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'<jm~ ARRIVING, AND TO ARRIVE, FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE ! DKTES-TCr aOODS I TSSSTW aOODSI! NEW GOODS!!! Clothing, Overcoats', Ulsters, Blankets, Flannels, Rugs, &c. \ ROBIOHJUS, TEAT," &C O . :; Shawls, French Merinoes, Serges, Dress Stuffs, Hosiery, Men's Mercery, Millinery, Hats, . ■ AND A GENERAL STOCK, BOUGHT AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW IGIJIftES, AND WILL BE SOLD AT OUR USUAL SMALL REMUNERATIVE PROFIT. , - ;".■ .- .v „: .; \

CURE ;FQJR ALL.,, „., ! HOLLOWATSnOJNXMENT. Bronohitis, Diptheriaj Golds, T Goughs, and all Derangements of the \ \ ■■•'•■• 'j :• Thrbat ; 'and : QhtyUfY : ''*■ ■,: AM snfferers' from' coughs, colds,' brouchWis asthma, and irregulat- a?tiort;Of {the; heart, are earnestly reqonimeudod to rub Hbiloway's seart iing Ointment toll' over the thrdat, breast, and: back, as the case maybe, twice a day. . (FhiaOin ; ment is the moßt efHcaetous,Tpmedy for all ntoi* naj, and. external ailments' of the throat j Bad Legs, Bad Breaßts, Ulcers, A;» soesses, Wounds, and Sores j of all kinds I May be thoroughly healed by the application : this Ointment to. the parts affected,. .aiterthe^ have' been duly fomented with Warm! waiter Under, the actioji of this, powerful medicine, aided by the Pills, all -depraved hmndrs will be. quickly romoyed from the body ; even scrofulous ulcers and foul sores, however bid *nd inteterite, can thus be cured. r . | „ ,, ■■•.■• .- . : . In Gout, Rheumatism, and Neuralgio, ' ; ' '■" ' )V '-' Gains'' '<■■■>» ''^'' I r This Ointment never fails to give.feliei. / Its Veryfirst application lessens the inflammatiou, and 'diminishes bo'fch" heat and- pain, aud chronic cases, the Fills should always be taicen, as their purifyinir, alterative, and qualities, place the whole mass of solids andfluids in a wholesome condition '-■"•'' : ;■.<'■ r '' The Mother's Friend — Infantile Diseases. | : Scald heads, itcfaf, croup, blotches on, the skin, scrofulous sores, and such like affections yield to is mighty newer of this fine Ointment in a short irae, provided it be well rubbed around the intected parts ,two:or;tbree tjmes;. 1 1 jr , ; : : , : Piles,, PistoJ^as, , and internal . , . -.- ; „. ^ Inflftmmations. , rr> , '*' Persons afflicted with these distressing complaints, will Odd in' this wonderful Olntroeiit instant means of ease, and ability to effect their own our«Twith6ut explaining .their inflttarity; to anyone.] The. fills in sma|l.dpaev greatly aafist le Ointment, as they - purify -the blood/ regulate the stomach, and cool the system. . J B6th the Ointment and the Piilf should fo use4 / iytfe/ojsoffin0 l \ complaints :---.. _ i "'■ BadlegS ■■> Fistulas .- Sgr^JWippiei < e ' f iad Breasts , Gout SoreT:hro»ts y t lurns ' <?lan du la rSkin Diseases JhilbJains , Swellings C _curyy Chapped hands lumbagS 9 *^ '< Contracted -and Piles TJloers ' :> Stiff Joints Rneumatism Wounds , ■ , . . . . ; - i, -- - - ', nj i - ■•■ ■• ■■■ "• , ■ ■-' viij..' .; v / i The Ointment and Pills are sold at Profewo* Establishment, 58S, Oxford-streeU Lo'idOu ; ais6 by nearly eVtiM Venpectable) vendor of Mjßdioine, throughput the Civilised World.. . ,[- --r Fun printed directions are' affixed to each, Pot and Box, and cad 'be had in any tanguageV'Avend*, Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian* or Ohineses Grateful — tiomfortipg. . '. ; ' l ; - ■'•• i;:; ':' i^i^ijwJ J ' vl ' - ;>:j ; ' :ils ' : " By a thorottßb . knowledge / of the* natural laws whicb govprftijt^e opera^ tions of* digestion , and nutrition, 1 land! by: a careful application of the, pro. pertieß of well-selected cocoa, Mr BpM ibas provided our brtf*fefast CaWiasjwith a delicatfely )H beverage whfttfc may save' us^many heavy dootorsJi billst 1 It is by the judicious usebf fttch articles ' of diet that—a constitution may be gradually built up ufiUl stronglenougb to resist ev^ry' tendency to disease., Hundreds of subtle ' niafadiei ing around us ready to attack where* ever there is a Weak point* " We taay escape may- 'a; fatal 'shaft ; ; by i keeping; ourslves well fortified with pure blood end a properly . , nourished - ; frame.". See article in the Civil Service Oatetie. i • • t . ' .- ' _____ Made simply with boiling waUr or milk. Sold only in packets and tins, £and lib, labelled:--' J A MJS' EP^P 8 4 CO., ■ HoMffiOPATHIC GH3BMISTS, ' 48 Threadneedle steeet, and 1170 .-■.•: •. . : . ■ Piccadilly ,v -- 1 Wdrks— Eustbn ' Eoad and Camden : ; . :Town. L0nd0n,^, ,,,. ,, qqf f r Why is the consumption of Coffee not ,«• ' general here at in Europe! — Because' it , ; has bben. manufactured by inexperienced \ands. BKOWN, BARRETT &CO \ ' HAVE' spared tid expose iin ; ing machinery which preserves' the full Aroma und Strength of the bean, and being thoroughly acquainted With tlie manipulation of T Coffee, can produce an article unrivalled. , To suit the Convenienc© and Taslett of Customers, B M B. ; &.C» ( liay,e design nated each of their qualities (which never varies) with' a brand, viz. :— Ist (Juaitty— Excelsiqr Brand (Qreett *Label.) . •. . -. , 2nd. Quality— Standard Brand (Red LabeC) • i! v 3rd Quality-^Lion Brand. i Packed in 1, 2, 4, 6; 7, 14j 28, Sand 401b. "Tins. ■' •■ ■' ' ; ';' | -:. a ■* - - ;; .:. ' " Provincial Laboratory, -, ' " Auckland, January 20, 1t77. "Brown, Barrett & Co. „, "Gentlemen,— Having"' madej. a very careful analysis of the sample ei Coffee which I took from the bulk «n premises, I find' it to be a first-class _ a article, consisting of puW Coffee mixed with a ; proper proportion of Chicory. n The flavour, is all tW could be. desired. 18 " With' regard to the samples of Black * Pepper, ; l find that they are perfectly -f^ree from adulteration. ; -n «' . ... . " Jamrs Tunny, ! '•;. J "Provincial Analiat^'*. Retailed by all Grocers. Wholesale at BROWN, BARRKTT-A CO.« -' >• Auckland Steam; Coffee Works, Elliott r - jy22 Street. p . , >. TPvIRECTION Labels, Bottl* Labels " JLs and Tickets in, every variety printed at the Herald Office/ TDOSTERS, executed in any color, JT at an hour's notice, Vat the Herald s Printing Office.

PURIRI iU U\ MINEIiIL^ATJER ij BOTTLED AT THE NATURAL! SPRINGS. OOOL, EFFERVESCING, AND INVIGORATING, i rpHE CURATIVE PROPERTIES JL of the above WATER have been known for many years. \ The isolated position of the Spring has previously prevented^ the 'water- from having been brought prominently before the public. --- ■ : It has been a specific amongst the aboriginals for generations, and Europeans have camped in the vicinity 'to obtain its medicinal assistance. ■ i As an aerated water it is unsurpassed!, having a peculiarly pleasant flavour. \ Medicinally the water is placed 6n the market in its natural state^ carefully bottled and wired. ; Below will be found the reports. And analyses, also medical testimonies frbii pentlemen well known in their profession. Extract from report by Dr. Hector, Wellington : — " ' ' '' " You will observe from the attached table of composition that by far the. larger proportion of solid matter consists of bi-carbonate of soda, giving to the water a strong caustic re-action. It' therefore belongs to the interesting group of mineral waters' known as the Alkaline, to which many of the Spas on the Continent of Europe belong, suqH as Oichy in Frahce ' and Fachlngen in Nassau,, whjoh were resorted ,to 4 fQr the buro of diseases in the digestive organs, and especially for diseases i of ,the kidney and bladder, arid' for removing 'constitutional tendency to gout. 1 ! . Analysis by Mr. Skey 7i Wellington. . Solid constituents in grainß per gallon : Soda, 199 01 ; potash; r 2*587 ; lime, 11*088 ; magnesia, B*ooß ; iron, traces ; silicic acid, 2*772 -sulphuric acid, 2*903} carbonic acid, 300*438 ; phosphoric acid, traces ; chlorine, 13*313 ; iodoine, traceß. ,- , , ' ■ \ \ \ '/.''■] ', < : > These elements are probably combined in the following, manner : — Bi-carbonate of soda . . . 452*393 ■ * ditto " -of lime • ..^ ;528*506 ditto ; of magnesia... •■ 25'620 ' Chloride of sodium ... 21 *938 • :. Sulphate of potash ... 4*938 . ditto of soda ... 0*940 ! , Silica ■ /.. ■:•' 'j... ..... )' i 2*772 lodine of magnesium ... Traces Phosphate of soda ... Traces- 1: " ;-^--"' ■-■ ■ " v; 63^ i2 Thames, September 24th, 1878. s Having often visited the .rr puriri Springs', and also having ' practically tested the water in a medical point of view, I have great pleasure in testifying to its general excellence. , As a pleasant, agreeable, and invigorating beverage, it is unsurpassed, espe- '■ cially in the summer months, y As a therapeutic agent, considering the large per centage of carbonic acid, and; from the close resemblance in its solid contents with many of the mineral ■ waters 6f Europe — notably those ol Kisßengen in Bavaria, of Fachingen iti L Nassau, and Vicliy in France testi- ; by ' analysis)^ we ■ may : confidently expect the Puriri water to be equally 1 useful in all cases in which similar Eu--1 fopean waters would be prescribed ;at ' a stimulating, alterative on the digestive ' organs, in liver and abdominal disease: in diabetes, and in gouty, rheumatic, and calculus affections. In sickness I have found it of greal value, more especially in that of preg nancy. • i In sea sickness I should expect it t( be of equal service. It is water which I should recomtnenc r frequently, arid that from a well founder belief in its excellency. (Signed) MARTIN H. PAYNE, , F. r C.S.,L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S ' Auckland, October 17th, 2878. , I have examined a sample of wate furnished to me by Messrs Kelly arii Fraser, obtained from the Pu'rii . Spring. , : : I find it strongly alkaline, and as ai antacid would be useful in dyspepsia - gout, and rheumatism. '>'■'<' j When charged with carbonic acid i , forms :an agreeable effervescing drink - which would be very advantageous t r patfents requiring alkaline" treatment. b The appended analysis by Mr. Ske; '. is most full and complete.: >: 1 I have personally given the water trial, and believe it will prove Valuabl - in cases such as those above-mentioned X (Signed) CHARLES F GOLDSBRO, i : . ... _ ; RCP Auckland, I4th October, 1878.' 1 If the Puriri Water is taken in Y methodical manner, with regard to diei ». exercise, &c, it can be best compared ii b value to the celebrated mineral water of Kissengeh in Bavaria, which ar - beueficially used in most cases c '-■ diseases of the digestive organ! e it is a refreshing and coolin t dring, although, in my opinion, prc ferable in its natural state for medics " purposes. a - (Signed) R. SCHWARZBACH, M.I DELIVERED IN OASES CONTAIN ING 5 DOZEN. All Orders Promptly Att&nded tc Offoe — POLLEN STREET, SHORTLAND, Opposite Shortland Hotel. KELLY & FRASER, Proprietor


t <yOR THE BLOOI IS THE; LIFE. \ CLARK'S World Famed Blood Misturo. Trade Mark. — " Bloqd Mixtobts/' The Cheat Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and -clearing the Blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scorfula, Scurvy,' Skin Diseases, and Sores, of all kinds, it is never-failing and permanent cure. ' It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores en the Necit. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the ■ Face. i Cures Cancerous Ulcers. '■ Cures Blood and Skin Diseaes. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter ; From whatever cause arising. " : .^-Thousands of Testimonials from all parts of the World. Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s. each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Export Agents : Bnrgoyne, Burbridges <fc Co., Colemanstreet, London. Newberry and Sons, 37" Newgate-street, London. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farringdon-street, London. ' . Sanger and Sons, Oxford-street, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. Agents fok New Zealand : >■ KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO., Dunedin and Auckland : ja 31 "FpANCY Programmes, in the newes JP Btyles, at the Herald office. TTP-COUNTRY Orders promptly IJ attended to at the ETerald Officf Q.UTCK returns and small profits foi , all job work at the Herald Offic< WORK of all kinds— from a Pil box Label to * Folio volume— exputed at the Herald office. TDAMPHLETS printed and bourn JL on the premises, at the Heral< Office. TT'EPT IN STOCK— Ornamenta i\ Cards, Ruled Paper of everi •pattern, Colored, Tinted, Surface :and Cream-laid stationery for Jol Printing, at the Herald office. ORDERS for Printing of every des cription executed with as littl delay as possible, at moderate rates, a the Herald Office rnHE UNDERSIGNED HAS FOI -A- SALE— Upstanding Hacks, Unbroken Colts, and Mare in Foal with Colt at foot, i E. F. HARRIS,. Manamutuj Nov. 20th, 1878.

Masonic Livery and Bait Stables, GISBORNE. SADDLE HORSES, TRAPS, AND BUGGIES Alwayb on Hike. TXORSES can be left at Livery and JIJL every care taken of them, but no responsibility. Good and Secure Pflddocking. Good Accommodation for Eace Horses, and the best of Fodder always on hand. Persons sending Horsvs to the Bay will, by wiring to the undersigned, ensure ' that they will receive every altrntion on arrival in Gisborne. The Veterinary treatment of Horses is u speciality with the undersigned, jy 19 E\ V. Lttttrell T. IVIAHON, Country Runner to .the Poverty Bay Herald, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Matawhero, Makaraka, Waewsnga--a-hika, Patutahi and Ormond, that he visits each of the above districts dally, and is prepared to DELIVER PARCELS OR LETTERS entrusted to his cs,re, For a Small Remuneration. Settlers favouring him with Town Orders may rely upon them being faithfully and promptly executed. N.B. — Parcels or Letters called for in Town or Country. Orders left at the Herald Office wiD. receive immediate attention. TOWN AND COUWTB.r SUBSCRIBEP.S TO the Daily Morninq and Evening Herald, are inf armed that improved arrangements have been made for the more prompt, and regular delivery of both Morning and Evening Editions. The Manager will feel particularly obliged if subscribers, not receiving their papers re/ jularly, would communicite with hira either personally, through the post, or by messenger, when complaints will be immediately attended to. Where it is practicable Country Subscribers will have their pn pers delivered by mounted runners. Where this is not practicable Subscribers' papers will be posted by each mail, and postal rates charged. Any suggestions forwarded from Subscribers, as to "the manner they may wish to have their papers delivered will be attended to. Daily Morning and EvenhJU Herald Town Delivery. s. d. Quarterly, in advance ... 6 6 Ditto Booked 7 6 Country Delivery. Quarterly, in advance ... 7 6 Ditto Booked 8 6 JAMES BROWNE, Manager. /^IIRCDLARS printed in the neatest j KJ Style, at the Herald Ootiob.

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Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 672, 9 April 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 672, 9 April 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Poverty Bay Herald, Volume VI, Issue 672, 9 April 1879, Page 4


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