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His Honor Judge Jones 'leaves for the Coast .to-morrow on Native Land Court business. v The rainfall at Tangihanga, Te Arnroa, for May was 10.82 inches, days with rain. 16, maximum faJl 1.89in on the 22nd, "It ib. a -well-known fact thnt men lire v«ry much like sheep/ 1 stated counsel at the, Court this morning; "what one man does the othev.s , will generally 'follow." It Wfls. stated" that the man Robert Gillespio, who <x>mmittecl ' suicide at Patufalu on Friday, cume from Rflngioni. Such, however, is not the case, a Christchurch paper remarks, the , man never being a, resident oPtlmt town. t *TW f l oiloSV t i!i^' been a<lde<l. to th 6 telephone eXchiiiig*, : - 566 T. Bart'ett, Muriwai (two lohg rings) ; 551 A. i), Funlkner, Wairakaia (thiree long rings) ; s£l. fl. >S. Kemp, Muriwai (four i long ring*). ;, 556 ,T. K. Morgan, Mtiri^i. (three Jong rings), , . i ,■

' 'Ihe Mntawhero stock sales will be held to-morrow. ' Redstone and uSons' iCoast coaches all leave to-morrow at 6.30 a.m. The (Government ha,&. decided to provide a ward at the Wellington Hospital for the treatment of patients Buffering from tlelirum tremens. Mr K. P. Joyce, who has been' ill since his return* from Te Aroha some weeks ago, is now steadily recovering, although it will be some time before he ran relax precautions against a relapse. "A Night with the Poets" was the item set down on the syllabus of the V.M.C.A. Literary and Debating Society for last night. There avhs a fair .attendance of members and visitors, the president, Rev. W. Lamb, being m the chair." Mt, C. G. Bloore was responsible for the ■evening's entertainment, and a pleasant time was spent m discuf=ping the various poets. v The annual meeting of. the Titirangi Itond Board was held yesterday afternoon m the Cook County Council Chambers; Present :" Mies-si's J. W. Nolan (chairman) and W. Bell. The Board's balance-sheet! disclosed a credit balance in 'the" bank of £83 6s 7d. . The sum of £34a8s, was] passed for the Huka road, -and £5 for Wheatsfcone road- It was decided to applj\'tb the Cook County- Council for iissistunce to metal the roads. 1 :y .', ' The Gisbotne Sheepfarmers' Frozen Miaat Company yesterday reached the equivalent of 400,000 carcases of mutton slaughtered for the season. This is more than double the .Quantity killed iast ; season, and there, is still a month's work to -'go. A satisfactory feature of this large handling is that nothing but; marketable stock ha^r been sent m. In no yeitr has the company had such a satisfactory account asv,to the mutton and lamli exported as it has had this season from London. «i!

The Makauri spinsters held a. most enjoyable gathering last evening ; lh Harper's hall, it proved a great success. Over 30 couples participated. Music was supplied by Misses' Smith and Habgood -'and •Mr Martin* ex#r,a.s by Misses 'Wootton and Jotvea and! %■ Mastexton. Supper wai* m; the capable hands of Mr S. Wobtton. Mir .SET.- .Ritchie kindly , officiated as 3>L Cv. Dancing . was kept up till an early hour this morning, everyone having thoroughly enjoyed, themselves. Mtich credit is due to the ladies, committee for the successful gathering.' ; On Thursday morning, at Ashhurst: was celebrated 'the marriage of Mr.'Avthin- Clare, son of Mr Banrnel Clare, formerly a resident of t Palmefston, but how of Giftoorhe, and Miss vVdu ; Ck V«iitieir;. youngest , daughter of Mi's C L." Vaulter, of .; OPalirieMon, and v of the late MV'\PhilipVautier. The bride was attended by he* three , little niece* Dora /Port; Ethel 'Hart,; and Cathie Vautier. After the ceremony a large number of guests were entertained at, the residence of Me; Wm. Port, Pohangina Road. .■■•Mi" and Mrs Arthur Clare, will Uvo at Gisborne* v A staff ride of all the officers ofthe mounted forces m the Wellington xMiliiary £}istvict was held at Palmersfcon North on .Sunday under the direction 'of (Colonel Bauchop, who was accompanied by his adjutant, Major >MocE>onafd 4 'A total, of between 30 and 40 officers took ■part/a.nd the plan of campaign was discussed at ;C meeting.-- The special idea /was that a Blue force of 1500 had landed at Foxton, and was Advancing, on Palmerston, while a Bed Wee was pppdsing the raiders. The consequent operations were on Fitzherbert Hills* and occupied all day. They were regarded ■«» a sue-, cess, and are intended to be the first o f a series.- '\r • : ' . '■■ ' .; . ' : - ,.,- - :

The Native Health. Department has, as was anticipated would bo the case (states the Wellington Post), come under the retrenchment scheme of lh& : Government, and is to be ■'' ftbolinhed. Dr Pomare, v N«tive Health' Officer, who has occYipied that position since the establishment ; of the Department hi' 19(00, will retire , I roin the service m a,' few weeks, and the ten sanitary inspectors will .receive notice of retirement ve.ry shortly^ It'.isUprqbablov' that Aiier concluding his connection with the departrnenfyoi Pomare will take a, trip home prior to starting pratetice on his own accputit. ;phder the appropriations /or. the Public Health Department last year the following items appear :— Health Officer to Maoris (also Maori Sunitary Department, £100), £415; AssistantNativti Health Officer, £350; salaries for medical officers to natives (paid by the Public Trustee through Health Depattmenfcj, £,364;, administration ,of Native Medical and Health Service, £609 B;

Iri, ,tl^e course of a. lecture at Christchurch, Mr Clement Wragge ptfid an entlttisujstic tribute tef Professor Bickertbn, who /pTOmulguted the ftieory of partial iihiipact. -."'^dr Wragge wasVtelling of ah imaginary conversation betVeen an angel and a Hindoo chUd^, Syho Svas s&eking Truth, and the angel, referred to Professor Bickerton'si theory,, "I see i man who went to England seven years ago>" Mr Wragige made the angel say, "and pi ; 6pounde9* the' theory of impact— a, man wiw) lived m XcM r Zealand, in 'a cathed: ral city, where the people did not urid(br:stand him and laughed at nim and ridiculed him. But; now the great astronoriwjrs of. Piurope and America are hfthd; m haiid with Bickerton and accept the truth and actuality of the law. Pro fessor: Bick^rton's dictuni is true. The time ;vrill come-^-B i ckerton has N 1 ived f a hiuidred years before his- time-^ the time will come when that cathedral city will erect a - monument- to his , memory. Honor ■: to Bickerton ! . Honor where honor ;is' due ! Tlie people of Christ' church wilr erect a monument to tell those who shall come after tlint ( a man named Bickerton ; lived there. "

An, extraordinary motor accident, which yiyidly , iUußttat<xl • the enormous force accruing from the --impact of a moving motoi' ear^ occurred near recently (says \h& A|je). Jt appeal's that a car wiw travelling along the- thorpjijghfare, near the int^r«ection of; Montgomery street,; ami that. Mr George Irish* of Victoria, parade, ■who wits- thriving, was attempting 'to pa«s an electric tram car which, was going m the same direction. A buggy was then met coming the other wa.y\ and simultaneously a r Jad: named Gregory Davis emerged oir a bicycle from Montgomery street, which funs nearly at right angles to Mount Alexander road. lil endeavoring to avoid a collision 'Mf J Irish took his car tod much on the side of the road, and with n. 'crash like A loud explosion, the front of the motor struck, ''-a heavy telegraph pole, 'measuring some 2ft pin in*. circumference. The pole was hit .about 2ft front the ground, and the massive pillar of' solid timber snapped in /two pieces about* 7ft, higher up. The ! upber portion of the pole was left hanging by the Syires^ ,Mr Irish was hurled for wHrd by the force 'of the impact, ajid ho fell through the glass shield out on io the rdadway, the glass breaking the for ctf of his fall. . A' large' gathering of friends met yes-' terday afternoon* m the Poverty Bay Turf Club's /rooms, m the Masonic hotel building, to wish success and prosperity to the. genial Mv Herbert DeCostu, on the his departure ioV.;W«Uington to/ enter the bonds of matrimony. Mr R. Johnston, who was elected chairman- proposed the toast to the guest (Mr'DeCosta), and a .good fellow, who had ahv'ays been,, willing and ready to give a helping Hartd for the benefit of the town, and whose genial personality had gained him many friends. .The toast '■was.- enthusiastically responded ' to with musical hohors and cheers. The health of the 'prospective bride (Miss K. Cohen) was also honored. The chairman then called on DeCosta to accept on behalf. , .of his .many friends ft case of handsome cutlery and a pocket wallet. Mr DeCosta feelingly responded, mid returned thanks; for their kind remarks and their handsome presents. Speeches were also made by Messrs F. Hall, H. E. Maude, G. K. Pasley, J. Colley, T. AdamsL J. F. Pettie; E. W. l3urton, A. Murray, W. J. Hennessy, I<\ J. Teat, C. Adair. and W.: L.Clayton, endorsing the clmirman's sentiments mid . .; wishing Mr de.Gostij. and his future wife every happiness. .'; T;hc ioa«t of the press Was priJposed v by Mr A. M. Puflett and duly .responded to; Mr^A. Itees proposed a' toast to Mr X Hall, proprietor of the Masonic hotel, of^i wJiom -he spoke ; very -highly. The tpiist 'was i received with enthusiasm, and Mr Hull briefly replied.

. Mrs Mm-tin, wife of J. (3. MnrtinV formerly a. judge of the SnprOmt Court, has hee_n gi-antjed a divorce. if , { „»» Rij>e strawberries have j'ecently been picked m Ivketahunn, having been grown outside* '•■''' . ; Tlw MaVine Department wa» advwed on Saturday that the. Government steamer Hinemoa was anchored rifear j?a*t Cape, but it was too rough to effect a landing at the lighthouse. . „ On a charge of disorderly: behaviour while, drunk, m Lowe istreet, yesterdjfe', i man. named John. Thomson was, at^^ me Police Court this morning, fined lO» : a/nti •rosts 2s, m default '48 hours' hird labor. ■ Thanks to the generous oßei* f>t[^v Studihdlme, of Oanterbtlrv, 6M the; pob-lic-«pifited donations of local cittaens, \the establishment <St a Ohair of Domestic Science m tlie^Otago tJniversitv is *yip- . tually assured. Close on JBoOpiias^bfeivJl subscribed. locally &» An nnminl donrf'JUjan for a period of * three years. '. yf-, Mr F. Vouhg/ town cletk; Oore,.ltoß tedeived the following letter from i\iir Carnegie's' private secretary : *'.Mr ;*Oh,rnegde ha-s how authorised *'hi« ' cashier, Mr "B. A, F.ranks, Home JTn»st,(3tt|npany,,Hoboken,j^ew Jersey, to, arrange payroentis ion library building at i.(3^ji& as, woi'k progrea*e.s t<>:, the ext^itt.vipf £2000 sterling." . , . v.^ ; , The Maherio'fi turbine, which, has tbden taken out at Dunedin, ,wa« fouhdWn{.;^3tamination to have been badly' stripped, fully a dozen rings of rofcbr blad^, sdi about 25 per- centi, having been >s£rip■ped% and their replacettient will- b_e -a .idelicate and tedious job. The turbineiMha* been removed to the dock machine-shop, .where it wall be repaii^ed. ' It is stated^ by the Auckland ;HeraJtt that the Marine -Bepai'tment hfls-.aAwd the Auckland City Council t*> cori^i^r the mitter of the. oatablishment oif a«fl»h raarkeb nn the ; city. The Wbrks . Gfemmittee .■considers that the Harbor 3Ntrd L<9 the best^ body to undertake tK^ren,|iferprise,.:a}s ■th© suggested! |, site on tltelo)^shoro is without the pity boundary^V.^n the meantime no restrictiorl . .i8 l -£a^-pa placed m the way of-. «treet-hawJ^r||i . ', Mt Allan Hamilton seems to -haV&jiit the Wellington public,!with hia stttffiftg of "In the Ranks" m" ? that city. • .' 'i'ho Wellingtoa Times -say*!' "The. -feature of the production wtis the. i?cenery;,an(l . the geheral mounting of the piece. ,« .JfotliivOg finer tin* ever been pl«ce« on. jthe^r Wellington stage tlian thift - scenic pictures of ']>ingley Woody' 'The ViUageiUhuPC^f and' the revolving Kcerie. Thege:,^!)^ painting.'? -vvorthy of tlie ■''" greatest 1 --.Vof scenic urtistsi" t"he -company opett,,:in. (jisborne on the* 30th inst. i t , -tiv.

- othe* schemes of ecotiomyv;,in (ixov^rrihient Depavtments, it is p*bi>o|^d to charge officers m .reaidental edntttfy post offices a l'ellt&l m f viturfei In* Vbierihg : hw-opihion on. ty matter; ,% ; (xJtiAtry postal, official stated that, WMh'.'tt/tfi^f house, he felt tha,t if «ny "perfto'h HvilSg some distance away came to "do bUßitiesij oiit of. office hours, he . f6lt' unde)* Mil obligation to attend t<) that person; ,lf he was to pay a rent; howevei'j h6 W^iiitt' consider that obligation removed; \antt decline to do buKineps oiit of office htt*ni<»» 'One thing wliifcH stiuck Mi" Zo^i|li; Christchurch ln«pectbiv of the. $6'cieiy for the Prevention of ;| Cruelty .. to " Aftimals, during his recent visit to ' Sydney, was the fact that tho society m .t^he capital rcity of ,the Statb -receiveß,^*ttlistantiai- subsidy from |he GoyernineAfi 'liie.idea is one whicli, -he > thinks, sliould be brought under the ijolict of th© ,N6w Zealand Government. ;Mr .ZoticK %aY also impcessed with the nrrarigemeiit'^fpr h'andingi'.oyer _to the Sy|ltiey wt'iety StAl the fines' imposed m caj^es of. cruelty.' to animals. ' : ' ■ ■', , v Among majiy curious stories whichvthe Rev. A. J. Wade had to tell, in a let-hire At Dunediu on the wurk of'-'DrrGtaii-fell, of Labrador, perhaps, tho inofct curious concerned, the )iame-.of a ttibfe descended from the original Hndfibti's Bay traders, nnd known ias ntlie ' 'Livyere. ' ' This , name 1 they, owed '; fcq A reply', ofice made by one of their iiijin: ber to A traveller who v;i sited^thetWv vTho traveller asked, "Wher l^ do yovt live?" and the answer ,cantG,' "l-,live :yerej'>' and ever since these pleople had^ . gone by this name. •■■'"•.' i';- ;^ -'■-■- ";■!

Mr T. ; W. Kirk, gist, delivered a Jectuice ji>n "Insect v P«st«. and Fungus Diseases" bi&rore i-li'e ifl^tf^ cultural. Society at Dunikliri. The. ''WA-'~*~ turer jx)inled out that ihe Ant rodilctibn of ladybirds had averted a loss df' £1,000,000 at leiist by destroying' ihe ( bluegum blight. He'aJso pointed _ .out' that the gardens, etc., c*-f the/ De-minioii covered 1 an area of 48,572 acres, ari^'i^fe ' estimated lows from insect pests off ecliiig these_.was J8384.000 per|. annum,' Tlu*e fignres ahowecl the impjbrtance of j'tnd. subject. ,-'■'.-!'!• ',' - ; v ■'■•- , Counter lunches m this : bars of ' Hol^ ls were condemned by the phalmers Liceh* siri& Committed *on Friday. The chairman infQTmed a man whd made anappli-' . catk>A -for the Tenevrol of hip ' license , that 'the committee dftsifred him .to soy thttt it- Wished this practice stbpped! : At - .a later stag^ Mr J. C; Stepheriß risked if the committee by this declarofidn meant also thaJt-it objected •to bisouit« Mid chtlege being on h^tel bars; Mr Widdowsbn, S.M., sfgh^fied that • thrtt w«o the unanimous wish! of the committee.' "The committee desires that counter lunches -be discontinued," he said, "and the police- are. asfc^d to see. from tim« to time that this is iiven effect to." i "How do you do?*' wlis the gre^tirig officially given , to a. professedly ha-tu-raUsed Chinese »übjec^ the\deck of the Nastern at Melbourne 'the ot-ner.fliy; "Forty," was the absujtdly irrel^yiajiit answer. -"What part of )!■ China.,'., do .ypja • ,00me..-frocm." I .iniqjuii:ed the onicei> v bent on > givipg, the Celestial a; further tliahce to^proye the p| his naturjnii-, satiort ' pap^c. '; "Forty," | -was again, th* ansM'er. "H^ow old are ■ you ?" was th^ third inteiTOgalion, and tlje answer cAIiW, ■as before, .'^oity." ■ "]i'm," reflect^ti the .Secretary io^ Eitermtl Affairs, wh<v had been fllkiigtlia role of grdnd iiwuisitor t6 sating of the wojuld-be. C.thinese' immigrants on J;he . sWamer, "If you had been asked the ihivd qu^tion only yoil miglit Mve been all richC" . This lifctle comtdy, Av ; ith certain fvdditionß v and,repetitions, resulted m six oat of 10 Chin«f*/ who .had arrived m Viciorlii. en rputb for' Hobart,.with ; what •piirported to be natuinlisatioir papers, ,b*?ing {promptly . sent bnelr. on the vessel. ',':_ . .

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11872, 9 June 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11872, 9 June 1909, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11872, 9 June 1909, Page 4


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