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The meeting of the Abercorn Lodge, adrcrtised for to-night, will not l»tke place, the advertisement last evening having been inadvertentlj r inserted.

\Ye have been asked to apologise on behalf of the Children's Home Committee for the shortness of the programme on Sunday night, several of the singers being indisposed, and to thank those who so generously assisted. At a meeting of the Makaraka. Cemetery Trustees yesterday afternoon it was decided to erect a cottage at the ceme. tery, for the sexton. It was mentioned that trespassers had been damaging the pi-operty. By the sexton residing on the spot it is hoped to stop further damage. Tlie trustees, remarked upon the good order m which tlie cemetery was being ypt. - . v ■■-■_: According to some of . the leading grocers of Petone, near Wellington, who were questioned^ on the matter by a Post representative, the innovation of tli-ei early closing houTs is proviiig a sucbos^. It Js better for themselves, they sa'yi and causes no inconvenience to 1 the bulk of the shopping public, On Saturday evening, when all the shops closed at 9 o'clock sharp ■; instead of haM-past 9 and later, the takings, did notiaUjjelow the average. The customers^ it was a<i,ded?, had accepted the neyr system withont much murmuring, only a few isolated complaints ha^'ing, been made." ' Mr W. Johnson,',-' M. -P., speaking at the Newington Reform Club, .told "'an amusing story - respecting the Children Act, wliich prohibits the taking, of ; h> fants into hotels. At : Bedworth » , man went into a publicHou^e, leaving. his 'wife outside with ft .baby m her arms; A policeman came up and to^d her srie was not to take the child inside, The woman replied, "It is only fom i: months old; feel the weight of it." The policeman took the child m his arms, and the woman bolted into the- publichouse, leaving the con stable as the guardian' of the child. ' \ At a meeting of V.M.C.A. members ,last night, it was decided to. form a chib for\ carpet bowls, and to affiliate with ■tlifi Scottish CaTpet Bowling Association, of whiclr Mr J. Johnston, whi> was appointed secretary 1 , was for son>e time. Messrs C. Rosie and C. de I^aiitbur . were appointed a committee to assfet : the secretary , m the management of tb* club. The subscription was' fixed at 6d per month. It was decided to arrange for a match witli the local bowling;. clubs. , After the meeting a four^ $idqd match, skipped by, Messrs Joluistoii and Adair, Avas played, and evoked great . interest; The game of carpet bowls* Ik evidently appealing to, other Associations, for the general secretary (Mr C. R. Webster) has been written to by the ChrißtchuTch Y.M.C;A,, askjtlg for information about the game, having seen it mentioned m the last edition of the local V.M.C.A. Monthly.

The Sydney University undergraduate^ had another "night-out" at the Criterion Theatre recently! They assembled m force in 'the gallery, and practically took charge.'' of the place before the performance, began. Their peculiar sense of , humor . they exhibited ,by throwing; the, ..vile r smelling > lassafpetida. about the place, and employing .the toy known us the "thrown" down." This is . a detonator, : and, of course,, the . effect upon the nerves of Miiy timid' person >vhen - it is exploded m a. ■ theatre may be iiqagined; One y^tith, throwing a,,de : tonator of this k»nd, struck it girl m the forehead. Finally; iho display "of hoodlumism became so pronounced that several person left the theatre. The management had to intervene, with the result that .the two or'; three responsible for the disturbance were expelled. All this occurred practically before tho\ performance began, and the drama was allowed to proceed m _Deacej , t % Tlie nwimbers of the Borough Council made another country tour to-day, paying a visit to Kaitarutalii for I lie purpose of testing the locomotive! crane, and from there proceeding on to Waihircre to inspect the stone quarries. A drag JJetf t town about 9.20 with the Mayor (Mr W. D. Lysnar)j Grs Smith and barton, Messrs R. I>. B. Robinson (Town .Clerk), M. Mbrgan 1 (Overfeeer), W. R. Gardner (engineerjj Mr; W. F. Crawford, and n Herald representative. . Crs Pet'tie, Someryell. Mayhard joined the party at Kaitaratahi. A test was made- of jthe machinery, and as far as the macWihe « concerned, satisfaction was expre&jfed, Crs Pettie and Daftoh spying they <wero satisfied -and believed the' crane •Would do the work specified. It wfts not. being tested to take tlie trucks^ to hoppers, for which Work horses are fined. Theywquite approved ;t>f payment. The question as to whether v 3olb rails vvere too ; light Was discussed, some Councillors thinking it preferable to have 401 b rails and squared sleepers. When, opening ilr W. Dyson's cxlii bition of caricatures m Melbourne last week; Mr G.H.Re;id took his hearers into his confidence. "From a very early age," he confessed,; I 'Vf'w r asanx : ioua when I entered public life tha.t gentlemen like Mr Dyson should have ■every opportunity of •enabling the public to recognise the identity of the aitist'p efforts. (Laugjiter.) Thit was the only ». reason why I wore an eye-glass, (Roars of laughter.) That was my assiqfanco to tli^ artists of Australia. : I regret to cay thsit this' generosity has .sometimes had ; painful results. Hero is ;f I text of Scripture — ai; least I am not quite sure whether it is ; Scriptural, but it is go<>d «nough to be—^ 'How sh^i-per; than ,'a serpent's tooth it is. to haVe a thankless child. ' That game -.back ■'•■to' me with flash one morning when my little boy of 'three appeared' with a picture, m a- newspaper, which is ijiterefstmjj: oiily m its pictorial efforts. (J>aught©'r.) Putting before me a triumph, of ■disjointed defamation, my little boy saicl to "me. 'Daddy, that's yipu.' I asked my little boy, ai> you make that but ?'■ "Why,* be 1 said , 'there's youf eye-glass.'" '

When Miss, Tittell Brtine appeared for the last time m Sydney; before going tb : London, the -theatre was crammed, and ft play4r has seldom ore* ceived such an ovation m Sydney as was given to Miss Bi'une. She was called U the ' footlights N> again .and again, • abd \vap -fairly over^vhelmed wifih bouq,uetl l&t 'down 'from thb roof, thrown Iron; the , gallery, v himde'd Irom' the stills. : A girl ! -in the 'stalls stood up and made * shbrib. sppech, \Viehing Miss Brune lucfc oh behalf ol <tho audience. . Miss Bruh( was obviously affected when.fihe replied "I don't* think .any words of mine ' car UJi you what the past: five years have been* to nw, the five,; yeara that I have spent m this countiT' of my- affections. I«or it Is like home ty> me. I thank ybii, thank yon all for your kind appreciation. I am going to Lbridon, where I- hope to be succeaslul; \and if I am I' promise you I" will btirig my succest homo here to yoiv" . After speaking oi the .kindness of -Mr, and his partners to ' her, Mifs, Btig^e; : 'said A%-' ' Al though I hav*e not kiiowii ' Mrs' Brou^l] a> lpng • as , sorne ,of you have, yet^ affei the time yte h^p hdted together, I shnll never ', i'brget Nthe" privilege, it lias beeii to know her.','. -Miss ■' 3r\m,e . ,Bl the\ other members • of" the , jind at last, her voice breaking many times before she finished^ sHe said :— -"To all my friends— known arid, uii^nown^to all the deniv girl friends who liave been so kind and tip appreciative —to you, kind all, I \yish . every pbssibjc happiness. God bless you all ; God bless you." At present, when' matters of national defence are of more than a passing interest, no play is attracting more atteiftibii _and, perhaps, criticism, than '"An ll^riglishmnn's Home," nb\y being performed at Wyndham's i Theatre. The Gramophone Company have issued foui splendid, reqorda,, giving m detail; the most- impressive" portions rtf. this absorbing drama. Volunteers and the general public are x cordially invited to hear the records, wliich will be played by Mr .T. H. Gittps at the - -London' Piano and Music House this evening, between 7.3 C and 8 o'clock.* '

Lust evening a trial was given to the 'new' firebell, Avhich has a loud, , resonant and insistent call. The clang or the bell could be heard m distant parts of the Borough. London firemen waded waist deep through a sea of oil and iat m their endeavors to quench ft fire which occurred m North Woolwich. The outbreak happened! at the /works of a firm of edible oil refiners, land damage' was done to the extent pi £40,00 Q. Oil tankii containing 500 tuns of oil apiece, blazed m a strong westerly breeze, atid ' the premises of the firm fell, floor by ■' -floor, until the whole place was 1 merely asmoking ruin. .. .., Wednesday, July 21st, will be obseryod as a public: holiday m the Government offices throughout, tho Dominion for the cerebration of Arbor Day. ; In order tliat the movement may be made,!" as successful as possible, the Government hopes that the Mayors of various municipalities and chairmen of /local bodies will* place the matter prominently before the people of the Dominion, and do all they can to encourage .tKe planting of public, reserves and other available lands, bqth public ihd private,* witli trees suited tp the locality. . ' Ih Grei'many the sun bath ,-. mode of treatment is m, great repute.. It isstaW ed that m the environs of Dresden every Sunday, ■3000 .persons indulge m a- sun, bath. In France the treatment is car*.,' riod 1 .; out .■under medical supervision at several "splariums". on .the- Riviera, ■ and< the results obtained appear to be highly' satisfactory. ; It: is observed ,that fthe greater t t the. pigmentation of . the okin» the more favorable is the reaction of the patient to the treatment. ; The duration of the treatment is considerable. Tubepeulosis patients of the first, [degree- re- ■ q-uir* a year, and more severe cases'. 18 months 1 two years. -. 1:' ; "It is to be hoped,' writes the % Hoki- ; ; tika Guardian,; "that the misreporting of one of Mr Guinness' s speeches is riot ! going to seriously affect 1?J8 chances lot tho .Speakefship." 'Absolute piffle"," retorts the , Greymputh ■ Star," which adds : "Mr Guinness never was misre* ported, and 'we c-haiienge 1 both the mein^ Jber for Grey and 6uf Hokltika conteip-; porary to prove that h6 -was. ;; -. The htift- ■ dfed men who ! attended i}ie Wharf - .^Laborers' 'social' know what! Mr Guinness said, and, know that he V?as' correctly reported." The Argus says thatith/e unfortunate part of the business is that neither Mr Guinness nqi any orie else can ' construe r his language but m ' otlb. 1 way. H« is .taken at his word, though, the impeacHmerit 'does not rest' oh 'ill. mere expression or any 'single sentiment For some, lime past .several of , the. big^ gest; ratepayers m Winton riding of Soutldand county have (says ; an, fnver '•?' . .catgill tjorreapondent), been quietly' die-, cussing the question of approaching thfc member ;fbr the riding (Mr J. R. Hathil/ toil), with .a view to getting the rates ■ reduced, during tho present financial.-.deß-pression. Mr Hamilton has already! promised to. give {he proposal His sup? port. It is propoße.d to ask tor a 1.0 per> cent, reduction,, and .also that, no, jhe%; works be Undertaken m the r}d mg .during present year. On some oif; the lancfe m the riding. last year's rates Were about-; equal to Is an acre, and,\ With ,Watejb ; ' rates, .the tax is a very heavy bu4y riAiJS is felt all thfe more severely during the\ Ijresent^ £eriotl of low pri<k£ ruling' fb* the principal items lot' faxnv produce. 1 meeting- will shortly be Held to discoftti' the proposal. ■•.!■■.. „ . , : A resident, of Wellia^ton to th^B cditor^.of tl to Post, ooinplajnihg ;,pf the, .noise made by th? lion m the 2>oo. "is,ol ppor beggar 1 must \ roar, I suppose, • be"*' cause it is his nature to, but could not the, City- Council, or whoever Ippks ai^er siich> things, -see that the- noiso is ;reduced, if it cannot be done: ajlvay wityi, by the making of a. padded cell for Dick*ii use at night," says the, rwr|{*jr. "I aM firmly, convinced," ho 1 adds, v^li;itj tho lion roars, more m winter than m. summer. Like human beings, he |s atfecfreii b,y the cold, and the Society fojr the Prb-, vehtion of Cruelty to Animdls ha«^^ chance of doing work by ; insisting that the king of beasts should he'riiijr/jed; between the months of uSlarch >']pnfd- Qo'to-'-' ber.^' Tlie correspondent stifrj|ests that • the mortality at the Zoo may he attribu} table to 1 ' the roaVing of tht> : liotij '•" -"for-"-" 1 ' bird« and goats are timid tilings." A recont election of a Road Bo^irtl jibl*apato.?>tbo, m the Axickland ■'■■proyiWu-c, was the first held .fifteen year.«. TJie former election was probubly quite unique. The. Road Boird clerk' \va.<- an^ active member of the Hunt Olub, bub," a« fate decr«ed. it, the election took, placo on the day appointed for the Hunt Club's opening .meeting. Th© election having been advertifiea, the (flerk hmd^ perforce to do his duty.. Tlie cry of,, the' huntsman, the clatter' of hoofs, 'th«i joy ofi the 'hiuifc Myere^ not, .||f or i him; There he silently sat/'surrouiidel3 by four walls, steadily gazing at A sombre ballot- , box,, instead o v f at tW lively lipundur The distant yell was, all ,hw sliare' 'All day lbng he ( snt and. waited fojr couii,try,^ voters and the hour, ari«l rit last it came j and during thut livelong: 6ky' only; one ratepayer voted, and that vrdti an old lady irho livedelpee by^ '? A ji interesting and brilliant , view Of the /Aurora- Australia was enjoyed by passengers on . thfe Aberdeen. Jijier Pericles on the , passage from Londo|i- to Sydney. It occurred m the eveniijgs of :.the .< 14th. and: 15tli'; May, and wajs-, visible throughout the whole qf each nighK Tl»© pencils of .ligh^ coming from a pjfaint ntaf . the south' magnetic pole resembled- tpe rays from, innumerable /earchlightsj , which turned into a deep blpoij red '*. as . they Teached! the zenith. The |Bpectacl6 ■ was iiaturally greatly admited af|';, predated. Up to this point Jne- clfsajfj 4 weather preVailect,, but witH th-b fading'of the aurora an exceptionally Uilpl^flan/t:' ■chaiige took, place/ Backing: jfrom jlhjj, westward into ". north-east, t),)« -wincl freslienod.. greatly, whilst 1 the. baromete't;: fell rapidly, ; until it recorded . [the ,' low reading of 28.99, High seas also sprari'g up, \vliilst fjerca squalls of rain 1 s\vept over th 6 ship. It -was 'i-emarked Uidt meanwhile the temperature wns liivusuatty high, and the air saturated with moia* ture; indicating that the depression; was; of a monsoonal nature.V, t " " If the Prirte Minister's plups are^-cß* •■ dorsed ( by tha members, of laotli Hpnses,' the fivsti .session of the coming Paji'lia-. ment will (says ..-the-.; Dominion) .lja.stconljj^ a few: days, and th* second will be^\, m October or jpossibjy at tho end #■; September, i Otif consequence i{Wiirbe^ that legislators will havis, no o^jpoitunity" of voting on. the; question: of . jlhevsttte of liquor at Qellamy'fui The Le,t?isra'tui ( 0 Actprovides that: "In the fiivst SCS^iOU of .each new Parliament* on thti, fmvt'iji ' Tuesday after, the .ha^,' been determined by the Ijoupe' o!f RcMf^, sentatives r ._the,Qlerk" of . eaolr Hoi^ slijill, conduct;' a .-.poiy,: at , M'hiQh riienKbers <$ 'such Hpuse ahHll Vote on .tlje ..qu.estii)^ 'Shall liquor bo;sold within tho pveclncte of tjhe ; Parlknieht : Bui4ti>ngg- during Mio - remainder ot present Parliai|no)it?'l?' • It follows th4.t ... if there are not, fotliy,-' Tuefidays m tho fse^sidn the vote ■cain^V be taken. This was the rane •■ m ' l'SOtf; '• ■ when: the dmtli of jNIr Sheldon!, led- to > the " holding of two . stjsjsihlis m ll},q^'year y \ and the "bar at Bellamy's cpuseiqucnliv reniained open. The same thing occur-'---ed m 1897. .; . ... , ' ; :[^_. A shocking fatalityii oocuri-ed, just be- 1 ' low;, the goods shed in.Wnnganui railW4^' station.'' yard shortly 'i before 2 o'clotik" oil'; Monday afternoon, whereby, a mat|'named; ■Alesandier Mackajv a casual , hand, QB*-/ ;gaged V'ith the, plarteluyiiig gang, tits.'--.. run over l>y sonic U v uekS',andjkH!|ed. T It hppeara. that "and; fdu'ij; othei'p werere^ioving >yeedis fr<>^ the line-v^hiife-*' ehunting : p^eratipns^ w#re ., m. progresb. V The. shifting engine, with tliree trucks? m front- aJiditrtvo behind, "kick«d (i ' tss ' three tvqeks on tj> Ihe, line where iho tie-". , ( ceased was working, and then along the main, lirte> with the ;otiifer • -MoV tirucks. . is prefeumod— for no'ono sa\v v the uccidejil^that d^eased saw •.thw^-en.- , gin© and.trucks, but- did; not notiico tlie three V\'hich were coming' along the lift'e/ behind :himt Thompso^ whq was itahdiitg on tlfethree : trucks, felt a. bunij^ and . thinly hg Uie trucks had left, the rails, . jumped! to* the groundj at^jl ; ftnuid, to hiislrorrpr, the- mangleid body.'of deceased- (Death must, have been. in- _<„ ostmntaneous, for- the body wa« terribly mutilated. .The t qther' members j«f tlie, fiurface gang w.ex*e working near by. but. did not. flotice '..bow. the -accident o ecu rred . 1 ) cceafwd , >v ho ; vc*i d<y l tit ' A va - moho, was a man of about 43 years of age. He was matried, and had three children. ■ ' r -• .

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11871, 8 June 1909, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11871, 8 June 1909, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11871, 8 June 1909, Page 4


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