam«s, boot salesman, Gisborne. Kinsell, Richard Leslie,* farrier, Pakibiroa. *Kirkland,. Bert, carpenter, Auckland. •Lane; ReVtie Alfred, shepherd. Puha. Lane, John Newton, farmer-, Ngatapa. Law, Albert, hotel manag-er. "Gisborne. Leeming, Ralph, fal<m«y Whataiipoko. Lewis, Thomas William, orehardist, Mangapapa•Little, Arthur Archer, blacksmith, j. Rere. Long, Albert Frederick Martin, engineer Gisborne. Lynch Martin, laborer, Waingake.. McCulloch, John, carpentry Gisborhe. •McCullough, Jajne?, bootjna^er, Gisborne. McCormack, Alexander, waterside, worker, Gisborne. •McDonald, Murdo,i farmer. Kanakanaia. McFlynn, Edward, blacksmith, Gisborne. • McGrath, Christopher, shepherd, Gisborne, ";..'"■. McLennan, shearer, Gisborne. . -* ' s Mcßue, Donald, shepherd, Whatatutu. Mahon, Philipp William, laborer,- Gisborhe. .-•— — - ' v Manson, William James, carrier, Patutahi. Marshall, Archibald, miner, Gisborne. Martin, Henry : Saville, contractor, Cape Runaway. Matthews, Thomas, laborer, . Taupaeroa. Mazengarb, Lawrence^ Waevens*s-a*hika. Miller, Thomas Hehry, cook, Tangihau. Moore, Romeo, Cape Runaway. Moore, WiJliiwrij btaph**d, Tolaga Bay. Morley, John William, Civil Servant, Gisborne. ,-• .* ' Morrison, William, painter, Gishtfrne. Morrow, William George, laborer^ Gisborne. Morton, John Castle, packer, Cape Runaway.
1 i ' j i ii i. rr. I 'Muriwai, George Harris, bushman, Taj •'■■ ' pu&roa.v - • I jMhjrphyy' John, carpenter, Gisborrce- y Murphy, Maurice, laborer, Waipiro Bay. *Mtbra.y-, George Hamilton, dcaughti'm&n, Ngatapa. ■-.'■'. ' NgapoyFrseaerick, station hand, - Wai-■.-■j teko. •• -'•■ -" '-' ■':-: -.' "'. "•- • ■• Nejlson,: Robert,?- gasfitber,. Gisborne; fi' Nieholls, Gla*>ence,.f -laborer, >. Gisborne. Niell, ;> Alfred .Andrew,, carpenter,- Gisv borne;? ' .''.*•*■ fififi fi. Norman. Walter James/ barma«.j Gis---■rboimeti.: ;■ ' '-'fi- I "" < *' * O' Br iehy; David Francis, drainer, Gape - rßtinaway*. » O'Connor,.; James,; laborer, Ngatapa. \ O'Oonnor, "« William* - laborer-, Waipiro -?*Bay.. ;* ■ • • ODea, Frank, station hand', Waingake. Olive, William . James, shepherd,'. Ham- ' 'fi.- .-.-.-•■- -, «.. O'Neil, Leonard Weilkson, bushman, ; <* Gisbprne.*. O'Neill'!*' Bernard, laborer,- Gisborne. Jobde. Charles, farm -laborer, Gisborne. J igjgins;' Ajf red*' • - porter; '"-.Gisborne. Kiiigslan.dy James Rtoland, "plasterer. LeVPisy Wjjliam, farm-hand*, Gisborne. Lindsay, Thomas, laboßei*-, Gisborne. John, laborer, Gisborne. -MJafDonajkd, Harold John, ploughman, Gisborne.. ■ MacKay, Robt. Alexander, chemist's . as- ... ;sistant,^Gisborne. iMcMillan, William, kitchen hand, Gis- ...! borne, McPhail, William Robt., carrier, Gis:borhe.; '-■-■-- .MaloTiiey-, James, laborer, Gisborne. >Meroer, Ernest,. Gisborne. .M-ildon,/ James Goodwin, bricklayer, , . *:Waai*oa.. , Glendintin|(;, James^ shear«i', Gisborne. .Hogg,.' William, driver,. Gisborne.? .Lacey,? Walter,, station hand, Gisborne. *La»igdon. William, stock agent, Gis.borne. . McCarthy, John, laborer, Gisborne. Naylor, John, carperster, Tokomaru Bay. .o!S^llivan, Michael), drover,; Ruatorea. ;o'S*jillivaii, Patrick William, shearer, , '^'Wair^ata.yailley. ••• Q'Sijillivan*. Timothy, tunnel man, Ngar : . itapa, . Petei*s, Stewart, shepherd, Gisborne. jPeverallj Herbert Andfcew, seaman, Gisborne.. ,PeveraJl> Williaift Henry, shepherd, fi .----' -i ■ Piclcen, Andrew, sheepfarmer, Rakauroa. ■ «--,.. y- '■•;•' ••-' y Pitcher,. Nathanial. laborer, Te Hapara. |Pitti C&aa*les Pa4aiy ! laborer, Gssborne. PBice, George Percys farmer, Oftoko; [Prieie, Jkiuuence- Johiiyy Gisborn^ • Thomas,- groom, Gisborne. *Quinton, William-, horse trainer; Gisbprne, , RandaU,:-<Qswald, waggon driver^ Tatapouui: , ■•■•;■ ■■■■■'■ ?■ '■ ■' :■ ■- Reed, .Charles Edward, farm laborer, MOtlls-' .--' " ■•' : ; ' ; - ■■-.• ■ '''-. .Reed, Edgar, storekeeper, Gisborne. .-" ■ - 'Regan, Patrick, laborer^. Gisborhe. Reynolds, Walter Reuben, ' qarpenter," Kphukura. s i - Richai'ds, Roy John, carpenter,. Nelson. Richardson, Charles, f anger,. Motu. . Riordari, . Daniel, cook, Waipaoa. .Roache,. Francis, carperiter, Waiapaoa. Robh, Herbert Frank, sheepfarmer, Rakatjroa. *Robisoh,- Isaac Ernest, shepherd, Kiore station. GisbornU. Ross, Hngh.^ farmer, Gisborne. Samson, .lames Ross, accountant, Kaiti. Scragg, Leonard, farm hand, Patutahi. 'jSelby, Robert*, painter, GMiome. Shandley, Carl Sydney, c/o W. Olive, traine*.*, Gisborne. Sinclair, •' Herbert, laborer, Wantwood. Sloan, Da\"id, laborea*, Motu. Smale, Philip Sidney, teacher,' Motu. Smitih, James, shepherd, Waipaoa. Spence, Morris' Stewart, accountant, Nuhaka. ? '■'.■• Steam, Frederick, cook^ Kiritahi. Steete; Cecil Alexander, shepherd, Ruav*^ituri Valley. Stevens, Alfred Ernest, sheepfarmer, Frasertown; StoCker, 'Archibald-, farmer, Gisborne. "Swoihson; : Ernie Alfred, dairy farmer,* Te Karaka. Symans, Harry, carpenter, Kapuni. ; *Taylor, Gilbett't Liewisj afcatidn nand, .Kanakanae. Taylor, Harry Norton, station hand, Waingake. *Tennent, James Arthur, fencer, Ruakituri Valley. .. Thomson, N^amo, laborer, Waingake. ( Toole, Joseph Allan, drover, Matar wh6ro. Tumbull, Augustus James, fencer, Gisborne. Turnbull, Joseph Jan, farmer, Matawai. Vowlbs, Victor Harold, carpenter, Qis-bpr-ne., y Vejrede, William. John Diedrich, farmer, Taumatau station. ' \Valk-er, ' Pet^lival Thomas, farm, laborer, 1 : Makauri. Wa2sh, .John, laborer, Makauri. Walters, .Albert, sawmill hand, Matawai". iWatens, Charles R. W., xh'over, Gis•bprne^, Watts, Victor, rabbiter, Frasertown. Whinray^ Thomas Woodbine, Gisborne. •Whitehead, jkck, .fencer, Tiniroto. Whui!, Eijnesll Behdel, barman^ Motu. Ajidrejfc, laborer, Kaiteratahi. -Willia-ms, David Woodliffe, station hand, Mangapapa^ ' 'Williams, Thomas. Arthur, storeman,. ■fifi Gisljorne. ..-■.'■. Willi^mson^ John Alexander, shepherd'i fifi- Tamaru. ,. ■••-.-- - - -; ■' '-Windle-, Patnick, carpettiter, Gisborne. •Wmter, Joseph, clerk,. Auckland. ■ Wright, Gedrio Walter*;, clerk, Gis- '* ■ borne. \ Wriglit. Henry Elster, railway porter, Gisborne. ■-.-'.• 'Yelds^ Arthur, laborer,. Gisborne; ••prmeaod,-* Oliii ■ Barton j- . slijeepfiirmeri, Gisborne. ■Pres'sby*, -Harry j laborer, Gisborne. Savage, Arthur Benjamin, laborer, Gis- - IL*. borne. • ISheehy, Patrick, roadman, Gisborne. 1 Sliippen, James Douglas, carpenter t Gis. : borne. ' Troy ? , William, station, hand, Gisborne. Weste^holme, Herbert 41cx., draughtsman,, Gisbornek 'Woodley, 'Charles, fa»rmer, Gisborne. ■Young; John Henry, bushfeller, Wairoa. Pope. ' John Bernard, slaughterman, - fi"- 'Tokomaru Bay.
•'■ ■ ■ ' ' •-■ • ■ — ■ ■ /:■ (Special to the Herald.) CHRISTCHURCH, tliis day. Among those caught m to-day's ballot is, ffishop. Brodie. '
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14222, 13 February 1917, Page 4
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1,316MILITARY SERVICE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 14222, 13 February 1917, Page 4
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