'THE NATIVE LAND COURTS ACTS AMENDMENT ACT, 1889." VTOTICE is hereby given thafc we, i_M Leonard Harper and Edward Circuit Latou, both of Chri.stchurch, iv he Colony of New Zealand, Trustees of he Estate of Robert Heaton Rhodes, deceased, Claiming to have purohas.d or acquired he interests cf — Tu.a Nihoniho, R> u.»ta dape, Heni Noho^ki, Hori te Oii, Kvana rtauhaere, Peti Poi«Ukt-n-i, Eruera Ariari, J eti Mattkiao, Karaviui Turuki. aud Ropav> ••Vahawaha, in the parcel of 'and situate at -.Vaiaj-u, in the Diaifict of Poverty Hiy, n he Co;my ot New Z a and, aud ko ,wn by 'c n.-tme of tho KuI'OREPAIA BIOOK, -••>nt. ini.'g 874 a-jres, Also claiming to have acquired or pu_h*.sed tho ii^tereate of — Ani Pouahana, Hepia Huriku'a, Hana Maraei Rairi.Hohapa Hairi, Heni Herewaka, Hori te Apinga, Aoi Kb-ini, Katarina te K>.ni, Hanora to Whiu, Uuta Pauheo. Makero Raiii, Tuta Ngarimu, Manki Tsntuhi, Hikiera Taurare, Wi •-huda. Te Whiu a Purao, Peta to Haura, Makere Tahawhenui. Winiata Kairohi, Vl ere K. tene T;dapa, Ap kira Kur^wa, and Hari IViktv ka. in the parcel o: land situate at -<**nikotiua, in th^ District of Pov.-ny Bay, v rhe Provincial Distiict of Autk'ai'd, called k oown by the name of RANitIKOHU.-** \0 2 BLOCK, coi-.taiuing 472 aorea more or less, Also claiming to have acquired or pur■.has d the interests of — Tuta Nihoniho, YTarbkl Tautuhi, Erueta Rena, Himiona if_'hua, Pek-tma Pahura, Maraei Tauoha, Eruera Pima, Rauiera Tuhua, Hate Tai.uha, Mokena Horua, Mero Whiriki. Hamina N ariniu, Hareta Tiihtk*', Hrewitti Hori, Meie Nihoniho, Heni Nohoak *s, Miria >V.iak iti, Maraea Kahu, Te Roana Pak«u, ittttane {ti aho, M.ka'c Taiaha, P«ti Waiaihi, Reupena Tore-i, -An-ru te K*-ru<ki, NY, ''ew h.-iirangi, H«mn H k , NVi t"tuu Tudur:.. .<_r.»u_. Tii ura, Hia Wha k-ipak pa Holtntn.o H;ip.i P.k.n.i Wai i, Haie Mania a \I ■ « R'taWthint, Piu- lai/ una, Kiueru K'tpenaa, Ta ua. Nt-pn Hurkn*«, •.Virmiiu Taiaha, W (J ti> Hure, Mokena Kahu, ■<i-'nata Hap , lebn Hftko. Eruera Ariari, H kifira Tuteiitngl.Uera Ngawahi (successor -f« Ho'io Awa vi) • H-*re Parauae. Ho*, •*- - Tuta te U , R- upnt« te Ann, Xmru Ngamu, P- k ma Tuha, Heni Taiaha, Htri te R.iog k mita. Himi'.<na Taiwtiatiwh*, Mere Arthi Nizangira Irilioa Ki>k mo, t-'itaH ruhoru, Te WhaiauTa-tua, H-tmi ,us Ho* kamu, Per- nata Kai I*',1 *', H^ldera fau<>re, Hoteirene Katuka, Wire.r.u Tuhoro, Maraea U-^aki, Roka te Whata ruhe. Raiha P-i'otu, PipiTaweka, Pita Konao, Wi Patai, Koromia vVthevga, Hohepa R»iri, Han* "vl^fca. Pnhoi Titki, I eta T-jmahori, Ep.*yima Uruik . Ht>*-ewi..i Waihatari, Wiremu iVg-upuku, Hetik^a Waimoru, Henarn l\ngiawha, Hs-nare Tuatai, Reuata Mahcmaho. Mitiiirna Tihrne, Pane Tatua, Kerc--nia T marar.". Wit emu Tohi, Himi Ng tai, H»ti Wai'i. Het,e fee Kahuran<_,i, M< reanu '■ 'kt-ok o, H r.a H kiang-i, Mauahi K-ieh», Hate Houk mt v, Tu-a Ns-jsrinvi. Makere Ngan^ira, T rnaii te Oia, Hori Pei;:', H 'kira Tditmk'iho, h'aiha K*ih : i;at-a, Huain Kiraka, Riria Rchna, f?i>tmi ra Puni, Knue vVhatiria, unti Taiia'i Puni, in the pai eel ot and situate at Raii^ikohua, in the District nf Poverty B«y, ii ih"- Provincial Di«trict of Amklatd, railed or kno^vn by the nanie or RANwIKOHU A NO. 3 BLO- X, contain, iog 5632 xuies more or lei.B. Also claimi-g to have acquired or pu"- - -o: a'-ad the inter- sis o — Hfkieia Ta aikoho, H"rom«na Ha ai •■■ jki te Piri, Kei ana Ka ut, Tuta Niho i o Matin t. Raugo, Maraki Tautuhi, Haira te Rango, VJakan te Hau, Pi. jha Pahua, Ritihin Uuitiui Haore Par one, Taruhira, Whaaki, Hamkna Katia* Para-'ihi Tipare, Matire Ruroa, Hakopa Ttpa;.»t', Tamati te Ohaere, Hana Horuhoru. Hare Pik'i, Arepere te Hrn, Wat< ne Ketua, P-rih'ra Materoa. Hek era Tuhon, Pir pi Poo--o, Honi Pot tiina Katua, Raheia W harikii Wite Han, le Rit-a K*.nri, Mo-e Ri-iawuhtue, Ruiha Kangiakina, Ihak* Mniki, Anaru Teretere. Hareta Uei.e, Maora Pi-k ', .VI .*•>■__ ao Kotna, P-aora Kahn, Mi iama Oria, Eru Tckava. Mtvo Karcka Herthere, Ma ara Taruk<, Hira Whsuautana, Hone l aewa, Hira Tamiherc, P^ta:a Tuhu, Pi a Timotimo, Wiri- | nana Pah'*u, Rahara Pahcu, Wi- iata Tauiwha, Riptki Maiwera, u tkierft te Oka, Mere Moana, He*ii Haere, Vim ha 'lamas-ir-hi, Miria Tipuna, Akaripa Hnte, 'M-treana Te Pii j, Hirin Pehu, Mere Tnhou Horni Pari, Ngaperi'. Hu^fi'.o Tiere, R ka Wahawaha. Tuta Ta-t.-ati, Ha iata Pare kaahu, Kt-reama Malehe, Houo Hoke, Vlaker<ATtmotim.i, Meri Wb-tnki, Heni Nohnaka, Reuatft H^pp, Erana, Kahinu, Emira Potaka, Pekwma Pahnra, Eruera Ariati, Wt Pewba raugi, Riria Kowhai, Peti Poihakena, nd Er.na Wa papa, ia the pa eel of 'and -ifcuate at Waioma'atin ; , in the diruriot of Poverty Bay, in thn Pioviuoal Dir,tiict of Auckland kuown hy 'he name of TE WII AKAM ARUTUN A BLOCK, coutainjug 1320 aerea more or ies. Al*?o c^aiiui* g to have Acquired or i v rch a fed the interoMta or — Tv a '•> ill, > niho Pe.a T-w.i, Ne[, a Hurik.r.t, Hune Po'lia iit;na, h»iaia Tu-ni Anaru 'i> Kah«ui, Hamiora Ngi'inin, He'd ra Tu.er-ntji, M < •ki Taut, li, Winiata Tap--ihi, Ho ni Wb, kama, Mohi Tuei, RmieraTuhun, Pta floruliL-iu, Mnia Whakai i, Harara T^lnk. . .leiipt-na Tie.i, iltiaea Tauoha. Eru-ra P rita, Tara'i Wahakino, F-Japata Te Kooro, H -ro Tokowiilct, Henare To** ai, Poti Ma'ekioo, iio'ikia Motu, Piihi Tehore, Kena'a Rangnpaia, Mere Hiaeitukta, Ripeka Paia, P.-ti Po haksna, Ktana Rauhaere, Karari^a Tur'>ki, Mo*teua Romia, Herewini Huriwaka, Wiremu Pewhairangi, Himiona Te Mosr. a, Haie Pa toue, Ruira Viakuawe, H torene Ka-afca, M kari Tam__n_!a, H 'aoi Kaik tpo, Horomona H >pii Hori M*tumu, A|itfana Tatu^, Wiremu t' Uropa, Reupeue te Aua, Mata Poiu.ahuiu, H ni Nohnaka, Tami i Te Ott, Himt.on.i Tiwhatiwha, H kieia Taurare, Hori Pirt), H miona Te Owai, Pene Tat pun a, Wi Turehu, Ri ia Kowh-ii, E uera Knp--nga, Haro Pikoi, Pekiwa Pnhuia, Pa nata Kiiwi, Riw-ii Te Hana, Hone Korokimg,•ua, Hoti Tulnr.., T« P..ia Pa k- ive, H>tni Konewa, H n Herew*ik>, Hie«iui Wui aara, M-taera V\*hi<kaki, Kreitma K".il<ava, Kra'na Okore, H*nara te Whic>, Hohppa Rairi, Hir ; a te Rakahuiumai, M.kutu Tumu i, I'tk-ma Tuha, Ai*»rii Ngfimu an,' Hxnana Turi, in that pit cc <.f laud at Wai tahh a, in the T)'Btri**t of Poverty B<y, in the Pioviuciul Di-trict of A>i kland, known by the naino of POUTURU BLOCK, con.aining 1480 acres more or itss. And aho claim ug to have acquired or pu'chasfd 'he inteteats of-- Mete Waimanuku, Kerana ie O" ai, Ropihana Hnatu, 'Erana Ran haere, Te H"n : ana Au iri, Mer*-* Whariki, Ruita Wharekohu, Meie Anha Tau hara, Natama Maukau Piripi te Awarau, Te Hem* ra Moaua, Heni Noho ka, Iti-nat** A,pawai, Ho/i Tntere, Ripi Tawi-ka, Mokent> Havua. Perenata Kiiwi, Merc Ruawahint', Ruira Kaha" ni, Raana P kau, Wi.emu Taika, Hare Mwruat", Pimha Tahiriri, Kiwai Tauranga. Nepia Hu«-ikttra, Naera Otutu, MikenaKahu, Wi Pahau, Wiremu te Owii, Eruera Aria.i, H-ni »c Aomilra, l-teuata Hipe, K«reama Kaipara Apirana Tatua, P«ti Poihakena, Hamiora Ngarimu, anil Himiona te Moant, in that pai eel of la*cd at Waiapu, in ihe District of Poverty Bay, in the Provincial I.)Bt>iet of Auckland, known a* the PAEKAWA BLOCK, containiog 3068 acres more or lees, Have on the 17th day of October, 1890, left at the office in th© Government Buildingß at the City of Wellington, of the Registrar of tho Native Land Court for tho District, of Wellington, the place appoiuted in thafc behalf by the Commissioners appointed under Section 20 of the above-mentioned Act, an application in each of the above Blocks, pursuant to the said Act and to tlie rules made by tho said Commissioners thereunder that fche said Commissioners shall enquire into all the circumstances attending the said alleged alienations or acquisitions of the said interests in the said lauds respectively. And notice is hereby furl her given that cortified copies of such applications respectively, and of every instrument in writing. Order of the Native Land Court, and other document upon which we rely in support of the said claims respectively, have been deposited by ua v.ith the Clerk of the Resident Magistrate's Court afc Awanui, where fche same are open for public inspection without paymeut of any fee. And notice is hereby further given thafc every person desiring to be heard in opposition to our -said claims, or to my of
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 5905, 25 October 1890, Page 3
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1,346Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 5905, 25 October 1890, Page 3
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