WAVERLEY GOLF CLUB. ANN CAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Wavorley Golf Club was held iu the Town Board Room on Thursday evening. There was a fair attendance, and Mr. E. C. Daliison presided. The report and balance-sheet were read and adopted, the bitter showing a credit balance of £(si 18s 7d. Six new members were elected. ‘The election of officers resulted as follows:—Patron, Mr. P. G. Bremer; president. Mr. K. G. Dallison; vicepresidents, Messrs. E. Parsons and R. H. Blaekiston; captain, Mr. R. S. Aiken; vice-captain. Mr. H. Bradmore; lion, secretary, Mr. F. Johnston; lion, treasurer. Mr. J, C. Gray; general committee, Messrs. G. P. Spratt. W. Wicks, W. J. Mini’, J. Pepper, R, Cathie; ground committee, Messrs. G. P. Spratt
ami W. Wicks; program mo ami postponement committee, captain, vice-cap-tain, ami secretary; handicap committee, captain, vice-captain, ami Mr. \V; J. Muir; card steward, Mr. I!. H. Blackiston, •The following was the annual report: —The season under review was one of the most successful in the history of the club. The links were in splendid order and the weather was ail that could be desired. Members entered heartily into the season’s activities and it was a pleasure to see such enthusiasm. We had Si members last season, o-l men and 50 -ladies, as against 28 men and 47 ladies for the previous season, and it is hoped that the oncoming season will show a further increase. The standard of play is improving, hut more professional coaching is needed, especially for the younger members. Wo wore able to secure the services of Mr. F. Branch for several weekly visits last season, and it is to bo hoped that there will bo sufficient inducement this year to enable the committee to arrange for further professional coaching. Our programme was a very full one. The usual inter-club matches were played with Hawera, Patea, Castled iff. Seafield, and Maxwell, and we had our regular medal and bogey competitions as well as the championship and Oavc Onp and Wicks’ Cup matches. Bast season tho men’s senior championship was won by E. Parsons and the ladies’ by Miss McMeekin, the junior men’s by S. T. Snushall and tho ladies’ junior by Mrs. Popper. The Wicks’ Cup is now held by Miss Baker and the Cave Cup by A. G. Crawford. Tho social event of the season was the golf ball, which was an outstanding success, and the opinion was expressed generally that it should he an annual fixture. Tho dub’s finances are in a very healthy condition, the balancesheet showing a credit balance of £(sl ,18s 7d. All office-bearers worked well, but a special word of thanks is due to the grounds committee, Messrs. Spratt and Wicks, who put in much time and labour improving the course. We are pleased to have our secretary and Mrs. Johnston back with us after their long holiday. They Averc much missed during the season. 'The special thanks of the dub are due to Messrs. Bremer Bros., avlio allowed us free use of their property and granted us every facility. Thanks are also due to the donors of prizes and to our lady members, who are always so willing to help in entertaining our visitors. In
conclusion, your committee trust that the oncoming season will be a successful one. If the membership keeps up there should be no doubt about this. It was decided to hold the openingday on Saturday, April 11. A long discussion on tile question of reducing the subscriptions took place. If was finally decided to reduce them, the following subscriptions being fixed for tho forthcoming season: Aten over 21. £2 10s; under 21, £1 10s; -beginners, £1: ladies over 21, £1 us;*undor 21, £1; beginners, 10s.
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Patea Mail, Volume LII, 2 March 1931, Page 3
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624WAVERLEY Patea Mail, Volume LII, 2 March 1931, Page 3
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