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The funeral of the late Mrs Elizabeth: Moore, of Palmerston road, took placed yesterday. The Rev. W. Lamb con; ducted n. short service at the house, and; also at the grave, assisted by Adjutant Melksham. ;■ The force of last week's gale was <\e-\ monstrated near the Stanley rood septic tank. The roof on a shed enclosing thf engine used for pumping purposes during the laying of the rising mains was blown right over the" top of the septic tank. : . Cr Collins gave notice of motion at the Borough Council meeting last night, that the resolution regarding" the abat toir fees be rescinded, m dricter thai the fees may be raised to provide for the, laying on of the water supply at a cost of £450. ■ - • ■■.'■■ T It is understood that the rfurvey. of the railway line from .Vlarigdp'oike ti Qisborne has bpeji ■.connected up,. and| Mr Thorpe and his party : are now. camp-' ed m the vi'pinity of Makaraka. where the details m connection . witri. the survey will be cdmpleteS. '.1 ' < When considerihg the estimates last] night the Bortfijirfh 'Goiirieil decided to| defer consideration of the t Hospital levy t and to confer with the Coqk and Wair kohu: County Cfennoils regarding the raising of One^liftan ,tp provide for thte levies ntad^; on the three bodies. I Th'e sewer rising- mains m Stanley and Awajpitni roads- have been complete ed, and . the- cast-iron fittings for thej vents doupjeil up. tjome- diffiqultv was; experienced on acuount,ol sub-soil 'water,: but this .was subsequently, coped with,; and the work c'6inpleted before tlie re-", cent heavy rain .' ' ' '■■'.'■ v At the instance of the Stayoi- la^tc night, Crs. Pettier Smith, Webbj Collins,] and the Mayor, were; appointed r com-? mittee to arrange; about a .reception to General Ood'tey on Juno 3rd, and also: to report as to the be^t means of cele-} brating the Coronation. \ The recital to be lield \n Holy Trinity^ Church hall on Friday feveningj June! 2nd, is commanding' tke^atteriubn of; lovers of music. Mr Lnniont Gurr ha.^ selecteda fl,ne . programme of vocal items? and he Trill have the valued assistance^ of Mr Claude Williams, violinist, anil' Misuses Da vies' anQ King at the piano. ,\ Il'dyers' iJf nature ' ; not miss the| tw6 cdlore'd films, '^Wild Birds- in their? Haunts" and "The Birth of a Flower,? '* which will be screened for the last turn* to-night at the .Pnthe Pictures. Both; items are wonderful' cinematographic;" achievements, and the' coloring of both; is really '-beautiful. . .' The railway construction work on the-Gisborne-Motii line "was practically uii-* affected by the recent heavy weather.;* there being only one or two small slinst at the outtings near Rakauroa. Griffithfl, head of the firm of contractori* for. the Otoko "viaduct; lias' taken ; charg ; & of- that -wor-ky-'whiahv it, is espbeted,,.wilj be pushed on more expe.ditiously. ..... The muddy condition of the Taruheru bridge m 1?eel atreet m wet weather and,: the nuisah&e' and ' annoyance caused to pedestrians by tne splajshing caused by horse traffic, referred' to m our columns, was raised at the:,Cpuncil meeting last; night hy Cr Wade y and the matter was; referred to the Borough , to devise a remedy. ■ Judgment : by 'default wa_s given for' plaintiff m the' following civil cases at the Magistrate's Court' this niornihg by the Hon. Captain Tucker arid Mr A." H. Wallis, J.'sP. :— Helen Gartshore (Mr Burke) v. Robert Erskihe, £12. and costs £1 10s 6d 5 Hill McGowan (Mr A. T. Coleman) y.. Alfred Jones, £1 17s 6d, and costs ss. t A", number of other cases were struck out. , ■ ■■ ■ • ■ ' To-day the Christchurch Press celebrates its jubilee, the first number having been published on May 26th,' 1861. When the first number of the Press was issued, there were no .railways m New Zealand, no telegraph lines, no gaslights. One or two small steamers were m Xew Zealand waters, but. as a rule, coasting trips were usually made m small soiling craft. A run of three days 19 hours from Sydney brought 5 the Maheno to Auckland at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning. Fine weather was experienced through-, out. The best run for a single day was 348 miles. Passing Cape Maria van Diemen shortly after 5 o'clock on Saturday evening, 'the Maheno -accomplished the distance from that point' to port m less than 15 hours. When the estimates were under consideration at the Borough Council meeting last night, the question of placing a sum on the estimates' 'to provide for storm-water drainage was mooted. ,It was pointed out that a Joan would be necessary for this* work: The Borough Engineer is to report later on as to what is required m the way of stormwater drainage, m view of raising a loan. ' .' A young man named Frederick Watson, alias Leary, was, at the Police Court this morning, before the Hon. Captain Tucker and Mr A. H. Wallis, J.'sP., convicted of drunkenness for the fourth time within six months, and was aeviteiAced to 14 days' hard \abov. On w further charge of procuring liquor whilst prohibited, he was remanded until the return of the 'Stipendiary. Magistrate. A first offender, for drunkenness, was ordered to forfeit his bnil, 10s. '(In Tuesday evening next there is to be a limelight larltefn entertainment m Holy Trinity Schoolroom, under the auspices of the Church of England Men's Sdciety. The Rev. H. T. Rawnsley is to tell the. story of his life and travels m the South Sea Islands. Mr Rawnsley, who holds a master mariner's certificate, spent some considerable time m the South Seas, and has many a thrilling story to tell of the times of the riots of the Shirley Baker days. A beautiful collection of original photo graphic slides will be shown with a powerful limelight' lantern. There will, be musical items during the\ evening. As the outcome of a meeting bf residents of Kh'ktown and Mangapapa, held' last night to consider the question of an efficient drainage system m that district, a' deputation 1 consisting of Messrs Grif-' ten, McCliskie, '-Clayton, Grnndy, Hay, Hodge, Buckley; Nossiter, Smith, Slight, Ingram, and Bell was appointed to wait on the Cook County Council to-morrow, and place the matter before that body, with the view of getting the proposal initiated. Mt J. Griffen said .-he would provide a .-_' brake to convey . r 'the jCoimeiljors/to the locality, so. thai they could! inspect it.. ■'••..: . , : \ .[ • * ;H. '

A movement on toot at I'atutuhi I" aiTMiigc ■vvool-soitiny ulassos is meetinjr with much favoi 1 . Messrs .NFalcolm dnd (.'«.. hold their weekly Kriday auction sale to-morrov at 11 a.m.. as advertised. The Satur day produce sale and sale of furniture will be held as usual. Mr VV, P. Sanford's exliibition of pictures at Messrs V. S. Malcolm and Co.'s. mart is at present one Of the attractions of (Jisborne, and large, numbers are taking advantage of the opportunity of seeing some; of the most artistic work yet exhibited m Gjaborne. The auction sale is advertised for Tuesday next. The watery condition of portions of 'Kaiti recently wa* referred to by* Ci'. Pettie at the Borough Council meeting" last uijiht. and it was decided to write, to the Cook County Council, requesting' that body to take' steps to stop a recurrencH of the trouble by attending to the deLautour road drain, the stoppage of whicli was .said to be the catisp: of the trouble. Last night C'r Sawyer referred to the street, lamp that had been authorised for Cook street, but as the gas liad not been connected, it' was agreed, to leave the matter until the electrical lights were installed..'.. Cr Darton alsp mentioned that the residents were willing to provide -a lamp for Stout, street; near Sheehan street if the Goiincil would pro-, vide the lighting. It was decided to, grant the request. . .....',., , A, motor 'show on a large Scale is to be held m Sydney-. ne#t- : : October. The venue 'will be the Agricultural Grounds, and already twenty .firms engaged m the motor and allied trades have signified their intention of exhibiting. In other parts of the world motor shows are now an important annual fixture, of great interest to the pubjic and. assistance tb the trade, and there is no doubt that there is roohn for similar exhibitions in* this country. ' Last evening the employers and employes of Messrs W. Pettie and do., Limited, assembled to bid farewell to Mr C. S. Hanes, who. after 11 years' service with the firm, is paying a. visit to his home m England. Mr Hftnes was the recipient of a handsome silver: salver from the firm- and employes, and a case of pipes from Mr Wm. Pettie. Mr Pettie., m making the presentations, spoke m very high terms of Mr Hanes, and the high esteem m which he .was 1 held by both employers and employes, and fished both Mrs' Hanes and himself a pleasant voyagV Hottie and it. safe return.' Messrs W. Green, W.. Lewis, W R. Clarkson. A. Cruikshdnks', and K. S. Goldsmith also made eulogistic reference to .' Mr Hanes.; , who suitably responded. ■'■ ) ■ , '■ | - The promoters of the Gisborne branch of the Overseas Glub desire to states that, the official papers in' cdnnection with the formation of a rifle dlub Under the X^w Zealand defence scheme have come to hand, and * enrolment of merai bers is ; now ' proceeding.: All . interested m rifle shooting are; invited to attend, the next meeting of the club on -Wednesday, May 31st, full particulars of which will be advertised later. .The mpve-' ment being s6 vital to the best Interests and defence of tlie - Dominion, it is expected that there will be a. large attendance. There will /be m> charge for admission, and the \ eie'c'utive hope by making the subscription for members as nominal as possible to' induce % large membership, and thereby make the Gis-, borne branch a powerful* one and worthjr of a proud position m the annals of the' Overseas Club. An awkward mishap occurred at Bluff upon the trawler Nile during repairing operations to her boilers. . The occurrence indicated -the fact tliat engineers are apt to expand just as much when hented as the baser ; metals which they manipulate. An engineer had entered the boiler manhole to repair a bolt, but made his entry while * the receptacle was warm, with the result that the heat soon acted upon him, making him expand. He was m consequence unable to get out at the conclusion of his work. He made n violent endeavor to wriggle ,<>ut, but was unsuccessful, and he had to; strip and be hosed, with cold water before he was m a fit state to emerge at ,the aperture. A similar instance occurred a short time ago at the' Ocean Beach freezing works, when a man expanded so much that he got stuck m the manhole, and.' -had to remain m that awk\vard predicament fdr some considerable time. '„ The adjourned meeting of theßofoiigh Council occupied six hours last night. Two hours- were taken up with discuss-^ ilrig the question of committees; the^i the Council went into -committee, and considered the sewerage And.- other, tenders for another two hoursj 'and for the remainder p'f v the ni^eti^g the estimates, were under " consideration: - 'The Council rose at 1.30. The Mayor (Mr W. D. Lysn'ar) occupied ■ the; chair for the first time after* the i-ec'eilt operation for the removal of his left eye, and » when, he retired at 11 p.m., aftef-3£ hours' fairly! .heavy work, he showed sign* of fatigue. "I certainly don't feel ' any better after last night,' r remarked the Mayor to-day ,, "but still it has ..nqt affected r .me so much, ns I thpughij it would.". Mb Lysnar said he "wa.^goftigW'keep quiet today,; so as to be able to. attend _the. adjourned! meeting of the Council to-night for a short time, to consider the sewerage; tenders. At present he does not in-' tend to do .any committee work, excepting 1 m the • matter; oi . going into the general administration, to which committee he hoped ta'-'give" sdm'e assistance. A thorough inspection 6£ thd drainage operations on the .'Hauraki Plain* was made by the Under-.Secretfl.ry of Lands (Mr W- CV Kensingt6n)S Mr Kehsing-; ton informed,, a Post- reporter that he' had devoted particular attention to the new works, which luid been initiated for the purpose' of opening ..up; an area of land, near the Whakahora block, lying between ; that block and the junction of th.c W^itoa ' arid Piakp rivers. The land, he/ said, is of exceptional quality, and will well repay t'he cost of 'the works now m progress. 1 'It' is hoped that v considerable area of this block will be thrown -open for selection m areas of about 100 acres edrlyfnext summer. There is another block of exceptioiially good quality near Waihaka, and he made a thorough inspection of it. A considerable portion of it will probably be thrown open .for selection next autumn. Mr Kensington also made a careful examination 1 of all the other works connected with the di-diriage of this large ar^a of land, and reports, that the whole of the operations nave been mos& successful. The engineer m charge (Mr J. B. Thompeon) deserves great credit for the way m which he*, has carried out the work. 'As fo thei area, already opened , fof selection, the Under-Secretary of Lands states that 1 the land has been completely linwatered, settlers' houses are going up m every direction, and all the settlers are quite satisfied with their prospects. . While thfe Union* V S.& Conipany/s steamer Manapouri was m Suva, Mr H : McCormack, chief engmeei df the ship/, lost : his life. At 4 o'clock' one afternoon 'the chief enginee'r>' m company' with Chief Officer. Kendall, \vns.inspecting, the air ihiots i'^ the- 'tween, 'tt^cKS. As they were 'walking -along, the 'tweeh : deck towards No. T hc^ld, .Mf.,'Ke,h'dail was called bacfc by one > of the, otheu offi-, cers, and Mr McCormack went on alone. Mr Kendal^ having finished hi* business with the o,'ther ofyjeei' wefit fbl;ward again to- join the chief engineer m the ipspebtioo, ,but could . no^ find him. He returned along " the' 'tween decks, and asked if anybody had seen' him, but he had not been seen by anyone. Mr Kendall thought his disappearance strange. Oil looking down into No. 1 lower hold he whs shocked to see •Mr McCormack lying at the bottom. The presumption is that m walking forward he tripped over -some slight obstruction, and fell d,own the open hatchway, a drop of some 22ft. Dr Stibbe was at once summoned, but Mr McCormack 1 was. unconscious. He was. conveyed to the Colonial : Hospital, buti never regained consciousness, and ,expired at 8 o'clock that Death was due to severe concussion of the brain. One of his wrists was also broken. [ Mr H. McCormack was born m Scotland 37 years ago, and leaves m .Sydinejwa wadovtr, and twp' $hildr.en,. ithe elde);;,diSly about six yearA of/age, to mourtt' tjf^ir ■Jp»s. ,_. ■ ' <;'?;■ V.- / •■ :; '.■.•.':' Vj.. -v_-.. v r,s^-

The popular holiday session will be held at the skating rink to-night, when the band will be m attendance and the two toboggans m use, and the* full staff of the rink on' ' 'du'tv. v ' *" * " "

■' f :* Captain Beere has received orders 'to parade Hie hifantry and..senior cadets on Saturday, June- 3rd, at H »,m,., for inspection .by 'the;.- general ioffiew ' commanding NeAv Zealand defence forces. The- attention pf member* of H Oon> jwny- is directed tbaiv order m -tlMs issue.... -■ . . , : y , ~^f ■ x ■■'■- •'■ "t[K . A Very successful gathering' of c • tjie Orrriond Guih Club' trtfs J heJ6 yesteittay afternoon, a bori€ 20 m&nb'erS' being jWesent. A tfas shot f6r ; cbtfip'Hs- • ing a. bridle, being yftjjii -by '^Ir 1 "*. McKenzie, M«dsrs A. .. PafsWns- and 'vW> Edwards tieing fov second pla^eYtTlfcftfe werie. seven other competitor^. 'The' pTfc Kentaiidn of the trophy 'was liiade «6y Mr Persons to -the winner m a ; f«w-.rfp^ propriate remarks, and Mf McKenstte made suitable response: : ■ ' ;.'■■» *?'>< A; petition is to. be sent to Parliament during the coming session by^ Ideal veterans, praying that, some iecognitfon be. given those who were 'engaged fh.aclive service against the hostile, iMfcoiis during the earlyi settlement. day^B ojvtafl Dominion. It is ..suggested, that a special military pension of 10s per we^k^shAulii be granted to all bpna .fide, yker|nl. Reference" is made m. the\ peititi6n.^bjtte fact j;hat nothing has. been heard of i|ie ehjqiur ies made |>y" ifo - Magistrate a-baut a year ago. JMr .J; Brooking ;jsobtaui> ing the signatures to. the pejtitibh^pf^ll old veterans. . '...,'••' '.',.'' ''U P ■%. '■',- \.. The contract for the 1 constructibri •;- of the Quebec . bridge ■ has been a warded rtp the St. Lawrence Bridgfc Co. j .Montreal, on its own design; The structure will be for purely railway purposes,' but will also have two 4ft walks, for pedestrians. The /estimated cost Is £1,730;00i0,,: The company, which was formed fey stockholders of the v DomtnioTiV^fia^e Co., ..Montreal, and the Canadian fridge Go., Waterville, depbsited Wth Wi^^pverhment £259,000 as security., It' is proposed to return £5p;0Q0: to theVProvmcfe of Quebec arid £6b,Qoo'; ! to thfe City of Quebec, being the J amounts'; subsidies. to the driglnrfl bridjge scherni?: . It appears th^t a TeWitot-iallisj^^x-empt from service os ,i a- jurtur.-' -*ih» point was , l-aised ,at Chtfistohur,qh,c aim George B. Evans .was absolvedtfijbni advice on; the. groiind .that- ty>. was a'rT^ftitorial. Mr Stringer, K.C., quoted Section 10 of the. Defence ryAct, which provides thai all meipjbej?9 of, the, Defence Force, except membecs, of, defe^c^ rjfle chibß, ai;e absolved frpoj'ser^'in^oii.jJSi'ies. Mr", Justice Dehnitson tsaid the provision , had sijtjply been pht ih iian indulgence,, but it. Had- the feffe,et ojf robbing, them of. tlife. beat jtiefLpnUhfe jury. The. names, of TerritohW Ayeb on «"• J«ry list, ahd sb, \ypuVd . lead tp trodble and cohfußip-h, and, the" tesuft .would j b«f that they Wdurd' ■$,% -Msjth e?ou^h men to serve pin jitßes.'

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12464, 25 May 1911, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12464, 25 May 1911, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12464, 25 May 1911, Page 4


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