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Motto: —We write for the benefit of others, not for ourselves. No letter to contain more than 350 words. Dear Dot, —This will be my last letter until Old Writers' Week. I will bo 20 years of age on .the 19th of August. I have not written to you, for a very long time, so I suppose most of the writers' will have forgotten me. I am married now, and live in Oamaru; but my husband will be goingon "home service" soon. I shall most likely live with my people till lie comes back. He is expecting to be sent to Samoa on garrison diity. We had a. little "skiff'' of enow here about a fortnight ago. It was cold enough to have been a big snowstorm. My husband gets letter:? from his people in London, and in his last letter his mother said that they were quite close to< where the Gothas were dropping bombs on the houses There was an aeroplane buzzing above their house for over half an hour. In the raid before that a big lump of shell landed at their front door. We don't know when we are well off here, do we? We are getting the electric lights in Oamaru. It will be a big improvement to the town. There is a new ambulance, too — a motor one, —all fitted up with everything of the latest. My flower garden is very bare just now. Wallflower is alxrat all that is out. The japonica is starting to come out. I had such a nice big cat when we came here; he was a half-Per-sian, a pretty slatoy-grey ; but he disappeared, and I've not seen a sight of him for about a month, so I have given up all hope of ever seeing him again. Best wishes to yourself and all my comrades, especially those who are at the front and those who are back and about to go. I will now say farewell to the page till O.W.W.—Yours truly, MIDNIGHT STAR (Oamaru). [Please accept our very best wishes and congratulations, and I trust you may not be long separated from your husband. — DOT.] Dear Dot, —We have had a lot of snow here lately. It was raining very heavily hero yesterday, and a few flakes of snow came down; but it did not last, ns The ground was too wet. Love to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself. —Yours truly. " LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (Glenorchy). Dear Dot, —Wo have had very cold weather up here lately, also two falls of snow. For-get-me-not has just returned from a long holiday. We have just had our school holidays, "and started school on Wednesday. Ju'lv 10. —Yours truly, MOUNTAIN' LILY (Glenorchy). Dear Dot, —It siarted snowing. here on the 30th of June, and by Monday there was fully 4in to sin of snow. However, after a few days it beg-an to show signs of melting, and it was almost away when, to my disgust, on getting up one morning I beheld another sheet of snow on the ground; but_ I am glad to say it. is nearly all away again. Thore was to have been a dance held here on the
sth, but it was postponed on account of the j snow. The ice is fine and thick just now, j so sliding and skating will be tho chief j hobby here. Our cows are not milking at present; but we expect them in this month, and I won't be sorry, as it is no joke being without milk. The thrasher and chaffcutter are busy working here at present. I have seen a chafferrtler working, but have not seen a mill working. Best love to all correspondents.—Yours truly, TANGLES WONNTE (Wedderburn). Dear Dot, —It wa3 snowing here to-day, and we had great fun making enow men. Wo had a holiday last Friday' from school. I ha-vo another little brother, he was three weeks old on Friday. Wo are making handkerchiefs at school for soldiers. My brotheris out of the hospital now, his leer having healed up. I am in the Fifih Standard at school, and am 12 years old. Love' to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, PEBBLES (Awatata). Dear Dot,—We have had lovely weather this week. _ We escaped the heavy falls of snow experienced in other place®. I have been a good deal away from home since I i left school, and I enjoyed the change. I I have had two cousins killed at the war, and ! an uncle wounded. I have been doing some crocheting to pass away the long winter nights. I am fond of doing fancy work. Kind regards to yourself and tho Little Folk. —Yours truly, BLAIRDALE RATAS (Milton). Dear Dot, —I enjoyed myself immensely during my holidays, and, needless to say, I : did not welcome tho prospect of coming back i safely, and now I feel that I have had no holidays at all. Love to all Hie L.F., not j forgetting yourself.—l'ours truly, I GOLDEN RAY (Invercargill). Dear Dot,—Otekuva is at its dullest at this time of the year, but I think it is a very I pretty place in the summer. There are a ; few primroses out in bloom, but the frost i killed most of the flowers. We are think- ; ing about getting up a concert in aid of Red Cross funds, so some 'of us are practising two comic dialogues. I still ride my old horse, but "I. wore the saddle out," so I have to ride bareback now. However, I manage to stick on somehow. My auntie has been ill lately, but I am glad to say she is all right again now. I think there is going to be a jumble sale at Owaka next sale day, so I hope the weather will be flue. Wo are expecting my dad down some time this week, and we are looking forward to his , visit. The rabbiters are getting a good price ' for skins now. The average price is about 14d a pair, I think. Love to my correspondents and yourself.—Yours truly. STARLIGHT ROSE (Otekrira). Dear' Dot—We have about three miles to walk to school one way. Glaxo has been \ very ill, bat she is better now. There is to be a social here this month to welcome five returned soldiers. I wish my uncle Charlie was one, but he was killed last October. My. sister Eva has not been well. She has not been go : ag to school for ei>: weeks and the doctor said she was to stay away for three months. We are going to kill our pig this month. When Spring comes I am to make a flower garden. My uncle Dan gave me a lot of bulbs and plants. I am very fond of flowers. Pink Daisy lives next to us and we go to school together. Love to all the little folk and yourself.—Yours truly, WEB MUFF (Lowburn Ferry). I Dear Dot, —My brother has been wounded in the right arm and shoulder, and has also been very ill. So we are looking forward to his being sent home to us. Grcymouth is very quiet at present, as most of the young men have gone to the war. Love to all tho L.F., not forgetting your dear self. —Yours truly, BEULAH (Gieymouth). Dear Dot, —We are milking two cows and I they are doing well. The snow is about nine i inches deep. There was no school th's morn- ' ing and I was very glad. There are about 51 going to our school, but, owing to diph- ! theria a few stay away. 'We have a piano and my sister can play it. I am trapping and am getting a few now and again, but not many. When my father and I went to look around the sheep there were three dead. We are working six horses and have three not broken in. Love to all the L.F.— Yours truly, BLACK SHEEP (Athol). Dear Dot, —It started to snow last Saturday night, arid another week has passed since then and it is still snowing. There is about twe feet of snow en the ground. Mr B. Kane, up here, has a lot of sheep in the snow and he has just got to leave them there because he has no place to put them. Mr Patterson, the school teacher up here, has taught Lily of Cardrona's dog to do some' tricks. I got a nice letter from Postman Henry last Saturday night. One of our soldiers has been wounded in the elbow, and he is coming home. Another one was supposed to have come home, but I don't know yet if he will or not. Love to Lily of Cardrona, Geneva, Grannie's Bonnet, Postman Henry, Fuchia, and Browney, not forgetting 3-ourself. —Yours truly, ' i STORMY PETREL (Cardrona). \ Dear Dot, —I have rheumatism in my knees. I will have to mind the baby as she is teething, and her mouth is very sore. The sun is coming out from behind the clouds but not for long, I guess. Love to iall tho D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, A HIGHLAND CINDERELLA (Barkly). Dear Dot,—lt is raining now, but it has been hailing and snowing all day. Love to . The Lady of Lcngbourno and Mountain Daisy audi all the other L.F.—Yours truly, MAUREEN! (Mataura). Dear Dot, —We had a great snowstorm yesterday afternoon and the wind drifted the snow up into large heaps. The home is very lonely at present as two cf my sisters and brothers arc away. One brother is in France and the other in the Featberstcn camp. One of my sisters is a pupil teacher in Roxburgh, while my other sister is away holidaying. My Uncle Bill died of sickness and we miss him very much. I have read three books lately. I am at present learning music, and would like to be able to play a piano already. Love to Rose cf Brynafon, Golden View, Tiniaru Kid, Gwen, and Mither's Wean, and not forgetting yourself. —Yours truly. CHRISTMAS BELL (Moa. Creek). Dear Dot, —We received a letter from Jockey Boy with the last mail, and he was going" to England on furlough. He has quite recovered from his wounds, and is going back to Franco shortly. Kindest regards to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself. —Yours truly, TIN TOTTENS (Clinton). Dear Dot, —We had a lot of snow last night, there being about three inches of snow on tho ground this morning. It has been raining this afternoon. We have not been to church or Sunday School because ! our minister would not come as he has 11 miles to travel. We were not at school all last week beeause the roads have been so bad. My brother has influenza. I had a touch
Over 3,000,000 ft of lumber is cut by Canadian forestry companies in Fraxictl every day.
of it and my grandma had it too. II wfs my birthday yesterday, and I was 11 yeac? old. Our pet white rabbit took ill and dice-. Dad said it had tuberculosis. With love to . all the D.L.F. and yourself—Yours truly, GRANDMOTHER'S GIRL (Waimurau). Dear Dot, —Wo have just had our quarterly examination, but I do not 1 think I have passed. I was away from school a fortnight or three weeks before- the examination, so that put mo back a good deal. I am in Standard V. Father saidl that if I passed Standard V this year lie would let mo leave. Wo have shifted into our new house, but we are just about omoked out with tho fireplace. With best wishes to all the I/.JJ., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, BROADLEAF (Kahuika). Dear Dot, —We have just finished our winter holidays, and have to go back to school again. The enow is just beginning, to clear away now. My eldest neicc is walking now. My second youngest brother is working at Ida Yalley. Love to Station Master and all the rest of the D.L.F.—Yours truly, A SCOTCH LASS (Kokongn). Dear Dot,—We have only two cows milking now and I milk them. 1 like milking, but it is not . very pleasant in wet wonthor. We had a flood here not very long ago, but we did not get any of it as we are on a hill. The New River had overflowed its banks, and that river is a mile or so away from us. We are expecting our father home to-day. He is going down to my granny's place at the beginning of next week. They live at Otekura, near Dunedin. There was .a Red Cross concert in Invereargill last bight, but I did not go as it is too far to go driving at night. Love to yourself and all my correspondents and comrades. —Yours truly, MOLLY (West Plains). Dear Dot,—We have been having very bad weather .kvta'.y. M!y second brother left yesterday with the Fortieth Reinforcements. He is just 20 years of age. My eldest brother has been invalided home, and we are very pleased! to have him with us again. Last Monday we spent the day at Tteiitha-m camp with my brother, and we enjo3'ed the outing very "much. Trentham is a most interesting place, quite a little town in itself. The different roads are named after some historic place in this present war. Along the main entrance- are email gardens of roses, each little plot is named. The name baing engraved in gold lettering on a white marble slab. The institutes are very convenient and all patronised by the men. The -canteen is a very popular place. It is a big iron building, and when it is opened it is extremely busy. Everything is bought there, and at town prices. I heard, through a friend of mine, who, by the- way, left with Postman Henry, that he was ill, and) then it was reported in the paper that Postman Henry was on the sick list. With kindest regards to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, BUSY BEE (Lower Hutt). Dear Dot, —We have shifted, and now have a nice place with a lovely orchard and garden. We have apples, plums, gooseberries, and currants. I saw Sadie and another Kennington D.L.F. on Wednesday. I also saw Squibs and Red Hood some time ago. Love to Squibs, Red Riding Hoodl, and all the other D.L.F., not forgetting ycnrself. —Yours truly, ANITA (South Invereargill). Dear Dot, —We have a lot of daffodil bulbs in our garden, and they are beginning to show above the ground, while the violets are coming out in flower, showing us that spring is not far off. I have a flower- garden at school, but I have not been able to work in it for a while now, as it has bsen too muddy. We have skippingropes at school, and do quite a lot of skipping, which makes one lovely and warm in this cold weather. In the long evenings I either knit socks for the soldiers or read a book. I have just finished a book called " The Intruder," and I liked it very much. Kind regards to A Blue-eyed Maiden and all the L.F., not forgetting j'ourself.—Yours truly, KILMENY OF THE ORCHARD (Tuturau). Dear Dot, —I have left school now, and am working at home; but I think I should like to be back at school again. I am going to Dunedin some time this month for a holiday, perhaps, and you may be sure I am looking forward to it. Best wishes to Linwilg, Fairy Nell, Florence Nightingale, and Revlis, not forgetting your own dear self.—Yours truly, BROOMBUSH (Waikaka). Dear Dot, —We are milking 10 cows now, but we expect more in this week. We have throe big pigs and five small ones to feed night and morning. We feed them on separated milk, boiled potatoes, and swedes. Our garden has many vegetables in it yet, although we do not rise them much now, because the things are frosted. My brother has begun digging the flower garden. Our everlasting/Sweet pea is withering' up. Rabbits are a good price now, so I wish I had some to sell. Brentwood is my schoolmate. There was a concert and dance on Saturday evening, but I did not go. Love to Highlander, Heather, Harvest Maid, Brentwood, Scotty, Gladolia, Norham, Halero, Postman Henry, and all the other L.F., not forgetting your own dear self.— Yours truly, BANAVIE (Otahuti). Dear Dot, —The weather has been very rough. It started to snow a fortnight ago, and it has not all melted yet. The snow was loin deep. Wo did not go to school for a fortnight because it was too wet. We caught six dozen, birds in a trap, and got ninepence a dozen for the heads.—Yours truly, JACK THE LAIRD (Cust). Dear Dot.—l was out for a row in a boat to-day, and enjoyed myself immensely. We got home in time for tea, and you may be sure we had a good appetite. We are having a sale of produce on tho 26th, and I hope to be there. I like to write" my letters in some, quiet nook where there is no fear of being disturbed. If I go into the dining room my brothers and "sisters want to see what I have written. I o- 0 t the biggest fright in my life last nignt, when our chimney caught fire. How it did roar! It was more like thunder than anything else. I have been to two or three concerts lately, and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Love to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, ■SCOTCH BLUEBELL (Waianawa). Dear Dot, —My auntie, nnclo," and cousin are coming out for a holiday on Monday night. Y/e are getting the chaffcutter in at the end of the month, and are to cut thrc-e stacks. Entertainments have been hold during tho winter to raise money for the local Red Cross, and they have proved very successful. They are having another one on Friday night. At the last entertainment Weeping Willow won a prize in a guessing competition. There was a social not very long ago for a returned soldier. Kind regards to Weeping Willow, Fluffy,' Farmer's Daughter, Pastrycook, and yourself.—Yours truly, MEMO (Thornbury).
Dear Dot, —Our school is having a fortnight's holiday at present, and we are having a good time. We have a little pony here, and drive it about all over the place. It is vc y quiet. It has been very cold up here lately, and it was raining a little last night. There was also some thunder and lightning. Best wishes to Fisherman's Lass, and to all the L.F., including yourself.—Yours truly, DAUNTLESS PATTY (Oreti). Dear Dot,—Wo had a holiday not long ago for a military wedding. It was a nice day, and a good many people were at it. I went away for my last holidays, and am going to Winton this year. Kind regards to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself. — Yours truly, ORANGE BLOSSOM (Dipton). Dear Dot, —I am home again after five weeks' holiday in Dunedin, where I had a good time. A True Patriot and Daddy's Pet wore Hi© only D.L.F. I saw while in Dunedin. My cousin and a li.ttlo girl from Tapanui are staying here, and we are having a good time. As I am an only child, Dot, it is very acceptable to have two other girls hero. Since I have been scalded my eyes have become much weaker, so while in Dunedin I got glasses—things which I never wanted to wear. I am knitting mittona, my cousin is knitting gloves, and our girl friend is knitting socks, so we are* all busy in tlie evenings. We have had some snow, but it is all away now. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself, Dot.—Yours truly, A MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS (Crookston). [I am delighted you have made such a good recovery, dear. The glasses will help your eyes.—DOT.] Dear Dot,—Mount Barker is a small farming district situated three miles from the town of Pembroke. It lies-between Luggate and Cardronn. I ride to Pembroke School on a little pony, whose name ie Dicky, and he is very quiet. My mother and father went to Dunedin to meet my brother, who is returning from thi3 dreadful war. There are only three of us at heme just now —Pinky Blue, Jockey Boy 11, and myself. Pinky Blue has just arrived home after spending a long holiday of four months in Dunedin. The last six weeks she spent in the hosmtal with scarlet fever. Love to 0.11 the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, PINKIE'S SISTER (Mount Barker). Dear Dot, —My birthday will be here soon, and I will be 11 years old. We have no flowers out yet, but the daffodils are about Gin above ground. I have about half a milo to walk to school, and find it very cold these frosty mornings, but soon get warm by running half the way. Th e ice is thick enough to slide on, and we are having great fun sliding at night when we come home from school, and on Saturday, if the ice is thick enough. Best love to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, PHCEBE (Riversdale). Dear Dot, —It is snowing very heavily just now. I am very glad it is Saturday, as it would not be very nice to have to go to school. The animals are very cold-looking, too, as they have to stand outside in the snow. I am going to start a. book* called " Laddie" now, and I hope it will be as good as " Fine Gold." There are about 40 children going to our school. Our class has three boys and three girls in it. Kind regards, to all the Little Folk, not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, THALASSA (Maitland). Dear Dot, —I have left Mimihau, and am now working up near Riversdale. I cannot say that I like the change, as this seems a. much colder place than I have been used to. I think the reason for that is because here on© is not very far from the snow-clad hills and mountains. The weather here at present is very unfavourable. It has snowed a little the last two nights and rained through the day. At the beginning of this month there was a fortnight's frost, and the ground was so hard it was impossible to plough. One Sunday about two months ago I motored down to Gore, and stopped, there all night. Next morning I left at 4 o'clock, and. came up to Riversdale in an hour. I don't think I was ever so cold in my life as when I landed at my destination. I have not seen any L.F. up about here yet; I don't think there can be a great many about Riversdale or Balfour. The Mataura River has overflowed its banks again and swept down through the streets of Gore; but it did very little damage this time, as it was onty a small flood. Some of the farmers on the river bank caught a lot of rabbits with their dogs when the river floodstd out all their burrows. Love to Ivyloaf, Mamaru's Cousin, and Gip, not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, WHITE FANG (Riversdale). Dear Dot, —I am sick just now. My mother took me to the doctor, and he said I would have to stay home for a fortnight. He pulled one of my teeth out. We had a fall of snow last night; but it does not lie long here, as we are near the sea. Terra Nova and her mate were at a dance, which was held at the mill. I am learning to crochet lace. My cousin is going to be married at the end of this month. I have nearly finished a pair of socks at school. My brother-in-law is going into camp on the 29th of this month. Best wishes to Nutbrown Maid, Sea Maiden, Molly Bawn, Fluffy, Grape Vines, Pastrycook, Shamrock Bells, Green Oak, Terra Nova, and yourself.—Yours trulv, RED CROSS NURSE (Owaka). Dear Dot, —It is snowing, raining, and blowing all the time. The ground was white with snow, but it is starting to melt now. It is cold weather for the cattle. We are milking only two cows at present ; all the others are dry. The daffodils are up 2in or 3in above the ground. There was a Red Cross concert down here a month ago. They raised £222, and donated £5 towards the new Soldiers' Home at Montecillo. I did not go to Sunday school to-day, as it was too cold. My sister is learning music, and is getting on very well. Father is away to shift the sheep. Best wishes to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, WHITE PEARL (Ratanui). Dear Dot, —Snow fell all night, and this morning there was 2in or Sin of it. We did have a time snowballing and making snowmen, as snow is very unusual in this part of North Otago. It has been raining and blowing off and on since 12 o'clock to-day. I was at a euchre party and dance the other night. I got the bcoby prize, which was such a funny little toy man. I had five dances, which is enough for one who has not been up before. My two sisters went to the top of the road this morning, and rolled a enow ball from there. By the time they got to our gate the three of us couldn't move it. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself. —Yours truly, PINK CLOVER (Pukeuri). Dear Dot, —It won't b 3 long before we have term holidays again. We are having awfully cold weather lately. It has been raining or blowing for a long time, and now we are getting snow for a change. I think it is splendid, but I don't expect every-
body to have the same opinion. I tasted my sharo of snow to-day, as we have been snowballng most of the day. Miss Bobbie sprained her ankle at school last Wednesday, and she lias had to stay at home ever since. My sister and I were going to Geo her to-day, but we have postponed our visit until the enow, etc., is over and gone. It is very cold going to school in the mornings. We have a now teacher now. She came last Monday, and the whole time-table has been altered. Some of the alterations are just in my line, but others have called forth vows of vengeance from me. I have had a bad cold, but am almost right now. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, ORANGE LILY (Pukeuri). Dear Dot, —We have been having our term examination at school. We had a letter from my brother in France the other day. He sent us a ribbon off an iron cross and some German money. There have been a lot of landslips near our place lately. It has been raining very hard here to-day. We have not had a fino day for a long time. I saw a dead cow floating down the river the other day. My sister and I made some paper beads to-day, and they look very pretty. We played a hockey match the other day against another school, and we got beaten. The Trentham Band and Bayonet Squad are up hero just now, and thoy gave a concert in the Opera House on Friday night. 1 did not go to it, but some people say that it was very good. The Sixth Standard at our school go-to the Technical College for cooking every Monday. Lovo to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours trulv, THE FLOWER GIRL (Wangaami). Dear Dot, —I saw a cow floating down the river the other day. I went to see Charlie Chaplin in " The Adventurer" on Saturday, and it was very funny. The inspector is coming to our school this week. It is raining very heavily to-night. I have been tracing a drawing out of a book. I did not go to Sunday school to-day, as it was too wet. I play robbers and policemen at school, and we have Red Cross nurses.— lours truly, A SOLDIER'S BROTHER (Wanganui). Dear Dot, —We have had very wet weather here, but no snow. I have two uncles at the war, but one is sick in hospital. They have both been at the front since the Sixth Reinforcement. Love to all the Little Folk, rot forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, LITTLE BETTY (Kerrytown). Dear Dot, —I have been for a holiday with niy mother and father to Hampden and Waimate, and I enjoyed myself very much. I went to grandmother's for a week. I am sorry to say that when we returned home w© found one of our fantail pigeons dead. We have been getting some very hard frosts here and snow. On the runs round about here they have been busy snow-raking to get the sheep out. At the time of writing it is snowing, and looking very much like another heavy fall. I have an uncle at the front, and ho has been wounded, and we are waiting to hear more about him. I have another uncle in camp. I have three brothers at homo but no sisters, and sometimes feel very lonely. We have an uncle staying with us just now, and he has taken a lot of photos with my camera. Love to the Little Folk, not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, * SNOWBERRY (o»iarama). ■ Doar Dot, —About a fortnight ago we had a heavy fall of snow, and it was good fun making snow men and having snowball fights. Standard IV, V, and VI in our school go to the Technical School to learn how to cook. I am in Standard V, so I go too. Love to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, BONNY LOCH LOMOND (Ngapara). Dear Dot, —We are having a very cold winter on the Coast. It is raining most of the time, and it is quite a treat to have a fine day. My father came home from Canterbury a fortnight ago, and is now working near home. Yesterday I went for a ride to the " White Horse," which is four miles from our place. I left at half-past 7 in the morning to catch low tide. It was a very high tide, being spring tides, and when I was going up the beach I had to keep right up to the fence. Last Friday night Yellow Banksia and I rode up for the mail. We tied the horse up to a, post by the bridge, and walked over the bridge. The wind was blowing, and wo had to hang on to the wires at the side. It is a long swing bridge, and the least bit of wind makes it shake badly. My father was drawn in the last ballot, and has to go to Westport to be medically examined sometime this month. The teacher of the Punikika School came homo from her holidays last week, and stayed a few days with us. I am learning a new song called "When we get back to New Zealand." It is a pretty eong. We are milking only one cow now. We had to put her into a paddock, because she used to get into the bush, and it was very hard to find hor sometimes. Last Thursday my mother went down to my runtie's place to see how my cousin was. She left at 7 o'clock in the morning, and was home again at 6 o'clock in the evening. Every Thursday I go up to the post office to post the mail, and always ride the horse. On wet days it is not very pleasant, but on fino days it is a lovely ride. Love to Yellow Banksia, Clematis, Sweet Rocket, Father's Lassie, Gloria, A Girl of the Limberlost, and yourself.—Yours truly, MOTHER'S LASSIE (Tironioana). Dear Dot, —Some of the daffodils are coming up at school. Some of the girls played a rounder match, and the boys played a football match. Our little kitten has been poisoned, or else some of the other cats round about have been fighting with it. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, MISS BILLY (Oamaru). Dear Dot, —We had our examination today, and I think I did all right. It has been snowing here to-day, but most of it melted before it touched the ground. There is a hockey match to-morrow in aid of the Red Cross. Love to all the D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, A GIRL FROM THE SOUTH (Gore). Dear Dot, —I am very fond of riding, and often ride in to the nearest township, which is four miles from here. One day a girl friend and I went for a ride. We did not know where We were going when we started, but went, on and on until wo thought we had gono far enough. When we got home we were told that wo had gone about 17 or 18 miles. It was a lovely ride, and we both enjoyed ourselves immensely. The children have been attending very badly at school lately on account of the bad weather. They arc- nearly all little children, and have long distances to go. Our garden looks very bare now. as Iho only .flowers in bloom are violets and Christmas roses. We have all our flower borders done up. and a number of shrubs planted, ready for the spring. I am at present embroidering a toilet set for a duchess table. I have never done any embroidery before, except a few d'oylies, but I like it very well now that I have started. We have been having large floods lately, which do a great amount of damage. The water dees not come near our house, but it
flows down through the centre of our farm, and always washes away the fences. There was a dance hero last week. It was in aid of the Red Cross Funds, and although the night was wet there were a good many peop'o at it. Kind regards to yourself and all the L.P.—Yours truly, DORIS MAY (Lumsden). Dear Dot,—We have just had a light fall of fiiiow, but it is almost all away from the low-lying country now. It is the first we have had hero this year, though there was a little on the hilk a few weeks back. The melting snow is making a lot of mud, so I am very glad that I got a pair of gumboota not long ago. I wish I had someone to shy snowballs at; but I suppose I will have to be content with tho cowa and the dog. I hit the dog once this morning, and she quickly retreated to a safo distance, then sat down and Watched me try to reach her with long-range shots. My two sisters were going for a ride a few days ago—one on the horse and the other on the bicycle,—so when nobody was looking I let the air out of the back tyre. They were going to make me patch the supposed puncture, so I thought it was best to put the valve back in the right way and pump it up again. Love to all my D.L.F. comrades and yourself.—Yours truly, HUMMING BIRD (Mat aura). . Dear Dot,—Wo have been , having some very severe frosts here JateM and I feel them somewhat badly, having! to evele two miles to the train. There was a farewell social hero a few weeks ago for a soldier, and I was there and enjoyed myself immensely. I started off to-day to have a ride on horseback, but as I was not accustomed to a horse I did not succeed in going far. We have not very many flowers out just now, and it seems so miserable in the winter time without some flowers. Dove to Seekashore. Plain Bill, Lady Levenside, Golden Lily, Periwinkle, Stationmaster, A Soldier's Sweetheart, and Grey Stairs.—Yours truly, PATRIOTIC LASS (Fairfax). Dear Dot,—We have had three soldiers returned here lately, so have had plenty of welcome-home socials. One was a welcomehome and a farewell combined. The farewell was to an old D.L.F. writer—Raceabout, I think his NID.P. is. I see by the papers that he has sailed. Love to. all the L.P. not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, COHALIE (Romahapa). Dear Dot,—We are milking nine cows now, and they do not take very long. We all get a hot drink at school now, since it is so cold. The lono,, the boat that used to bring down passengers on Sundays, does not come down now. I« Avas at a dance on Saturday night, and enjoyed myself very much. I am just wishing that I will pass this examination, and then I will bo in Standard VI. Kind regards to all the D.L.F, not forgetting yourself.—Yours trulv, TE RUAHIKIHIKI (Otaukou). Dear Dot,—On the 3rd of July we had a very violent snowstorm, and the snow lay on the ground for six days. The Rev. Mr Davies, from Knox Church, Dunedin, gave a Welsh lantern lecture in Lawrence on the 2;7th June. The building was crowded, and I think everybody enjoyed his lecture, and also the beautiful scenery which was shown. The Welsh people are very industrious, and they are also known all over the world for • their beautiful singing. Our teacher gave a prize for the best essay on Wales, and it was won by a girl end a boy. I have just finished " Oliver Twist,' which I thought was very uninteresting. The gardens are all very bare, except a few violets and primroses, Which are found only here and there. My four uncles have been to tho war, but have all returned. I think we are going to have an early spring, for the trees are all beginning to bud, and I noticed the other day that the birds are beginning to build their nests. The P.W.M.U. are giving t a gift evening and an entertainment entitled " Quaint Japan" on the 18th July, so I do hope that it is a good night.—Yours truly, FRANCES (Lawrence). Dear Dot, —Mother and I have just taken a walk on to the sandhills near our home, the weather being clear and calm. Wo obtained a lovely view of the ocean and surrounding country. We could see Centre Island lghthouse very plainly. Love and best •wishes to all my correspondents and the rest of the L.F., including yourself, Dot.— Yours truly, „ LADY CDARICB (Colac). [Stationmaster: Alexander Thomas, Otara, via Fortrose; and Stationmaster II: Cyril Hamilton, Ringway, are the addresses I have.—DOT.] Dear Dot, —I am writing this letter in bed, as I am sick. I was out to a welcomehome to a{ soldier last Friday night, and it was about' 3 o'clock in the morning when I got into bed. Next day (Saturday) was a very "busy day for us, and I had an extra bu3y time, as my mother went driving with a friend. One of my sisters was sick, and the other was away on a holiday. My other two sisters are only tiny tots; so with having to cook dinner for eight brothers and sisters besides my father, scrubbing the house, hanging out clothes and bringing in clothes, and trying to keep the house in order, etc., I was done when I got up this morning, and had to go back to bed again. At present I'm reading a book entitled "Olga," by Vin Vincent. It's not bad. At the Invercargill A. and P. Winter Show my father won both the gold and silver medals, besides other prizes. He was successful at the Dunedin and Otaufau Show 3 too. Yesterday was Red Cross Shop Day at Tuatapere, and I heard they did a good business. Very shortly they are to hold a stock sale for the Y.M.C.A.. Everyone is supposed to give a beast towards it. I have a nasty cold, which I am trying to get rid of. I will be 16 next month. I hope you -will excuse this writing, as it is a bit awkward writing in bed. Best wishes to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, A HIELAND BELLE (Te Wae Wae). [You certainly had a very strenuous time, dear. I hope you are better again.—DOT.] Dear Dot, —We have been having bad weather lately, but, strange to say, we got scarcely any of the snowstorm. We got a few inches on the highest hills, but nothing whatever low down. Lake Forsyth has overflowed its banks and washed part of the railway embankment away in places, and the other day the water was coming into the mail and passenger motor cars from Akaroa, and it was difficult for them to travel. My two cousins went back to camp after their final leave on Tuesday. It took them seven and a-half hours from Le Bona Bay to CliTistchurch, which is between 60 and 70 miles. They had three punctures on the first 25 miles, and then when going down by, or rather in, the lake they caught up to a man whose car was stuck, so,- while helping him out, the Water got into their magneto with disastrous results. While I was away my D.L.F. badge met with a rather rare experience. Three of us were coming home from Addington, end just as I got off the tram my coat caught the edge of tho door. We had about a quarter of a mile to walk home, and just after we
started May said, " Just as I got off that train 1 got something on the heel of my boot, and can't get it off." When wo arrived homo Muriel said, " You've lost your badge." And so I had. Just then May looked at the heel of her boot, and there was the badge embedded in the heel. When my coat caught the edge of the- door the piece which keeps the pin in place (which was loose) must have come out, leaving the pin in' my coat, but the badge either fell in the car or on the roadway, and May as she alighted put her heel on it, and brought it home unaware of the fact. It is the biggest streak of luck I've ever had, and such a thing might not happen once in a thousand times. Love- to all my correspondents, the other L.F., and yourself.—Yours truly, ONE OF SIR ROBERT'S SCOUTS (Wainui). Dear Dot,—l Went to the pictures the other night to see "The Kid from Timaru," and it was very good. I received a letter from a person" in the United States _ of America last week, and got a big surprise. The Witness must find its way all over the world, because the writer said he had seen my address in the Witness. A VictoriaCross hero came home to the Coast last week, and he was given a great reception in the Town Hall and Opera House, and was presented with a sword. I have been reading some very nice books lately, the names of some of them being " Just David," '• Six Star Ranch," and " Tlw Trail of the Lonesome Pine.'' I am very fend of Gene and Eleanor Porter's books. Best love and kind remembrances to all the L.F. and yourself. —Yours- truly, GLORIA'S MATE (Greymouth). Dear Dot,—The West Coast train and coach services have been stopped for about a week on account of the snowstorm. Next week is the Greymouth jubilee, and the celebrations are to be held in the ToWn Hall. It is 50 years since Greymouth was proclaimed a borough. My father is on the Borough Council. Last week • my brother and myself went up to the farm with my father. It rained when we got up there, but wo managed to go out between the showers to have a- ride on the trolley. Best love to yourself, Gloria, and Gloria's Mate.— Yours truly, A POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL (Greymouth). Dear Dot, —I was in Dunedin at Show Week. We motored down, and went via Lawrence and Roxburgh. It Was so cold in the mornings that we took two days. The first day we went to R'ae's Junction. There were two other cars travelling with ours, so we had a fairly large and lively crowd. On the lung's Birthday Queen Sunbeam and myself and some of our friends went down and spent the day at Portobello. We met a good few D.L.F. that we know, and We saw a lot of badges. I think Portobello is a lovely place; it seems so quiet after the rush of Dunedin. I .attended a play in His Majesty's Theatre called " The Rosary," and it was lovely. We came home P&lmerston way. We stayed the first night at Wedderburn, and came home the second day. It was terribly cold travelling, but I would far rather motor than go by train. I bought a camera while in Dunedin. I have taken a few photos, but have not printed any yet. We are expecting Treacle Pot up to spend a week or so with us. Queen Sunbeam is away for a holiday just now; she is staying up at Mount Barker with an old. school friend of hers. My cousin has been " put there" for three years, now. He has been wounded once, two years ago. The last letter we got from him informed us that he was thinking of getting married to a little Belgian girl. So, Dot, you can quite imagine our anxiety in awaiting his next letter. My brother, Rhododendron, will be 20 next December, so he has not long»now before he has to go to the war. We are all hoping that it will be-over before that. I have had the toothache very badly'the last fortnight, and the next time the dentist comes to Cromwell I am going to get all my top teeth out. I hope he won't come for a while, for I simply hate getting teeth pulled. Love to all my old comrades, and Dianthus, Geranium. Treacle Pot, Forget-me-not, Sleeping Beauty, and all the other L.F., not forgetting your own dear self.—Yours truly, PINK VIOLA (Luggate). Dear Dot, —The hills were white with snow this morning. I have not been well, and am not going back to school for a month. Our school started again on Monday after 'wo weeks' holiday. The daffodils are comin,'; 1 through the ground now. Ourhens are beginning to lay again. Love to all the Little Folk, not forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, COCOANUT (Owaka Valley). ' Dear Dot, —We have had two falls-of enow this winter, and do not want any more. We are at present bush-falling. We are not milking any cows just now. Oakleaf and I are going over to Tokanui some Sunday next month to stay a day or two. Oakleaf has not been over there for two years, so it will be quite a treat to her. There is to be a send-off to one of the local farmers of this district next week. He is going to the war. I saw Queen Bess on Sunday, and was speaking to her. My auntie and uncle have been up in the North Island for a long holiday,- and have just come home. My father is going to get a dozen more fruit trees this year and 800 shelter trees. Love to White Pearl, Tangles Wonnie, Dixie Hart, and Oakleaf, not forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, HOP-ALONG-CASSIDY (Fortification). Dear Dot, —Last week one of my mates and I went out pig-hunting, but we did not get any, although there was fresh rooting done the night before. We had only one dog with us. The road 3 about here are in a very bad state at present. In Some places the mud is up to the axles of the cart. I have an uncle and a. cousin away to the war. Tho flaxmilis are closed down now. My sister made some butterscotch last night, and our teeth are just about stuck together. I have read a good number of books lately. "While I was writing this letter a great gale of wind came and nearly took everything with it. I have left school now. I left when I was 11 years old, and now I am 12. I was in Standard VI. My birthday was last month. We play crib, erfchre, five" hundred, bluff, nap, and a few other games to help to pass away the long nights. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, RIFLEMAN (Fort Location). Dear Dot, —To-day the ground is covered with snow about 2in thick. We had great fun snow-lighting. My sister was not well the other day, but she is better now. There is to bo a concert and dance here on July 23. I will bo 15 on that day. I have not had the luck to get up as far as Dunedin, but I hopo to some day. Love to Viola, Orlin, Snowflakes, Queen of Arizona, and all tho other D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, MARGARET (Ryal Bush). Dear Dot, —Since last writing I havo drifted a long way from home. My auntie and I left home on tho 2nd of June. We stayed in Wellington one day, and a few days in Christchurch. I enjoyed my stay
there very much with my cousins. We stayed in Dunedin a few days, then came home. My cousin came home With the last lot of returned soldiers, but I have not seen him yet. Ho arrived in Dunedin only last Monday, but we expect him home in a few days. This Inst fortnight I have enjoyed myself very much snowballing and sliding. We had a very heavy fall of snow last night and this morning. Love to all tho D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, SNOWY MOUNTAINS (Waipiata). Dear Dot, —We have had two weeks' winter holidays from school, which wc enjoyed very much in the pleasant pastime of skating, sledging, and watching the men curling. We had about Tin of snow one fall and Sin another, and the most sovcro frost we have had for several years. The glass registered 22deg of frost. I have a mile to walk to school, and when I was coming home this afternoon there was a regular blizzard. I go to music twice a week, and like it verymuch. I have several nice pieces, my last one being " Un Fragment de Mendelsraolin." Best wishes to Nature's Autumn Paintings and all the L.F., not forgetting yourself. — Yours trulv, A SOLDIER'S NIECE II (Naseby). Dear Dot, —There was a strong southerly gale of wind, hail, and snow, and the temperature was very cold. I do not set traps now, as the ground is frozen. We_ are having four weeks' winter holidays from school, but nearly three weeks have passed. My little nephew is nine months' old to-day. He is learning to talk now. Whenever he is put on tho floor he rolls about instead of crawling. I am learning to skate now. The first time I tried both my.heels went up in the air, and over I went. About two months ago we had 16 cats, but we drowned nine of them. My father and his brother are still rabbiting. They are getting good catches, too. They havo finished off trapping, and taken on posioning. There is to be a hare drive here to-morrow. There was one a fortnight ago, and the shooters got 51: My brother-in-law is. in Palestine again, after having a few weeks' work in Ismailia. The main thing is that he is quite .Well. Love to Tulip Blossom, Central Otago, and all tlse rest of the L.F., not .forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, ISMAILIA (Oturehua). Dear Dot, —It is very wet, and blowing a strong gale. When the cart was coming home we thought it was going to be blown over. We got one day's holiday because it was too wet for school. I havo a very bad cold just now. When I was coming home to-night Escalonia was throwing lollies about to see if I could catch them. My father is building a pigstye to-day. When the cart was coming up to get us to-night, there was a dead pig in it, with his hind legs sticking out. Love to Fiery Bill and all tho other D.L.F.—Yours truly, KING ROBERT THE FIRST OF SCOTLAND. Dear Dot, —I am at home from school today, as the snow is about lin deep. There are only 15 children going to our school now, and there were 20 at the beginning of the year. Our school teacher is going away at the end of this month. We have a library at our school, with some very good books. I have one of Louisa M. Alcott's books home, entitled "Jo's Boys," but as it is a sequel of " Little Men," which is also in the library, I am going to read " Little Men" first. -We have cocoa at school at dinner if it is cold. Last night it was blowing a hurricane, and you would think the roof was going to lift off. Best wishes to all the L.F.,- not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, BENJAMIN (Warepa). Dear Dot, —We have no school just now, as the teacher left yesterday morning without giving the childron any notice. We all went to school as usual, but had to go back home again. The weather here is very changeable at present. My brother and I go out ferreting now, as our father bought us three ferrets. Love to all the L.F-, not forgetting yourself.—Yourp truly, FISHERMAIT JACK (Lower Shotover). Dear Dot, —The ground is white, but there is a thaw on, so the snow won't be long getting away. I did not go to school to-day, as the snow was very deep, and I have a fair distance to go. It is very hard for the animals to get food this weather. Wc have three calves, one of which is only about three days old. I don't know what I am going to call him yet. It is very hard to rear calves in the winter time, as milk is very scarce. Our hens are not laying very well; but wo can't expect many eggs these cold days. We keep 28 hens, and get about eight eggs per day. My mother found one duck egg the other morning, and expected another one this morning, but we did not get one. I am 12 years old, and in the Fifth Standard. I have another sister going to school. A gift evening was held at the Sunday School the other night, and I intended to go, only the weather turned very rough, and next morning it was snowing. Love to all the D.L.F., remembering yourself.—Yours truly, JENNY JANE (Waitahuna). Dear Dot, —A violent gale has been raging to-day, and one of the tailors had the trying experience of having one of his shop windows blown in. Fires seem to be prevalent everywhere, even in Invercargill, as we have had a fair number lately, the last one worthy of notice being that in which ioxu- shops were completely gutted. The football season is now in full swing,, and there is keen competiton for the . Galbriath Shield. The Athletic team are now winning, and it looks as if they will win. Golden Lily was in town a couple of weeks ago, when I had the pleasure of meeting her. Some of the D.L.F. will remember the pop. concerts, so it would be as well to noto that they have been started again under a different name, and have so far been a great success. Lovo to Fuchsia, Peg o' My Heart, Golden Lily, and yourself.—Yours trulv, JILTED JOHN (invercargill). Dear Dot, —The weather here has been extremely cold lately, and to-day the snow was in some places 9in deep. Last night a gift evening was given. A programme was provided by the girls of the Senior Bible Class, and finally the evening concluded with supper. On Saturday the cadets of the Lawrence High School are playing a. match against the Milton team. I am now going to relate a little history of the gold discovery of Gabriel's Gully, which is situated near the town of Lawrence. About half a century ago this locality was dotted with hundreds of miners' huts. Shortly after the landing of the " - Pilgrim Fathers " in Otago it was said that the South Island of New Zealand was rich in minerals. Very soon several bold and da-ring enterprisers determined to try their fortunes in seeking tho rich treasures of earth. Gabriel Read, a well-known miner in Australia, set out from Dunedin in a westerly direction, provided with a tent, blankets, spade, tin dish, butcher's knife, and a week's provisions. He arrived hi the Tuapekn, district. He washed pans of earth in different localities, and in one place with a pan and a butcher's knifa ho took out 7oz of payable gold. Gold had been found in Otago before, but this was
tli-3 first time payable gold had been found. Having planted the gold, Gabriel Bead hastened to Dunedin to relate the story of his success to Major Richardson. Mr Read returned with the reward of £IOOO. In compliment to him this gully was called Gabriel's Gully. His euooess aroused the people so keenly that hundreds thronged to the gully—some on foot and some on packhorscs. Frequent reports of the success of minors fired each one with the endeavour to enrich himself with the golden spoils of the earth. The multitudes in the towns and districts, and even from Australia and England, decreased so rapidly that there was scarcely c man left in the town. A label on the office door: Ota go Witness gone ashore On a reef of golden ore— Off to the diggings! It is said that Gabriel Read with three men obtained 112 oz in 1-1 days; John Jenkin's party of five men, 490 z in four days ; Peter Lindsay's party of eight men, SOoz in three and O-ha'lf days; Burnside and J. L. Gillies, Boz in six days, with a spade and tin dish. But riches cannot last for ever, and soon a rush was made to a locality showing better prospects. To-day a cairn is erected near the spot where Gabriel Read first discovered payable gold. At the present time gold mining around Lawrence is insignificant. Love to Francis, Jenny Jane, A Lawrence Schoolgirl, and your own dear self.—Yours truly, MOTHER MACREE (Lawrence). Dear Dot,—The snow is deep in places where it has drifted. It 23 very thick on the trees, and is weighing the branches down. I suppose some of them will break soon. I used to think that it was fine to see the ground white with snow; but one can get too much of it. My cousin, is staying with me. She is supposed to be in Dunedin tomorrow night, but if it keeps on snowing I'm afraid she won't get for. Our hens have started to lay again, but wo get only a few eggs. When I was going down to Milton a few days ago I saw a little lamb. It was the first I had seen this season, as I don't think we have any yet. I like lambs for pets, but I don't like them when they eat the flowers. I had only one pet lamb last year. _ Best wishes to Carmyllio, Bush Clematis, Peter Pink Weasel, and the other D.L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, GRACE FISHER (Glenledi). Dear Dot, —I am 15 years of age, and left school about a year ago. I do not go to work; I seem to find plenty of work to do at home. I have three brothers and three sisters. My youngest sister is about 18 months old; she is a little'"hard case," and follows us about all day. My eldest brother went away with the Eighteenth Reinforcements, and has been away over two years. He has been wounded, and had shellshock, but is almost better again now. Kind regards to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself. —ifours truly, ■ RED ROSE (Timaru). Dear Dot, —I work in the flourmill here, and like it all right. Timaru is very quiet, as ell the young men of military age are away to the front. I suppose Postman Henry will be well on his way to the front now. We miss hirn very much, as he was a great friend of ours. King regards to all the D.L.F., and yourself.—Yours truly, GOLD DUST (Timaru). Dear Dot, —We have only a few cows milking now. I have got over my long holiday, and settled down to a little work. W© will soon have some more cows in. Love to all the Little Folk, not forgetting yourself.— Yours truly, BONETTE. Dear Dot, —We had snow not very long ago, and we made a snowman. My father and uncle own the lime works here, and the busy season is just starting, and the works will go on night and clay. Love to A Highland, Cinderella, and Queen of the May, not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, ' LYON ROSE (Lady Barkly). Dear Dot,' —It snowed about three days ago, and then yesterday down it came again. This morning father had to go and bring all the sheep up to a hay stack. Yesterday we got two little pigs. My heifer had a calf about three weeks ago —also a heifer; its name is Rainbow, because there are about four different colours on it. We have a dear wee puppy—a fluffy collie, —and his name is Ben. I don't suppose we will be going to school to-morrow.on account of the snow. We had a holiday on Friday because of bad weather. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, PUSSY (Pomahaka). . Dear Dot, —We are having very rough weather now. We made a snowman on Saturday. On July 12 we had a benefit concert in aid of a local family, and raised about £3O. I am 10 years old, and in Standard 111. —Yours truly, KILREIA (Nightcaps). Dear Dot,—l arrived homo yesterday, after spending nearly five weeks in the hospital. I was beginning to weary for home towards tho end. I began to think also that the doctor was going to keep me in bed altogether, when i was feeling well. I am getting on all right now, but as I had septic poisoning it takes a while to get well. I had to have three operations—three decoration, I call it, on my chart. When anyone went to the theatre we called it going to see the pictures. Golden Shadows and Blunderbuss came every visiting day to see me, and I was very pleased to see them. Amagoura, 0 Be Joyful, and Go To Bed Early also visited me. We have been having terrible weather here these last few days—snow and rain. I am all right, for I am keeping inside and acting the lady to a nicety, having everything done for me, I wonder if you will be able to read this, as it is written with my left band. I found it very awkward at first, but am getting to use it more freely now. Lcnwilla wrote a letter to you, but she did it in pencil. It was a great little letter. Love to all the L.F. and yourself.—Yours truly, GRAXT (Pukerau). [I am delighted to learn that you are making good progress, Grant. You shaped very well left-handed. —DOT.] Dear Dot, —Our spring flowers are just begining to peep through the ground, and the naked trees again are budding. I am exceedingly fond of flowers, and it is quite apleasure to see them springing up in the gardens again. Do you care for geraniums. Dot? We have a large number of them, and 1 think tliC3' are beautiful. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting yourself.—Yours truly, CLEMENTINE (Clinton). Dear Dot, —It has been snowing and raining, and tho snow (which is about Gin deep) will soon bo washed away by the rain. Our school concert is to be held on August 23, and we aro busy practising our songs and other items just now. I am in four items so far as I know—a national song, in which I am the head of Wales; tho wand drill ; the housemaids' dance; and a dialogue, in which I am a nurse. I hope our concert is a success and that the weather is cleared up by that time, 60 that there will bo a big crowd. I havo been reading some very
interesting books lately, including "The Girl of the Lnnberlost." My birthday is on the 20th August, when I will be 13 years old. Best love to all tho Riversdale L.F., not forgetting your own dear soli'. —Yours, truly, TULIP (Riversdale). Dear Dot, —I havo been on a holiday, end enjoyed myself immensely in spite of all tho bad weather. Kindest regards to all the L.F.—Yours truly, A SISTER OF THREE SOLDIERS (Clinton). Dear Dot,—The Hokonui Mountains looked grand with their snowy peaks and blue bases. Near school at intervals it was rather dangerous for pedestrians, also motorists going uphill on low gear. With such weather I was beginning to feel like going over to "the sunny Queensland vales," where the weather would contrast a little. Yesterday Golden Shadows and Blunderbuss went down to the hospital to see Grant. I was there one day, and she seemed very cheerful in her confinement —moro so than I would have been. I haven't been drawing or painting lately, because it has been too cold, and when I come home at 5 it is too dark to see to paint. I havo just to wait for the " good old summer time." with its long evenings. Last Wednesday there was a Red Cross hockey and football tournament at the Show Grounds. The weather, as customary, was wet and cold, but there was a fair number of people there. The High School A and B hockey teams won tho hockey matches; but as I don't quite understand football I don't know who won. Kind regards to all the D.L.F., not forgetting* yourself.—Yours truly, AMOKURA (Gore). Dear Dot, —I went to Wellington during our school holidays. After wo came home I wanted to tell mother all I saw in one breath, but mother stopped me, and I have not started to tell her again. I have had three teeth out and one filled. I got two out yesterday, and one filled. I like to have them out, and not have them aching.—Yours truly, SINBAD THE SAILOR (Ashhurst). Dear Dot, —It ha 3 been snowing for a. week, and it is over a foot deep. There were seven more cases of diphtheria- her© since I last wrote. We have over 50 children going to our school. My brother had a pet hedgehog, but it got away. I havo a little brother, a year old to-day. Love to Merlo, Beacon Light, and Fuchsia, not forgetting yourself.—Yours trulv, MOTHER'S 'IDOL (Athol). Dear Dot, —Last Sunday three weeks wc had the heaviest fall of snow experienced for 15 years. Then again to-day the ground was white, but it very soon melted, and the wind dried it up quickly. I cycled into Oaniaru to sewing class on Thursday, and when I was ready to come home there was such a storm that I had to stay all night, and as it was too windy to cycle out on Friday I came out in the Enfield express that night. I would rather crochet than knit. I suppose it is because I have clone more of- it than knitting. I crocheted two camisole tops and a woollen {am, Love to Woodbine, Grey Eyes, Leola, Anzac's Niece, Gloria, Red Rose 11, and Florence, not forgtting your own dear self.—Yours truly, WILLOCHRA (Enfield). Dear Dot, —We are experiencing very rough weather this winter. I met a D.L.F. in Oa-maru a few weeks ago. She. came from the other side of Inyercargill, but was staying at Tokorahi for a holiday. Seachliglit was up from Dunedin for a holiday. She came fo spend the afternoon with me last Monday. We went up the hill for a walk. Of course, everything up this way was new to her. I have had a bad cold, but it is almost better. There aro a good few people complaining of influenza. Love to all the L.F., not forgetting your dear self.—Yours truly, ARDMOREi (Enfield). Dear Dot, —We have shifted to Timaru, and I like here very ranch. We have been living here nearly a year now, and in that time I have made.numerous friends, a good many being L.F. We are having very cold and stormy weather here at present. Timaru is quite dead now, owing to so many leaving for tho front, and I think it is a sad sight to see these young fellows coming back and the greater number maimed for life. My cousin has returned recently with one leg off and 17 wounds; but he is still as bright and cheerv as ever. Love to all the L.F. — ifours trulv, GREEN SHRUB (Timaru). Dear Dot, —Our school has reopened again after a fortnight's holiday. On Saturday wo had a heavy fall of snow, and as I was out walking- I was caught in it. I caught a very bad cold, and cannot go outside today. It is still snowing very hard. At present there is about 4Jin of snow on the ground, so I expect we will get another week's holiday from school. I have four bantams, but none of them are laying yet. Love to the L.F., not forgetting yourself.— Yours trulv, POLLYANNA (Ophir). - Dear Dot, —One Saturday night when I was coming from work it was freezing very hard, and to my surprise in the morning; there was 3m of snow on the ground, and it snowed all" Sunday and Monday, till, itreached the average of Bin. It lay on the ground for three weeks, and froze every night. Last Thursday morning we had lin more, but it did not lie long, and to-dav it is trying again, and blowing something awful. I do not mind the snow, but I simp]}' cannot stand these cold winds. My sister, Silver Poplar, came home with me last- night for the night, but is away to church now, where we all should be; but it is rather cold to sit in church for an hour. We had a nice long letter from our brother last mail, and he is quite happy and living through it all. He has been away about three years, and was wounded only He was standing having a wash when he was hit on the back with a shell case. He has been home to Ireland and seen all our relations, including dear old granny. I do not remember any of them, as I was only a baby when we came to New Zealand. There is a send-off next week to a few more of our boys who are going to do thenbit. It is really very sad to pes them go, especially the married men.. Lovo io all the D.L F., not forsret+ine' yourself.—Yours truly, WAITAKI ROSE (Hakataramea). AUTOS. Red ~Roze (Millie Howe, 32 -Catherine street, Timaru) wishes to correspond with any L.F. between 14 and 16 years. Gold Dust (Herbert S. Howe, 32 Catherine street, Timaru) wishes to correspond with any L.F. over 17 years. Orange Lily- (Olive Turn bull, Pukeurl Junction) wishes to correspond with Tickle George and Princess Anona. Pink Crone ( Turnbull, Pukeuri Junction) wishes to correspond with Woodbine. Red Cross Nurse (Jc-ssio Fiveash. Owaka) wishes to correspond with any D.L.F. 11 years of age. Pink Viola (Gwen M'Kay, Pine Farm, Luggate, Central Ota-go) wishes to correspond with any Dunedin L.F. 17 or 18 years of age willing.
Sylvan (Olivo Thomson, Rorunhapa) wisfcec (o correspond with Willow ]).;no. and any L.I' 1 . 15 years or over. Striker (Herbert J. JNovman, Gorgo road, Southland) wishes to correspond with Gloria, Territorial, Bhuiderbus, A True Patriot, Peg; o' My Heart, Given, Mrs-Tickle Toby, Ocean Pearl, A Wild Irish Hoso, Sea Breeze, A Western Star, and any other L.P. willing. Tin Tot ton (Molly Taylor, c-are oi Mr Wm. Taylor, Clinton) wishes to correspond! with Harvest Queen, Blue Eyes, and any L.F, willing. Green Shrub (Miss B. "Wilson, Maxstoji road, Tirnaru) wishes to correspond with arrji D.L-.F. 16 or over. Stormy Petrel (Mary A. Torrey, Oardrorua)| wishes to correspond with any D.L-.F. between 19 and' 20 years.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3359, 31 July 1918, Page 63
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12,140LETTERS FROM THE LITTLE FOLK. Otago Witness, Issue 3359, 31 July 1918, Page 63
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LETTERS FROM THE LITTLE FOLK. Otago Witness, Issue 3359, 31 July 1918, Page 63
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