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;. " BIEffIiuCNB!^WOUNDS' Auckland Battalion— i ' Pvte. H.^ X.V Anderson. ;.,... ..' t DANGER.OUSJLY ILL. Wellington Battalion Serg. P. H. Taplin (pneumonia.) i ,v ; r, WOtp^DED. . J Auckland JpattaJ,ion— '. ' Evt«, Jt W: J.;itancombe. Fvte. O. R. JicLean. : ': Pvte, T^.Melhill. , Wellington Battalion— Pvte- F. S.SfpaailiL" ! '.. •. . (Special to Herald.) . ,_. AUCKLAND, this day. y Jhe late Private John Raymond UfaLean,Jcilled inaction, with the Australian forces, was^years of age, and' had JITS* mpst ;,of'-liis rlife on Auckland. He ya? pn.e of the first pupils at King's College, and. r-Rceivdd his complete edu-: ca&on there. ile ! . wsfe therefore one of the,, oldest, members of the King's Oblige! M ld Boys' Association, and was »Jsp a= Tfell known member of the College 'Rifles. . For some'' years he was engaged with his father on the big coil-' ,tf3«t; ( at the Otira tunnel, and three years ago he proceded to Australia and eugaged m mining. He enlisted m the : 14bh of the first' Australian ' expeditionary., force, and his last letter , $fl lus ; parents was. dated from Egypt oji the, Hth April, just prior to the *de- ■ parture ll of the Australian and Xew >*sea- ! land trppk for the Dardanelles. 'The letter shows that the mqmbers of the expedition .fully, realised 'the dangerous character of the. military operations m WJich they. were,. to be engaged, but shewed 'thai /fche jbrce was courage . ,aqd, , enthusiasm. . Great ■ sym« pathy will be felt for the parents m 4he loss which fchejv hate sustaTnedi ■ Another son. Neil, aged 19 ( T^ars,, left<, Auckland' Tor Trentliam on Friday last, 'and a third son, whp holds a- commission m the teiTitorial force, is only awaiting appointment' to a- company before proceed-ing-to the -front. - ' i ■■"<••> V>". A further repof t^Ms been ''received that Major F. .Stuckey, officer oomm^nding the Hauraki .company. '9/ Uhe Auckland infantry battalion,' progi-essihg favotably. ' * ' Thfe coiifi)"m^, an earlier message. Xo word has beeu. received^ however, h s to; the' nature' of Major otuckey's wounds. " ."■ " . '..] _Pnvate Alex. £. Eagletpri, <svitlr ~ -Ife North Auckland company .hair .cabled from Cairo "to his ; father, ''M^-A ■$. .Eagleton, Ponsonby, ' r.epor.ting . sa.taW factory progress -from his-.inim-v.^'Pxi-'vate Jiiigleton states '• "Wouiided m thigh,; doing well" H6. left' ATickland wltli the second' reinforcement draft, and was attached to the. Xprth Auckland company on joining the "battalion m Egypt, ■■ -: • <>■• > / ' . ■:. l ' * •M 1 ; . <; . 1 (Special' to HeraldO , ' CHRISTCHyRQIf; 'this day. Private J. H. Aitken '(CanterbVy Battalipp),,, wjio diedr'.of^ wounds. Was a y ( pimg,,Christ«h.uroh;, business man wlio sacrificed Jjusiiiess and position to serve his <?oiumtry. He-was manager of the Jv^rihernrXnsufanca fp r Christcliui'ch,, and chief agent of the Indemnity, M^ual^} as. Well as a member of the j^-nj of Aitken Bros,:,shar&brdkers;? He Responded; tp the a-ppeal for recruits for the je^peditipnary. -force, and. enlisted- as a» private. He, <had an 1 extensivß expefien^p xii.. : . military .jfta^ters, .rh^ving "been captaj|i yi qonimand 0i ... . . the : . Queeii'a Cadets for a .number .of .yea^sv^ -.' 4T4ie exigpn^ies, 0/ .b^isincss compelled -liiin to rehnmiflsji . ,Jiis' ;cpmnjan.d. .^His. : sucoessoi* wa.^ Alajpr loach, ,\yho had. been, serving under him at the; time of lus enlistment iii the expeditionary .force; Ttm* ;happ,eriod^,tb be no, more, commissions available, - yet so; eager was. .he, :,for-* active sejcvic© he, c^oHe. the^rifle and see. prprjptipn from the ranks . when opportunity pre^entedfijtaejf, rather than w ( ait At tome, fpr a cpmmi§WO,n,vpriva,te Aitjcen w^s ,well. knpvTi m, many branches of. sport and field games., at, Cbriflt!s Cpllege _and Canterbury; Oojjege, -where he 'was ! educated- gelupheld the/pros^ tige of his college very successfully. ', He was a member of rfche i^arsity; firs> fifteen, and only relinq wished • Rugby through the demands of 'busijioss. „,ln ■hig- sjSare time 'he v \vas ,<yne pi' the l?est mile and^half-mile' and crpsscOjUrltfy iri;nners CQiristcliurcli eyer had.. "After giving up active athletics ( he. became s'ttcrie: tary: of* the New Zealand; Amatpur Attiletic AssViciation^ holding that position, for several yearS; '' Other snorts flubs with which, he was co^necte^ were tho United Tennis" Ohub as secretary, a'n!d the-Hagley polf 1 Club; -'In; 'the sectipn m wM^h 'PrFva'te Aitken served... therq were a n,urabei' -of Ganterljvry Qpllegp boys, and. almost all of thbni havd-.iQw either been kiled or Wounded; His life had been an, intensely active' one;;' and h« had m«t success 1 11 -every direction. A*, the timo ofhis deiitlj I»e>va« 29 yqai's of .ago; * '.■*<■ - . ■ ' , " ; ;- '■ ' • ' ■ Coi'porar Geralds Richard .Clarkson, who is reported as missing 'since' May 7th, is a member .of U family well known m the cycle arid mo'toi* ttade; OHiepi his unicleis is Mr .'*Tv B* GJarkson, of Clirist6luirch,- who- ha* an. international standing in' that trade, and makes periodical world tours m... connection with his agencies.' His lieadqnarters are Chnstchurch, bu|* he Ls now m Auptorali a prjor to an^the?, to Kiuropo. His 'name was ' given-, as , next of kin> and o\ving i to his "Nlrs T. Clarkson, of Beaumont street/Ghristcluwch, the grandmotKer with ■ whom Corporal Glarksoi}' lived, got her first intimation of liis, being missing from yesterday morning's Preiss. "Corp^'wilfClai^kson. ' %ii orphan .; ; His ' father, • Mr Richard Clnrkson^ who /was • •director., of tlie Napier Technical School, was drowned m a. surf bathing' accident at : 'X<ipier about, seven years -agpir his" raoUier having died' about. 17 ; months before that. Corporal Glarkson is. '22 years' of ogej. and is ..a motor cycle . exjsjerti ' Ho v wasttaveUeu. fto'^Mv. H.. -Bawny of Christ-' church, m motor cyctes, and.. has made a special study of the art. of "saJesn^an«hip>V m "which hc.'secffred International CoTr^sponderice Sohool certificates/ Private Arthur \Harbld /S£cGoy '(Can-t*i-bai?v Battalion i died of wbiindß) was a flprt* of the late Mr F. H/\McC«y, LL.B., barrister and solicitor, of Otago, and grandson of the late Profeesor -Sir

Frederick McCoy. X.C.M.0.. M.A.D.S.C (Cantab), F.R.S., M.1.1.M. of Melboum I'niversity. He was born, at Lawrence i Otago, and at an early, age adopted tli sea as a calling. He sailed the ocean] of tjie. world (mostly ?in*- deep-water' vessels), gaining his captain's ticket s,bmV years. ago. .He also travelled extensive- * ly on land m Great.Britain, on the Cor,^ tinent of Europe, in', China, and, m th United States of. jAmsrica, He mad .several' passages m times of peace throug the 1 IXa^danellps. to Russian and Turkis ports.- His mother, Mrs F. ifv McCoy resides atO 24 Peterborough, .street West with her, two da.uightejf ; $, : :a(|d ( .son, -Mr- .C ■ .A, McCoy, ;who is wftU-akn&vni . m t!> city. Private McCoy',", >ya«^y!siling"; h J people ptiholiday, lefive/^jiieii . he ) He- had many experi^Wfekjttid advei .' •.fcnves in i his life, .and -was mfHE unassun I. ing ,««id: greatly .esteemed by all, . wh fc\vew ;> him.. <>. ■,;,'. „ : ..,■; .... , Pr.iya.te., Erie George; ; .Smith, jGantoi < bury Battalion, diad of wouud's) was • :.spn ,of. Mr John ■ .Smith . . a ' « r «ll-kno\v ioi'eroan, iiv the ..R*ih\sftjv Pcpartment i :CJhmfcohuvch> ..-He; watsv^MX'.at . .SJprinj; \ burn twenty-two years^^agb. • tin? : w( !• tended . the .School .there, and aftorwarri ;wfi)?t to. the Ashbiirtoii, High School . 0 ] coming to Christch'iiach he .was appre^ r ticedj to Messrs J. and J; Jameson • builders, ;\vith whom ho worked until ,h joined the. Expeditionary. Force. «, . IJ ' was a prominent member of theMeri ;valo Kootbail Clvi), "playing for -the pre sident's^team. . Swimminjj, ytas anpthe sport m: which he took a kee». interest • He. held . an. .instructor^ ; cerUficate ,fr,oi. \\m Royal Life Saving .Society. , j As , tei'ritorial, he belonged ,to; the JLst. Can tetbury Regiment. Witlv the butbrea! of war, on the call .tor qyersea lioops he responded immediately the. Em pire's cry; and was amongst some of tin earliest to enlist. His -parents, win reside m Clarence road, • Kiccarton, it ceived official. -intimation., that he „die< on May 11th. ; - „ . „ • .! . .. ' • fPer ; Press Association.) WELLINGTON, last night. The' Defence authorities received-adv-ice to-day' of -the death iiv -the Egj'ptiaii Army Hospital oh the. 26th inst. froiri eiit-eric fever of 4/457 Sapper JohErnest Rosevear (Engineers). Next of kin: Ernest Rosevear, "Bullarook," Castie "Street; ' -Dunedih. (father) . The Department is &\&& advised that Lieutenant P. - .Logan (son of 'Colonel Logan) died arid was mimed at sea' on the' "2oth inst: ; • " '•' LONODN. May 31. Captain C. Nelson, of the 15th Hussars,, if orderly' b'fXjfche- Ne^ ; Zealand foi'ces^ has 'been wpunaed m France. Lieutenant P." jLogan; who died of founds i^.'jffus m hi» twenty-second year. His fatheV, jDplonel p^ogan, is m charge of the New Zealand forces at Samoa. Young Logan? was., a, native of. Central Otago, a-nd' ,:was educated at the WaiHigh , Sphofll,' "Where he was . schopiriiports. .' Was atta.ched to ) . the ( jnounted^ corps from Auckland. 5e J wis, at Aldersliot, attached to the icings Royal llifles^ jand topk part m the auttfmn manoeuvres "three years Advice has been received that Private Cecil Noble Campbell has been wounded at the .Dardanelles, biit is prpgressinp favorably. Private Noble .Campbell, wh/ enlisted at Wairoa, was a. station cadet, engaged by Mr N. G. Glassford, Tini roto, where, \he -liad been , for several years."- ! -- ■,•"' ..•■" ';• ' - ,:. ■ .i * • Privafe Denis Ryan, of To Puke, .who was killed m action^ fc he Dardanelles, was a brother- of Bilrs G. O'Connor, of Kaiti, and of 'Mrs J. Goodley, of Tolagn Bay. ,He servedj \n - South Africa wit> one of the ' New Zealand contingents.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13699, 1 June 1915, Page 4

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LATER LIST. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13699, 1 June 1915, Page 4

LATER LIST. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 13699, 1 June 1915, Page 4


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