"Wherever a -true woman comes, home is aiwiij-g around her."—Buskin. Elizabeth will be pleased to receive letters from correspondents on any matter of interest to them, and to reply through the medium oi this page, the nom de plume only of the correspondents to be published. Letters to be addressed " Eliaa;petfc," care of the Editor. TABLE TALK. Monday Evening. On Monday evening Mies Phyllis Cheeseman entertained some friends at a picture party at Hayward's Theatre and afterwards at supper at the Savoy. Among those present were Mesdames Cheeseman, G. Robert*, Misses H. Roberts, Edmond, Kempthorne, Bridgeman, and Messrs Ward, Moore, Wilson, Bridgeman, Parker, and Edmond. . ■ A ""pleasant little tea was given by Mrs Sise at her residence, Queen street, on Wednesday afternoon in honour of Miss Nell Holdsworth, whose marriage - to Captain Arthur Rhodes, M.C., takes place at the end of the month. Mrs Sise and Miss Sise received the guests in the drawing room, and songs were contributed by Miss Mabel Macintosh and Miss Dorothy 'Theomin. A dainty tea was served dn the morning room, the table being decorated with a bowl of beautiful pink carnations. Among those present were Mesdames Deans (Christchurch), H. S. Fenwick, G. M'Lean, Riley, Black, Butterworth, Fitchett, R. Ritchie, and the Misses Rona Allen, K. Rattray, 0. Williams, Roberts, K. Ulrilch Denniston, Ogston, H. Sargood, Downie Stewart, Bridgeman, Graham, Bell, Gallaway. Mademoiselle Ahtonia Dolores, whose ooncert season opened on Easter Monday evening at the Burns Hall, arrived from the north by the second express on Thursday evening, and was accorded a warm welcome by the members of the Dunedin Male Choir and their friends, who serenaded the famous and popular singer, and escorted her to her car under their banner, givtng three hearty oheers as she drove off. Students from all parts of the Dominion have assembled in force to take part, in the annual inter-University athletic tournament, winch has been revived after a lapse of four years, and are billeted with various f&milies. The attendance at the Dawn Tennis Tournament at the Anderson's Bay Courts on Saturday afternoon was very large. The entries for the various events were satisfactory, and a most successful day resulted, # the weather conditions baing favourable. His Majesty's Theatre was packed an Saturday afternoon and evening to wtitnees
the thrillingly interesting film of the German naval surender, presented by Messrs J. and N. Tait. An. excellent orchestra contributed appropriate musio, and Madame Marie Power charmed all present with her effective gendering of " Bode Britannlia," " Land of XLope and G-lory," and " The ehip that's bound for Blighty." Although Easter has fallen eo late this year and the weather has assumed its most wintry aspect, a greater number of people than usual have gone into the country for the holidays. Mtb Riley and Mrs Rusesll Ritchie attended the Waibji school sports last weekend. Mrs P. Macassey and Mrs J. Dunlop are at Karitane for Easter. Mrs Brian Haggitt (Inveroargill) is the guest of Mrs Douglas Ramsay, Queen's drive, Musselburgh. Mr and Mrs Neil Galbraith are at Waikouaiti for Easter. Mr and Mrs J. M. Gallaway, Miss Gallaway, and Mr G. Parker are the guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Bell, Shag Valley. Mrs Deanß (Chrietchurch) is the guest of Mrs Holdsworth, Culbleen, High street. Mrs A. A. Finch and Mrs Bernard Stock are the guests of Mrs Edmond at Waikouaiti. Mr and Mrs 0. White have gone to Wanganui. Mrs Leslie Wilson, Mr E. Wilson, and Miss Agnes Todd (Christchurch) left on Thursday to motor to Wanaka. Miss Una Rattray has gone to Chnistchurch, where she will be the guest of Mrs Westenra. Mrs P. Patullo left on Tuesday to spend Easter at Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Garth Gallaway are the guests of Mrs Laidlaw at Matakanui. Mr and Mrs John Roberts returned from Christchurch last week. Lady Allen and Miss Rona Allen are staying at Onslow House. The Misses F. and E. Shand (Craighead) are staying with Mrs Shand, George street. Mr and Mrs C. W. Rattray are spending Easter at Waikousdti. Mrs Reggie Hunter (Tiniaru) is spending Easter with her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Roberts, Littleboume. Dr and Mrs Fitchett are at Waitati., Miss K. M'Lean is the guest of Mrs Stanley Batohelor at Waitati. Miss Ellice Fitzgerald (Wellington) is staying with Mrs W. G. Maitland, Cargill street. Mrs Taverner (Hawke's Bay) is the guest of Mrs C. C. Graham, Heriot row. Mrs Fergus and Mrs J. Begg are the guests of Mrs Basil Coterill at Palmereton. Mr and, Mrs Vivian have gone to Hampden fox a week. INVERCARGILL, April 21. Mrs Callender and Miss Callender are spending a few weeks' holiday at Lillburn. Mrs B. Haggitt has gone to Dunedlm to spend Easter. "' Mrs C. B. Snow and Miss Snow are visiting Riverton. .•»,-,. Mr and Mrs Wylie are staying at Bluff for the week-end. Mrs T. M. Macdonald had a most delightful little tea at Lewis's Tea Rooms on Tuesday 'afternoon in honour of Miss K. Macdonald (Wellington). A competition, which proved a very keen one, was won by Miss Gardner. Some of Mrs Macdonald's guests were Miss K. Macdonald, Misses Seamon (2), Moffett, Gardner M'Queen (2), and Keddell. Miss Campbell gave a tea on Monday afternoon at her residence for Miss Brebner, who is leaving here shortly. Mr and Mrs F. Hall-Jones left on Friday afternoon by motor for Christchurch. OAMARtT, April 21. Mrs Ronaldson (Christchurch) 'is the guest of her sisters, the Misses Banks. Mrs Whitton has gone to Dunedin for Easter. Mrs E. P. Lee is visiting in the Bay of Islands. Mr and Mts Eric Hutchison (Christchurch) are the guests of Mrs T. Hutchison. Mr Harold Hutchison, who has lately returned from France, is staying with his parents. , Mr and Mrs E. Armstrong went to Waimate for Easter. Mr and Mrs J. Borton are spending the holidays at their country cottage at Hampden. Mis£ F. Bruce (Waimate) is the guest of Miss F. de Lambert. Mr and Mrs sohn O'Shea (Dunedun) are the guests of Mrs D. Fotheringham. Miss Keddie and Miss Joyce Haynes motored to Station Peak, where they stay over the holidays as the guests of Mrs Reid. Mts de Lambert and Mrs Hughes are visiting Mrs Collis (Waimate). Miss Dorothy Davies lis on holiday in Central Otago. The Misses Piper, de Lambert, M'Mullan, Darling, Mitchell, Hewat, Humphries, and Whitton are at Kakanui for Easter, Mr and Mrs R. IrrlLne are the guests of Mis A. Sooullar (Ngapara). Miss Marjorie Whitton is spending a, few days with her parents.
TIMARU, April 19. Mr and Mra Rawnsloy (Wai-iti road) are spending the holidays in Christchurch. Mrs How-den (Park lane) is the guest of Mrs Reid (Palmereton South). Mrs Vennall (Oamaru) end Miss Brown© are staying w!ith Mrs Bridgewater (Preston street). Mr and Mrs F. Raymond (Beverley road) are at present in Christchurch. Mx and Mrs Hall-Jones (Inveroargill) are staying at the Grosvenor. Miss S. Macphexson (Oamaru) is the guest of Mts W. Evans (North street). Mrs Nantes, -who has been staying with Mrs .F. LeOren, left this week fox Napier. Mr and Mrs W. D. Revell (Jackson. Btreet) are at Mount Cook. Da: and Mrs Burns (Church street) have returned from Liake Wanaka-.
Mrs L. B. Pearson (Nile street) is staying 1 in Chriatchurch. CHRISTCHURCH, April 19. Two more very enjoyable concerts wer« given at the Art Gallery last week—that oa Saturday night by the Lyrio Orchestra, th« hostesses for supper be£ng Mrs H. Aoland and Mrs Lester j and on "Wednesday evening the concert was arranged by Mr P. 0. Raphael and the supper was provided by Mrs Donaldson. The Christcbuxch Ladies' Golf Club is one* again holding an Easter tournament, which has not been held since the commencement of the war. The Canterbury Open Championship will be played for, besides Handicap events, and as entries, aro coming in very well it is hoped the tournament will b# a success. Mr and Mrs Cook (Dunedin) are visiting Chriatchurch. Mr and Mrs J.' Innos (Timaru), who hay* been spending a few days in Christchurca, are now visiting Hanmer. Mr and Mis J. Gillon (Wellington) «• the guests of Mrs R Allen for the raoea. The Missea Buckley aro staying with Mends in Chrietchurch for th<* races. BLENHEIM, April 14. There was a fair attendance at the Marlborough Lawn Tennis Grounds last Saturday, when afternoon tea was provided by th« ladies. Among those present were Meedame* White, B. Clouston, Rolling, Hardy, Orr, "Wifien, A. Mowat, Best, Lightfoot, Misee« Williams, Neville, Chapman, Rogers, Jenkins, Coull, Barnett, Good, Messrs Wtffen, Andrews, Thompson, Hulme, Bell, J. Corry, Robertson, Rolling, and Captain HardySome of those at the Picture Palace during the week were Mr and Mrs Bagge Ml and Mrs Lightfoot, Mr and Mrs P. Wifien, Mr and Mrs Belling, Captain and Mr* Hardy, Mrs. and Miss Clouston, -Dr and Mrs Noblo Adams, Mrs Bennett, Mr and Mrs J. Maclaine, Miss Good, Miss R. Horton,- MJM D. Redwood. The engagement ts announce;;' of Mm Nessa M'Rae, second daughter cf llr Law* rence Grace, of Wellington, "to Mr P«tex Aage Ornberg, third son of lit i* A. Ornberg, of Copenhagen, Denmark. ' Mr and Mrs Rogers (Eltham Lodge) hav« gone to Hamilton for a short holiday. Mrs H. Whit© has returned from Dunedin, Dr and Mrs E. Meade axe spending i holiday in Auckland. Mrs Adams (Langley Dale) was in tow» during the week. Mrs L. Grace is staying with Mrs Adam* (Langley Dale). Mrs Bennett has returned from WelL'ington. ...-»» Mr and Mrs Adam Bell are visiting Mm W. Clouston (St. Andrews). Mrs and Miss Scott Smith have returned from Wellington. . 'V Mrs Goyen, who has-been visiting Mrß H. White, has returned to Dunedin. Mrs G. Rudd has returned from th* Sounds. Miss Baker has gone to Auckland for ft holiday. , . . ' Mrs B. Barlow (Momnsvulle) is visiting) her parents, Mr and Mrs Neville (Thurston).
WELLINGTON, April 17. The many frienda of Sir W. and Lady Hall-Jones have sent many congratulationson the marriage of their son, Mr F. G. HaJ> Jones, late sergeant-major of the NZ.E.F., to Miss Bush, only daughter of Mrs Bush, of Invercargill. Sir William and his lad/ were present, and on their return her* received the congratulations as aforesaid. Dr and Mrs Harty have returned to Wellington from their visit north. The engagement 1b anounced of Miss Elma May Stewart, fourth daughter of Mw A. Stewart, of Mastexton, to Mr Cars Matthews, of Hamilton. , t> i' Mr and Mrs Arthur Russell, of Palmereton North, are in town for a few days. On Friday afternoon there was a quiet wedding in St. Paul's Pro-cathedral, when Lieutenant Snow, son of Mr Snow, oi Waini, was married to Miss Baillie, only daughter of the late Private T. D. Baillie, who was killed at Paeschendaele. The bride is * granddaughter of the Hon. Captain Baillwy father of the Legislative Council, one of th* veterans of the Sikh wars (he fought at Aliwal) and of the Indian Mutiny, during which he served under Sir Hugh Rose in the campaign in Central Ind:a, which ended in the capture of Tantia Topee. Tho Rwr. A. M. Johnston officiated, and the bride was given away by Colonel Morice, a friend of her father's. She wore a gown of georgette, beautifully embroidered, and "the. veil wort by her grandmother at her marriage to tp» gallant captain when he was a young eoldber in 1854, 65 years ago. She had a necklet of moonstone, and carried a shower bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss Alison BalcombsBrown, niece of the bride, and Mies Snow. The best " man and groomanian were officers in the battalion in which the bride's father at the front. Mrs Cyril Ward is in town, ataymg at the Royal Oak. <• Mrs M'Donald, of Hataitai, was chosen yesterday by the executive of the W.O.T.TT, to represent the union' at the convention which' meets at Napter on tho 23rd inst. AUCKLAND, April 16. The approach of the Easter holidays it, as usual, bringing largo numbers of people into the oity, and the accommodation at oirf hotels and boarding-houses is being taxed, out of all limits. The long-continued spell of fine weather is also inspiring confidence in many who look to the Easter holidays as the last on which they may enjoy the beauties of the seaside, so that there has also been a heavy demand for aceommodar tion at all -our watering resorts. Mr and Mrs Shirtckffe and Miss Shirtcliff© (Wellington), Mrs Troutbeck (Hawke'e Bay), Miss Humphreys (Napier), Colonel 0. M. Gibbon and Mrs Gibbon, and Mrs and Miss Rhodes (Tinnaru) are among the many passengers by the Niagara who are waiting at the Grand Hotel for the date of departure of that vessel. Mrs and Miss Haywood (Lower Hutt), who have been staying at the Grand, have returned to Wellington. Miss Mary Geddes, who was a passenge* by the Niagara from Sydney, has arrived m Auckland. For several years past MAtJi Geddes has held the position of National Girls' Secretary in Australia. Captain and Mrs G. G. Hunter have taken up their residence at Cargen. Captafin Hunter, who was formerly attached to th* Defence Staff in Dunedin, has been api pointed .to the Auckland Staff. A handkerohief afternoon was given last week by Miss Iris Baker at her home, Birohwood, St. George's Bay road, ParnslL to Miss Doris Payne, who is shortly to be. married. About 80 guests were entertalmed with music and a game called " Telegrams.* The tea table was decorated with red and white flowers. A novelty was introduced^ a Ladies know them to hare no «qp&W Martin's Apiol and Steel Fills. SoJafw all Chemists and Store! throughout w tralosia.
by iewpies hanging from an electric shade, e:vch guest .being presented with one as u souvenir of the afternoon.
The marriage took place last week of Miss Kate Spiers Commons, the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. M. Commons, of Mountain road, to Mr John Mackintosh Roberts, the eldest" son of Colonel Roberts, of To U H ' •■' , Mr™and Mrs Herbert Winstone (the latter ft daughter of Mi and Mr 3 William Thacker, O'Kain's Bay, Akaroa Peninsula) are spending their honeymoon at Rotorua, after which they are intending to make their Lome in Auckland.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3397, 23 April 1919, Page 49
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2,373THE LADIES' PAGE. Otago Witness, Issue 3397, 23 April 1919, Page 49
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