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TO THE ELECTORS OF THE EAST -J—^ £-^ "V" "J* , _£±_ "|S[T &£ dCD - G E s E s^ h ! f «f ; "RpaniTiff BindinffTand lowing lachines, have consented to stand for tho district. XIJU& |JXJLLi>s « JUIJ-lU.i.J-lg« LUJJLU- "*** v "* Q I feel honored by the distinction of being X CJ/ -> ______ i^ . asked to represent the district which I have 1 > i: S3 V BINDER EVER lived in for seventeen years, and have seen -nrtDT AI2T I? TTT P V STTTNfr 1 /lllk. ' * -irTrtm/vc>TrvTTc< ao improved by settlement as to be one of POBTA S A7.TT™ w WTT T Ji fek J|k VICTORIOUS. the best in the colony. MALMIWIS BLLULm. _ W\ H|p MB/l^' Eight First Frizes awarded at the Iic 1 I need hardly say that if returned I shall For hand, or 2or 3 horse power, speci- m «0^ hiWr<' Trials in Australasia, 188S-89. A larg do my utmost for the electorate. ally adapted for cutting Grass Seed as well M HWt fTlfk^ number of Testimonials for Seasons ISBB-8U While feeling that I should be greatly as Grain. Supplied with or without Shakers. ma KMI [MIX, from each district, viz., Canterbury, Otago, honored by bsing returned, I yet consider W BBfliK nlasilL Southland, and Christchurch, to be seen at that Electors are under an obligation to a I§ IHk i^mL our °* nee - Anis y e ? rs settson Machine has Member, if he does his duty, for the time, >^ fil MmL /^fe^ the Low )own Binding Gear, which will trouble, and expense he is put to on their m| jmßk ffWj* give it precedence over all other Machines. I regret that I cannot spare time at this Jzj «| ifrS^WK FARMERS WOULD DO WI<:LL To busy season of the year to canvass, nor am I O > j^gKk WB*d%r*iMr£sL SECURE THIS MACHINE EARLY, so wealthy as to be able to spend money over H m. /^^^m. ~*rw£srW J*^/^ '■ Fhg^^WS^. I will at the larger centres of population T^^^^^^^^t^EMtfKjßi^Lfe^ s^' address the Electors and give such informa- ,j '^^^^ O^^B^ iS^'^^^^vv cient to satisfy Electors in voting. M § X^''><^' :^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^m^^^^^^^^ 9^^^^'^ 3 '^ I should, if returned, expect to exercise w //.•■; ;: : ,^^ x S^^^^^^^Bi^PS^^l!^'? *-V " Su£ entire independence in my actions in Parlia- « Qg ment, using my judgment to vote as I think ?~£; J = f-- --; ~-I^J- ■'= :: -^j^~:-—-.i--~..__ think the late addition to the Ministry and "'^^M^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^y^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^r -^r"^=^^-- - the new distribution of seats likely to - - - ■ruinxtTora strengthen the present Government ; and I ReaDerS and Binders KeapeiS anCl IYIOWerg. consider their steady conduct in the affairs * , Samuelson, Winnowixc; Machines, of the country, particularly with regard to Mr^rmlplr Hornsby, Stripping Machines, retrenchment's materially resuscitated the WcU mdCX Cluunpion, Thrashing Machines, credit of tho. colony. £ TU ioroUtO) Toronto, Horse Rakes, I am very much opposed to further bor- uucKeyc. Johnston Side Delivery Harvester. Lawn Mowers. r °Thif "country, i believe, is now recovering Fit tini? f or Raid 8c G^7, Hornby's, Woo 43 J Champion, aud otto Reaping aad Mowing: Maotoos. from the long depression, and only wants a *«e*utf *«*««*»*»»»• J* * . ■ „,,„«„,« continuation of the present careful manage- HAEVESTINGr TOOLS AND REQUIREMENTS. I believe iv every facility being given for SO cit. - - men of small mean 3to acquire land, and that NOTE ** land for such purposes should be opened tor ■ v "^Q^ T > /$L- C 5 C^ selection wherever suitable. XJ %-^ * -f <^ M ' " a ™ ±\T^ In Native land matters, after considerable Selling at the Lowest Prices. experience, I believe in absolute free trade, removing all possible restrictions. , , — . wd^^k T^-^E Thoroughbred lam a strong advocate of free education, . r ottpttoN \ thmatm^^th T HE o ?T y Draught Cf^lf^MW* -■- Stalliou— but consider that under present circmnstan- W. B. COMMON.] [p. J. SHELTON. HjgQpjj i pW\PI7 ces the cost is greater than we can afford. _, C)1 -„ n/^ JTWIA^Ij /Ta,,. _V / WT( EMIR BEY, From my long residence here I know the ComillOll, hiieltOll & VX>. ARTHUR 111. EBi «^^a&ftdistrict intimately, and our wants and in- ' _ Bred by Samuel Gardiner, Esq., Bundoora Park, msuiCD "JY I ',,^ C T O P K ' Will stand the season at the Waerenga-a-hika Mis- Victoria—Will run this season with a limited number terests are Identical. _ O 1 W O XV i s ion PacWoeus. of Mares (including his owner's) in first-class English I fear that I am wanting in powers ot | TgRMS . single Mares, £2 10s ; two or more, the pro- grassed paddocks at Waikohu Station oratory to do full justice to the constituency AND perty of the same owner, as by agreement. EMIK BEY is a brown Horse, standing 16 hands in PiLrliimpnt hut whatever ability I may r^ T A TTC\ XT A ft EN T S All hind shoes to be removed from marcs high, on short lugs, with immense bone and subin Parliament, out wnate\er douity i uiay H TAIIOJN /\<j.EjXNXO, A n( eesinuß t be paid before removal of marcs, or atauce ; got by Tubal Cain, his dam, Ace of Hearts, possess I should use it to the utmost ot my XX I any other terms a-r ed on. Grass for one month f.ce, by Ace of Clubs, from Eloise, by The Hermit POWer for the better government of the / ~ <t , vtt , t ,»t MTDniTAWTS i after -which 2a ed per week will be charged. (winner of the Two Thousand Guineas), from country and the benefit of the district. GENERAL MHiKL-iiAJM 10, All caie taken but no responsibility incurred. sweetheart (import e d),by Red Hartout of aieicsina, by i-uuuujr anu luc ucucui, -r, mTTT^T, Any mares not proving in foal last season will be Harkawaj, &c. He ts admitted to be ono of the most 630 A. C. AKIHUK. GISBORNE. served this season for £1 6s. powerful and even-made thoroughbreds in the colony, Prince's dam was a Conqueror mare, got by Old and is eminently suited for getting Cross-country T,r t,™-*t To-n-Pc-Dd DArnuvrT Conqueror, and bred by Sydney Johnston in Hawke's Horses, Weight-carrying Hacks, and Carriage Horses, BY ROI AL LETTERS PATENT. Bay / Prin ' co . B Btoc k is well known in the district.and as well as Race Horses. r -rmmr „o -nTITTi^ F\TT> CASH BUYERS OF WOOL, SKINS, also his stock have gained good prices-as much for a TERMS : Single Maree, £i ; two or more the bona TjTTTLKiS FLUID Dlr\ AOXI ■ u^- l - La - VVJ foa i „ £15 at s ; x we eka old. fide property of the same owner £3 10s each, jjliliiuu ■. ajw j MAIZE, J. MULLOOLY. First-class paddocks provided free. Every care /xr^v- PATunvm-si -i taken, but no responsibility incurred. (IXXN-iroihOiNUL*.; U( j a jj L oca l Produce. ~~~ __ Hares sent to the above horse must be paid for and -^. rt i -m -n f^AT^SORT' possible price as an induc3ment to Breeders to breed y PffifflßP jy^^^iM FOR SALS, ryCvJlriA VjU^OV/UI Cross-country Horses and Weight-carrying Hacks-a ■■ AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES— .. Rising five years old, is a claw ° f M h a °™ o^ n ™^ t l^^^ iH b d raWt,M¥MM||^Bß »*^^^ beautiful dapple roan, with black points anding 16 hut /eh of £1 wi]] be made for gra2il)rr j lT'^Ota:>lßlflm^^Bßl» P'RrtPTT'RTF^ hands 3 inches high. attendance. WmSUwKU^BUks^ JVV^VJiiXViJiiO pc,B by prjncc Royal( dam> the cc i e brated mare For {urther particulars apply to ''U^VBSk IRONMONGERY TK . ALE ,?t2 D^ t McLEAN ' s^-^^l^^MHp^HW>^^^^^^^^^g UxtUvJJi. ujJK X Cup against all comers as the best horse on the AB7&**. HPO .Stand this Se son * SL -^^pßii*^SS^6^^®Sft r WINES AND SPIRITS years in succession. For pedigree kindly see New Cl^s^P^W # KAITERATAHI, BEST, CHEAPEST, AND SAFEST TOBACCO AND CIGARS The Thoroughbred SUIT»TT> TAT TtTTP ATA'DTTifT' successful brood mares in the colonies. She, with f«C yJ^ 9w~ L>ll IN irlli MAKUhI. Station RecmirementS. seven of her progeny, have taken first prizes in the i^Wiifefli«fet^ NEW CHUM A CHEMJCAL FOoFeOR TH E WOOL. ggSSSSS mS -«™ -J. - S - - DEATH TO a£TiNSECT L IFE . TB« - LAIBLAW WHISKY g^H^IS JSTUT-S NUMEROUS TTSTIMOMALS. Continues to ,c «« ,ne. W lfy y e t — ,3 6s per gallon in 5 gallon drums ; single nreffPT iMPOBTiTTONS ma £^ra biK^ guarantee and mares not proving iv foal, the fee will gallon 7s each. NoTK-One gallon of DIRECT IMPORTATION b ™™ B > en Newc ,; Eßq ; for > tho mm v of &mo tor \ v , v *>r«to m «L All care taken, but no respons.b.lity inFluirl niftl-ps inn o-nllnnti nf SliPPn W'isli OF Zealand, where his stock are deemed the riifht stunp <- utrt - u - nuirnnv Jiluitt makes lUU gallons otblieep Wasli. ofTl? AT?TN ft SUPPLIES at first sight without further investigation. Hu is A. DEVERY, feHJJiA.±t.lJN^r iSUrruiflo. i]Qw _ n Ca 6 nterbury> whore Btocl . ownerß trive ; long KaiterataJii. LTTTLF/S POWDER "DTP WOOLPACKS full size, attached and loose journeys to see tho 30-year old Major. _ ■ L '- LX A 1 -' Ey iUVYL'Jjn, J^li , »i uubr Abivo, iuii wab, anßtiH-i p.C. has taken seven first prizes in Canterbury fQ STAND THIS SEASON (Best Poisonous Preparation known.) „ , to P s „ „„ AATT >jr' twtwi? ™lv against large rings of stock from all parts of the S. _ A t— x ' Extra Quality SEAMIMt l\vlJN.fc, «>-pry Is and. — AT — Prices — Is and 4a per packet ; 70s per cas STENCIL PLATES INK, TATOO OIL, Term 3 : Single mare £3 10s ; for two or more mares MAKARAKA. of 72 one shilling packets, or 18 four TURPENTINE rilnSK&k^OT &fcK**^fa rjMlti Thoroughbred shilling packets. Samples free. Note- LINSEED OIL, LAMPBLACK, RUDDLE iIEOpLI -L Entire Horse One Is packet makes 18 gallons of TURKEY & WAS HITA SHEAR STONES moneys will have to be rail. J^TjSr» Sheep Wash. STOCKHOLM and COAL TAR fre?o™Sr h ' bMt '° al hi ' P ' °' "'" B ° tVCd <B™™ll8 ™™ll MORPHEUS B TARPAULINvS, TENTS and FL YS re^ ver^ care t akeil) but no responsibility. MORPHEUS is a golden Chestnut standing 16 1» nd» Pamphlcte, with further particulars, from— SHEEP .SHEAKb--9A, 11a, bba For further particulars apply to- 3 inches. m jm/DTTTi^ r iiitit>tcam (Burgon & Ball s) ROBT. E. STODDART. For Pedigree see card. BLAOKBLKJNJJj & HAKKIfcsOJN, Vnnf TJnfPT VVR^ md KNIVES t »» t» i v n tut vi Tkrjis :£2 10s per mare; two or more marc.*, beChristchurch ; r^,P OVFNS BILLIFS PANNICANS Late Mr B ° knd S larm ' Waeren g a " ahlka longing to same owner as per agreement. After'one And from— T ™t ■ « ',i , iv- ' W^^ l * o . mouth grazing at 2s (id per week will be charged. All LUILkrvY OI all qualities nv\ CTAIVH THIS SEASON AT moneys must be paid before removal of mares. Auckland-A. Buckland 1U n {if«n For further particulars apply-Blenheim-Fill Brothers rnMMAXr QT-IITT THM Jlr Pd UK,MU«I>. GAINE CAKRINGTON, Duuedin, Napier and Wellington-Mur- COMMON, btiKJ^IUJN & Proprietor ray, Roberts and Co. — Q^f 9^^ A T Entire- ° ~~^ (iisborne— Common, Shelton and Co. - YOUNG fi^»»«S®& HPHE Celebrated Th o Company. <S}££]gx£3£bdlWlMh^ Young Honest Tom is a lnndsome bay horse four OfeWtS^S DANIEL O'RORKE MT Q(J T> a /-^ a\ -vr uf imrtT/i i rITIf , i/\ni'Tv^Tt T « years old, stands 17 hand, is very powerful, and posses- ' J.OD DAbVJ li , WAEKEN(jiA-A-HI.IvA JUL/iVJbjI KjljKjD sos remarkably good Hat hone ;is also good tempered, Winner of the Canterbury Cup, Canterbury D^rby MTTTT\TVP ATvTk TViPHVT? i\V and vry staunch in harness. and other imporUnt events, will stand this season ILLIJNJIiK AIND lEACHMI OF r-^ovTxrn -T"^ WH* /rvWTTNrP He washed by A. M. Newman. Esq., and was got at Ormond. Bvjhon FANCY WORK, DOXING ~r)A\ nyTLETIIst., oufc ft b ].' Young LoftVi OANIKL O-RORKEVS tabulated pedigree will show Begs to inform the Ladies of Gisborne that To /jf "SMS W^^tS Wri» at the that he stands second to none in tifeiS^ '" B "°» She has taken those Premises in Gladstone iv , nlmn _ Poverty Bay Agricultural and Pastoral society's Show J~ T V| ■ , ■ Koad, next Mr Foster's, Chemist, for a WAERENGA-A-HIKA COURSE, to 1886. ! s^in,i,Bini. s « «•'•»"» N l4 a i lebone short time, and will give instruction os mo a STar«^. 10 pSSrS a S tK^ow^r JTpS |l Catcher> ouiccioli g?"^'^ m the followin Subjects— miTTmoTnv TMrmnvTTJT?!? q^ttt IftßQ agreement. Paddocking-, with plenty of tfrasa and bi ii I^. . __ Poon-lh, Lustre and Crystollim Painting ; THURSDAY , ImOiLMUJUi ZOTH, lft»J. water, free for one month, after which 2s Cd per 2-zZ Hotman Pl'^nff " rutandorf ~ Pnini- nnrl VI AfM"imp T ipp • IVnv -,nrl TTlah veek will be charged. All fees, whfither guarante3 a 'c S Forgot- uonnanilatott Coinusnur; Point and Maciame Lace \\ ax and JHsh- p, lm , n f<m, ft ™ Umilpo or otherwise, to be paid before removal of Mares. In G- I Q me not nuv ■ Jerryl Scale Flowers ; Pa non Marble ; Wattle Maiden Plate, of 20 soys IJ miles caees of guamntce, and maws not proving in foa!,the G - Oblivion Kjinbran <• Work; Lillies, in velvet ; Sun Flowers, in Boxing Day HAumCAr, of 100 soys, Is^ miles fe 0 will be returned. All care taken, but no respon- « | -- . - __..._' velvet ; Frames, Necklets, and Bracelets in Handicap Hurdle Race, of 60 soys, 2 miles ability incurred. | ° Sleight of Pantaloon Ida]Ja tl Seeds ; Leather Work, Crewel, rrasene, Hack Hurdles Handicap, of 10 soys, 1 mile lor particutaw apply- TOTTTQ - | S§' Hand Filodo PitaT &c. Miss Bacon is also showing an Assort- Flying Handicap, of 40 soys, ;/ mile *»■ wlliLiS, pq cq «|. Decoy | Finesse ment of very choice MILLINERY at ex- Handicap Hack Flat Race, of 10 aovß, 1 « ? . __ _ ,^^ tremely moderate charges. mile THfWiC! ttpjttt o 2 3 O f(Bro»vn - ( " a g' A Class on Wednesday evenings and Satur- Forced Handicap, of 20 soys, 1 mile iiiuiviAC) ijir&ii i, .wa v Grey Momus(d> Cervantes day afternoons, when all subjects except Owner ' Wbataupoko. - iolwiirfl—^ &S painting will be Is a lesson. Nominations-Saturday, 23rd Nov., 1889. ° ttWM Caia DaSterof By permission of the Colonial Secretary Weights to be declared— Saturday, 30th SEASON 1889-90. £ g Dayrell) „ Edmund ~ she will hold a Grand ART UNION of Nov., 1889. 2 Ifi ' ! liledora|| FANCY ,YORK. Tickets 2s. 621 Acceptances— Saturday, 14th Dec, 1889. ffSqcßvtfS&fc THE Thokougubked » Palmyra Sultau sillS — J. A. HARDING, W^^>4 -^ STALLION— <| H Bacchante COLONIAL INDUSTRY. 661 Secretary. l^X a D'2 nT7T?T?TNri?T? Heskr **^™ _. . — xJxlixxSXLLy \JCEjSX S ■ — Blaeklock ASK your Grocerffor the Auckland Com- NOTICE ™i?!fS£ !?i, te . se T n , at E »ersiie Patutahi. | H |?™ ■£ Brutanorrf Maudane n 3 m,' n TPrTTVnsMnKPiisfHNiP w uiiv/u. DERRINGbR is a handsome dark brown 5 Plat off Comus nr .« P . y » io ii • Si V i seven years old, showing great quality anrt power « Dflughterof Mareiana PMI, in 1 and Ilb turn. Ihe best and TOWTST TfAV is Cash buyer of Wool, with a remarkably fine temper, combined with plenty * — OasT^i ~ Ch Xtr i ra l Sa i ! n f t rl ma ' kOt - J HWafi Y d k\inf CUpC Lock,,an<i -fiSLTSSW-b,!**^-^ " P »-'~" holeaale and retail, trail— Y\UX&. by Patriarch out of flyiiiß Doe-By The Premier out Biithday Camel "' » , riJNU, Uppkr GLADSTONE ROAD. 488 of Wilhehnina by Homeo out of Miss Rose ; Patriarch H o no » a Maid of Honor 026 Agent for Gisborne. StS^^ *Derby 1810. t St Le g er> 182 , § St.Le«er. «Oa ks . ~ ket— by Toxopho'ite. At two years he won the By glancing through the pedigree it will be seen ~fy^^A<mr Hf/%*»«»> CS-^T Cl^-*n Nursery Handicap, beating Rosebud and Foulshot. that DANIEL O ROI' KE is equallj as well bred on tv^JlilV ■ VIOTIP.V NnlP Sli I I Oil. At three he won the Stud Company's Sires Produce his dam's Bide as on his sire's. It will be seen that J-l/V/Cly^J XTAVFII.^J kJCI;ACi KJtAJ-A \Z-H.j Stakes, carryinsr Bsfc 101 b. He lias started for twenty- Sledmere, Dan's sire, is a grandson of Irish Birdfour events— first twice, second nine times, third four Catcher, the grandsire of Stockwell, which is alone AT times. sufficient to prove the 3xcellent blood that courses Thrhs : Single mare £2 10s, two or more mares as through his veins. J\\r A T m *O "O CJ ' per agreement. Paddockinjj free for one month.after the sire of rrunette, Dana dam, is alao • W /% Jj JL J2J _K> J^ • which 2s per week will be charged. Every care will Sire of Seclusion, dam of Hermit, the most celebrated -*-• f^, 9 be taken with mares, but under no circumstances sire in England. Brun ette's granddam, Birthday, OT^k -* IT /^s. -XT" "l^V I—T1 — T- S-^ "f Tr^ T7l will the owner be responsible for a-cidents. HiDd is also granddam of the celebrated horses, Stockham |-<\/llllXl 1 I— I I 1 I I Si H shoes to be removed from all mares. Mares to be paid and Panic, tho corner ston, -of the Australian Stud Jjl JALjL \J JJN XJ XJL \J VJ O Xli , for before removal. Book, they being the sires o '.the most celebrated 7 Any mare bavin? missed to the horse last season norsefl bred in Australia, inclu. <ng Commotion, Wel-/^-N-| — 1 -IV /T /~~\~l<r\ 1 — \ will be taken on usual terms, viz., £1 for feeding Kngton, and Pell Mell andsevei •, others. Brunette, \^_J yX i I\/I.V_^,lX| I J and attendance Dan's dam, was imported by Mess.s Harris and Innis, Mares can be left in Mr Black's paddock. Childers alon S witl \ Mermaid and Traducer, which has been road, and will be forwarded free. proved to bo the beat blood that was eve. imported to — YxrATfri^o UT A/~"f the colony. — — — — VVAJjll^rv JSIjALIV, Brunette has been admitted by competent judsrea Ellerslie, Patutahi. to be one of the best brood mares ever imported HP 1 FQ QWrfcWTTVir 1 THN WF.RK • *■ ~ - south of the Line. *-■*■■*-* LiD iJ JLLKJ TV 1 JLI VK lfllu r» IJUXV • j.q g^AND THE SEASON AT Dan has proved himself a most brilliant racehowe, WAFRWMP A A "HTK" A which his performances will show. RHUFATT A\T tt i orin r<T A CJCJXir A T>"D A"\TT"I "R A QTrTTTQ »»aanaHua-fl-xiiftfl, Ho has also proved himself to be one of the most XJUrIriMIAJN VAbJi/O, G-LASSWAKJI/, AiNiJ JC> AoJa-Jti 1 0, successful sires in the country, ana is mentioned in of TT«lf T L^^rl P nn f P A QTT I A >flßh fTMiE Fashionable th« N.Z. Referee as having been greatly neglected by at Halt Landed Cost tor L/Aori i 4mbmmHw I Ti mm, , , 1,1,,. breeders. A ODTXT ATI )O T?\r Alf UT • 11 H^l^^a HiiLlMF* "*• - tn °rou {JJiui Oujof the 133 winning sires of New Zealand O'Rorl;e AoJrIJN AXjLj O iLiNAMJIJLi 111 Skll L»OlOrS. btallio li— stands tenth, and has had few chancen of di B tinguish- ■ jfiffl' ' n S himself. He is the sire of Sir George, winner of ____ __„ _ I^Sl^^Lj^^J^^ TC A T O * 110 Wan S anu i Cup value 600 guineas, iv the fastest **^^^^^^^WB>* -^- **■ XJ \J m time it has been accomplished, also of Recluse, winSTRA.W HATS 6d, CHILDREN'S STRONG STOCKINGS 3 pair for Is, Bred by J. Lee, Esq., New South Wales. grtSlUffit uSSi' SS^iSta^KhSSSd? PRINTS 4d, MUSLIN 6d, FLANNELETTES 5(1. Cot by Jfattendon— dam Gipsy Girl, by colt Wanganui. He is hkewise sire of Teddy Derby", A LOT OF LADIES' LUSTRE DUST CLOAKS 6s Gd for CASH ; Kmgstone .out of Black Bess-Yattendon by %Z^JXn«&&X^^X wnrf V, 900 bir Hercules— dam Cassandra. winDb . ' of * he Oamaru Champagne Stakes of 1885 and wortn zvb Tkrms : £2 10 single mates. Oamaru jerby, 1886. • —_-„ j UTiTTmtj- His stock have realised \ery high prices, £1000 hayAflfl flll nfllPV TrmO« in iVr ', „ ing been refused for some of his progeny. AAXJ.U CAJXX \J\jXX\SX J.JIJJLC'O lUL Waerenga-a-hlka. He has likewise been successful in the prize ring, _^ ______^__^__^____ taking twelve first class prizes in Christchurch, Tim-D-t-^v a *— •*. -l —^ -, -« — r- -«b». mwL. f'TVT»iwri\ri,' aru, and other places against imported horses, and EA P E E T, ffjr^-^* T stallion- le n r on>Bprizeforthobeßtthoroughbredo " ~^"^ ■ *jßW&^rL\4fi[l NATTVP Tkbms.— Tlioroughbred mares £10 10s each, half " ii •m^ m .^Hi^ T«_ •n.J^... £^_ n..J H H/f ««.««. I fT Vy^Mt ±*-n.XX\SIi bred mares £5 6s each, others £i 4s, two mares (the At jSQUaiiy MUW friOOS IOC ±veaay JULOaey I *«^^(^^&il MT'N'TSTTrT? property of same owner) or more than two as per luimuiijiv i agreement. j ■X Will servo Mares, at £2 10s per mare. Guarantee All m °neys to bo paid before the delivery of marcs. * T>/~vtrci> n a tjcj J axTTTJ^ra ie nnn U TV/rTTXT'CJ axiTRTQ 9a UA DVI7OT £3 ss. Two or more mares as per agreement. Good secure paddocking 1 . BOYS UAi'b and SMLKIb IS each, fXIJIiJN S O±ll±tl» JS, ±iaKVJIiCM Fees, whether guarantee fees or otherwise, must be Grass free until notice of stinting is given, affcer HATS 18 DUCK TROUSERS 2s 9d, Pa>a oefore the removal of Marea. which 2 8 6d per week will be charged. nAiO 1B > "V VIX xx ji VVtv ~, \ orT , In cases of guarantees and Mares not proving in AU oare taken ' but n0 responsibility. J^VjJtv UAoU! foal, the fee will be returned. Any mares missing last season will be served for » Every care taken, but no responsibility. fee of £2 2s. Ironmongery, Brushware, Glass and China Lamps, etc., etc, , *tfi£%ffififfi^ be free> after which For "»«■« P" ticula " »^' to - ALL DIRT CHEAP, John clark, o. s. abbot, ' Opou Ormond, FOX& CAS^C X^O'WTKTZ r ° u '

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5624, 20 November 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5624, 20 November 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5624, 20 November 1889, Page 4


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