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and the third 15sovs from the stakes. Open to horses that can do 4.56 or better. Nomination, 20s: acceptance, 60s. 3. NEW ZEALAND TROTTING STAKES (in Harness), of SOOaovs (including the Gore Memorial Cup, value £25); winner to receive 375sovs; second horse, 75sova; and thud, 25sovs from the stakes. For three-year-old unhoppled trotters. No penalties or allowances. One mile and a-half. Nomination (closed); acceptance, 3sovs on Wednesday, 14th January, and final payment 3sova at scales. 4. FORBURY HANDICAP (in Harness), of GOOsovs; second liotso to receive lOOsovs, and the third 50sovs from the stakes. ''Open to horses that can do 4.38 or better. Two miles. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 60s; and final payment of ssovs for starters. 5. STEWARDS' HANDICAP (in Saddle), of 175sovs; second horse to receive 25sovs, and the third lOsovs from the stakes. Open to horses that have not won in 3.45 or its equivalent at time of entry. One mile and a-half. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 50s. 6. CRESCENT HANDICAP (in Harness; for Unhoppled Trotters only), of 225sovs; second horse to receive SOsovs, and the third 15tovs from the stakes. Open to horses that can do 5.0 or better.- Two miles. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 70s. 7. ROYAL HANDICAP (in Harness), of 250sovs; second horse to receive 35sovs, and the third 1550v3 from the stakes. Open to horses that have not done 3.30 or its equivalent at "Him© of entry, with a 6sec limit. One mile and a-half. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 80s. 8. ATJ KEVOIR HANDICAP (in Saddle), of 200sovs; second horse to receive 30sovs, and the third 15sove-from the stakes. Open to horses that can do 2.20 or better. One mile. Nomination, 20s; acceptance, 60s. Regulations. Placed horses on First Day may be nominated for a- higher class for Second • Day. Such nomination must be-made within 30 minutes after last race. All Entrances 1 and Acceptances to be addressed to the Secretary, Dunedin, entrance money enclosed, with the name and description of horse, age at time ofeiftry, name of owner, pedigree, colours of ridler, and in case of handicaps, the performances of the horses which are not known to the Handioapper. All Entries and Acceptances, accompanied by the full amount in cosh, must be in the hands of the Secretary before 5 p.m. on their respective daj>es, unless stated' to the contrary. All races run under the rules of the New Zealand Trotting Association. Riders and Drivers' must appear in proper jockey costume, or they will be fined. Horses will be handicapped by distance in all races at this meeting. 196. Every person applying for admission to any course, and every person entering or endeavouring to enter a horse for any race, and every person having or subseqtiently acquiring any interest in 1 such horse, shall be deemed to accept all the conditions and restriotions imposed or implied by these Rules, and to be barred' from questioning the action of the Conference, Appeal Judges, Association, Club, Racing Club or body, Committee, Stewards, officials, agents, or servants in respect of any such, person or hor&e, or any person connected therewith, otherwise than is provided for in Part XXX of these Rules. A copy of this rule shall be printed all programmes, and printed and conspicuously placed et the entrance to every Dates of Nominations, Handicaps, and Acceptances. Nominations for all events both, days close at 5 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, 14th January. Handicaps for First Day declared FRIDAY, 23rd January. Acceptances for First Day close at 5 p.m. on FRIDAY, 80th January. Handicaps for Second Day declared about 8 p.m. on SATURDAY, 7th February. Acceptances for Second Day close at 9 p.m. on SATURDAY, 7th February. H. L. JAMES, Box 142, Dunedin. Secretary. IHE NEW ' ZEALAND JOCKEYS' ASSOCIATION (Incorporated). OFFICIAL NOTICE. The Attention of all Members is called to tho following Rule: —"No Jockey shall give any information respecting a trial, or regarding any horse he may be engaged to ride in any race or in work, .to any person other than the Owner or Trainer of tho horse." In future any Member of the Association found guilty of breaking tb.6 above rule or of giving tips to any person will be dealt with by the Executive in manner set out in the rules of the Association. The Executive issues the following recommendation to Members:—When a Member is engaged to ride at a meeting away from his home town he should keep himself available to attend the race track on" the race morning to ride work if the Trainer or Owner of the horse or horses he has engaged to ride notifies him to do so the day before and pays all his reasonable expenses of going to the race track and returning therefrom to his lodging. In the interests of the safety of the Members of the Association the Executive issues the following recommendation : —When an engagement to ride in a race is offered it shall be accepted upon the terms that the Jockey is entitled to cancel the engagement before being ordered to mount if tho number of starters in that race _ will cause the space available at the starting barrier for each horse competing to be less than four feet. C. C. SHEATH, Secretary. Auckland, December 20, 1919. . 24d The 'Dover flare" was one of the inventions of the war, and one which in no small measure helped to end it The Dover flare, according to Lieutenant-Com-mander Roland Bourke, V.C., D.S.O. is a calcium light which is of 1,000,000 candlepower, and has an illuminating radius of four miles —a light which _ makes considerable demands on the imagination. It was the light which guided the Vindictive to the Ostend piers in the great raid of last year, and it is learned from the visitor that a double row of Dover'"flares formed a wonderfully-illuminated avenue across the English. Channel towards tho end of the war. With nets stretched below, hung with contact mines, and Dover flares above, the Germans were given no chance of getting through the Channel. The highest possible point of purity in alcoholic beverages—Wolfe's Schnapps.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 44
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1,009Page 44 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 44
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Page 44 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 44
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Otago Witness. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.