MALL GRAZING RUN OPEN FOR LEASE BY DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under-mentioned Grazing- Run will be Open for Application by Discharged Soldiers at this Office on' MONDAY, 19th January, 1820: Waikouaiti County—Budle Survey District, National Endowment Land: Run 121 H, 3177 acres; half -yearly rental £'6o, valuation for improvements (buildings, fencing, dip, yards, plantation, and cultivation), £740. The Run is situated about six miles from Macraes Township, and about two..miles from, Moonlight, where there is a school and a post and telephone office. The loads to the run are good for motor traffic. The is low and safe, the altitude above sea level being from COOft to 2000 ft. About 150 acres have been ploughed, and part of this area is in English grass. The Run is fairly well watered. Sale plans and application forms may bo obtained from this Office. ROBT. T. SADD, Commissioner of Crown Lands. District Land and Survey Office, Dunedin. December 22. 1919. 27d PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IMPORTANT SALE OF SUPERIOR FARM LANDS, At Middlemarch. SUBDIVISION OF THE WELL-KNOWN POPLAR GROVE ESTATE, And Adjoining Farms. THE OTA GO FARMERS' CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF N.Z. (LTD.) have received instructions from the Trustees of the late Wm. Kirkland to offer by public auction, early in the autumn: Freehold Sections, comprising about — 1600 ACRES of very superior cultivated land, adjoining the township of Middlemarch, subdivided into. suitable areas. These lands are. all practically level, and form, the major portion of the well-known Poplar Grove Estate, and also the * Farms known as Nimmo's and Brown's. Plans of tho subdivision are now in course of preparation.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 29
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