M^BMll—l^^^ tit' m mmmmmm PiU.|7|;' irfl ll|H^Ki£, "At the End of a Perfect Day! Sounds nice, doesn't it, but there's not much of the " Perfect Day " about Monly after the " Weekly Washing" is clone. The rubbing of the clothes is leadly—takes the very life out of a vroman, N and leaves her played-out for that, yes, and often for the day following But look ! There's a way out. Don t spoil your day. You needn't, if you'll dispense with the awful rubbing—that s the killing part of the washing. Don t spoil your day, but do this: Use No Rubbing Laundry Help" and—"liey " esto ! " —the dirt all comes out in the rising, with « very little trouble. "No Rubbing " is a real wonder-worker. It cuts down the labor and makes the clothes clean and white. You'll believe your eyes before anything, and the snowy whiteness of linen, etc., washed with "No Rubbing" is convincing. Not the least of its many advantages is this —it can be used to wash " filmy" things, dainty lingerie, delicate blouses, infants' frillery, and such like garments. Of course it acts to perfection on rough, greasy clothes, takes out stains made by oil and milk, and so on, like magic. You see, it's a Scientific Preparation. Remember please, that "No Rubbing" is so very good that it has aroused a number of imitations. They're not bad—some of them—but prettv poor substitutes for "No Rubbing." Better be sure you get the genuine. The saving in Backache and Time will justify you in insisting upon your Grocer sending the real thing, and not something " just as good" (maybe?). "No Rubbing" is having a stupendous sale because it's just what is wanted. You-may have tried imitations, and been disappointed. Use the Genuine "No Rubbing J&ESSb Laundry Help," and so mr*sS make Monday a "Per- *§£ dllf feet Day." \Mr m saassspzsgg \wwLtvsi. *»»ggS 55 »j> (* -i-. -; il'lNli ®mm, 1 iiifi m » §sw ffi ii V, v >n *»«> .-/>:.- .1-'. I m >.'--■; &A.-S«*« mf&^^m imtammiMimmmmtt '■minrun^^niatM^ r*«a?= iyil mm as «••*: cts^^hs ;■§■■•■■- si»>f.; ■y^_ In Packets, At any Grocer's or Storekeeper's.
Page 58 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 58
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