. <, . (By Cable.)
BILL TO ABROGATE KING'S RIGHTS. ROME, December 22. Signor Nitti, in the Chamber, announced that a Bill would be introduced abrogating the King's right to declare war and -» make peace and to contract treaties, all of which -powers would be vested in Parliament. This announcement led to scenes of enthusiasm, the Socialists joining in. Signor Nitti added that the National Council at Fiume had associated it-self with the Government programme, which was also supported by the plebiscite of citizens, but the minority had not yet allowed the carrying" out of the will of the majority. ROME, December 22. The Chamber passed a vote of confidence in the Government by 242 votes to 216. December 23. King Victor Emmanuel will visit the United States and also tour South America next summer.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 15
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Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 15
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