COMMON, SHELTON AND°CO., LIMITED. ; (Established m Gisborne, 1878. "» DNIVERSAL PROVIDERS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS. ADVANCES made on GROWING CLIPS STOCK SALES held Regularly, CLEARING SALES as required. WE SELL every description of Goods required m the Home or on the Station, In Large or Small Quantities. ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY. We hold a Full Stock of BUILDERS' FURNISHING, AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY, including Ranges, Colonial OvenRegister Grates, Camp Ovens Fenders, Fire Brasses Fire Irons, Hearth Tile* Spades, Picks;, HoeShovels, Rakes, Digging Forks Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Syringes, Lawn Mowers Wire Netting Table and Hanging Lamps Buggy Lamps Holloware and Enaroelware Leading Chains, Plough Chains Coil Chains, Hames Brushware SOWiNCJEASQN. Early Rose Potatoes Beauty of Hebron Lapstone Kidneys Up-to-Date White Elephant Flake Kidney I Algerian Seed Oats, Canadian Seed Oats Gorton's Seed Oats White Tartarians Sparrowbills Don Oats Single and Double-furrow Ploughs Disc and Tine Harrows Corn Planters Horse Hoes and Cultivators. ZEALANDIA WOOL PRESS. WE are now Booking Orders for this well-known Press, for which we are Sole Agents. SALE ■* SALE ' NOW PROCEEDING IN OUR . DRAPERY DEPARTMENT a PRIOR w TO REMOVAL TO MORE COMMODIOUS PREMISES. YOU CAN NOW BUY WINTER AND • SUMMER GOODS AT SALE PRICES; POSTPONEMENT^ ALTERATIONS. WE have decide*! to POSTPONE tlie . AlteratroaJß to our Premises meantime, but still continue selling DRAPERY CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES At SALE PRICES, for CASH. ONLY, .With which will be included FRESH NOVELTIES ARRIVING WEEKLY. COMMON SHELTON & CO., LTD. BENNETT ■ &ND SHERRATT GENERAL MERCHANTS, LOWE STREET. I FOR SALE. GROCERIES OF EVERY DEBURD? TION IRONMONGERY CROCKERY PRODUCE GRASS-SEED OIL-HEATERS & COOKING, STOVES SH-OKLOCK'S ORION RANGES SUNLIGHT OILCAKE CRUDE CODLIVER OIL (for Calm) CORRUGATED IRON FENCING WIRE, STAPLES, NAILS, Eto., Eto. BUSHFELLING REQUISITES TENTS AND FLYS HORSE COVERS, Eto., Etc. AGENTS FOR ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE ; v COMPANY (FIRE) VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY (MARINE) KIA-ORA BUTTER COOPER'S SHEEP DIP, Etc.. Eta MATAWHERO STOCK SALE YARDS. SALE FIXTURES FOR 1904. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6thTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd. . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th. THURSDAY, DECEMBER Ist. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15th. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29th. WTLLIAMS _ KETTLE, Ltd. N.Z. LQAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., Ltd. MATAWHERO STOGK_SALES. 1904, At 10 30 a.m. Sharp. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20tl)THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th. THURSDAY, DECEMBER Ist. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29th. COMMON, SHELTON _ CO., Ltd. DALGETY AND CO., Ltd. NOTICE. ZEALANDIA PHOTO COMPANY. MR ELLERBECK begs to notify the general public that Mr George Phillips is m no way connected with the EUerbeck Studio or Zealandia- Photo Company, and will NOT be responsible for any debts incurred m his name. Any money due must be paid to MR ELLERBECK. 467 ZEALANDIA PHOTO CO. NOTICE. T\ O N ' T "F O R G E T v R. & E. PARKER FOR YOUR SPRING GOODS. Dressmaking and Children's Wear a Speciality. 154 WELDO THE BOSS SOLDER. Requires no acids or soldering iron. Can be used by a child. Agents wanted for country. Apply— F. STAFFORD, 824 Wholesale and Retail Agents. OU CAN GET IT CHEAPER AT i ADAVR WQS.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 10163, 24 September 1904, Page 3
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