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The Banks were closed M-day—St. George's Day. We (Post) are informed that Mr H. D. Atkinson, whose eection in the M’Kenzie Special settlement wae recently forfeited by the Wellington Land Board, has instructed Mr W. B. Edwards to proceed against that body to regain possession of the property.

We were this morning shown the contributions taken in one of the local churches yesterday. The amouut includes eight sixpenny pieces, each one with a hole in it, and twelve threepenny pieoes similarly defaoed. One of the latter coins has four holes in it; it is thsrsfore more holey than—whole.

The annual meetings of householders to elect school committees take place this evening. In Pahiatua there is likely to be a large attendance and an excited meeting. The meeting commences at 8 o’clock. As the average attendance of scholars duriog the past year has not exceeded 200, the number of committeemen to be sleeted will still remain at seven.

Mr Robert Lee, Inspector of Schools commences the examination of the Pahiatua public school to-morrow morning.

Bankrupt stock prices; Babies' boots and siloes 3s 6d, now reduced to Is lid, gents' 7s. now 4s 6d, boys' and joutlis 8s tid, now 3s fid, ladies lace-ups 12s Cd, now 7s 6d, ladies’ walking shoes 7s ttd, now 4s lid men’s best shooters 14s 6d, now 10s 6d, men’s balmorals 15s 6d, now 11s 6d, strong canvas shoes 4s 6d, leather shoes 3s 9d at Radford and Bdrlow’s great sale now on.

The members of the committee of the local football club are reminded of the meeting to bo held to-inirrow evening. The match committee also meet to pick a team to play Woodville on Saturday next on the latter’s ground.

A brilliant meteor was observed to fall recently in the Birmingham district at noonday when the sun was shining. It dispersed before reaching the ground, the debris damaging the roofs of some houses.

A new paper is to be eitablished at Opunake, Taranaki. The first issue will probably appear in a fortnight. A Native Land Court, presided over by Tudgo Butler, was to open at Waipiwa to day, for the purpose of dete/inining the iuierest which the Government have acquired in the Waikopiro block near Waipawa. A native outbreak ie expeoted in the Transvaal. A band of Naraaquas massacred 70 Beohnanas and also a family of Boer trekere in Kalalian desert, and thit ie expaoled ta lead np to serious trouble among the natives. The Beehuans chiefs are appealing to the British in connection with the outrage by the Namaqua tribe. The fortnightly sitting of the Pahiatua B.M. Court takes place to-morrow, Mr THulektsoa presiding.

The brother of the woman Jonsaux insured his life for 100.000 francs, and died suddenly two days afterwards at his sister's house in Antwerp.

The amount of £65 18s 6d has been given or promised to Messrs Birnie and Briggs, who are collecting the amount necessary for the purchase of a tire engine. TheN. Z. Times has been informed from the office of the liegistrnr of Electors that all persons who failed to vote at the late licensing elections are to be struck off the rolls.

The popular notion that thehumnn race nas deteriorated is disproved by the foe* mat the average mail oiuuot sq i •«/* himself into ancient armor.

The farther north the more injurious to the human system is the use of coffee. Greenlanders have found it necessary to prohibit its use by the young. The largest photograph in the world is 17 feet by 50 inches.

In Blackstone's time England punished 150 offences by death. « Throughout the entire world there are annually about ISJ.OOO suicides.

Kapid growth of the finger-nails is considered to indicate good health. It would require 12,0 )0 cholera microbes to form a procession an inch long. The enquiry into the cause of the fire whioh caused the destruetion of the Union Hotel will be resumed before Mr T. Hutchison, S.M. to-uurrow. Mr D. Puckle of Pahiatua, was the victim of an accident on Thursday last. He was sowing grass seed on his property, and in the course of his round essayed to jump a log with the result that he sustained a rupture of the ligaments of the leg. He is now progressing favorably. As proving the exceptional mildness o the season, we were this morning shown by Mr G. Moore, two apple trees in his orchard which are smothered with blossom. The weather more resembles that of spring than autumn. The foliage trees in the main street look quite gay in their profusion of new Isaves.

Revolution in the price of tailoring. Trewby Brothers announce iu our ad vertising columns that they have secured the services of Mr Leary, and intend in future having all orders in that dop *rtraem executed on the premises. This will injan an enormous saving to their customers. A meeting of the committee of the Pahiatua Gymnasium takss pl .es this evening.

The Mangahao river was running bankhigh to-day, the result of the warm rains having incited away the snow on the ranges.

In the course of his sarvice yesterday, a Pahiatua clergyman said “ I suppose you all read the Herild. If you don’t you should.” An up-to-date clergyman that.

Much annoyance was caused at the concert on Friday evening througn a number of people persisting in talking while solos were being sung. At times the hum of conversation completely drowned the voice of the singer. Such actions are in extremely bad taste. At least some of the delinquents should have knoun better.

With reference to a statement appearing in a Musterton paper to the effect that Mr (iapper was the first min to cross the Ruatnahanga river with a traction engine and threshing michiue, Mr J. O. Bust wood claims that the state.n jut is iicorreci as he himself crossed the river w i engine and machine at two different fords during last year. The show of confectionery in Mr Johnstone’s shop window just now wjuld do credit to any establishm mt in the colony. The very newest articles in th • line find a place in his stock, which is a iurpr.singly wj.l- issjrted one. At the Pahiatua and Mangatainoka hotels yesterday neither love nor money could procure liquor for anyone. Even boarders and travellers were unable to prevail upon the publicans to serve them. We understand these latter have entered into an agreement under which each one selling liquor on Sunday shall forfeit the sum of £lO, half of which sum is to go t > the person giving information and the other moiety to the other parties to the agreement. And yet we are told the present Licensing Act is not sufficiently stringent! Why, the publicans have never before had impressed upon them so forcibly the necessity for a strict observance of the law.

A much felt want is now supplied ; we hare had in the past to pay 30s to 35s for a pair of trousers made to order. We notice in an advertisement which appears in this issue that they are now to be obtained from 18s 6d at Trewby Brothers. Lord Roseberry has become a milkman, one of the most extensive in London, but he does not have his name on his milk wagons, as Lord Rayleigh does, preferring to carry on the trade under the name of his managers. Two other peers who turn an honest penny in the same way are Lords Londonderry, retiil coal, and Portsmouth, fruit and garden truck. Three years ago Miss Cora Bell Fellows, a white woman, engaged as a teacher ot Indians, at ths Cheyenne River Agency, met and married a handsome young Santee Indian, named Chaska. Her friends tried to dissuade her from taking ths step, on the ground that ths marriage would turn out disastrously, but she refused to listen to them. They were right, however, for after treating her with great cruelty, Chaska has just eloped with an Indian woman, leaving his wife and two children destitute.

The latest pattern of rapid fire guns throw a projectile through the air at the rate of 2287 feet per second, or 1968 miles an hour.

A remarkable record in steam naviga tion was made week before last when the white Star steamers Britannic and Germanic completed their two hundredth round voyage between Liverpool and New York. 400 trips apiece across the Atlantic a total distance in each case of 1,500,000 miles. They have carried between the O d and New Worlds over 100,000 saloon and 260,000 steerage passengers. They were built in 1874 75, and are yet working as effectively as ever, with their original engines and boilers. There were 1056 persons killed in accidents in and about coal mines in Great Britain during last vear, ail increase of 40 over the record of 1892. In Great Britain it has been reckoned that there are about 100,000 absolutely homeless wanderers,” and that 60,000 of these belong to London.

The incrensed cultivation of poppy in various parts of Europe hag, it is said, led to a marked growth in the percentage of opium contained in honey.

An old saying goes that “ fine feathers make fine birds.” This may or may not be true, but it is a fact that the effect of a picture depends very greatly upon the frame. So come and inspect our new •took of mouldings and get your pictures framed by ue; and while you are on the spot also take the opportunity of seeing our new samples of wallpapers, marked eheaper than ever ; and our large stock of paints, oils, brushes, glass, scrims*,artists’ materials, and all kinds of painters’ requisites. Cooper and Co., opposite Bank ef Hew Zealand.

Constable Caehion, of Masterton, died very euddenly yesterday. deceased was one of the best-known men on the West Coast of the South Island, where he was stationed fora great many years. He was ths father of Mr A. Casbion, of ths Herald staff, whose friends will regret to near of his sad and tuddeu bereavement, deceased joined the police force in 1865. An English exchange says that of the 10,000 women in lunatic aslyuins of Eng and and Wales a large number are die--barged recovered every year.

One of the largest employers of labor in ffussia was General Maltzeff, who has ecently died, leaving twenty-one mines implying more than 60.000 men.

The Housewife Union of Berlin gives prizes to women who have remained in .he service of the same family for terms of five, ten, twenty, and thirty rears.

Information has been received that the French stopped ths Governor of Sierra Leone, on the West Coast of Africa, from ,'oing into the inferior to inquire into the utitude of oativos, threatening to kill litn, if he persisted in his intention.

In the House of Lords on Friday Lord lersey presented a petition from Captain Carpenter with referenos to the seizure oi the barque Costa Rica Packet by the Dutch authorities. Lord Kimberley. Secretary of Btate for Foreign Department laid he had instructed the British Minister in Holland to press his claim in regard to ths vessel, and he hardly believed these representations would be unsuccessful. Lord Jersey claimed that the owners and crew of the Costa Rica Packets honld re ceive compensation, and that an apology should be tendered to Great Rritiau for the insult to her Hag. Lord Kimberley admitted that Captain Carpenter had been unjustly treated, and said it was a case ot great hardship. The British Minister ai the Hague would strongly impress upon the Dutch Government the necessity ot compensating Captain Carpenter. Lord lersey said that friendly intercourse with foreign Governmants would be impossible if the example set by Holland in the Costa ftioa Paokst case was followed. News has been received that the Gas tave, not knowing that the Aquidban had surrendered, fired a torpedo at her off Desterra, on the southern cost of Brazil. The rebel flagship was sunk, and rainy o ihose on board drowned.

Daring the voyage H >-ue ths Qjtliic’a .efrigerating machinery warned in a fault

Lord S tlisbury, addressing a meeting ol the Primrose League, declared that th lovernmsnt instead of gerrym vndering m to th? R jgistr it ion Bill, ought t ike steps to retuidv the sufferings of th poor. In his speech Lord Salisbury sai 1 io would n >t oppose the ju Itoiout reform >f the House of Lords. If that Cham he vere mile e'eotive, it would be ablet* .nsist on equitv regarding executive and finance, and the House of Commons would lose its supremacy. The Daily Chrouicle is responsible for the statement that systematic sacrilege in French churches has been traced to the Society for the Worship of the Devil in Paris, whou littirgv is a parody on the .toman Catholic Mass.

An average of 26,063 letters are. it instated, posted daily in England withoui iddresses.

A replace advertisement from Messrs tadford and Barlow will appear next issue.

The Fire Brigade’s minstrel entertaintimt tikos placj on May Ist. The following will interest the ladies New jackets and mantles, new ladies’ nvcintoshes, new ladies' and children's listers, new millinery and triin nings now >peno 1 up at Trewby Brothers, next ths Jlub Hotel. CHILDREN'S EVD )W4K NTs WITHOUT RISX. Table H.R.—This table removes the only objection to the ordinary form of Child's Endowment, viz., tne fear that in the event of death of parent or guardian, the Premiums would not be kept up. It is therefore a combination of endowment and assurance without risk of forfeiture from any cause. Every possible contingency is covered, and a good rate of compound interest is guaranteed at the end of the terra by the policy, which is also non forfeitable while surrender value lasts. Example.—A father, age 30, endows his son, age 1, for £2OO, payable on his reaching 21 years of age, the annual premium being £7 2s 6d. If the father should die any time after the first payment as above, instead of the widow having to continue paying premiums, the endowment be comes a paid-up policy, and matures when the boy reaches 21 years of ago. In event of the child’s death during currency of the policy, the whole of the premiums paid Wfll be refunded. Mutual Life Association of Australasia, E. B. Hare, resident agent. The man in business who does not advertise is like a man who kisses a pretty girl in the dark : He may know what he is doing, but nobody else does. The next English and European Mail via Rio and Teneriffo per Coptic will close at this office on Tuesday, Ist May, at 1.15 pm. Mail due in London 12th June. The next direct mail is due here about 26th April. The next English and European Mail via San Francisco will close at this office on Wednesday, May 16th, at 1.15 p.m. Mail due in London June 21st. Tbs next 'Frisco Mail is due in Pahiatua 28th April. A splendid assortment of evening shoes, in blacks and tans, are now to hand at the W. F. C. \., Ltd., all our own importing, splendid value, and by well-known makers. The man of business who does not advertise is like a man in tho dark: He may know what he is doing, but nobody else does.

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 139, 23 April 1894, Page 2

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Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 139, 23 April 1894, Page 2

Untitled Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 139, 23 April 1894, Page 2


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