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The Results.

The Licensing elections on Wednesday ist past off very quietly. There was ne xcitement whatever, and the polling was slow and limited. In Pahiatua in the iftornoon one or two enthusiasts bnsisd iiem vs* to some *rt»nt in eonveviag doctor* o tio boot:is, but their efforts were not altogether successful, as th#

leolarcd result proved The arrange nciits app ar to have beea made with a regard to economy amounting to paref uoniousLioss. The issulte wers no*, .tb -mphe.l from outlying boqiht. but «mv* sent by letter, consequently the real iseng >f th<* election tm left in doubt long after ' sh »u'd hvvc been W e base • Mind it impossible to obtem detail* ef

linden, Von ... ... 476 In Pallium* the reen'te trerr : J. '%m •«>n 135, A. Stewart 130, J. Vile Ilcesev 91, T. E Cha.ubeHeui 99, C V Daniell 86, F. A. Sheetb 84. A Walker S2. W. Pragnnll 80. 9. Bright 76. R. Syvereon 75, F. tod Reden 64 | The Pahietue local option poll refold ■is below :

Publicans' liceusss.— That tb# n«m of publicans' licenses contiaut •# at prt sent, 85 ; that the nstnber be reduced 56. that no liceases be granted, 66 Informal, 41. Accomodation licensee.—Thai tbe itj# her continue at at present, 76, the* number be reduced. 16 ; ikes ee tiesaees be granted, 67. luforMtl. 86. Bottle licenses.—That tbe ■ «#|W •*#- tinus as at present, 71 ; that ibe be reduced. SO; that no lisenses be granted, 74. luforaal, 57.

In the Waipawa electorate tfce Weed ville return was »■ follows Hair f.lB ; Murphy ‘287, Quinlan i6B. Mackey 234, Motley 16S. Imitb 150, Baines 123, Franklin 12S, Ljsngqeiet 10T, Henderson 85. The local option poll far tbe same piece resulted as under:— Publicans' licenses.—That tbe number continue ae at present, 111; that tbe number be reduced, 18; that no heenses bo granted, 222. Accommodation licensee. That ths number continue as at present. 96 ; that tho number be reduced, 18; thet no licenses bo granted. 176. Bottle licensos.—That the nnmbev set tinue as at present, 91 ; that the number be reduced, 14; that n# lieenses bs granted, 215.

Messrs Van Staveren, Urlan; i Vo(*»V i Clere, Mill*, Harrourt, Willeetoc a Haa.on ara, therefore, tha encceeeml e» didatea. LOCAL OPTION POLL. A Tha following la the reatglt of thtloealß option poll: jr Lic«n°.rhto continue aa at p rarer '' *■H For reduction of lieanaaa ... - That no liccnaee be ieeued Total in favor of reduction Tha informal voter number ovei i O'. K? Tha following ratnrna are from tha New Zealand Timaa W AUCKLAND. . The cut of Auckland lieeai e l*'* reaulted in a total of 10*- » r 10.121, but aa 7500 ara requ iaa 1 9 ‘ ia void. So cabe were en.p cy* '' there any excitement. L>. • • Women'a Obriatian Tempera: re diatributed leatleta at tha r' B » Thera were 238 informa “ " Dnllahad and at Bt. Gaorge ■ ® number of informai rota# «■ * other polling plaoaa in tee • ’ 9 ■*' known. ( EW PAKNPI.I. , i^B In the l’arnall alaelon • •' l ‘ lbM are raqtiirad to raak» « r

#» j < j tl*e poll wee null. Tfce informal VtMt n«m6»r lift. cKsteroavnca The Uw«i nioiiwra for Ci.ristehnrch (1.10 • m ) ere:—ln favor of the preeent 1 lean*aa 1H47 . rednctiou. 884 , Prehibi Kloa. 2011. Two large return* are yet to seen* IAfTtHO*. Tha election of lh« comm ttee re*olte«l m fo'law*. tha Aral eight hemp tha new eeuimittee :—Farrar. 19ft. B.bby. 193; Mr 1 eoB. 18ft . Rhodes. 160. Howard. 158; Loaf ham. 154 . Foreman. 153 ; Barker. 180. Thornton. 184; Whittington. 120. In raapact of tha local option poll, tha voting vii Publican*' licenses aa at giaint. 18 . reduced. 31; non# errant ad. dvnbdd*. For Dunedin Citj with three return* to coma, tha raault* ara Temperance— Wirdrop, 4097 . Jolla. 8768 ; Scott. 3974 ; Baiba. 8912; Walker. 8886; Warren, 388 ft. Spear*. 3797; Dickson, 8744. Moderate Hor*burgh. 3227; Hislop. 8140, Jeffcoat. 298-2 . Hofjr. 2882; Elder, itri9 . Hendrraon. 2782. Wilkinson. 2727; Conaor. 2642 ; Fish, 1496. Thera were 872 informal vote# Latar. The 6furaa for Dunadin ara not rat available, bat the majority for prohibition ta expected to be short by 800 vote*. vahuru-a. Tha return* for tha Wairarapa district akow toe following to be returned in the order n eased Donald. Fairbrothar. Steven*. Proctor. Caoaidina. Millar. Bunny, and Grace. The local option poll abowa. in reaped of publ;can* licenaaa. 179; no license*. 888 The axaat number polled ha* not vat bean ascertained , but apparently tha poll is void aa not containing half the number af vote* on the roll

VBW I LTMOI TH. The reeult of tha polling for New Ply mouth is aa follow* :—License* to remain aa at preeenl, 1128 ; reduction. 75; Prohibition. 741. Four more return* ara yet to coma in. bat will not affect tha re aril. Tha return* for the election of tha committee are not yot made up. PATIA The return* are at present incomplete, but tbara i* re doubt that tha moderate ticket baa bean carried intaet. a* follow*: Soltoa. Adamson. Byrne* (2), Hall. Brett. Ba-mferth. and Ihmne. The local option returns give* majority far licensee remaining ae at preeent; and the returns to coma ara not likely to affect the reenlt. ViIAPC. Far Waiapu the eleve returns to blind give a total number of votes recorded ae 929. of which 201 are for Prohibition, 35 for reduat:on. and 100 for continuance as at present. •mom. The poll* for Gieberue have not vet bean dne ared but it seems almost impaeeiMa for them - together with other eme'l return* yai to coma—to make up 1700 vote* required for a valid poll. hlbnhsim. Tha whole eight members put up by the moderate party have a lead, with a wide maim and a few return* %at to come to band Will not affect the result. The local Option poll ha* not yet been ascertained, bn ihe voting is thought to be for licenses ta remain aa at present. MIT Tha poll alerk* erased work *oon after midnight, and no official declaration ha* beam made The country returns are not vat in. but i* certain that tha moderate 1 candidate* have been returned for Grey month. LTTTtLTOW. In tha Lyttelton district reduction ha* beau carried. Tha voting wa* :—ln favor af prefect number of licenee*. 751 ; r* dcetion. 804 . no license*. 888. There were 150 informal voice. There are 3252 name* on the roll and 2075 persons voted. POET CIIALMBBS. A temperance committee was elected, but m tha local option poll, with two re turn* to come, the majority for Prohibi non i* short by 50. CATIRSUAM. A Temper are* Committee has been elected. TAinni. The Temperance candidate* have a sub •faunal majority, with several return* to cam* in They are not expected to alter the recall. Tha local option poll is void. avow. A Prohibition Commute* was elscted, but tha poll is void. ABU L»T. The poll i* void. A moderate com mil tee wee retnrned.

IXTIBC4BGILL. A good deal of activity was displayed, and the palling arrangements in some booths wan inefficient, voters waiting ever an hour to get aece*«. There are still • 12.80 a m uo eigne of the results. It is believed that the temperance candidates have been elected, and that the prohibition vote is large. MAT ATT an. The poll* are supposed to be heavy for Prohibition and the Temperance candi dates The return from the Mataura township give 104 for Prohibition, 16 for redact.on and 82 that licenses remain as at preeent. 4WABUA. The returns from seven booth* in Awarum givr the Temperance candidates a majority The Prohibition votes are Vi . for reduction. 89 : and that licensee remain ae at preeent, 124. WALLACE. The only retame yet available from Wallace are these from the Riverton booth, where the local option poll number* are Licensee as at present, 19 ; for reduction. 8. no licenee*. 19. Th* moderate nominee* head the poll so far. THAMES. A good deal ef interest w»* manifested in the licensing election to day, but the return* are not yet all available.

LATEB. (Per Press Association.( Ashley.—The local option poll was ineffective Moderate candidates were elected Kaiapoi. —The Temperance candidates were sleeted, and reduction will be declared earned. Rtecarp t.—The poll w** not efftoiv«| Aron.—The returns so far show a poll In favor of redurtiou. So far ae can be learned no district in C anterbury has declared in favor of Pro hibttioo. Wanganui —'ll is understood the ballot is in favor of the licenses remaining as at preeent The successful candidate* are—a Bam her. E A. Campbell. T. D. Cummins. A. Higgin. F. A. Krull. T. B. Mellon. S. H Manson. and W. Kitche. Oamaru.—The Prohibition ticket was elected complete and reduction earned. Waitaki. — Reduction is certain. Invercargill. The complete return* are- For no reduction 703 . for reduction, 296, for Prohibitive*. 1149. The number short of carrying Prohibition was only 139 end there were over 500 informal votes. otßerwiee it would certainly be carried. All , the Temperance candidates pledged to re [ dace to toe full ettent were returned. Christchurch. The complete return L am—For no alteration 2841 . for reduction 1*46 . bo West)** 418 Tt*e sforofcin of

the committee resulted as follows 1 ; - Gapes 424 ft. Langdown, 8964; Smith. 8960; \\ bite, senr . 3958 ; Trent. 3930 ; M'Clat nhie.3B7l . Maddison. 8855 - (Moderates); Foster. 2473 ; Widdowson. 2886; Ballontyne. 2230; M'Lennao. 2495 ; Bell, 1886 —in favor of a 25 per cent reduction. The votes polled at the booth at Sydenham, which i* included in th* Christchurch district. were-490 for the present number of license*. 258 for reduction, 1232 for no licenses. The poll is effective, and reduc non la earned.

THE LATEST. Auc blank. Thi* day. The Franklyn, Manakau, Waikato, and Waipa elections are not complete, but it is known local option poll is void. In Waikato there wa* no contest. Messrs Jackson Palmer, and Eden George, late of Christchurch, are mentioned a* contestant* for the \\ nit* mat * seat. Rvsskll. Thi* Day. So far a* is know n, the correct return* are :—Moderate : Andrews. 299. Duckson, 393, G0re.358. Hall. 399. Me Ken/ie, 348. Moienworth. 319 I’gles. 357. Tem peranee ; Bisnett. 203. Harding, 296. Shannon. 30. Trouson, 341, Manner, 888.

Waipawa. The Waipawa election* return* to hand show the local option poll a* follow* : For continuance, 341 ; Re duetion*. 120 ; No lisenae 477. Gisborne. Excepting the small return* the total for Waipu election* are Siev wriglit 1351. Gray 1335. Johnson 1332. Somerville 1322, Mr* Sievwright 1320, Tuinbleson 1*290, Mr* Goldsmith 1265. Mflermon (independent) 1100. Theabove with the exception of the last name, are all prohibitionist*. Loral option poll.— for dbntinuance. 220 ; reduction, 104 ; no license, 1179. Th* total vote* recorded is 1505, and the number necessary for a valid poll is 2035. Oatnaru. Prohibition committee is elected. The poll is in favour of reduction of license*, and is 20 short of Prohibition. Dunedin City.—The local option poll resulted continuance. 1350 ; reduction. 2479; no license, 3930. The number •hort for Prohibition is 741. Caversham—Local option is a* follow*: continuance, 357 ; reduction. 843; no license. 912. The poll i* 108 «hort of prohibition. Port Chalmers.—Continuance, 539; reduction. 883; no license, 1272. The poll is effective, but is 57 short of Prohibition.

Invercargill : Both Wallace and A want a local option poll* are strong on Prohibition, but it is doubtful whether the polls are effective, as all return* are not in.

Oarnarau : All the return* from Waihemo are not in, but it is believed Prohibition will be carried without doubt. Present return* show : Continuance. 231 ; reduction, 121 ; no licenses, 859. The number required to make the poll effective is 1501. Napier local option poll :—Continuance. 128; reduction. 298; no license, 341. 108 votes were informal. Hawkes’ Bay :—Poll not complete, but the moderate candidates are sure of election. The local option poll is certain to be void. Ashburton ;—The licensing election resulted in favor of the Temperance com tmttee by a large majority. Local option poll :—Continuance, 636; reduction, 167 ; no license, 936. Timam :—The Pareora electorate returned a moderate committee. Local option poll.—Continuance, 1054 ; reduction, 109 ; uo license, 743.

i • voting at All the l»or*fh«. hut tba m «uUh so far at ar« writing are : known at the tune ef l>*WMon ... ... no\ Hes*«y Stewart ... 787 ('hamherlam M Walker ... 751 Sheath ... Vlt D&niell ... 701 Bright • w Svvoreton ... • 1 • ... 518 l'ragnell ... f7V

WELLINGTON. Van Staveren, R«t. H. ... 4686 McKenzie, T. W. 4691 Vogel, H. B 41444 Clere, F. de J 497f % Mills, E. W 49'-.9 Harcourt, J. B 419'. ■ Willes ton, C. E. W. 4146 ■ Heaton, J. H 4120 Smith, John, jus. 4114 Young, J.... 4076 Moriton, C. B 4050 Collins, J. 8955 Dodgshun, N 8876 Powell, J, J. K 8817 1 White, H. J 8807 1 Oughton, L 3402 J Hsyet, J. I 651 1 Tustin, W. G (95

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 127, 24 March 1894, Page 2

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THE LICENSING ELECTIONS. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 127, 24 March 1894, Page 2

THE LICENSING ELECTIONS. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 127, 24 March 1894, Page 2


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