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!_--». rf 0 STAND THIS BDyVlgt A BKASOH, •WMaU2 ORM^OND. The Brilliant ThortmghVwl gUllioo, BTROWAN, Tow yaara old (wianar of 11168 7t aa a twa-yaar-oM a«v«r raoad at a thrae-yaar-oMj, by Looms,, dam llMibynoM-Faara)at«aaa>; LooaHt ay Prlaoe CbarUa—HtDj Moore (im|>V BTAOWAN wat Ute beat t va-yaar^U la Maw Zeataad ia IWt, bartn< woa aaairiy all Urn ami two. ) ear-o d waiajbt-for-age rte aof liha aaaao». atrawaa ■UrV-d tn toe racea, wtaniar a**«a. ooot aaaoad. aad t«(« tuielaod. MU p«rk>faaaiic«a are aa tol'oae : — l'nplar«d la Nonary Uaadkas,, Ch/iatoharch. Woa Maiden Handicap a* Duoedla, 4 rurW>fa, 100 aera, carntnc S*t 71 5, ;-Itlij^ tte»Vmitell and o'htrt ICTb; time*, tt^aac. «oo «aaarlb«nrtt Pate, 10* aora, 4 orinbgw, baaUng Whikf ■aaaa aad oUiert ; aUaa, M>tm«. Won Otaagow KlaU, SOO aovt. J fu-loag*. rin lieatioc Wh.kavaea ao<JI other*, ia 'aat Una lmin 3«x. Woo MMdlapairtt fnaU. teo ao*>. « furKMft, beadac Parma«ion, Haapooae, Tiaaaliafl aad athtrn, tlaia, loan )Cj»»c w«a Muahtll Mamonai HUkaa, 7M aova, n fur -ong*, tx*ut^ Outpoet. Laaaj^r, and othcrt ; unK, lmtr. 1W- Woo Waikgaaol T*o-;ear-oid Btakai 1. IM ton, 8 f irtone*. carr\inff Sat ltlb. haatutc N*yad*, Z***)!*, K»a, fcod oUiatt , woo eaatl) ; Ua,*, bt.m 1: J^fcu, »^. Won Caotarbury Champagtte «Uke», m k»i c forioag*, earning *at 101 b, beatinr Oitwitr, Wrwtrnart, aai oUmtk. ia lh« last UaM of lnin 1* 1 jefc ar«. Tbu will thow »ra«d«rt wnat a real good aad arttiiaat aa)t ha ww. But all hie funiS arr th* aamr. Hie mn, Loehiet, vat a urea! horae. anJ boki of hil wint are wt fol own :- W< 0 Nr*rm*riift HanJteap VHoru, of t»0 ao«-a, | miie, beaUaf Aktr*r, L«ad t, Vtlkaai tali Chicago aad \t oUiert ta the tiwt tiatt* <rf loua la|»n ; won the Aiutraliafi up I mii.* 2 rurlOL.gv, baatuij a laive fie d ; won Auckland Cajli. I mil^ii, in Stem t>rt, woa New Zoamad Cup. af lOOu aova i mfiea, boaalag agoodtakL It baa b**n adiiuUad Uiat UxJMet »•<« Urn ooly bone Uiat rm caowM C*rt:oe to be pun lahod to win, acd thi* waa in Ihe U> h Plate wairhv for-a«-a. S mtlaa, Carbao* winßMg by a abort head. Lorfctai raa aavaral doaa aecoikda, aad a taM ia Uta .mi 7naiai»l Cup. Ma»I0«, Uae dam of Strowiuj wai a diakiag good and faat mart, winning no laai ttLan 1] raeca, taetudlag JaTaalto Ktakaa, *.U, at iUoaanoa ; Cooaaaaafea Haafltrap, Uam ke'i Bay, 1 tnht, baaUag MLm Darcaa Paaha. aod otam, Uoe, lmia. time , ConaoJataoa Hand trap, Canterbury, 100 toys., 1 cala, bmtiag flve uUt'n, UM, tmin. aaeec.; wn St. /todreWt rTaadioaf of Suatova^ l( mik-*, beaUag Uirm oCS^t, Uay, Tmin. Mate.; woa Timarv Cap v( IM «»»., 14 aijex; beating tmai olhem in Urn f*.l Uoje of * jiib. inrc, wua Birthday Handicap, Drm«dia, ;<*> <o*»^ !J tui'-t, beating etgbt oUma, wwc cacy, '.L-a* imln. !T=»x Marluo waa atoond aa teveral ;>ocaatoui. Marvoyrnonjt, toe aira af MarUn, it ala > ttw iirr of ua.atota, wtapcr irf tha MaibonrM Cup in I*7B , aiao, FUrtus'«d, wiaaer of tae Aaatraiian Chaaspi^c Haoe, J mites- Ai*traltaa Otp. 3 mUam I funaair* , Vtctormn et. L*mtt, An traliaa Derby, aad Urn A J -C. I^-rtn ; 4^o, UaotiM, winner of the AiMtr.lio Jocltry C^bViakt*. 3 bulm • aad Ut< AJ.C. Jtt. Ixww; ti-o, tse Hor.. /. crack, Bargo, winner of th* Hm-m. Va>. suka-, A^ C. LkacoLpioo BUkjea, A.J C. L*r;..j, uw e^,e« ertntt. Ua alio produced thrrc *iuii*Tt 0; the ManbiTaoag P at* Id Dagm.r, Polmzra, and loUathe, h««id«a otban too nonwraiß to lor^tion. W"»i* Maribyrnoaga atre Fiaha man waa a wot-let, • n» teat thaa To raoat in log aad, chiefly Cap*, Vi*a, Piataß,aad nch Mophioi. While Prlxite C&j>rUe, lh< tire oi '/vW. waa termed a gaftopfog tu.tcbrar. wtttniog aotat go raoca uadar nech ynsUtiU m I* «, rtTicgo|a>ar ania)als aawtral itaaet to wdgttawi btaUt< ih«m kai. He itartbd ia 10 race* aa a fiwr-year-tiad, aiaaiM Ua> wtaol« 10 eaiy, and Ui sire Blair A Owl waj aaaiaT too Middle Park tale In Eeriaed itiMham tfaao lt»t>«. gwiena white BtaUy lUoaa, Urn dam of Uetiat, wat got by VatUfonr, Xogltaih Darby wfeaer, »i. irgtr ', wianar, etc. ' bnowAX coaat from a irraat radsf famJfr, aad hat provad himaaU oca of tha gamaat bOfaat frat 1 knows oa a noaooaraa. lit U a baaoUfd aaaara, , (land* II handa t inchaa, hka wbote ceaaoajr baia* » handaoma, powerful, aod raci>(-lika. He hat an ax--5 praaaire bead and doric temper HU neck hi foog , aad moacuiar, with Urn wind-pipa wail datacHad ; hi* ' (hoaldera are deep aad wril ,»jd back, d«ep ginh, aplaudid loiaa and back ; '<:.■* quarter* are loo* aad ttroog, rery wjuamlar, tjiii Uau clean beck*; he haa powerful auepennsrY •if/amentt aod back alaewt, caaaoa boaor cieaii and strong, iplooavl f«t (fr*t hora diaaaai), aod «aj»d* tacood to nooe m New Z<ealaad, v the breeding atia>.hui dearly ihowi the value of hit blood :— Lochie), &j i', ibjb it dj Blair AUtoL, dam Eaatara i'nnrcam, by su.plu* ; B,air AU>ol bf wtock'ail. KaUy Maore, by Voitigwu, ty Voltaire. Marioa, by Minuyrnecg, i.jr l\*i Xfc~,%z, dam Boaa d« Floraoca, »>v the Hvi.-.j D-jUhraan. Peareaa. by The Pear (lajpx by Mwttxrorn*, dan CiaiioUl, ay Toocnaaoaa; Pacram, data Mis* how*, by Sir Harculat—Mim Miller, by Twin; Vaadervr (imp): Tbia bloud ia Urn foundation .tooe of the hew Zealand Stud Book. Maraa aaot to Strowan will run in Mr AJ B. « Krwman'a paddock* at lUnakoaa, wt>«rt u^tn it , plenty of gzaaa aad good water —a great boon to v maraa with young foal*. AH uarea muat be removad on notice of being atimed. Oca month* grazißc fraa ; aftar that aa par w*ek wili be chaegvd pet baad. Maraa muat all be paid lor baaore danrary wgl ba girao, AU c»re will be tuken, but 00 reaponaibihty incurred. Tnun: £4 4ii each aare. For funher Hrttcolan, apply toA. PABiJOHS, OraMAd ; or, HtuiD (Mot, Omboroa. 1 SIRE OF THE SEASON. > _t^ rpOSTAMDTHIS «>#a«»aiflfV. X BKABON, C#mW •* MAKARAKA, > L^^aa^^aipaw' The Thoroughbred « ' "^ Sutllioo, CRACKSHOT, by Nordcnfeldt (by Mualiaa-OnrsX dam Poagawerv were, got by Gotaea Oracle, out of Atalaata, byTvwtoo out of Crear*nt, by Sir Hercutea: Notoßynur (the tktt of Ctaekaimt) waj » gimM raoahoraa. fcla par(ormai«aa baing at foiiowt >—Won Urn Hawkeabury Product Stakea, won Urn A.J.C. *~ Derby and Craran PlaU. Spring Maiden Plate, Raad> _ wick PlaU (t Bulca, w lla.), won Urn Darvy (T.R.C. M Sprtßg Maotiag); he alno ran fovrtti wMhin a kcartu P MUm wionar. at a thr»t-> ear-old, la Urn Melboanie * Cup. in tha faat time of Smln £»}eec; ha alto raa 7* ateood to Troaloa in Urn caateibbry Date oae aad 7^ a-half milea. Tba aberre war* tae eoij racr« ac f* aUfUd for. Owing to hU ahoroogh gameaam he waa *f* nick named the " BuU-dog.' Mr Fanneny (trainer to ~* Ute taw Uaa. J. WaiU) prooooncoa NordeetrMt Urn ** aiiatiafhoraatha^lMeiwanitthiomThairaparaUoa. ~; With aoaaHhioa- to malka a liwaparaai pace lor him T° oTar a diataooe, Mr FannaUy cootiUarod that there ■"* wat nothing U> cope with Kordanfaldt. At Urn ... breaking up of Sytria Piark Btod, NordanraMt raalteed "l Urn large earn of MM giaiaaaa. £• PV%ua tiunu, Urn dam of Craokahot, waa a rcry 77 faat mara, winning, aatoog oUker taoea, Urn Maideo *** Plata (Caaterbury) anl TradaaoMti l. Baaofcap, U-.4 . buoadtn Cup, of 400 iiova (1 mliea and a diataacc), |T aod Urn bt. Lager atakea at CaoUrbury. Pungawerawar* ia >-cry atoutly-brad, being got by Golden <*ra*e out of Atlanta. OoUan Grape, by Bkrnton, IJT cwa brotuer to Vo itigwrr, wtooae aae<» mtafitt. OeAopin ~" aodSCUmoa, arc t«a of Urn aroti 1a hoaabk a-«a *~- in EnglaDd. ommaMilng ao tea* a fee thaa tSO * ruineat Al! PaDgawercwer*'* progesy are real tart gaitopara. She it the iUa of Tetford (»lnoe» of the r*raa M tad map, 1 miU, U>e Piate Handicap, tad tna Flytag Hai^^r M ttk * Thaanat J.C. Maeiiag ; the L Wangaoai Cup, S aailiM, buuni Wait rl aad eight othara; aUo, *oe the th-*W« HaodUap at Wa^gaaui TO autama ; U.e Victoria Haoofee*. 1 ajil« and a liiatanr ■. m the faat Haas of laata bft^aae, at tha AJLC. aaaanter m*rik| Pnagawcawve-e iaalao Urn Ham of brigadier, who won at a two-year-old the Maraa Prodnce atakm, th« Ftyiog Wakea, J-mi c, beaUag toch a flyer ai MtiraiVeuae aad oU*en ; woa the Klkralia PlaU at Ute A.R.C aottaae m*«Uo<, baaUng OTe Othara tthe ia aUo th« dam of at Jamea (winner of the Du&edlia CupX Kntpp, Kattpa, Puwer»---«(-ie, and oU»«r«. Her ion, Brigadier, it goiac to make a name tot hirem>U at the atud, a*t alone for gaaajag flu racara, but trat ok ta croaa-«ouaUy horata. He h *Jm tlrt of Boatbardi«r, the winaer of tereral I a juaapaaf necU, including the A^Jcland Oraad H* NaMMal Staaaierhaee, aod ran aaoond to Nertoo ia »*■ tha Orand KaJHoaa SbeaoiochaM »t the Uat CarUtiir* church inoatiag. B<igaaier i* al*o th« aire of U»t ***> good little horaa Bate^od, winn«r of arreral good *•* racea, an 1 Dntuuooa OJaw faat h.raeg. M«. Laat. but not laaat, ■ OaAcaanoT hln%»»-a raally *** flrat-rlu* racthorse «ai 100 U.e turf. The fol. ■bo, u>wii g are aom« of Ua mmfarmanoet :— Voe (Se >r*d Spring Handicap, Hawfce* Wu, U aniea, 2mw S»tec, **r bratio« Btraphon, Poul fca-aW, Cyftteca, BouUngrr, •oa tod Katiaka . woo bj a length *aej. Won CaaUrbury ant cup, 2( milea, 4aain irasc, beattag auca heraM aa *1 • Madalli >n, and Fraadtxn; wooaaiily ay thrae leufiha, >** I Wrn the Auckland Cup, '-' milea, Oaftylag Sat llh, n**l I boating Hilda, Ciaty. Dudu, Strvphoa, •*■ aVa^rcw, r**^ and oUien, la Urn that time of Jmin Mfaac; <*rra ila eaaily by a lonfth anl a-htlf: Hiii jinf iimamm lvi Ito only been braUn one*, mm., by St. Hippo, by haif a oo^ aaoond. Had Cracliahot bean aated to gaiter, ha *•* would have naUy acorad Urn record. v>x Aackkad dvi- PlaU, 11 mikaa, ia k»is 47) act, again baaUac MmM"orei boa aid UUda aoni«wbat aaaiiy. Won Birthday '-oW Haadlop aad J.C. Handicap at Heathoote. Woa >tv A.B.C Har^*^r Craekahot wru d have been a MalbourM Cop winner, oaiy he aooJd not bo f* thoromjhly prepared, on account of ttnkiag huaeeif mcb vhaa in faat work. Be raa aeY*ra* doaa aacoada U lon iraVdam boraaa. carryieg aaary waigrtta. Crackabo* P*° oavaf raead la back Mmpaoy, but wat noaataatcd tor la* yaar"a attapliohitae laaetiisg at U boraa Park, in tha WlaUr Oata, aod ba received tha atoadUr of ISat 71b, batog naked to gire Kicg Oanalbal and otbara M , ilb. Craekahot ia it baaattfal-looklßg horn, BUoda la haoda X iacbaa, "riU> good boa« aad plenty of cubataaoa, aod having aoch a airaia of ruaatog Mood tram both bia aira aod dam, it moat prora to ttm moot «attf<riou* bnwdan that mating their mares »Kj, with euch atralna of blue blood, it must aad in gooal if raaolta. Craokahot li m nil adapted to gat croae**e oounUy haraea aa- hit half brother Brigadier, aod tboaa braadan with ing to braed a faat haatar from aa ordinary mara, or a taeaboree troaa a i»etaua>bt»d mara, uoald not do better thaa maU taeas with Crackahoi. Ha acaeamai a grand ooaatitatioc ao4 t aaauttful tampar, tod baing a young aira aod aura foal gattar, ahoulri prora a boon ia tha diatrki. Cracktbot waa awairdad Ftrat Prlaa aad Urn »aeUty*B aaaMlo«tbabaKtJ>(»^^raAairaMtDa)aa4A.aaxl P. Soaaatya Show, iwaUag Hokatara, Kate, Kaon aad otban. CaAOUMOT*a aervkaa UJa aaaaoa «ffl bo placed aa low at pauetbet mr a aira a( hia daaa. Tk« Una* will . ha bra OvmvM eaca mara, wakh earn mue* aa tM pmd batora tba delivery of atatat aiQ aa giTaa. Paddooklag rraa f«<r oaa mooch ; after Urn* m Id par 4 w**k wiOaacharrrflwaadimara, B«*ay ova will ** ba mkaa of marait, bat 00 ram; aaafaHaij tacnrred. — All aaaraa muaa be lamarad oa aosiea of betaf if v atinted. LuaiUd lo *0 maraa. a " For fMthaff^eticaJara apptr w— GAINS CARRIKOTON, 761 Makarti*. IT? TAi f SHAMTHI at U* A. miT.HaTIM*! * aaa IVfcLgftAl^. ~M«»a^a»«aq» ******** AU X3 L«tt«r ISoadiaam, a* 11111 l "WK al Hkeald CMio*.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7137, 20 November 1894, Page 4


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