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The Pahiatua Herald. with which is incorporated THE PAHIATUA STAR. Published Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1894. FACT AND FIGURES.

Mall. Hayteii, the eminent statistician in tin l service of the Victorian Government, lias issued sum very interesting sets of figures respecting the various colonies, which are useful for tho purposes of comparison. The figures are for IHUB. Taking the financial features first we have the followin'' table:

These figures are amazing in their proportions when compared with the handful of people responsible for them. The populations of the various colonies are given as under :

There were 1(3,088 vessels of an aggregate tonnage of 15,988,202 to do the shipping trade of the various colonies. Considering the resources of the colonies the difference between exports and imports is insignificant, but still the difference is in our favour, and will grow larger each succeeding year. Ballarat and Bendigo, Gabriel’s Gully and the Thames with their wonderful gold yields aided materially in the speedy colonisation of Australasia, and now we have the prospects of a fresh impetus from the youngest of the selfgoverning colonies. The yield of gold from Western Australia is increasing by leaps and hounds, and if the reports that come from Coolgardie contain fifty per cent, of truth, she will very easily head the list. Victoria at present holds the premier position with (171,121) ozs., Queensland follows with 01(1,910 ozs., then comes New Zealand 226,811 ozs., Western Australia 110,890 ozs., and South Australia 42,905 ozs. The position of each colony as regards the number of live stock is given in the following table :

To'a! 1,068,302 The Australasian colonies with a population h«* i.rcely (mjum.l to that of London, carry a. dead weight of debt amounting to 1*204, 132,270 or equal to IMO 4s for every man, woman, and child in the coloni« s supposing tho indebtedness were pooled. Tin* obligation of New Zealand to the money lender was last year equal to £5?) ss. On this huge debt various rates of interest are paid, hut assuming 31 percent, to be oh urged all round Great Britain draws an annual income from the colonies ex ceeding £6,000,000, or to put it in another form, for every £1 of revenue the colonies receive five shillings has to be set aside for tho money louder. And the tendency is to pile up our indebtedness, fon l he total revenue is loss • 'h" expenditure by £1,1)5)4,060, which amount mu L he added to the already overgrown debt. The faith of the Mother Count yy in the energy, enterprise and lion" l y of her sons in Australia seems unbounded, for any new loan placed on the London money market is snapped up, as witness the greedy rush of the public for the £2,000,000 guaranteed to the Bank of

Tho Pahiatua Borough Council meets at 7.80 this evening. Tho Pahiatua Literary and Debating Society hold their first mooting of the new series at tho Town llall this evening. The local cricket club's match All England v. Colonials starts .at 1.30 on Wednesday and should prove very interesting, as the players arc wolljdivided. Mrs Monorief’s new advertisement appears in this issue, and is well worth perusal. The shop is well stocked with new spring and summer goods of all descriptions, ladies' and children's wear being a speciality. Attention is directed to nil advertisement in this issue, calling the sottlcrs at Ngaturi and Makuri together to consider the best course to adopt to celebrate tho occasion of the opening of the Ngaturi bridge for traffic. 'fhe settlers at Makuri are endeavouring to beautify the Gorge by planting flower seeds on each side of the road. This should do a great deal towards improving what is already a splendid piece of scenery. The Pahiatua Football Club's first fifteen have had their photos takon by Mr Hall of Woodvillo. 'flic group is very well arranged and reflects credit on the photo grnph.r. The Cricket Club concert and dance is to be held on Friday, tho 12th October, and promises to ho a great success as an excellent programme is being prepared. The dance is under tho supervision of a strong and influential ladies' committee. We are informed that Miss Reese will remain at the local school till the end of the present month. Mr \V. Thomas commenced his duties j at the looal school this morning. Sparrows arc particularly numerous in the Pahiatua district. The settlors will, j no doubt, bo glad to learn thst tho County 1 Council has ordered two more bays of j poisoned ;rain which will bo available in ' about a fortnight’s time. A special moating of the Pahiatua School committee will ho held this evenin'; to <leal with the applications for tho position of head mistress, and general busiMr W. H. Hawkins advertises in another column tho list (if stock for Ins sale on Tuesday, 9th October, at his Pahiatua yards. He invites further entries of stock. David Robinson was char;.’nd at the local S.M. Oourf on Snturdn\ mornir. ; . . i with ing stolen a saddle nod bridle, tho pro- I of J > ) . < applied for a remand til! Monday, which I was gran! d. Mr A. W. Gould'applied for bail, which was granted in twosureli. j of .£25 each. Young KoUioson was this j morning aentoneed to 14 days’ imprison 1 liient oil each charge, fhe sentences to I be concurrent. Mr Gould appeared for 1 accused.

I Mr H. W. Godfrey has completed the 3 erection of the creamery at Haw era. , The Pahiatua Brass Band’s weekly j dance took place on Friday night, and L was one of the most successful of the season. The music supplied by tho band gave great satisfaction. ' Mr T. Hodgins has boon confined to his house at Maugaone with a severe atiaek 0 of influenza, but is in the township to-day. The Makuri Gorge road is very muoh * cut up at present and is in a bad state f owing to the wet weather. , We call attention to the performance at ' tho Public Hall this evening. The . company includes some really lirst-cla*;, v performers, and should secure a bumper house. The Pahiatua Baud have kindly ' consented to play outside tho hall for half » an hour. “ The machinery usod for some years in ' tho butler factory at B&llance, has boon r renaovod to Messrs Cook and Coy’s, now t creamery at Woodville. s Wo have been shown by Mr It. Marshall, - of this district, an invention which lie has 3 recently patented and which ho calls “ The c . Wire Clip.” Its object is to do away with L the stapling of wire to the straining posts . when fencing. r lo use it the post is bored in tho usual way and one of the clips ats tached to the wire, which is tightened with s an ordinary strainer. One of tho little articles has been left at this office and can be seen by anyone interested during the next week or two. Members of the Fire Brigade are requested to roll up at the bell tower on Wednesday at 3 o’clock sharp, when the presentation of colors will take place. The Mayor and several other citizens will be present. } In another column appears a business t 1 announcement from Mr 11. E. Horn blow, ’ of Masterton, who has commenced business in that thriving town as auctioneer, land, ‘ estate, and commission agent. The genial and irrepressible Bob gives up the ‘-stick” for the “hammer' with every prospect of plain sailing ahead of him. His auction ’ room is one of the finest we have seen and is , stocked with a variety of goods of a class which always finds ready customers. The e advertisement elsewhere will give all } * particulars. e At tho conclusion of the work of the ,s Pahiatua Public ischool on Friday ufterII noon, Mr C. W., head master, said 11 farewell to tho children. He acknowledged r # the presentation cf the silver teapot and y serviette rings presented on the previous *1 Friday under the impression that he was I then leaving. He said that of all the gills lt> he had received he certainly valued that of the Pahiaiuar School children most h highly. After some further remarks f. which were heartily applauded, one of tho scholars called upon the children to , r give three cheers for Mr Lee. and the in ° vitation was responded to right lustily. Mr Lee thanked the children for their disII play of friendly feeling and made some further appropriate remarks. The girls Lb then spontaneously struck up “ Auld Lang h -Syne,” in which they were heartily joined }j by the real of the children. The children L parted in the friendliest manner with their head master, and all united in wish ing him a pleasant and prosperous future. ,l Mr Lee left yesterday for his now sphere h of labor in the Lower Wairarapa. 0 Messrs Abraham and Williams aanounce that they have secured the agency of the National Fire Insurance Compaur. lately held by Mr J. lorns. The steamer Doruada ran bows on to | the rocks at Berlengas, near Pen : *h»-. The j vessel sustained serious injur , t .i 1 the j forehold was soon full of water. Slie was. however, floated olTthe rocks and beached in a favorable spot, where the cargo is being unloaded. The passengers wore landed in a French boat barefooted an 1 only partially dressed, and received succour in a village inn. It is feared the vessel will become a total wreck, as the forepart is submerged to tho engine-room. The • passengers' baggage and bullion of the I value of £283,000 were landed safely. I The adjourned application of G. T. 1 Bainton, of Pahiatua, for his discharge ; from bankruptcy, was granted on Thuis I day. the Assigneo stating that *2os in the ! JC had been paid on all proved olaiuas. | We (\\. 1). Times) have been shown a | leather fraud, recently sold under some j high-sounding title to a Masterton resident, as an absolutely daiup-proof hand-sewn : boot. After a month's wear the patent j boot fell to pieces, and turns out to be machine st wu and rivetted with iron. The t I man who owns it says that in future lie ! will deal with some tradesman he knows, * J who resides in the town, instead of paying J a high price to a specious pedlar. Two hundred miles an hour, scientific j men have concluded, after numberless ex- ( perimeiits, is a speed which ean never be attained i>v anything! that moves on wheels. \\ hen the effects of a mau who died recently in Leadville, Tinted States, were examined, it was discovered that he was under engagement to marry twelve L different girls in various parts of the country. lie had a photograph of each. ; and on the back had written the date fixed * for the marriage. .V Mr 11. 15. Thompson, of Waipukurau. , has written to the Minister of Agriculture | offering to extirpate the codlin moth in I New Zealand within throe years for tho sum of £2,000. Mr Mackenzie, the popular vocalist and humorist, who was recently in Pahiatua with tho Bessie Boyle Company, is at present giving concerts in Wanganui. Among those who are assisting him ; s Mr Robert Heard, who is also well known in Pahiatua. Twenty shops arc being opened in Vienna for the sale of Australian meat. The barque Koorinja, which left London ‘ for Brisbane on February ‘2lst, has been posted at Lloyd’s as missing. Madame Melba has signed a contract with Mr Williamson for an Australian 1 tour. \l l Cherif Pash i it seriously ill, and the court-martial abandoned the charges against him. Tho Voluuteer officers’ Imperial decora j tioM for upwards of‘2o yaars’ service has b»*u named I > Major V Wolfe. honorary 1 imalt " lied list, and Major 15. Harris, mi- j attached active list, in each cast for lip- | 1 wards of *22 years’ service. ; Rndf < ; 15|« on lispoMil tl'. ir business tire now li-Miii.- n eenniue r, lintiuishiiiK sele of tlieb entire etoek. ISarKuiiw in .Impnrv, <’loUiin K . bool, on,l ’ shoes are noiv lie. order of llie dav. You 1 can save money I" making your from us during the next mouth. In.pee lion invitod. All suit lengths of tweed for hoys' and I men's elotliing l .mglit from n_ will l.e em | !o any mensure by our experienced cutter 1 free of charge. Trewby Bros., dr.pers | and out litters. It takes verv little money now a days to I I make a gentleman, so far as clothes go. i We notice that complete outfits, including j m suit of clothes pair of boot -, sox, shirt . nil foil :... ai mto llha 1 a Trewl j • . \ . hard up indeed if he can’t sport a new 1 ■ Tho W.F.t’.A. are offering oil doth aud 1 I no lengths. I <•’

t Public Revenue Colony Total Amount. Proportion raised Public expenditure Public debt by taxation £ .t i- £ N. S. Wales 9,498,814 2,782.264 10,082,102 56,176,149 i Victoria 6,959,2-29 2,522.779 7,989,757 46,064,004 New Zealand 4,653,038 2,536,400 4,386,359 39,326,415 Queensland 3,337,785 1,335,554 3,521,866 30,639.534 S. Australia 2,671,495 733,262 2,583,481 21,697.000 N T . Territory 67.075 36,414 223,4 18 i Tasmania 705,972 399,700 835,295 7,156,070 \\. Australia 570,651 293,336 640,801 2,875.096, Total 28,408,059 10,G39,739 30,263,019 204,432,270

Victoria ... t, 174,006 New South Wales ... 1 ,‘223,870 New Zealand 672,26.'; Queensland 482,299 South Australia ... 841,978 Northern Territory 4,896 Tasmania... 154,424 West rn Australia 65,064

Value of Colony Import. Exports £ £ Victoria 13,283,814 13,808,551 N. S. Wales 18,107.035 22,921,223 Queensland S. Australia 4,352,788 7,934,200 9,032,662 8,463,930 N. Territory 116,539 172,06!) W. Australia 1,494,438 918,147 Tasmania 1,057,683 1,352,184 NewZealand 6,911,515 8,985,364 Total 53,258,007 66,754,126

Colony Live Stock Horses tattle Sheep Kg» cr Victoria 403,900 1,817,201 13;098, 725 828,102 240.800 N. 8. Wales 4hl,b'.l'J 2,165,600 50,080,688 Queensland 420,734 0,608, 2O0 18,007,014 08,0.80 IS. Australia 187,000 428,002 7,207.042 80,408 N. Territory .12,815 287,220 07,552 1,752 W . Australia 45,747 178,747 2,220,042 26,283 1 asrnania 31,587 109,141 1,535,047 51,502 New Zealand 211,040 861,851 18.570,752 808,812 0 • Total 1868,891 12,521,001 118,488,068 1,111,005

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 209, 1 October 1894, Page 2

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The Pahiatua Herald. with which is incorporated THE PAHIATUA STAR. Published Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1894. FACT AND FIGURES. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 209, 1 October 1894, Page 2

The Pahiatua Herald. with which is incorporated THE PAHIATUA STAR. Published Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1894. FACT AND FIGURES. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 209, 1 October 1894, Page 2


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