The. Government vineyard at. Havelock, Hawke's Bay, is, according to Sir YV. Russell, not m a veiy sati_.i„ctory position. S_jeuking tin the subject hi tlie jHouse, he _aid he liad heard tliat tlie uian-jgemunt was extremely lax. The person placed m the charge of tho vj'si©yard lie believed to be a uto'roughly coiinpetent, good man, but now that &he vineyard was owned by thc Goveannitflit every tiling was changed; He was that as an actual result of two years' working there, were thirty acres ot "laud lying fallow without, an acre of vims om, tiicuii, though some were uprooted that were ula-ited Ja_i year, while the previous shelter had Ixeu destroyed and v hodge of elosc treeri was. being planted close lo the vineyard. Tine hedge would provide such a shelter for birds tliat. every guipo would •bo pecked. The result, was _l lat ■they would ferment beforo they weie put into tho press, and the quality of the wine would be deteriorated.
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10163, 24 September 1904, Page 4
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10163, 24 September 1904, Page 4
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