Business Notices. THB LARGBBT gALB IV AUSTRALIA KRDUCBD PRICI LIST. TIHE "HOME SHUTTLE. American Lockstitch BEWING MACHINE, the beat and most easily worked Family Sewing Machine in the market, without regard to price, and we feel conßdent that whenever persons wishing to buy Sewing Machines give the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine a fair trial in competition with other machines, it will have the preference. In proof of their superiority over other machines WE GUARANTEE THEM For FIVE YEABB. With the Machine is furnished— Hemmer, Braider, Shuttle, Bobbins, OilCan.Oil, Screwdriver, Five Needles, Guage, Table Clamp, and directions for use. All securely packed in strong case without extra charge. It will hem, fell, bind, oord, braid, seam, tuck, rtiffle, hemstitch, and gather, and sew on and gather at the same time, and will work equally well on Silk Linen, Woollen, and Cotton Goods, with Silk, Linen, or Cotton Thread. No 1-HAND MACHINE, Eedaced to £4. N.B.— This is also adapted for use on Tables and Treadle which we will supply at any time, of elegant American manufacture for £2 ss. No2-MACHINE, for Treadle use only, having the very great advantage of being set level with the table, complete, with elegant Ornamental Iron Stand, with handsome polished top, complete, reduced to £6 ss. No. 3— MACHINE, as above, with polished cover to lock and protect machine, reduced to £7 7s. Where the genuine "HOME" SHUTTLE MACHINES are not procurable we will send them direct to purchasers on receipt of remittance or reference. EVERY GENUINE HOME-SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Is Staxpkd M. MOBS & CO., SIDNBT, N.B.W. BEWAEE OF GsBXAN & BIBXINttHAX IMITATIONS. Solb Im pobtbbs : L. D. NATHAN & CO., Auckland. J. LEONARD & CO., AGENTS, GISBORNE. TO EDUCTION IN PRICE OF TEAS. We have pleasure in announcing to our many customers and the trade generally, that in view of the near approach of our New China Season's Tea Supply, FOR WHICH 72 FACKAGES HAVE BEEN i*O\J ORDERED, (First portion to arrive per 'Bo wen,' direct steamer from Foochow), WE HAVE RECAST OUR PRICES FOR ALL OUR PRESENT STOCK, And are now prepared to sell in trade parcels, AT PRICES THAT WILL JUST COVER COST AND EXPENSES. The opportunity to buy advantageously is therefore unusually favourable. OUR STOCK OF CHINA TEAS IS N.OW VERY LIMITED, And consists chiefly of — HALF-CHEST FINE, MEDIUM AMD LOW, BLACK LEAF CONGOU DO. SOUCHONG KAISOW DO. PKKOE SOUCHONGDO. TRUE KAISOW CONGOU DO. SPKING-PICEJLED NLNGHAOW Of Various Qualities to suit general trade requirements. In ASSAM TEAS We have been appointed agents for the CALCUTTA TEA SYNDICATE, And, in view of Regular consignments from India, ofier all our present Stock of Assam Teas at a LARGE CONCESSION IN PRICE. Sample* and Prices forwarded on Application. L. D. NATHAN & CO., Shortland-strkxt, Auckland. 883 LAW AND CUSTOMS FORMS printed at the Herald offioe. ORDERS for Printing of every description, executed with as little delar aa possible, at moderate rat*, at the Herald Office
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Bibliographic details
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 1386, 30 July 1881, Page 4
Word Count
486Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 1386, 30 July 1881, Page 4
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