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Pahiatua County Council.

Wednesday, February tilth. The ordinary general meeting of the above Council was held on Wedneeday last, when there were preaeut— Cr Belton (chairman), G. Whiteombe, A. Ross. V. i Perry, T. Hodgins, J. B. Tail, J. Griffith, A. Yule, and P. J. Murphy. CORRESPONDENCE. From J. N noils asking permission to i erect gate on road. - Conn -il could not gran: peroi'ssion, but would not pruv *n< j him puuuig it up. Appications for alterations to rate rod wor * received from C. Benzie. M. Bell, H Fa!loon, tt. Sneddon, W. E. Dowing, B. A. Btrker, T. P. Gird wood. T II Pntt. C. H. Porker, V. Gower, N U. vloDonVd, and 11.l 1 . Nosuor, and agreed to by the Council. From G. Thompson re state of road No 0, Block 1., M.tkuri.—Dealt with in Ed gineer'a report. J. Breeds requesting that repairs he done to Ngaturi road before winter sets in. To be dealt with bv Engineer. \V. Kelly asking that effect be given to previous resolution of Council re acces to his section. Block VI., Mangahao. C. Peterson, Kaitawa, asking that met falling contract be continuod as far as his residence. J. H. Walker applying for permission to tako gravel from reserve on section 86, Mangatainoka. F. Groves and others asking that culverts oo road ‘27, Mangah&o, be lengthened to admit of dray traffic. D. Brosnahan urging the necessity of bridge over Mangatainoka river on Bridge road. Received. S. Turkington re loan for forming Roto Pango road to junction with Mangaone roa 1. Cr R. Ross giving result of meeting at Mr Clulow’s house re .£3OOO loan. J. McKennv re application of the settlers on the Tutaekara road. Surveyor General stating that the matter of grant to the TeAupapa road would bo brought before the Minister of Lands on his return. Treasury Department, asking for tracing of the special rating district for £6OO loan for Mangaramarama South road. Messrs Hailiday and McCardle applying for slaughtering licenses.—Granted. Department of Lands and Survey stating that funds voted for village settlements had been allocated, bnt the Department would endeavour to provide something for tho Makairo Village Settlement. Same, re deviation of road through section 2. Block I, Puketoi. stating that tho owner, Mr Taylor, objected to the declaration. Same re thirds from section 80, Block XIV, Mangahao, the amount (£29 155,) b* in held over until it is decided how the divided sections are to be dealt with. Land Tax Deparhn *nt notifying payment of £375 subsidy due to Council under the Local Bodies Finance and Powers Act 1885. Commissioner of Lands, re thirds, stating that the Council’s propo-uVs for expenditure had been approved of, with the ! exc-ption of Woodville-Ngaturi road No. 7, Makuri Valley Gorge road No. 10, and Buike’s road No. 46. The first w;is held over, the second was not sufficiently definite, and the third was not sanctioned as the expenditure was to be on a private bridge.

RESOLUTIONS ON CORRESPON RNCB. Cr Murphy moved, Cr Ta; seconded, and it was carried. That the C mncil give offeot to tho promise made by the old Council ro Mr W. Kelly’s request as far ns funds are available for the same. Cr Bolton moved, That the Engineer deal with Mr Walker’s request. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Cr Bolton moved That tho renewal of slaughtering licenses applied for by Mr ilallidav be granted. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Cr Bolton moved that the slaughtering license of Messrs McCardle and Sedeole ho renewed subject to nuisance complained of by inspector having been abated. Seconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Tho inspector’s report on the slaughteryard coruplainod of a drainage into Mr Mexted's property, which created a nuisance. Cr Whiteombe moved That Mr Peterson be allowed to continue metalling on the Tiraumea Valley road up to the Makakahi bridge provided he waits for payment until the thirds coine to hand. Seconded by Cr Ross and carried. Cr Tail moved That as section 80, Block XIV., is all in the Pahiatua County the Land Board be requested to forward thirds to this Council according to the information sent to this Council by the Property Tax Commissioner. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carriod. DEPUTATIONS. Mr Wagstaff waited on the Council and asked for some old decking at Mangat&inoka for the purpose of forming a footpath past his property. He offered £l, and the offer was accepted. Mr J. Patterson and Mr Monckton waited on the Council and asked if anything could be done towards the widening of the Palmerston track for vehicular traffic. There was some money available for the work, £6O 11s 4d and £lO. The road was too bad even for a sledgo. They asked that the road might be made round the face of the cliff’ to a width of nine feet. They also asked if tho Council could supplement the amount at present available. The Chairman asked Cr Tait if his riding would allow some of the riding funds to go towards the work. Cr Tait said the request wa6 a just one, but he scarcely liked going beyond the thirds, unless indeed it were found that only a few pounds were required. He would not like to promise to supplement the thirds. He moved. That tenders be called for widening the track as requested. Tho Chairman said the riding had a considerable debit balance, and he did not think they could promise a supplement. A largo amount of rates still remained unpaid, and it was hard for the Council to without them. Mr Patterson perhaps would not be pleased to learn that the Council proposed next year to increaso the rate from l|d and l^d. Mr Uevell asked that the accured thirds might be spent on the road giving access o his p ace at Ballance. Cr Griffith said some thirds had been received but not spent on his rood. Cr Tait said ths money should not go into the general fund but be retained for th roads in such situations as theso. H thought that Mr Revell’s request was .. reasonable one. Mr Hoard and others interviewed th Council with reference to the poll for th loan for tho Mangahao bridge which ws f . lost.

Cr Tait read a petition asking that another poll might be taken on ths subject They proposed to retAin the same rating area, but a number of proxies had arrived which would probably allow the loan to • jc carried. The Chairman said if another poll could be taken he would be only too glad to accede to the request. Messrs Benton, Brown, Toomey, and Parker asked the Council if any provision -onld be made to eomplete the metalling of Pukemiku rood. The Chairman said there was 60 cha ns of installing out of Iks 98 skeins that

would bo don* ; *-W0 »T*ti*M* for the road, end tho 60 chain* woold aboerb H« wao afraid lb* (%>unoil oould do nothing in th# matter in th# foe* of the «ll debit balance muring them m the (no*. They were like the anomnl MgTP lions, they eould not make brioks without ■traw. Tha Couneil had apent the money to the best advantage. One of the deputation asked u Inc Council could lend £'<o to complete the metalling. Mr WoodhAms complained that a fence at Hill road had not been removed. A petition had previously been presented and a resolution was passed by the Council calling upon Mr Perreau to remove a portion of the feuce. He also complained tuat the reserve which Mr Kopke hau permission to feuce round coni.tuid a permanent spring, upon which thoir stock depended for water. They wante accuse to the water. Hie Chairman promised that both matters should be attended to. Mr KuitnAim waited on the Council with reference to the Tutaekara road and asking that thirds he expended in extend ing read. The C'liairmau said that when the thirds were received they would be expended as Mr Reiinann wished. The Council would do their host to give hi in access. Mr Reiinann offered if the Council would expend the money at once he would pay interest on it until the thirds were available. If he eould not get a road this year he could not build next year and would have to sell out. Cr Griffith said th* position was an awkward oue. He would be sotry to sec the Council establish a precedent oo the line suggested by Mr Reiinann. Tiie chairman suggested that Mr Retin.mii should advance the money required and tho Council would in due course re imourse him. The chairman said tho money would be expended as soon as available. Mr Aitchesou asked that the money re tained under the Workmen’s Lieu Act in contract forfeited by Mr McKinley should | be paid to him. The Chairman said Mr Aitcheson would have to tako legal proceedings to recover the money from McKinley. The Council had to hoid tho money, and oould not pay it without an order from the Court. Mr Aitcheson's claim was against McKinley.

REPORTS. The Works Committee recommended tho following tenders for acceptance : No. 307, no tender accepted; No. .'W)B, Mr (nllon; No. Bit). Mr Scellv ; No. 811, Mr Cornelius ; No. 312, Mr Daw son; No. 314, Mr Parker; No. 315, Cooper and Co; No. 816, Messrs Williams and Morgan: Nos. 309 and 313, Mr McCarthy. The Chairman moved that the report be adopted. Seconded by Cr Perry and carried. The Chairman was authorised to deal with Mr McCarthv’s tender for No. 309 when are available. The Treasurer reported as follows: County fund credit, £262 7s 7d ; deposit account credit, £321 11 3d ; loans account credit, £2572 2s 7d; interest account credit, £142 4s ; laud fund credit, £928 Bs. TIRAUMEA BRIDOK. The only tender received for the erection of the bridge over the Tiraumea River at Ngaturi was that of Mr A. Weir, of Pahiatua, at £2729. Cr Whiteombe moved That no lender be Acoepted for the bridge over thd Tiraumea at Ngaturi, and that the Council proceed with the erection themselves at once. Cr Whiteombe said the Euginocr’s esti mate was £6OO under that received, and I since that cstiinato was made up the price of totara had gone up. His main reason for moving the resolution ! was that if the Council kept the work they I could at onco proceed with the work anil j have it erected. I The Chairtuar said ho intended to move j that they adopt tho co-operative system, and build it under their own control. When all the funds were expended they could stop! Cr Murphy said Mr Dawson would not tako the contract at the Engineer's price now. Cr \\ hitcombc said ho would not under tako it because he had plenty* of work in hand. Cr Griffith said the Council was not in a position to tako up this work themselves. He would like to seo the thing earned to completion. Cr Perry said he believed if a start were made tho settlers would raise the balance of the money. He did not see why the Council should not carry out the work. They did not require to make a profit out of it. Cr Hodgins said if the Couneil undertook to build tho bridge they could not buiid it for £3OOO. Cr Murphy said if they got no more value for this than for other work they would not build it for £4OOO. Cr Hodgins said the Council had not the experienced men at hand to do the work and ho did not think it would be wise to undertake the work. Cr Griffith said this was certainly hie view. Cr Whiteombe said a plant could be purchased and afterwards sold. His main reason for his resolution was to prevent loss of time and to get tho piers in at once. They would have no difficulty in getting credit as had appeared to be the case with some contractors. The bridge was wanted before June. Cr Griffith said he would not like to see the Council undertake a thing and fail at it. That was why* lie opposed it. Mr Fraser said tho price of timber had gone up since his estimate was given. They would require to obtain plant if they undertook the work. Cr Yule asked if any more money could bo raise 1 to make up tho deficiency. Cr Perry said he was sure the settlers would rather rate themselves for another loan than see the erection of the bridgedelayed. Still ho thought the tender re ceived was rather high. Mr Fraser said he would not care, at this season of the year, to be bound down to his original estimate. The resolution was then put and lost, only the mover and seconder supporting it. Cr Bolton then moved : That uo tender he acceptod for the erection of tho bridge jver the Tiraumea river, but that the Engineer take steps to see privately what arrangements could be made for the immediate erection of the bridge. Seconded by Cr Perry and earned. engineer’s report. The Engineer's report was read as allows

1 have the honor to report that the ouncil has the following road works in land ;—‘22 contracts for formation and Scaring, 18 contracts for metalling, 4 contracts for erection cf bridges ; also ft small -outracls which have been let privately, md works (tenders for which close to-day) comprising : 4 formation contracts, 5 nctalling contracts, 2 bridges. I may state that the continuance of fine veather has enabled pretty well all the contracts to be pushed on favorably with the exception of two in the Mangahao district, and one in the Mangaone Riding. On the two former contracts no start whatever had been made on the 13th inst., md on the latter sufficient hands had net 1 •«en pat on until some weeks after the 1 •ontract had been let.

1 would respectfully diaw ths attention of the Ceoaeil te the aeteeaitv el preeeed-

in* M one* with rt- ■«<««'»» » liu witniw. H h*tn# t, I Zfcy the netter toofer, i» in uiw L eoauilenbto di*o«i»jr would h~ ~ ( •wnouoed in h»«lin« out from .hoi, Id we Ret wet weethe. h autumn. The road* g—rally nro in goo i throughout the Count r Some danger©* place* ia the To hare Kn*, fenced, aud lamh «v * ; a new cagn , S |, , <hl for the Mangahao river wn'e. proved hauling appaiatu* in plar. r t ~ present inconvenient festoons of m,v. * Tbi* will bo erecUkl m soon a* 1 r*c.. K quotations for iron work from Napi*, Wellington. Many of the hndg,* ~ cohort* have been partiall.v or . uti re-mended on the different roads m l known defective culvert* will be r., during the current month. 1 w , t'oiimuuid that about JO i'hmi)v Girdwood* road he reformed fi Hoction 12, block IV, Mangahao. *« hill is very uiuch cut up and out of . and a* there ia considerable trath would be an well to have the work d< in the dry seaeon On the Makuri l ppei Malley road - - 860 chain* have been im tailed from Tv northward*, and on the Mukairm about 800 chain* from the taiunfli f the Woodville Association Block termination of the formed road. A u. siderable number of point* have b-c B taken off and culvert* placed in p and the road generally cleared ot! * j* and in fair order. Several small wom, r the Woodville Tirauinea Block anil U D dertaken during the month. Cr Bolton moved That the C oun'. adopt the following e.-ggeation* m t-.« Engineer's report:—The 20 chains form lion on Gird wood’* road. That teni. • be called for the maintenance metal, close at next meeting of the Coune.! < Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. i ACCOUNT*. Account* amounting to 10« h J were paused for payment. Lie ■ MSB. An application was made by Mr\fcMo»* for a slaughtering license of *seti%| Bb, ; block X. M— Inspector to report I at next meeting. OKNBRAL RESOLUTIONS. I Cr Tail moved That tender* be called I for widening Palmerston North road, to j make it fit for dray traffic as far a* p» \ j 69. Block VI. I Seeonded by Cr Bolton aud carried. Cr Whitcombe moved That the resolution re keeping office open on Wedn- »lay afternoon bo altered to Tuesday afternoon. He explained that the *ale day h* i U-en altered to Tuesday and it would be con venieut to keep the office open. Seconded by Cr Tail and carried Cr A. Yule moved That the eugim **r instructed to show contractors when remove metal from the Mangnl unok a river at the Mangahao crossing as , has been removed from the river i present fc;*d. Crs Griffith and Perry complained t*.at this practice had been indulged in in h«r , place*. . tSeconded by Cr Murphy and carried. Cr Murphy moved That the engineer!* requested to instruct roadmen to n pa; the Middle road. Pukemiku riding, be i tween its junction with Tomes and Cam :• brook roads. Seconded by Cr Yule and carried. Cr Murphy moved That Mr John ) Moynihan be allowed to take about * i dozen load* of clay from a bank of ssina near his residence on Middle road, P.V.S. Seconded by Cr Yule aud carried. Cr Murphy moved That the Engineer be instructed to fall an old rim i tree i on Nicoll's road, P.V.S., the true being i j dangerous to the public. ; Soconded by Cr Yule and Carrie 1 ■ Cr Murphy moved That Messrs % k j and Bait bo allowe<l to t*ke about 50 v t it !of metal from the Council’s metal serve i i on the North Tiraumea road, the rn* t*i to , i he taken under supervision of tin , j ginueer. Seconded by Cr Bolton and earned. Cr Griffith moved That \fr Patterson bo authorised t<» get the trees foiled *r> i tinned in letter, on soctiou* 20 and J 1 on behalf of the Couneil. Soconded by Cr Tait and ckrrie i Cr Tait moved That fresh ten i- rs be called for metalling 15 chains op| - is i section 63, Block 111, Mangahho t'-.c Chairman and one Councillor to »evopti i the same, tenders to close on 27th n>• Seconded by Cr Griffith and carr i i Cr Tait moved That oontrsc JTO i (metalling) be extended about 15 c * f i Seconded by Cr Griffith and can • 1 * Cr Griffith moved That Mr Ileveh » - l quest for formation of road leading property be granted, cost not mr d £lO. Seconded by Cr Tait and earned. Cr Tait meved That the Engineer pi« t pare a rough estimate of the cost of i irm-M mg road from junction at Wat erf. *ll creek A westward to give access to sertK-.'' 1 and 20, Block IX., together with a report on the proposed deviation through *• tionsj 15 and 16, Block IX., snd section 12. ■ Block X., Mangahao. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried. M Cr Tait moved That tender* b# for road work and permanent wliore necessary to give dray access junction of the road at section yd. VI., to the corner of section 2, Block Mangahao. Seconded by Cr Griffith and carried Cr Tait moved: That tenders becalle road work to give access across ths 1 % creek at section 107, also for forming m short length of road between section and section 101, Block VI., Mings' Seconded by Cr Griffith and cam Cr Bolton moved : That contract Hi. limited to amount of fund* available £1 25. Seconded by Cr Hudgins and ran t i Cr Bolton moved : That a special of 5-Piths of a penny in the £ be ; and levied on certain section* specifi' 1 loan proposal No. 39, Woodville road to meet interest and charge* on | loan. Tho said rate to be pay*) ' j October Ist in each year for 26 vtars. ' that a special meeting of the Com v held on 14th March to adopt this ' ■ tion by special order. Seconded by Cr Ilodgi«iN and can NOTIC* OF MOTION. Cr Whitcomb# moved, purtuau: , notice : That the ordinary meeting* <>f (Council t*ku place on the first Mondwv the month, provided that the first Id'" i*V does not fall on thefirMtday of tb in that case that the meeting alia on tho second Monday. Seconded by Cr Murpbv pro /sw-j Cr Yule moved assn amendment 1 the Council meet on the first Saturdir «* every month, instead of WsdnwdnT JV S->conded by Cr Murphy, Th* • ment was carried on tho \ oices j The Council then adjourned CHARITABLE AID ROAR1 1 A meeting of tho Charitably Aid B* W was thon held. Present :—Cr 1 • (Chairman), Cn* Murphy. Whitcoiubr * 4 Yule. Relief \ca« < nntino ’ plicsnte, the total amount grant-d * I

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Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 112, 16 February 1894, Page 2

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Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 112, 16 February 1894, Page 2

Pahiatua County Council. Pahiatua Herald, Volume II, Issue 112, 16 February 1894, Page 2


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