4 Popular Sons' " Hrfcg I Copyright by L®». Fefet, Inc. This great ballad as stirring the country. It has a melody that, once you have heard, yon will be always humming or whistling it. n . Price 2/- net. «#i Everything is Peaches down In Georgia. fit &at--sa r . fe». JB«-few iiie.Pa-ra-ifssp'uwaii Copyright by Leo. Feist, Inc. A ragtime song you are going to love. It's a corking good melody; you've just got to dance to it. Try it over. Price 2/- net. WmmMMiM mmmmfrAmm m?. iM®W& 1 I T\ ®smm U .-;; » BSSSffI^K! >i»'i !•>'« ✓^ YouVe Making a Miter of Me. When you Look into, the Heart r-,T-flf^i^Sssa^ssaSgiS3gs| D«ar lifr-tla rcw.wirh your heart of gold, Copyright by M. WHmark & Sons. The song you will always remember. Play the melody and then you'll know why you hear everybody playing, humming and whistling it. Bear JU-iJa rose, may your pa- i»!s fold, p;j';^~ssta*Tjrs^*rs;.—a;sc: J ssii?i-LJ^" —51 Jly a?-eret meet I will trust you To Keep, As you drink in the exquisite I i r .1 . .1. _ _1 ing words etch themselves deep in your heart, you feel good all over, with a happy spirit that inevitably brings the smile of a warm heart. Price 2/- net. Price —2/- each. Posted 2/1 Order without delay from PRINCES STREET, DUNEDiN. ■dßffiS23SßgKß>g3? ;
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Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Witness, Issue 3433, 30 December 1919, Page 5
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