(Front ih£ AvMpuijd. ''JSymiiigx&tdffMmiy- . day', October %sthJ)\ ; y . .^r. „,-. : . .TffiEli.anjUpjiricemenfcitKat success isjlikelyii itp^crp^ij^.the: enterprise Uf 'the coinpanyf .engaged'^in r.borjng Vf or; 'petroleum, .Pqyiprty^Bay. has 'not coiiimanded the attetitibn j^ich,it|^portiince. ,warran^.; . The.'iti.diistry .deßenß|ntrupon ihe production, andy pre,paratip£, 6i ■.. ttierjgilfvfpr the;maTke.t,.ha £ lj, }$ i' 4. few? L years, become 'one bf She mpsij^xtensiyein , the, United; . .States. If, as there is every reason to* believe, <:the oil. exists.i n.l arge quantities : iti several distridts in this colqny, a new,: and mois^ vaiuatbte^qd'jEiit^will swell the'-wealth-^rodu'cifig^dapabilitfes'of' the colony»-' ,The market in New Zealand is 'locally: protected by a duty^ of 6d pcr v gallon an^i^^M^mp^ion^icoinputed at aTbout 966,600-ygaiions per annum, or . equ&LltbH aboUt £80, 0.00.- v ; : It is, under--.stood l that the . Go verrime'nt are) ..willing . t tp'na'^ f ab i on^s.«£;,^d;p.ergalipxi,jap^n.the $rW^Ssoo6^ : |^^^ New^out^ upon: refined'-petroteam, and as the crude «^mitted t; 'free,j'tlie' ; NeVir- : -;Zißalarid.prb-; lijuct wionld give, employment to refiner-^ lies in 'tliat'colony. In/yiojsjriayandfthe rjjotihf r colotties, the cpnsuniptictnj %yery "U^rge '.'per head .of, population. In poiht' oil -fact, the^yhole trade/ of r the Austral--"iaii colonies' would 'be'bpen'a^,a" J maTket-. ; tdC'thetpp'eratibhaSf olKpVodliciSH'lin/Jn^V?/ Zealand. Also. ; .!Ohina, H> where 'a' 'Ye]fX- • 14rge atnount^of petrqleuni is consumed ■ ahniially, and^Tapan' and'- India like'\*ise; ;,:,■'" .■ t "'" i ,' , - The.^i£§sJ^||fi^ jimerican^gays '^. " The r petrplejuin, produced in ; v iAii^^ca in 1879 T 'was " f 26;d0d,000 - ba'rrpjs^o'r ■'gO^OOjOOpj-gallonsi The number'/ of Cwells drilled during the year W.SW .3,038. prpyed'jt6% dry. The shipments amounted fcb;nearly lejOOOyOpObarrelajbriGOjOO^^ 'The maximum' pjr,bductipn;.of#brude; p^t*;" .xpleum in Penris'ylvaniah Oil -Fields" WaV i reached -in., 1879.; ? ;^ince ■, that time, the^productib'n has oeeii' Steadily pn,therdecline, ; and,i frdm.pregent iudica--4 tions, ; :iy.e : .may,,. look «forf a^continiied ; d«cline.sloy^y b^fesurely*",.^.^ .;: : j,.;.'^ _■ • Another ..issue ' 'bf ! the T above.; paper 1 the.---. if pllo wing ' r particulars < ::; ;The; first oil well was sunk by.CJpl6neL= Drake s ih 1859.. ./There, are., np.j^,. 12,000 pro r . *-ducing. l w,ells ? turning out daily 2,406;dQ0. gallons! '" There are 500 .iron tanks, with'" ..capaevty for 400,00b;pj00 ; gali6hs^ "There .are 3000 miles of |dpp^in^^also 3000 tank cars, %ithi;capac^yl''£p^transport 10,000,p00^ial]piis^pf^i!^^ are >2000 miles of tubing" and used in and ; aroufid^fie' w'el jp, ; - and Steam engines, Jwith 10,000 boiliers. ''The home consumption-, in^ the r sdn^ted/ §ta|»^. amounts. to 400,000_gallonav,^per diem, ' whilst the world takes^l,6oojM)o gallpis per^ieljaV--"-'-' fl - r :^-:i i :l^f:!:i'.' 7 !'^''V • l ' iThese l particulars oV- thdv oft .trade p* Ameri^j whiclv, is. r SHiI .to • o^t in, tb;efl shade .the enormous gpj.d . fieldsJpf, ; OaH-J fornia, ruia^sifyer miiies^o ! £-':i^evji&a,'' : atfd*S aU'itslopal 'Outturn :*put together,;' give-' subtjtantial ,reasou for -the s .prosecution of'^ouk in ;libelyy4 r l^'c^Uti^Vforr"tlie. -ddvfelbpment of 7?buj^colpßiai ffelp!; ' Ttl^ shqwjithe.ivaiueLofVpil't lands: feni^ Mention tljatr^i^aip^ipj^j^p^.v,^:., Pennsylvania Have Bold'ior "aa high" a figure asi'ltOOOidDOdbls. per acrej. with . pnljrslight. surface indications o£ oiUbii; . them. - The- oil- trade -of -the -Australian-* colbnies'a^d Ne.Wv.gealana geagate %bout£ 6i'ootf,ooo galfons 5 , or about^Esoo7Qoo per ? .&s this J minefiil has <i)e'cbnie^ a\^4tel>i« 'pfon^rest and attentipn fpr. N,ew Zeawe think it would^be^interesti^f and instructive' .tb>rgiYe( a Blight' sketchYof ithe magnjtqde.of the. s trade. developed By ■'o^Amyricatfcotisftisi^ •^whichhas of late ' years^ givferi i; 'mucli t jcheap light to (tjhe\ world, <jand : ' Wliich ■ promises suoli a' n&ld' "bf v wealth< and industry. ipfNe^r Zealand in? itHe.near 'future.. "A'ccTrdMg 1 fd^the-'evtftence-fblrp.ughtit^pfl,r l jnotice,-, j: tihiiß- prpspecte for Nje^;Z.ealand ;are T quiteias r : gqo^i^. ryM(flWevke£ in.Pennsyl vania or G^gSda;r " asi&e/petopleijmyis^fjJHndi-jexudingj&oriiir; thVsu'rface.O[iS^rjacesh'offs : .bfoiljC:fa^^ afc:hayeiis#ni4iscp:vere'4in^eWZ^ arsiqf rare Qqqiirvenp.^,s; ajnd, t ao,a.Qriding;i tQ^an..;.eminqnt gedlgoiat: (Mr, r;^fiss),^ .^'^ure^^n wiibh. surface sffbw, let iJLb,e. small pr^larg^i^ ;pr,oyided the^ffgwta.|o > *^eYQl,op,e;.the pif jate'. systetfiati^'aiid- well r direot^dy " >that we may hope' to see a second Elennsylvania withiii 1 our own reach, and stimulated, we^trust, byl^ew^eaISnd enterprise?' -^Xi 6btaining^ j?er6sene ofrom^pefcrbieum'"' ''it; is' foand t^iilaJi rl if: this pil'p,ays;iti ! -o'lfcrn I Miati, th& : bye; ! prb i! dupts, benzine^lubriciating ' oils an c d ; p'ar- j affin thef orm Basis o,f the' enormbusprbfits o£ "sjp& :-in : duß<;ryf "'The "■ application- of •[ pßtfbleiim to !^Ke " w>ante' 'of mankind? in' ;var|qus ways is ribt r nearly , at. its" limits; \ :Jt^is'^bw : appliod'vf^ :gas; n£ai3nfa ctn'ring,*'' steam 1 generating/ : 'j(^ 7 a'-''f;uSrf6r' J^ ■cbppar/r leadi'y an.d^ 'sUv er^Bingltip^ ,'_'■ :an'd 'WipjSrij'i >ine.nt's! hS^e prd've^lts^use ingKHsrtanii ■' >flt§eriuanufactur6si *'-^a'a lubricSCSr' Xt' rig^'^qiversalT^fbr' -ipainti! 'espedially' 'f 6r J ofiMS^^woifk, '.it : is .Yext'eri'sivel^ u&jdjr froM ! the"inValuabie'' 'drying'^ 1 ; 8^ thejjen^ihe ;f : and ';!&:£, but^ibt : leas\ -i%'it' fOTclng ila,%ay r ! ths^rbttt? 1 agairist* enprmqusly-ppwerful: vested inteyeSte-^T. ;:as' : ir'f fieT for - v locbmbtives' and- steani^ fpr which "latter it is s,e we>l adapjfced -by. -^esßP^ pf 'its ismall 'Hulk^ With oil at 6d per gallon f.o'.b. in New York,!, with,A3Jd: to > cover -commission, f reigh t and insurance, and . an t duty (pl-Qd' per^ 'gallon.' in 'thift" colonies,, waking k bf ;ls^d b'eforS* it ■^can go, into cqnS.qm'pti'qn, thqre" is quite 'margin-'' eriqug.|i t: f<s r 'large and lower charges,' r i^Hile in if th'e»^cos^ for maihufabturing "tin cases .the;,, charges SnolifWjqwMhMtH^iH'^^^ Sfta^s, 1 W We n W Raffs' Winipor^
jfrom England, and subject to a ver^, rhe.a'vjfampo^rt duty, ..and'about, tha same cost f or labourj. f:? --^ -^ j>j^; S THere 6afi bb nb'teasbn wlijpty? 'cripas i petroleum found -in New Zealand; can^ nbtr^be .distilled, refiqeid, ahii^put. np( -quiFe as cheaply here as it can be in the' States, in which case there would not; 'orijy. ; bs^iSaying of/gftver half a million -pqunds sterling the i'cblonies and a^substeatiat iferisSt;Sccrp^ ing to the householder and manufacturer', by tlfeTeductibtf in the cbst-fbriight and* f uel j; but -j f rorn; the ibregoiiig it w.onld De quite sifeibr us to predict : that New becomeTqne '"of the pro-^ ducing atid : je^ning :..centres,- of the world. In a f u ture article we shall discuss this; interesting and give some account- of the' early 4liistory of petroleui£,-anditß; development -asa lighting substance. •-►.
j(From. the Auckland »Stor.) • £?_ ..Continjjing our remarks oh the producjtion bf~petrpleum, -we may observe that, 'its refitfemeht. md use . are^purely Jgf ,'AmericfiHi ; aiscovery,, as' the, substance has beeri fcno^'all. BWtoric peri6ds| Herodbtus, B^C. 440, it being lObtainedjne'ar the. town of. Susel _ The Arabs ca'fied' ; it naplith(from r -which /itap&th^s derived), and < the mysterious, '.perpettta^'fire of the Ancients was : ob--| stained from] aif|e±udatioirpf :the mineral j or th§.^&&:aTisiug JLheref rbnv crevices^piietr'dcksU iKtMt&£my»}Mi was foujid' that the /American Indians had utilised 'ttus^ mineral for purposes',' introducing- .it ; into medicine the.yname^ of ? seneca, . ctil r . How ■' petroleum^is ;*. produced iri ' the' economy of nature' 'naST not 1 'yet been satisfa,c{;orily. elucidate^, r aj?eBeveral'theories wiiich'diW-geilcbtjsidterf-~ably. Some authorities^adherer id its animal briginj-r others- fcbiWrvegefcable,) and the latter seem to have the ad van?: tage,;. c w by, ; v its ,^ associatipni. , % rgWpgicallyj either above or below^ coalY- v \ Efpen-. !mentalr t aq4' ■; P.CS-P?^ o^-?^^ 1 /? W Mvs; Itheir Busiest field in the wohderfu^range •"■of .the-hy^ocarbpns prpd^"cedjli;o^-]tjffi[^; .mineral. * TPetri-oleum^rbckoiiJ' is 'found riri various localities—^at Trinidad, Zahta, North^ltalyJ T^^yaria^l •ICaspian tJSea/^ Java, Burraah, Peru, Brazil, -Hayana, Barbaddfes,' JS64 QSW Zealand. The largest'Vp?o^««s»Bgi Canada. -ioiitiM pbtaMedf byisinking^wells" from. 60ft.. ito>iftOfjb.iand,upwards.! .Sonte^ .of tKemt >are;-.lflowin'g -i^v;ellsiior». iVArying. periods, but several^ih North America- . haYejtJpiSredi;.ojit! such quantities, as; to liierally' flopdidistricts bef or^S anyimfe'a^ttft .o| po'ufiniijgjr/tiie' precious ftyid ;icould ■ be devised or.resorfceijto. ,,-; It's c^Tdtfr,' v by] transmitted light^ is of afteddish ibrownil-withVJa'j strong^^>'dai'k;:gr"ffe^i<;l>sj direct light. Its consistence varies very much' for different Idealities..* Oii Gaijada ifc is atordinary^temperatures,: alinostjas. thiclc Jas) treacle T; }ict. TOm^;. ) oi| 3^tfeyfin.ers American are slightly transparent, and those samples of the Sfev^ : Zealand ; product exhibited '}■&& the* ■resembled the Above^grade'of American, 'with ■ thiß i exception of. ( '.being ' ! I.semi-1 -transparent, rutn-c6l6tirep%'-l> tind^ vefy, f fluid.^ The. wells in -America vary ; in ,:guage ; frbm^fbuf toiaiiiiidc.hes^ and-iare generally-ftibedi tir a'dmi^yf ithe piimping " apparatus,^ wMchjriisi. ■piae'ed at suchr a depth {that; i fc < will J& , .h&low/the oil level, so^as- to. eari^i pff^h«rjvGlu<ne prpdttce.d :fj by ViJthe;, |Bprmg7.'rs!TiiißT : Jeyel. gradually:: recede^ : from;. the ) surf acef in , consequence, of I > the 'great .drairiage'^upoii-. the oil stratum;/ .until" in the <spuia§ of r iirmi manjr fos get drjj^ScJftfe 4xtrio^< ainstr^'.vmejtbisf; togbyc/the^ ■ f er tfle' miiads '6i tlie* A"mefieafik to teprp> ; dujSe. ra^ fl,6^ ,p£ ;;. Qil. v . ■; Sfhere VypIIC-^aji? been 1 abandoned;: it has-been fouridV.that: ,by dropping: "di bomb of peculiar^Gpn-^ struotipi to the bottom',, afte.r.e^plosipn, 'the action been.suoh'aa i cpmpietely '.to' : Thewellffbltow^istincWea^slsuchas. will « be tinderstood^hy^pur readers, as' ,like* an lea^d^tK^^ff-W" 'gutter- blßiHg^'sifalib w and narrow *ii the •tup, and, broad ancL deep.: ( afc'/i|s^|^eliJßr Struck p^ilat 50. feeti,,.|in: oil grjoun^ofr ordinary. iiidieatiohs : 'small whilst following down; the lead the widtV hasdincfeai^ed : Jfcdrhalf-aYmirei^rr\B : o, f wMd % ;' the. s^epth : may; have; attained 2, 000 f.^et/ There -are . I^2,ooo ;; .producing , rwella:! in? America?; they I:; are.; protepbedi.^y 2,000, miles of ironjitubing, -arid casing pipes, arid; >they ; prpdupe . i2j4oo,ooQ.', gallons, i.daily), '■'' _^he/ r .pil|'j a^.-it,^ it'ecHnicaily termed,,- is^irected.ii'nip.. enormous^, iron-' tan]?s generaljiyiijf jyvhich tjiere afe'^rfer 50p',^containing an' aggregate -, capapityL for 406, OpPiQQO^Upqjß.. \\ lifery v litrie^pf ( .this patf oleum is. defined by pro-' ducers $ .- js -aol^] to ' ; the .refine,rsj-ip yariotfs " locauit^ii.-.and'-, countrie/(V f ;] ; li?i, order to cpnveF/it there are 3,&60 tank cars^Cirdri^boiler^fip^unted on railway frames), capable of "carrying 10,000,600 t^lllpn%i i: b#idie3s^!ild]> ■\therßs|i:e*|no^ ; 0 ; 000 miles of lines laid d.qwn, which-; have yielde'di; immenaofe^Vofits to the adventurers } and thereare 12,000 steam 'n)impihg ;;the[ oil-; from the wells and delivering it a^ing the tracks^ The refiners in dealing-with the iaateHal^ JBfiid be^iainie, illiiminating oil or kerosene, lubricating oils^pf^ kindsy ;paraffloj r attd^^waSi :? pniy'ab6uysOl pe# .bent. ']being'- reslduej^ khowa'latf tarj-'-^which;; 1 is' ; tised'-'as 1 : f f iiel iff^-tße-prooes3 jA 6i ; ' distillation^ i ' IS'apWa ; i?: ofr benzine: are :Jthe_- first , products V Mvsiqh, run from a the ■} jefin'erStV s^]til]jr^^fter* w.hich a number pf-f^oils of '-different specific gravities cpmetover at different degrees of heat j. i w.hich are .allowed to flow 'into one tank as illuminating oil. Of ri thfe/tlwtf,;! about os,o of BqipefeTdent of *- cept iq qasps, where,. aifine.guaHt^ 4#feJ quired, to stand^^re s tesfcof fronTl3o' deg. to ISOA'd^gV;'!?.?^^ of JO deg- Ijelow Zero >-y then only about '&$■ ~ge^etit^6btainabler' I 'h^&- 1 ' our' f 'inarket 1 tlie' -former : .jfigiire3jarfe =■" meT rule.' nt ' J F6U6wirigf :i tUe i^ f iUum4na£lnrg -:.wli-i we then from"thef*JtUba^dense he'^'vySil^wifch^ higher ftSgree:W KeiSf/ whibli' >:r se^vea-'for ; .<J'ub'ribatiiigv^ £#fiaV lastly, assfcill heavier oii.cpjitaining,pl^ affins' a'nd^rS^'-TJwj ben^in^ T andikefS^ sine as they'opme' { ftom:tniS v stiU !^quir^ trefttme^t |pj ,- disoolburisaiftC)!! and deoderiHatiohVrr!lTbr ■these ; ;prbceße«ftitherei are large quaritities^of.rsulphtiric acid and other chemicals • used, until the oils have obtained tlie necessary colour and brightness, and arc- in a marketablec state. 3"ln4obtaining keroswe from pefe: its awn, .cost, the,te— b^n^trie, lubricating bilsV^d'par^n^ortn 5 the basisiof theftP 01 ' I " lo^^ o !^' o^^^ industry. Wah'nefroleunri'anls situaWd on our East Go'a-sfrJ-'aiJQo^ernment to^
j jprblect local industries; and . capitalists': looking for safe channels of,investmen^ ; ;thete -w every rea3tin wh^;^uokfiind; !'sh'b;«ldf-b£jaa..4noiuch- a .cent'rb; fpf colbnialc jeajßrgy as Sydney *6r wßicK; :jhave f -always held the leadipg- pos|tibp| jin-perseVerance and iong-sigfitedness. "" :
"Old woman, hp^r &6*yoxMis\l beets?" aeked a Ne^ff Zealand bummer of an Old sre^tabie' woman" 1 ia" the, French market, to foot she replied :'• Vett; I haf" some like you yaa I sell. them two fora cent a -bieceJ£~Li£:~ J^-yju^ ~'-\ '.., ^...,r .^^^_.,.,,«^, .^ liittle girl (to' MttlmaVr: " MammaT may I . hove a c "; ; bea'u^ ?;?T^Aatonished mamma: '^ Why-you:'naughty child !"-rLittle girl.-! '-A bow'm'injf hair I mean. " Tis^:love s tha^,"makes,^a: Typrld go, rounds'*. /It'valso makei tHe^oung 5 - mail go-round^tcrthehonie of; his girl about seseaJQightejp^rjWjßek.,; , ; ,;\, ; ; :,:..., :;,j He was'sitfciLgin the parlour withhef' when, a rooster-craved in the yardj and leaning oveif. hfe said : ; v< Ghanticleer," I.wiah tp x Gr^ci6us you . would^" she said; .V:'lm .assleepy is I can be. " , He ; tobY hia<hat >4 ahd left/! and hasn't been .back since.'"-' ; }-^vii- :^ '" -'•'"'■^S/ i ; ; ."-- ; ''''l
4* ••■■•■
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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1162, 1 November 1880, Page 2
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1,878PETROLEUM. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1162, 1 November 1880, Page 2
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