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The iinnnal meeting of the Pabiatu.Itille Club takes plaee at the Club Hotel this evening. Mr f). G. Fraser, County Enginser, left this uioriung fur no purpose of finality passing the Tiraumea Bridge. An accitle: f ippeued to a busbfeller ,iaii--u A. Nariiy. who was felling on Make: last week. He was engaged i off and cut -g very ba-lly below the knee. The -;’:erer was brought into Pahiatua and attend-d to bv l>r Gault, who pul in seven stitciies. It will be some days before the sufferer will fee able The Burns’ Club social to be held on Wednesday evening next promises to be of tile lllosl p- pile.: of t t < ''s many popular gatherings. An- .-- uts have ecu made fer a uicolittli - .mine i - r WfUl pn pa Ae rv! tJntton’tothedepartmentanderUa -• • ’in weather ard a cool u ; it are • uni those having to propose should smid «.• ii names iu to the secretary unc so to-t thi v in.iv he bailori«hi for at ue\t m■•«*;; - tin* soc 1 is for uivm- . :. . . ■1.:.-- i no . tlimi it p scssos no facility for landing the «'U juirinj . A wi possiol to obtain the exclusive r.s • of one of several small uninhabited islands in tlie vicinity of Hawaii, and sovereignty was not sought. It is further slated that he has no authority to make overlings regarding a subsidy, or to A ease of attempted suicide oecurwd at the National Hotel, Loubton Willington, shortly before 11 o’clock on Friday night, when a man i uued Alfred Freeman aged 39, cut Ids, : vrith a razor. Fra Cahill, IKnn aud Anson wer at once < ills l in. .-’id having dressed the man’s wound, ordered his removal to the hos- } :al. whi.i w. onveved on a i 1 it quantity . - nt . ■ *’ iv -1 • i . which p. Alien iw had latciv loft. 1 :ind about 1 rn da vs ago be came down to Wei i ton in company with his wife and pul up .11 the Nal'uual ilotoi. The loss i '»( oci-npiilien hud apparently pr.-yed upon 1 lii mind, and for t’n- bis. two or three ,-s helm.l s. .wd no-votts and depressed, lie is a native of Hwlnev. and is spoken of 111 bein ; of vei v sober habits. -N. Z. 1 Times. Tin me, ting of the m-wlv formed ' Ihainntic ( iub called for to morrow even ing i . postponed till Thursday the Kt inst. The ih-m .i i-l I'li- bah and European mail per Tain ii. - .mil. address.U. will ! close the Ittf . 1 post Otlice Oil WedllCS--1.15 ; i n •. d; et mail is due in Pahiatua on V Nelson Collet „■ Old Bovs’ Association | Ii i. he on h .me,l. will. Mr.). 11. Ilarknes* ' f ■ || To estNl.hsh -i bond of union among ■ ( Tn j female, ware of each .Blurs’ addresses j and prestml circumsl inces. (A) To pro- - ii a comp i i, and in :• .tli’wi’ • cords of the Ip titr 1 Mil< 1 it l' ,-s -nt WO I* IF *\ . The

The Wuirarapa Crick®! Association in now nn accomplished fact. There are \ matches are handicaps. Some of the clubs have 15 players allowed them by the match committee. The first match lakes place ou November 17th. It is scarcely necessary to remind our readers that Hobson’s now famous Hoyal Navy Panorama will be shown at the Public Hal), Pahiatua, to-night. The large now stage which lias recently been built will enable Mr Hobson to make a much grander scenic display than hi»* previously been possible. The scenes, of which there are nearly a hundred, will till the . tags from top to bottom, so that ihe ships and guns will appear of goodly proportions, and as the colors are both brilliant and natural, the exhibition will be an artistic treat. Mr Hobson is now well-known as a thoroughly elficient j lecturer and is well up in ins subject. As ] the entertainment is undoubtedly genuine, 1 the prices low and the subject novel, as well as beiug suited to young and old, there should be no dilliculty in securing a packed house.

At the Pahiatua Band Ball on Friday

evening a very pleasing ceremony too* place, advantage being taken of the oonsion by the ladies wiio have been attending the weekly dances to present Mr 1 . Holder, the energetic secretary, with a couple of very choice presents, consisting of a gold scarf pin and a photographic album. Captain Pickering made toe pit entation, and said it gave him great pleasure to make the presentation, as he fully appreciated the untiring energy displayed by the recipient, to whose efforts j was due in a great measure the su'-cesa of the assemblies. He had much pleasure in handing the presents to Mr Holder (applause). Mr Holder replied in very suitable terms, saying that he was taken by surprise, aud that lie would value the presents, which would remind him of very many enjoyable evenings spent with the ladies and members of the band. He ex pressed a hope that he would have the opportunity of being present next season, when an endeavor would be made to have the entertainments on a more extensive scale (cheers). Mis Yaks, Mayor of Onehuaga, has definitely decided to make a lecturing tour of Australia. The Waihi mine, Upper Thames, obtained £785 worth of bullion from 2100 tons ore for 28 days’ work. The gate receipts at the Master ton Agricultural and Pastoral Society’s show last Thursday amounted to over £lO2 odd. The French Chamber oi Deputies is ’being specially guarded, owing to the repot: d attempt of Anarchists to destroy it

by dynamite. A boiler exploded on board the French ■ cruiser Arethuse during a trial trip at Greet, and 20 oi the crew were killed and several wounded. The Wellington Acclimatisation Society has received about £193 for fishing licenses issued up to 'late this season, of which £BS worth were taken out in Mas terton. The Sterling Cheese Factory in Otago p.iid i.*4,711 for milk last year, being at : 1 • rate of td per callow. The factory ilso paid a dividend of 10 per cent to its reholders. The Canterbury Dairy Produce AssociaI lion’s factory, ut Sefton. last year received : o i suppliers 1.940.901 Ibe of milk, from which 75,017 lb.of butter was made, or an iverage of 24*60!0 of milk to the pound of Tli Military Conference in Sydney ha* #: a: I. l» .i pirtii liars M the deliberalions will not be published until after the v u ious delegates have reported to their 'dis \Yalh». widow of the \iet:ra of the • phouse tragedy, has accepted ;n« posi-.-ii oticitd her by 4hd Government oi stmistx ss and t< 1< graphist at Keihohe. 1 ir llu>>eil. Her salary begins at A‘7o ear (rising in time to AluO* wit;: a house. I The captain of H.M.S. Rapid has been til by court-martial in Sydney in cou- ! Hcction with tin- grounding of the vessel 1 in Auckland. IK* was reprimanded and I admonished, and w arned to exercise more care in future. The New Caledonian Government has ; imposed a duty of £2 per head on cattle imported from the Australian colonies, i A cable from Sydney states that the Consul who recently returned from Ne-w ; Caledonia, whither he pnoct eded to diacuss the convict system w ith tiieGoveruor. | las drawn up a sciicme which, if adopted i i« v France, will abolish the c» avict system I in about two years. The Consul declines J to state whether such abolition is conditional on France obtaining control of the New Hebrides, or part of the group for a I penal settlement The whoh question, iu* says, uas been referred to the French I Government. The appointment of Mr Butt, as Government Auditor to the Bank of New Zealand, meets with general approval. He is a banker of 30 years’ experience, and Fellow of the London Institute of Bankers and the Australasian Institute. For many years he occupied the position of assistant ; inspector of the Bank of New Zealand. and latterly that of inspector. He expects j to leave to take up h;s duties immediately. MrC. J. Andrews, of the inspecting start, and formerly m.-mager of the Auckland \ . bnrri t | it is suited, be appointed acting general ! mana or. This ortico is in the gift of the ; uew Hoard oi Din storm. ! The American meat companies decline U) withdraw their claim that the Simlliheld • authorities should abolish the ancient custom of abating one pound weight in 1 : prop'ow:. is on. whi.-li ii itioiirlv oppos'd In- till! 1 .on.lon Guo-lier- Trad- Sovictr ,i« i o iimov .lion ’W. :v to loud to soriou, los*. I I In o. iu-rml »>.liiix: among Simt'nliold de:i 1 "is ; imt of r titidener ihat chilled | nu •»! will succtt d w ith greater care. r; i,. , ; n ni i iluliiit-s and aeseis of the several banks doing business in the colony for the quarter cndin . -U>tlt September ap pe.-i rsin t he i '•»/ ‘tte. Theliabilitiosamount CU.SIS.tiIo llsod. and the assets to t; . s » :n ute up as follows : Nows ia circulation, 10s t>d; hills in circulation, i l 12.353 7s (id : ha lances due to other banks, > t ’9 279 11s sd: Government deposit* ! ik ..I Now ... Itnndl, JUMMi 7*3.1: ,1 ~ , sltJ . ri'ii. 1M.367.1'27 12. U;buUt mJßldl,(< i X v,.037 7d ; l.iu dud pro perl.. X‘530.0 T i ;,d : notes and bill* itiseounted. Us 7.1; .-oloniml Govorni.iem I d.I- - do, to * £d.i*29.12.’ l*>s Id l other securities, j 12.221.7 it IS sd. ; / ’ ' ’ . ..j, . • o O urt si NYel- ! '?i on Frida' ittfonned t m Bench ■ \ r , tv-\ o.d was. -?il a-,, tiiu not Hi ,V . I. re down m«H

An inset ia this sveoings issue draws attemion to the virtues of Nelaon. Moale and Co.’s teas.

Arraugementi are now complete foribe opening of the Tirauwea bridge. The Premier ha* telegraphed that he will be here to-morrow. The opening ceremony has been therefore fixed for 2 o'clock, f Duriug the month of September the totkl arrivals in the colony numbered 1626, and the departure* 1822. i tom the United Kingdom there arrived 260 peepi*. and S 5 departed for it. The largest number of arrivals was from New South Wale* 7407 people departing to that plane. Of the principal ports ia the colony, the largest number of arrivals and departure* were to and from Auckland, in# nutuoer* be:ag 669 aud 1167 respectively. The figure* for Wellington are : Arrivals, -KIS : departare*. 340. At the Biol: there were 262 arrivals and 268 departures.

W rites th - Martin borough correspondent of the Wuirarapa Standard:—Mr lee oar uew schoolmaster is likely to become very popular here as he evidently liken to be amongst the people ” and not hold himseli aloof. We see by the Pahiatua papers that when he was leading that place tiie ch«*« and oraughts club made him a presentation, the Literary and Debating Society elected him n life member and tendered him * farewell social, the cliildren of the school presented him with a teapot and rervietle*. and the boy scholars cheered him to tbs eche. while girls struck up Auld Lang Syne. The members of the Anglisan Church gave h:m and Mrs a farewell social, when the lUv H. Davis, the Hev W. Phillip, and oilier* spoke most highly of them, expressed the deepest regret at parting from them. A presentation was also made to Mrs Lee by the ladies of the district. With such * letters of introduction.’ Mr and Mrs Lee should be warmly welcomed by any community. We understand. however, tnai the Board purposes housing them in n kind of s inerior dog fennel, with enough room in r. to twra about and knock things off the shelves. Surely it is an unwis# policy to be so economical in hoase room. It must he added to at a later date, and at greater expense. If a teacher s rea deaee ia to be erected, in the name of common sense wuy net put up a structure fi; for people to live in. iu the first instance ? The total revenue on the Government railways for the four-weeld|j period trading September 16th, 1894. was AT 1.465 9e 6d. aad the expenditure A5b.806 6*. The figures for the corresponding period last year were : Revenue. ATT.I4O 13s 5d ; and the expenditure. £54,567 4s lid. The revenue on tht Wellington section for the period was £4,579 19* Bd, and tnsexpenditure £3,898 4s 7d.

So well are the Nuie grass hats mads that the Maoris tLenise*ves are deceived by them. They are light, coni, and the most comfortable hat for hot w»ather. and only cost a tithe cf the price of the Ms on hat*. Trewby Bros, have a large selti non of Panama. Nuie grave, aad straw hats. Hats in fact to suit everybody. Wbat is thought of n man who pays 25 per cent more for an article that come* from a large centre than be could get the same for in hit own village. We think tht- general verdict would be that he hae more money than he knows what to do with. If you want te save 25 per rent and jet a well-fitting suiteqnal tcanything you have had the pleasure of wearing, go to Trewbv brothers. You will get as good a suit there for £3 3e a* other tailors sharge £5 5s for. Support local industry. The ladies’ millinery window at Trewby Brothers is a sight worth seeing, and m- .* >hottld .vail them*<rlves of the opporrai. iy n. w affjrdwd of seeing uhat w« ccne-Aer is the fines; display of millinery that has ever been shown in l’&hiatua. The newest in gent’s cricketing tror.sers. tenuis shirts, straw kata. tie*, tie., r.i the W.F.C.A., Limited.

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Bibliographic details

Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 221, 29 October 1894, Page 2

Word Count

Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 221, 29 October 1894, Page 2

Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 221, 29 October 1894, Page 2


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