iTHo /^is(b^rp6VMCsfeßß'.' : 01ul>-meet. at-. theiE , room,- .■■..•public < J^ibrnry, ■ to-morrow night,> % commence jHay \for the - season , and -Af ill be glad to welcome any 'new players who are ydlling'to become' members. -After 'a j short discussion with respect -to dub matter* ft match will be played, between members selected by the • President and. VicePresident respectively. The Club extend a, hearty -invitation to alj.thess players who may be visiting this portion of the dominion. ; ; 'Ah' informal meeting convened by. Ris Worship, the Mayor (Mr W. D. Lysnar) Was held- this morning to consider the subject of ,a public meetings to discuss dbfence matters, inclqding representation of the Dominion «t the Imperial Defence Conference. Those '■■ present wore the Mayor, Hon. J. Carroll, Captain Beere, Cvß.Hftvm and .Kitk. It was decided that, before. fixing the actual date of the pitblic meeting decided on by the Oouncili Mr R. MoNab, who is conducting a ' Dominion ;misßioh on the subject,' be communioated with, to ascertain if he coiild make it convenient to attend the meeting aiid give an^adTdress. It, was also decided that, prior to the military tamp at Makauri breaking up an effort be made to Arrange for a conference foe- j tween. military and civil representatives, to ascertain the views of the former as to what lines should , be adopted' in prejfenting the nuiUer to the publicmootirig. Tho Hon. J. Carroll has telegraphed lo ! Mr McNab in pursuance of the arrangement arrived at.
"A Sport" "tvrites complaining of language^ used by one of the players in tho hockey inatch yesterday. His Honor Judge Jones was present at the dinner given by the Auckland Law Society on Tuesday night, in honor of the Attorney-General. Members of Air W. D. Lysnat's general committee in connection with . the Mayoral election are invited to meet tonight at th6 Farmers' Club rooms, Masonic building, , , The following have been added to the telephone exchange : 564 D. A. McLeod, residence; Gladstone, road ; 327 Black and ' Brockleb ahk, builders, carriers, and coal merchants, Gladstone road ; 296 W. Hotf, Alexandra Tea -Rooms. Deleted: 65 TockrieU and Cormack. . The third dance ,in • connection with the Maritana Assembly was held Lost evening in Whinray's '..if all, over thirty couples taking part. Messrs McLachlan and A. Pirie carried out the duties of M.C.?s, and helped much to -make the evening >an enjoyable one.. The music was supplied by Mrs Britchard. ,' The ' Gisborpe School Committee has decided to declare a holiday on Tuesday next, in place of si holiday on Thursday, June 3rd (Prince of Wales' Birthday), so us to suit the convenience of teachers and- pupils who are spending their holir days in the south. The school will thus' re-open on Wednesday ijext. . ' *.. A reply to the requisition from the ministers of Gisborne for the* Chapman and Alexander 'Mission Company to visit Gisborne has been received, announcing that it is not the intention of the convpany to* ■ include iNew Zealand in their tour. After • visiting the Australian States, they leave next September for Japan. ; ■ , , A special 'country attraction for Empire Day (Monday) will be the Mangutu sports, to be held on the Whatabutu racecourse./ : The programme comprises 16 events, the first Tace starting at 11. ?0 lii -addition to^the athletic contests there Will be a £010 pony race, leaping niatch (best hunting' style), a wire jump for hbrsea (hunting: ityle),- stock ; horse race, thread-the-needle race, and a district hack ; race. > , The Gisborne Ladies' Hockey, Club held their annual dance last evening in Erskine's Hall. -The floor was in eplendidf,order, and, almost enjpyilble tjme was j spent,.. fully 50 couples taking part in the dancirtg. . A capital supper was supplied ;by thevladres ; the - tables were prettily- decorated , with the > club colors. The- music- vyaß in vthe ; capable liana's , of Miss Lang and "Mr Vita.. The success pi *tHe evening was greatly due to the entnusiastic secretary, Miss D. Osborne. The outcome of a raid made by Constables J. K. Scott and H. Scott; on the 17th irist. was .that, at the Magistrate's Court" this morning, before Mr W. A. Barton, S.M., eight cyclists were charged with riding along footpaths on Kaiti: The offenders all pleaded guilty, and were each fined 10s and costs 7s. The following was the list :— Alfred Holmes, Henry Sclilohback, Fred Leslie, John Sawyer, George FrOmm,' Margaret* Bar* low Marion Lichtwarkj and Annie Garlick:^ • ; . .. .■■:.■■.•■ .■■';■:... ;'•; - A large number of Y.M.C.A. members attended the second of a series of monthly socials held at the rooms last night.' Mr i\ S. Malcolm presided. An enjoyable programme ,was provided,, the characteristic ■ features » being that? the itenis were all Scotch. Piper H. Robertsou' - opened the r proceedings with ' the "skirl* 6 the pipes," and he- also gave a stepdance. Songs were contributed by Messrs McClymont, Mitchell, Johnson Brown, . GrimshaV-, Blqorei, !and * Paul, and Mr E. M; Sidebpttom presided at thq piano. .• The*) Y; ;M.C. A.? gymnasium was commenced last night, and a number of members took part-.; in i.tiw exercises, which Avei-e carried'' out under the directjoin of Mr J. Q . E. > Kiealing.; I'he room lias been fitted up with* all the, necessary 'equipment, including / horizontal bar and ladder, parallel bar, Roman rings, [vault: ing hopse wi l th : .spiring-board) 'f climßing rope, and punching ball. • Dftfn,bbells, clubs, and wands have also- been provided, and a- large chest for storing the gear has been presented 'by Messrs Aitken and Wilson. The Board of Directors are considering an 'offer to acquire a set of carpet bowls, but the difficulty in the way is the lack of accommodation,. On Saturday night the Y.M.C.A. members' tournament will commence. The construction of the second break pressure tank\ in, 1 connec"t»pn with the town 'water service is now nearing completion, aiid local -.residents will learn with satisfaction .that about -the end of next week the supply shinild again : bo tapped at the original intake at tfie headworkty j.'whore the water •"> is much more free front' silt and *. Contamination than at .tha present temporary intake. 'The river' crossings axe now ' fairly well out of hand,.to. Wilson's, woolshed, excepting for {\, fevf ; \v«irs, and it : is intendetl to complete; the work in the : gorge before commencing upon the somewhat, heavy task of -lowering the. river crossings further . dojvn the Ami river. Operations are more or less limited to the employment of About 20 meiv owing to the dimidulty.of obtaining labor to face 'the un-. pleasant-work in water 'at this time of ,tho year. , v \ The French fodder plant, which has beeii introduced into New 1 Zealand by tho Agricultural Departmnt, and which goes under the name of Chou Noullier, ,or imarrOw cabbage, it is stated; is Hke*ly to prove valuable to- , .the',; dairyman. Its height is -aboat flve\ feet, it has ji; stalk aljout three inches in diameter^ and carries :lorge jearesi' These leavtß. may be cu£ three or fojtr times it y oaf. The Chou N'otdlier plants grow all tlie year round, nnd are said; to give a total vield of thirty-five tons .to the avvh. The plants should bo gpown;. iti , «li'ilLs three feet ajxirt or thereabouts,, and the distance between every two plants two feot. It appears that the stalks are also -nutritious, : cattle devouring them readily; they must not, however, be destroyed, or the value of the plant as a fodder is""*lost. The only* drawback to the' general Use of. the Chou Noullier appears be that it requires rich soil. ' An impprttint meeting will be h«ld at tlie; Fi?meis' Club room®, Masonic buildings, at '2 p.m. to-morrow, when Mr Ross, chief inspector of •■ rabbits for the Hawke's Bay d?strict, who has ,cqme , tQ Gisbdrne specially to confer with the settlers will be present, and will diso^ss the subject of erecting a rabbitproof fence between the Wairoa and Poverty Ba.y district and the infested district to the south of those two di«triots. If the meeting decides ' as to;-. the, neoessity of something -being done, it is then intended to g-et the Wairoa. people to join with settlers of this district, aid:-' ed by the Government, to ; have the' fence erected. A 'number of leading havo already intimated ' their desire that some steps, should be taken in the matter. All who are interested in the question , ; whether, or ,': not they. are. . Jriemoei'ss: i^pf the FarmeW Union, are invited to attend. • A special invitation has also been" sentto M"r 'Milkr, officer .in; charge of tiho local branch of the Department of Agriculture, who hast had' considerable experience in. regftid to the rabbit pest. In our 'advertising, columns . it will be noticed 1 : that >& %'G. P. %encer, diyil engin&^i%' jhag. -decided to start m'actfee in! . Gishorhe. .Mtr Spencer has Had i-23 years', eitte^ience, at^Home ; in In^ia,* sc^a" tUe ;i;olonies in atvvariety of branches' of his prdfeßsi<?ri> 'Hb was i some -years since horpuglk engineer of Melrose,, Welling- 1 ton, and of Kew Plymouth, where most of the recent loans of that town, were spent under his supervision; He more tecently designed 1 and carried out the Ingle wood water supply and drainage, said to be one of the most efficient pchomes in New-Zealandy and welKiinder the estihiate. Mr Spencer has also> under : contract, Buccessfull.v completed several impoi'tan.t worksj including the New Plymouth borough reservoii'i tho Wa,iwoklivio ferro-concrcte bridge^: the, Inrgest so far constructed in the Dominion, the Moturoa freeising works, and the Champion G.M. battery on the Tairua, ranges. The extensive harbor improvements at Hell's Gates, Macquarrie harbor, the. scene of one of the episodes in Marcus Clark's "For the Term jof "His Natural/. Life," and the grave of ihany vessels well-known in New waters, were nil lnid out by Mt Spencei', iioling for the late Mr Napier Bell. Mr i Spencer has also a wide knowledge of (road and railway engineering. j
j The chief outdoor attraction's on Mortday next (Empire Day) will.' 1 - be the Maiigatu sports at Whatatutu racecourse, and the Poverty Bay v. Wniapu football match at Tolaga. The programine for the former comprises 16 events, for which good entries have been received;. [ JTho attraction for Monday night will be the Fire Brigade social in the Gafneon Hall. An unexpected v gift was received io>day -by Ca£t. Beere of. the' ; Gisbdrno Rilles; Mr Ji Towriley waited upon him and presented- to -the corps a ; liandsome silver cup of unique design j -with -a medallion centre,- depicting soldiers -firing _ their rifles. The; cup -Stands oh ait ebony, plinth, aiid . is of such value that it will be greatly treasured by the members of the Rifles who are fdrtunat^V enough -to win it. Mr. Townley imposed ' no -• conditions,. but expressed a-' desire that 'it might be fired for on Empire Day. Aftj howevW, there was scarcely timeito niftke suitable arrangements, it lias ;been decided that the competition shall -be at. a later date, ; and ; in subsequent yeaf s the ebl>r ■ tests for the cup will conclude on Empjro Day. - . < . The practical; .examinationVthU; yQ^F m connection wit^ the ußpyal Acrtdemy of. Music and Royal College <jf j^ueic will be. conducted;, by Frederick- Clif!e,> who occupieV a '.distinguished among musicians in. London. The jsan of . a musician of some note,. Mr Cliff? held' positions as; organist while stil| quite a child> also making a name ibt himself on account of his beautify voiced and he was organist to the Bradford Festival Chorkl Sooietjr. In 1883 he .was appointed to a_pjanpfoTte professorship at the Boyal Collegi »pf Musics from- 1888 to 1894 he held\Bevsral important ,as o.rganißt\to the Bach 'Choir and ' Covent Garden Opera amongst others. In ■ 1901 he camp pianoforte prof esstor at the Royal Academy of M usio and examiner ; to tfie Associated Boards His greatest ; 'mark has beenr made in the field ■of composition, and'rhis most notable, work v a syijil*hphy in G minor, which has been ? perfprmed; quit4 leceiitly 'by the Philharmonic Society. His compQsitioitß are not, numerous, but all are. off inipprijt,ance. Mr Gliffe toured Australia as*ejfttmlner in 1898, and South Africa in 1900 and 1903,, but this wiU be Wa first .visit to. New Zealand. He v Will probably reach all centres about a week or ten days earlier than la^t year's >cfates. Thd iconbblasm of th^^ Illinois Ijfe&iii-* lature was directed the other day tfi Christotoher Oolumbug (says the^NeW York EVening Post). 'A Bill w/fcr beMe the_ Senate" to makis October 12. 'a I®^ holiday, ;. and .it brought John ■;■ C-. MfcKenzie, the "gentleman from Jo Dayie^s county," to hi« feet with, this i^ColUttibus, as a discoverer, was ad ftccid^Jifi He was merely iodkimV for a p^swli^ through which the vShjoocks of the 'Old World mifrlit g^t easier access:' to*: the trade of Jhe ©rient. "tJolumbus represents the commercial , idea. ; is 4W« He wai working in tlrt - ihteresb^Joif tfi-e merchants and the Shylocfes 6f the 0$ World. He sailed but. of porb, andjtfife .winds of - destiny drove him to a 'n^Wland. ( Se /was 'iqoking fot' ? a ehort out t6 ,the markets of thei Otient/ , and he stumbled across a new ifotldy" Accident I Accident ! Pure accident!! ,Why fehoUld we hoiior any man in ihis way, "simply because he; met with! an accident I| *; Others joined in to ' lay the ■ Genoese sailorman low, his lone- defender rising in the person of Senator Niels (Jiiulif.^ a Danej who agreed to vijte to'' make ifb-' tobeir 12th *a- f legal .-holiday if Satriots v^ould doliJkd' w*ise by the birthay of L^lf Ericskm, "In "the midst of the turmoil somebody blfirtetf out,."iWihafc t najppeneo^ October 12th,! 1492, 4nj&9 w '-" of Columbus,^ shouted a score, of Senators in scorn. • - ■ • ' •'" ''- ' ; ■ '■'■ J . :•.'-. j,\. : \ -,- ■••■». ■. ■.■■}-:ri: Nelsbti BrosV new t% *teameri~Hipi arrived from Auckland last evening.. SBfi Was launohed -by the builder,;"^ -^ Bailey, of AucMandy >las(> Tuesday week/ and was given a trial on the -Friday l She left vAocklfuid on ; ? lafefr, at 2 p.m., in clia-^ge of Captain John. G?ttmpl)ell, iate,ot 'the, UnioiiJiS.^'Cp.^ Ha§l* piri, Mr Easy;, engineeir, and MV^JfiW HcUregor, engineer, late of the Toroa, two firemen, and ( two "bailors., Jt . Owing to |yery heavy weather she ptit into Merpry Bay on Monday,' and also coaled up, leaving again on -, Tuesday. From thence on to the Dast. Cape^ heavy north-westerly \weather was experienced', and th«. tug proved aii e^cellent.sea-boatV behaving splendidly. About ,12, JiiiYU from the -hast Cape, w, hich Was , paasciH on Wednesday^ the, boiler tu^Tbe'gaii to leak, but the-troiible 'wits iiot "serioiiisi From East Gape ort t<»' Tolaga^soUtjir easterly weather, was i met ■% with, and Tolaga wiis _> reached mi Thursday 'at J4 a.m. .The- Gishoriie Sh'dbpifarmeF^ Uo.'& ICooxiro, whiqh had beea iseht out!;Ci> nieiiit her, took the Hipi -in ipyr off fea^^rae at 2 p.m., althoiigh, fiKe cjiilld Jiay;^. readied Gtsborne ea«y nnder; 'her : own Tlie vessel arrived' at tlie^whar^a'b^ 10 "past 5; lo^t evening, Allt speak in Ingb. ter^is oinher jseaw^orfchy qualiti^.. She 'will bfe employed by, Nelson, Broß. to io>v sbaVges out to the Home^ 'th^ f>Wt apd: can, if necessary, %6 ||n|>^tpUie.worfca. Hot .dimensions are : Length overall 1 60ft ', bteam 14ftj r draught 4ftf Shp.-isi fitted v^ith )t}ro ,50 r h.p. ttyjlq expansion '^n' gines,' supplied lay ..Thotneycro^t, ;-wHn tubular boiler capable of i2solbs. i»iiessurfe and- she v? ill; st|ea4Til.eigiHt kndW:. " . Bh| is al«o fitted' Svith ; Ho wdea's system, oi fbroed draught. The f vessel .is ydry 1 strongly built, on the .disjgonal prthcipte, and; as fitted with iron i bulkheads fore and; aft of the. jengine^rootti, with ', coam- ,, ings and deck casings dfiiron. ; ' : . .V • Who is Aspasia? Is she the < bellaflonna in a new play? . -.Oertdiifiiy ! liotJi Wipasia'of Miletus was one of trie most renowned beauties of hojf! time, and- ivrts a^ intellectual nsvshe ■ ,was : beaijjiftfli counting Sooratds i ahd*nia[iiy ottior> 'of tljo greatest minds of Athtins amon.g.her most intimnte friends; :..'.}.,■_ lt >was* Jhqvp' eyer, as the trusted i com panioiy.- of, Pericks that js he attained her greatest distinction, being his coiiifitbnte- »nd ."'ail-' viser in his chief acts of statesmaiiahiir: Tlie above queiitions beihjf «o coHtinually. asked^ shows what a Iceen interest' people take m Pettie and Co.'s advertisementsi the name Aspasia appearingV, there '• in connection with u ; special shewing v of goods they have iii their ' window for evening wear.*, , ,.:.„!■, f . i
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11856, 21 May 1909, Page 4
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2,676Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11856, 21 May 1909, Page 4
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