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(Special; to Herald.) '""""'« TEKAIUKA; this day. The monthly meeting of the Waikohu ■County Council was held to-day. Present : Councillors C. White (Chairman), F. . Shanks, C. Gaukrodger, H. J. Pea-tidcke.-AV A. Fraser, and A. Smith. Leave of absence was granted to the engineer. Mr F. C. Hay, owing to tlie serious illness of his bhild.

Correspondence was dealt with as follows r—

Closing road ,tSec. 1> block -IXJ? Motu S.D. — The Council's ■ solicitors "Messrs Kirk, Burnard, and Sievwright, forwarded an opinion as to the Council's power m the above matter. It was explained that the p^aii submitted to them by the solicitors lor the applicant showed a river one chain m. width- at the point in' question. An exhaustive search revealed no such reserve, "except on the opposite side of the river, where there is no road. The effect of decisions m recent cases is to show "that the expression ''stepping Vai^ad'Viiicludes the idea of stopping part of a road. Section 130 of tlm Public Works ,Act. exjiressly , proliibits the -stoppage of any road along a river bank ; V' therefore the 'Council .has iio power to carry out' the request of the owner .of the ajftove section. The Goun-; cil also has no power to grant- a - lease for any term.— lt was decided to offer Mr Gardiner a day to day lease at an, annual ircrttal of 30s i>er acre. Dedication of road, P. H. Sherratt: Mr Sherratt wrote to say that he could not agree to dedicate on 'the terms laid down^by the. Council.— Received. .Gates across Oliver -,road: Mr Davis wrote explaining the reason for delay m removing the gates, and asking for a further extension of time. A further letter from Mr "Macallan stated that 'Mr Davis had seen the writer, who had agreed to -place no obstacle m .the way of Mr' Davis' Teqnest; Mr Macallan drew attention to the state of two culverts on Oliver road, and asked that repairs be carried but. — Permission was given for the .gates to remain until thd Ist March. The mattefrof -repairing the culyerts was referred -,to the overseer to attend to.

Logs oil road; Matawai :' The ' hon. secretary^of the Matawai School-,Commit-tee said? that tlie logs on the road m front of tbe» school were too rotten to be used for firewood,' and the committee asked for 'their removal. — Tho . request was declined.'.

■Mi*: W.-v Morris' wrote that he had no claim agaiifst the Council for compensation iii respect: of land taken iv Hauomatuku 30 block. — Received.

Tho Commissioner of Crown Lands stated; tliat the "thirds" held over pending legislation of the Makaretu deviation would be paid over m a week or two.-^-Received. >' ' ' '

Road through Maiigaoae Block : Messrs Rees Bros/ and Bright, instructed by Mr W. Morris, asked when the necessary steps would be taken to close and hand over the old road m compensation fo'r^ land j)aken for the Kanakauaia deviation. — Received. Authority to operate on • bank account: The manager Bank of New Zealand enclosed a letter. lor signature by the chairman authorising the bank to accept the signature of Mr Appleton,. as treasurer m place of that of Mr Warren. — Request . complied with. The' Chief Inspector of Awards sent a notice m. regard to the recent (award obtained by the P. 8,; Genpral > Laborers' Union. Tlie clerk said he had replied, informing Chief Inspector- that this Council has been exempted from tlie award.

'Phe Chief- Engineer . N.Z.,-- Railways" forwarded d^eds re right to cross the railway with .telephone wire for execution by the Council. -r-Deed executed.. The • New Zealand Council of Agricul-ture,forwarded-a copy of a-< resolution passed tvt the last cwnference, as folloM-s : "That local Agricultural; Committees be appointed by County Councils throughout the Dominion,' and that the Departments of Agriculture- be\ asked to. make use of their, services m experimental and other works/'. The/Board of , Agriculture bad approved,' the idea, , .and the lines. on .which 'the, committees could act were roughly outliued/--Received. - MaY W., -Hopper; maiiager o£ Puhatilcotiko station, wrote off ori ng the -Council a year-to-yeai" lease . of the stock paddock at- Waikohu at' a rental of £1, per aimum.-r-Offer accepted. Tlicthon. sec. uisbfirue Defence Committee .-Avr.ote t asking the Council to contribute towards the cost/ of 'the clerical administration of. the Patriotic fnnds, which up' tp. the 'present had been undertaken, sby tho Borough. Council staff. — It A\-as. agreed to ,'pav dßlO'a year to^-wards-the cost, tho total of which was stated to be £50. ' : :-. .-' ,

Messrs- Jvirk,- Burnard and Bievwright aclvised that there to be n&objection to takiqg land; under tlie Public Works Act for approaches to; the Te H^a,u bridge.' — The land to , be taken.

Th Minister of Internal Affairs- asked for, .particulars respecting patriotic funds under the control of the Council. — Received. 1 . ,- -.., .... j ■ The secretary, Taumaranui Qirnival Committee, asked the Council to join ml urging the Gorermnteht;' to sanction /artlunoiis as a means for, raising funds for patriotic.' purpose^: f^Tlie ' Ch^ji'man : I thqroughly agree', with'; tljat; there is no harm-yi-a^raitljte forVpatriojlic, xiiirposes. — The proposal- was unanimously endorsed. The Gisborne Town. Clerk wrote -HUg-, ge-sting that 'a joiiit inspectipn "bf,".t'li'e. Motuhpra -meUil. experiment, , be made j', and if fouud^.. satisfactory, tl^.stv'ps. bo tuken to tdotei'mino'. whether eupplies pf stone should be obtained from Mbtu-liQra.-rrTlie engineer to attend t.o the matter. '" r " ' ' ■ ' ■ '" ' ; -'V

Mi' F. C. Hay wrote agreeing to rent the proposed engineer's' residence during' his engagement ns C-opnty; engineer, at an ampunt equal to tho interest on the cost price of the, house, plus li per cent. upkeep.TTrTo ' bo considered 'with .tenders for ..jthe residence*., '. : VV ;, .>..-., V.,'.. „' t . Replying .tp. -a mepibrandum uvom. the, Engineer xo the styte of,the^Moa»iuian4, Tahora rbafis ''.aiid tho ;_Mu' bridge, the. District Engineer , B^id 'tie had already asked thaitjSomothinjjVbe done to titopthe perishing of.' ihe br^^lge, timber.— lt was decided, to AVTiip fjirtlier, pointing out. the lU'geucy of : ' ' "V , 'Tlie v secretary for Agriculture advised that goal's ' rue (galega^^mcinalis) nas' been placed 'oh, the tliirdt schedule bf the Noxious Weeds Act.— Received. ' '

Tlie Minister of Public Works advised that he"'wae prepared to isssue authorities for the; balance bf the money granted for roads on Run 47. This will enable the Council to carry out the proposed Makaretu deviation, for which a loan has been raised by the settlers interested. The District Engineer asked that a resolution be passed consenting to land being taken by the Public Works Department for the Waioeka-Matawai track. —Resolution passed.

1 The Council"s solicitors (Messrs Kirk. j Uurnard and Sievwright) ' sent an opinion as to tlie Council's power to prevent. the cutting of sections into unduly small allotments. ■■-, ■ ' • Messrs. Shnte Bros, wrote, pointing out. the need for ■ metalling two small cuttings ou the MatawaML'ahora. road, and oering to- supply a team and dray for the work free of cost. — Tho work to bo-done. .-■-.••. ■Mr J.-;G. Appleton was appointed returning officer for the Council, vice Mr G. Warren. . • -•■

Mr F, rSmith wrote asking for attention to be given to the road from Kaitava up to his place.— Referred to the Engineer. Regarding the workmen's cottages scheme, the chairman said the' matter had better be held over until the legal position as to acquiring suitable sections had been ascertained. — This was agreed tO. ' •-.'• ' /'- . '•.' .'•.'!

to. ' -.'• /'- . -.- ' '.' On the motion of Cr. Gaukrodger, it was decided to have the ''failing and cross ditch.* at the bridge opposite Elinor's removed. ■■'- - !l

nor's removed. ' - !l Ori the motion df Cr/., Gaukrodger, [ seconded by Gr. Shaiiics, it was derided that no permanent surfaceman be alloiVed to^keepa dog of any kfrid/ '-; It was proposed -by Or. iSinith, secbhded by Cr. Frazer, arid carried, that- Air Brainley be to pay royalty, foi* strainers cut on the rosid.' ''■'■; In the course of his report the engineer stated.:—..,- „.;-. Motu Riding :' Bell'is' contract foi* metalling has now: been passed' after certain work Was dbrie by the Council at the contractor's -expense/ ** The overseer lias arranged to carry out improvements as required' to the. drain at Matawai. Tlie slips' chi Motu Valley rbad are being cleared, and 'the debris whie'li contains-; a' large 1 percentage bf" metal, is being put ' on sof l l places oil the' roach : ' • . Mangatu s ßiding: Repairs have beep effected 'to the 'Waitora. road. -A new road has; also been formed seven chains lbrig where' the existing road rap off theJ reserve. The Ataugatu steel bridge -has been' : repaired; 1 Repairs to the Otangac mia-road have. .been, completed. • f-.. t Kanakania- Riding: Manuka fascines ai-e being procured for the slips, and work will be commenced here as soon as indicatioiis are sufficient to warrant the repairs being effected. ' '

Karaka -Riding drain has been deepened to a sufficient depth "to carry off- water, as -required^ Poyntei^s drain has been cleaned out. It is advisable t6?put ! up a'nbtice limiting loads 'on the Kaitaratahi bridge to three tonp (axlo'load gross);'" " ''•' -"'■'■' '•■'• -

i Ngatapa Riding :! i Tenders; have been .called -for work on Mutuera road 1 ; '-'A HOW-' fence has-been 'erected by- Mr Stevens on the Wharekopae ; road,' which is ( " a danger to stock aiid users of tlie rdadi'/y ■ ?iJ ■" V- '■'•'■ *;;•>■• ' t ■ -'■

• Graders : Two light graders have beeh obtained v on trial, and trials ate befi/i carried out.<-i'<Tt 'ik imperative ■> to get more grader strehagth; as-thte -ro_de are drying fast, and graders are wanted'in atj least three places : at once. ""■ Frt^ trials to date it seems as if ?t*tvo -large evaders will have to .be "<j)ul'chased, a^ light, graders will not- stand -the \\ ; 6rk; T (should >like' authoritj'- ; - to 'exceed the £150 grantqd last meeting if m my .diß appears aii advisable and economic policy to buy ■ two large graders.' .'■'' ■:■■■■■*■" '■■•>' .-.■.■■■■■: '--r ■Cv. Fraser ! 'questioned "whether it would pay to' keep horses for the gvad-oi'6."-Cr''Peacocke thought they should consider whether 'the work could riot be done quicker by contract/ Itf*\Vas''pointed out that" it would be difficult to estimate for 'repairing work.— Cr. Galikrodger : "The -trouble' is to^get- men' tb work their horses hard enbugh/'---Tlife Chairman reniarked 'that ''very ' ofteri^ when they wanted^ good -horses; tliey could nob get them/- He wasiiidlinfed'fo give the engineer a bit of rope r irt: tillis matter. The engineer had tried'- light giiaders, and found that heavier niacliine| were required.--Ci''. 'Gaukrbdger said nro doubt m the past tho Council's 'nbvse^ had been over fed and under ■ 'worked/ He was agreeable to -the proposal;" pro^ viding the Counci" would* get fair' value. — Cr.' Smith moved that ibo chgin^e.r's request be accorded l -to;^Seconded by Lr. Gaukrodger, and carried/ '""-''

Permission was granted Mr' Parker to camp-on a reseve at Whai'ekopao on ! a day -to-day lease at a rental, of £3* per annum. " v ' : ; ; ■-'•• ■■('■■'f-'.. •' '

Regarding Mr Steveiis' feiice, ' f lic Chairman pointed out that it' was "a difficult place to feiice,- and he thought' if tllb barb 'wire 'was rembV'e'd Vjiear tli'f corners on' the road, it w6uld meet the case.-^-This suggestion adopted.'"**^

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13785, 10 September 1915, Page 4

Word Count

WAIKOHU COUNTY COPUNCIL. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13785, 10 September 1915, Page 4

WAIKOHU COUNTY COPUNCIL. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13785, 10 September 1915, Page 4


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