(Press Assn. — By Telegraph — Copyright) (Received May 19, 11.45 a.m.) LONDON, May 18. At the wool sales there were large offerings, chiefly of New Zealand wool. The best article well maintained the price for the United States; Tdp-nvik-ing sorts fully maintained prices. Intermediate wools were a little more irregular. Kotu sold at 10^d. - Bank shares : Australasia, buyers 108£, sellers 109| ; Union, buyers (A' : sellers 65 ; National of New Zealand, buyers s£, sellers ' sf . \
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11854, 19 May 1909, Page 6
Word Count
74COMMERCIAL. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 11854, 19 May 1909, Page 6
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