The Universal Brand is the Cheapest and Best. Made in thieo cualities —Calico, Brill, and Duck. k TENTS—6 xB, 8 x 10, 10 x 12. FLYS—9 x 11, 10 x 12, 12 x 14. Prices on application. NET HAMMOCKS—IS/-, 2/0-, 30/-, 85/S"» SET OP QUOITS with Stand—ll/6 Set. •UNION JACKS, NEW ZEALAND ENSIGNS, made from best Double Warp Buntings. STACK COVERS made in any size you require, Popes and Eyelets complete. Samples and prices on application. Best DUCK APRONS for Carpenters and Cabinetmakers, 4/- each. WHITE DUi K KIT BAGS, 36in, 6/6 ; TAN DUCK KIT BAGS, 36in, 8/6; TAN DUCK KIT BAG, with Lock and Handle, 12/POLDING CAMP STRETCHERS, 6 t 6in x 2ft 3in, 32/6. MANTTFACTTTEEES, 263 PRINCES STREET, DTJNEDIN.
a i i X K # ' ;; « 8^ *fS /x£ H % » *si THE PROVED REMEDY FOR ' OSMOND'S OXYGAS HAS A GREAT REPUTATION, and it deserves it, for— There is no BETTER, QUICKER or SURER REMEDY for Milk Fever, Mammitis, Inflammation, Quarter Evil, and all Udder Troubles after calving or lambing. Fever in aheep. Users all over New Zealand testify tojts remarkable cures. IT IS ALWAYS EFFECTIVE because it works internally. YOUR cows may have Mammitis to-morrow! Keep OXYGAS always on the premises. OXYGAS is sold by OSMOND & SON (New Zealand) Ltd. P.O. Box 460, WELLINGTON.
•p., i msi The Sheep that "Win 1 fnTTSBCfn /' are those that are not only healthy and robust, but that also^ U~ look superior. It's the "finish" that often means " First Prize" «» 1* and " Top Prices " ! \\ 7 In preparing all classes of Sheep for show-ring or sale-yard, a l\ * beautiful "finish" is assured by the use of \\ BLOOM DIP /* give* a handsome, golden " bloom " that is appreciated by both Judges and Bayers. From Storekeepers and Agents in all Towns. Chief Agents : ' K.Z. Loan & Mercantile Agency Co. Ltd. w Brandies threnjhont th* Dominion. - */
Page 10 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 10
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