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Business Notices. STCOK AND STATION AGENT, WOOL BROKFiR, &c, I7VROM possessing extensife influen" ' tial business connections with Bettlers m all parts of the colony, the undersigned has great facilities for ne« gotiatiiiß Purchase or Sale of PBOPERTIES, freehold or leasehold, stocked or unstocked ; and is also prepared to effect purchase or sale of LIVP: STOCK, and to make liberal advances on the same, or on WOOL consigned to him for sale. M. R. MILLKU, ljy Napier. ly/TR ALFRED BUCKLANB, CATTLE SALESMAN & COMMISSION AGENT, AUCKLAND. GOOD PADDOCKS for the reception of Stock. W. J. NOLAN, i Q O L. I C I T O R , TOWNLEY'S BUILDINGS. C. W. B ULLERI Cbbtipicated Accountant m Bankruptuy. EDWIN WOON, Int^jevpretbr. EDWIN WOON, Certificated Accountant m Bankruptcy. EDWIN WOON, Trustee and General Agent. Insurance Companies. The XTnion Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Head 07pice ... Chbistchukch Opital ... £2,000,000. TNSURANCES against loss by Fire _1_ on all kinds ot property. Marine Insurances by steamer and Sailing Vessel on Cargo and Hulls. Wool insured against all risks from Woolshed to England. Lowest current rates. Graham & Co., 1 jy; . Agents. " 'THE STANDARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUJJINOE COMPANY or NFW ZEALAND. -T)ISKS TAKEN at the LOWEST Xi CURRENT RATES by the undersigned. HENRY HAASE, Agent. New Zealand Irißurance Company. FIRE DEPARTMENT.' TNSURANCE against loss by fire on I every description of property may be effected with this Company. MARINE DEPAF.tMENT. Merehandiso, Goods and Freights m» sured by steamers and sailing vessels. Risks on specie subject to special arrangements. Policies on Wool and Produce to tht United Kingdom are granted m triplicate, payable m London if required. W. Adaib, ljy Agent at Gisborne. "VTORTH BRITISH & MERCANi_S TILE INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Established 1809. Subscribed Capital. . .£2,000,000 sterling. Fire Reserve Funds 187G ... £1,082,768. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Insurances effected for Seven Years by pre-payment are charged for Six only. Losses settled with promptitude and LIBERALITY. Forms of proposals and all further information may be obtained on application to MURRAY, COMMON & CO., Be 13 Agents, Gisborne. Australian Mutual Provident Society, Establish kd 1846. FOR LIFE ASSURANCE ON THE MUTUAL PRINCIPLE. New Zealand Branch Office : CUSTOM HOUSE QUAY, WELLINGTON. \nmial Revenue exceeds £630,000 Accumulated Fund exceeds.. .£2, 620,000 TTNTENDED Assurers will please note I particularly the name of this the oldest Established Life Office m the Colonies. The similarity of Title assumed by some of the New offices may lead to mistake. Prospectuses, forms of proposal, and all other information may be obtained on application to the undersigned. F. J. PIESSE, Agent for Gisborne.

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Bibliographic details

Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 961, 27 November 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 961, 27 November 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 961, 27 November 1879, Page 1


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