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• The Gisborne Bawling Qlub; has an "at home" on the green to-morrow afternoon , ' - The Pohaingina County Engineer informed the Council, that he had been unable to get suitable- casual laborers at 9s a day. ■■ '■■..■' ■•*"■.'■- '■". .'■ . ■"■ ; it The weather conditions m the Mofcu for the past month , have been perfoct^'the best we have ever experienced; it could not b.e better^" states a Settler. ■;■■. The roads are just now Ibetter than ever they have been, with hardly a rut m them. ' Every year there is an increase m the' number of tourists proceeling to Morere; and this year the stream of traffic has set ill early m the season, as may be judged "by tbte ooach, running twice a week. ' . !/: ' . .' .■■■". ' Mr James Allen, of Whataupoko nursery, has been very successful with the .culture of the tomato under glass, and has now a, fine crop ripening. A bunch of eight fine tomatoes on one stalk sent to this office weighed 2£ lbs. ; Cook's picture exhibition was concluded at His Majesty's Theatre last nrght, and d country tour now takes' place, commencing :at Te Karaka to : mght after which Waerenga-a-hika and Patut&hi will be visited; " • \ ; Given a continuance of this fine weather there should be a ; pleasant afternoon's meeting to-morrow , at Te- Rau grounds, ' m. j connection with the 13th anniversary of tli^Qisborne auxiliary of the British anil i Foreign Bible Society. It is hoped theie I will be a good attendance and collection. ..The ipayments maide iby the Borough Council at its meeting last night amounted m, all to £7420, which probably tonted a -record. 1 The accounts included £4004 final payment .of reticulation coAt tract, £245 Roebuck road ; bridge, » and £250, first instalment for the erection of ilie municipal offices, p • ? n \ • ■,■'■.' Mr and: Mrs Vincent Barker, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Pittar,: of Auckland, are leaving on ari extended tour on tlie 18th inst. Tlxev^ purpose .leaving Sydney by the P; , and* 0. Mongolia for Port Said,- taking a Cook's tour nip the Nile,' 'and proceeding thence to Naples, whence they will' journey , overland to England. , ■ ; ' > The anniversary, services }n connection with St!. Andrew's Sunday School take place' on Sunday/ when, the f whole day "vyiU^ be devoted to the children. The preacher m the morning, will be the. Rev. Walker, of 'Qnn'ond, and/ they Rev. W. Grant conducts the- after'nodh -arid evening, services. Speqfal vmusic; will? be^ rendered by a strong ; choir of ' children; and the Services promise to be very succeSsr ful. ■■■..-;• '" - ; :v.." •■.■•• , ,■')■ i.-'.- ;" " . Tf.: , A firie, motor car -iiva*; imported by Mr J. H; 'Ormdiid to-day to the order of, Mr John Clark. The car is a 16^20 h.pi 4dylinder latest/: type Stuart car, made by the Star; Engineering Company, England. It has 'both Simms-Bosch magnet 6 and high-tension accumulator ignition, is fitted with a. Cape cart hood, and wind shield,' and ' is ay powerful and silent cat.. It may be mentioned that a 10 horsepower Stuart won the hill-climbing championship hekL on the Port hills* 'Christchurch, on pctober.3lst last. . i . Regarding the proposal to re-name Roe-; buck road. and Wi Pere street. as Towniey! stree^ as a- pom<pliment to the 1 . Mayor, (> Sheridan intimated at last niglit's meet-.. . ing of , ; CJoluici^ as ;3k& ATowitley \ Would not agree, it would be Vad taste on Jiia part to persislj. . He had ', made the proposal, as he thought ,it would; be "a oomplimieht to ,the Mayor, who was; now> filling 3iis_ last term; of office. ■ ■ The Mayor added he. "xitould not' consent to.the Alteration, as Roebuck^ was a great British, statesman an'dWi Pens a metn'ber of t-He New Zealand Legislative Council. The motion was withdrawn. . /; • A very pleasing event took . place at the Kaiti School yesterday afternoon. The mispress,- Miss Faubert, was asked by the Standard VI. boys to present to the headmaster, Mr J, H. Bull, a' handsome.pipe incases MissFaubertj m a 'neat little speech, spoke of the esteem m which Mr Bull was held, how the lads; appreiqiated his work, and how gratifying it wa,a to knbw that, although punishment had' sometimes to be iriflictea, yet .no ill-feel-irig existed, and the. boys would/ always find- Mr Bull a good friend; . Mr- Biill, m reply,' said he was so taken by surprise that , he did not' know what to say> or how to express -thanks, ,: but -it was veiy pleasing to him to knpw that-the boys thought so of himV' he wished them every success m their futufe career, and said the^ would always ' find him 1 ( ready Ix> help them m any way he could. The following niatches r between representatives of the Gisborne and Whataiipoko Clubs have been arranged to take place on, Saturday next at the Kaiti courts : — Mehs doubles : W. ; JJ Barlow and C. Blackburn play C. L. Margoliouth and W. F.v G. Anderson ; S. : A. ■' Gov^r and W. L. Colemari play Wv N. Barron and R. ,U* Burke; R. Willock and W. G. Evans play A. W. Rees and G. Grant; W. J. Hawley and A. T. Colemanplay CjgA. Feu wick and J.M. Curtis. Ladies' doubles : Mrs Barlow and Miss F. McCredie play Missess • Reynolds and B. •Bradley ; ; Misses L. Coleman and deLautour play Mrs Burke and Miss E. Bradley ; Miss H. Agnew Brown' and Mrs 0 Domiell play Miss R. Reynolds and Mrs C. Bennett; Misses M.- Wachsmann andF. Day play Misses C. Reynolds' and H. Black. Mixed doubles : W. J. Barlow and Miss F. ; McGredie play C. L. Margoliouth and Miss Reynolds} W. L. Colemaii arid Mis Barlow; play W. ;N, Barron and \ Miss B. Bradley ; W. j: Hawley and Mrs O'Donnell' play -R. = TJ. Burke and Mrs Burke ; W. G. Evans and Miss L. Coleman play F. J. Anderson and MissjE. Bradley; R. v Willock and Miss A. deLautour play A. W. Rees and Missß. Reynolds ; C; Blackburn and Miss ■VVachsmannjjlay G. Grant and Mrs Bennett; S. A.: Gover^and Miss F. Day I play J. M. Curtis and Miss C. Reynolds; A/ T. Coleman. and Miss H. 'Agnew^mwn play a A. Eenwick arid Miss il. ±51ack. Play commences at 2 p.fn., ah,d it is expected there will be a l^rge attendattce of member of both clubs and their friends. The; stock traffic through the Motu to the .Bay of Plenty this. season lias begun eai-her than lusuixl; ./Last season 38,000 sheep were driven throagbl and this year it/is 1 expected tliat the number will reach 40,000. TJie need of pushing on with tlie Pakilu road to> sihbrten ?Lhe -distance is strongly emphasised by- Motu settlers, some of whom think that : the people of Gisborne might give them more assistance m pressing tiie importance of the work upoh the Gbverniaent, so as to get it expeditidlisly .completed. Most of tli« stock beingf taken through, at; present are for the new country being opened iip m the Bay of Plenty. "tSbme people m tawJt here," «ud a. Motu settler, see the great importaiice the completion of, this bit of road would be to them— they only, see tliat it may mean, a little trade being diverted to Opotiki ; but the quantity of sheep taken through last year, I thiitk I em safe m s&yiug, p«t eighteenpenco per head ow the price of sheefj m this district. •Somebody m this district must get the benefit of that, and a good share of tit comes to the town." Asked if this demand was only a. temporary one, or was likely to continue, the settler said he liad no doubt it would continue, and that If the Pakihi road vrere completed a great many stock would -be -driven through to Waikato. It was pointed out that 900,000 acres of unoccupied land had to be brought into profitable use on the Bay of. Plenty side, and would all need stocking, and. this district should be the source from wliich that stock is obtained.

The Whataupoko bus will ply to Mrg Buckeridge's concert to-morrow evening. The stock sale to have been held at Tolaga next Saturday has been postponed ( till January 11th. A South Canterbury farmer, who obtained 13£ d for his wool- at the opening 1 sale m Timaihi last year, was offered only 10£ d for the wool he submitted at last .week's sale. The case of H. W. Hird, charged with failing to comply ■' with a maintenance order, was agaih brought on at the Court this morning. Sergt. Williams stated the defendant had promised to ' pay all arrears on December 10th. The case was adjourned until*the 10th inst. FridayV Hastings Standard states :— "Never m, the history; of Hastings was the main street so .deserted iby sporting j men as was the case to-day. The F.eiJdJp ing meeting causes generally no' smdljn amount of excitement among betting mert, but to-day it\ was '" practically dead, tto wagering going 0n.." '. . ," In Chambers yesterday afternoon" Hhe Native Land Committee inyestigated^a dispute which had arisen regarding, tli6 .cutting- up of certain lands m the Nuhaka district owing to the subdivision ordered by the ,Co^rt ■being .found unpractical. His Honor said there, .was power to, amend the 'order, and the .whole dispute "was; ac- . cotftlingly settled and thV~ survey is ttv b* completed, and it is texpected to have til© titles issued by . January* ' . .(" The final: m; the Gisborne Rowing Club's fours, for trophies' presented, by Mr'E.H.r Gibbon; was rowed !off last mght between Kef shaw and Bayly. fortunately a; very bad start was made*, which, placed; the x-ace m favor. of Bayly alivthe way, KersKaw made a bold attempt; to overtake his opponent,;; and; Afc Dr. Williams'/ bend had decreased .the gap to about a length, . but was uhsuccessfuriri drawing up any .closer. > t ■•■:* At':' a meeting of the committee of the Te Karak,a Baring Club '■'■: bo '- Saturday evening, the president (AfrJ. A. Ca^sa-r) reported; that ijbe secretary (Mr' J, D. McCredie) wpuld be unable to undertake his iiSTial duties as secretary at the com. •- ing • meeting,, aijd that ; Mr P. ' J. Seftbit had Odndly; consented' to act fjop Mr Me- 7 Credie until the: latter is iwell enough to resume duty. and trainers \yili note By m aayertisemierit m :*his ;4^.ue that nominations for the club's : ihiiibr events^ close on Saturday next with Mfr Pi.^tpa, or \rith:Mr B^ DeCbsta. : -it is; stated that Wi Tokomoana, wh6se bqdy I .n^,;-'^;-f;m^-.tlie.-.,riy-«r. last night, icame .down ironi Waimata a f&w . day« ago ti. iiave nifidical attention .for oiie: of : = Jiis >.ears,} Arhicli 'had' givexl Jiiii grißat trouble; /;- Hotelkeepers who : kftew him. would>aiot supply hi'in with drink; at any time./' Some, 1 years ago ;he had hiy head injured bj. a fall 'frqm' a ihofse)- ;&n<j after recovery- a Maori threw a bucket^ '.'of water-over. Mitt ; the shock -liim SO; that ihe was ill for a long time aftfer•wards, and; ever since- he has he>eiL.^subject to fits. .■.;- "'./ v. ■' ■■•■•' ':>:- ■:\4- V.-t y:'~' ; The settler© inland are^ ve^ry eager 'to sm the line of^ rajlway far as: it. will go prior to the erection. ,of the Willows crossing bridge. As wall teuks nearly 'a yeaf "-'to complete^'' . it means that a considerable time .-.-'-.'aiuftt >la^pse before the section beyorid that J is 'opened 1 , and; it is urgd that b^veactesding 'fchie line as fair as; it- will gp; tlift-in-land -settlers - cpuld be greatly/ doiiyenieticed. The extra\ run> of about four miles iv^uld not be^a matter of ; much imports jordinarily, but .woujii m^in;; ia, lot to a settler doing, the' jburney to; ; to^'n. They : urge vthjat a siding; might b ; e 'made for temporary -use- at: the WiUbw6 : icrosssj ing, to whicli point the line h^s 1 been'ul;m;Mt ■completed. : : - : '-.' :^X-X:'"^, ,■ ,v, Sir James; Mills, m his speech; at ]ttis: banquet tendered to him at Wellington las,t week said that several oJE the executive officers of the Union Cgmpariy \vere Wellin^to^-b'orn, as :; were also .the manager in.Wellington,, ancl^ the, speaker's brother. ;He reballed the dayi, jof liis early J assoqiation.wi]th the opmna^yy/when it acquired the original Maori r (aj:*pddler I of 135 tons^-a baby compared ; her ltfte^t namesake). To-day, the compariy hadi a, fleet of '60 steamers^ and mQre wiei'd coming. The latest "acquisitipna^tHe ■Maori and the -Marama,, whiclj,: together cost: about ■': £300,000— represented, theJatest m the art of. shipbuilding. It'Jiad al j Hvays beeni ; tfte policy of th v e 'optt(i4any to keep ahead of thetime^a^ greatest . possible amount flf satißf adtioh to., supp-bj^tera i ' and employes. " The ' eihplbyes had been most' loyal m "looking a iter the interests \of th,e coippany ..arid the Dominion. There wds bne Aspect Vfis Would .like to touch .upon— tW f stct thut the hsatlquarters'ot the compjj'ny were m New Zealand. That meant that- a>grfeafc j deal of the money expended; had ; been circiilated, m this cduntry, and he, p^ped before ; very Jong that ; the Goveriiment | ■would- be able to supply officers from local ; -bbtn youths; All thesßvinatters Had beenthe^study of the directors,:, who had 'hi ways' ■■'kaA the interests of New, Zealand at heart. He , ,w ( as proud ; tliat the I company, of which he was. the head, was to all ihtents and purposes a New- Zea- ; land company, arid jt was gratifyirig' to firid that Wherever he went the Dominion of which\ he was a native was. so well spoken of. .• ■

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11142, 4 December 1907, Page 4

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Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11142, 4 December 1907, Page 4

Untitled Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 11142, 4 December 1907, Page 4


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