Monday Evening. Socially everything hue been remarkably quiet during the holidays.
Mrs Bell gave a garden party and dance at Shag Valley on Saturday, several people motoring out from Dunedin and Waikouaiti for the occasion. Unfortunately, the weather was not as kind as it might have bee?:, but, all the same, a most enjoyable afternonc end evening were spent. Motoring back on a. dark by hilly roads was perhaps the leasi pleasant part of the dav's outing. The many New Zealand friends of Mr and Mrs R. H. Postlethwaite and their daughter Margaret will be interested to hear of the hitter's engagement to Mr T. E. Dean, of England and San Francisco. PEMBROKE. Lake Wanaka, Jan. 12. Recent visitors to Pembroke have been: Mrs P. R. Sart'ood (Dunedin), Misses G. and H. Sargood (Uunedin). Miss Bristow (Melbourne). Miss Davidson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs El worth v (South Canterburv). Mr and Mrs Jus. O'Kane (Cromwell), Miss Townsend (Alexandra South), Mr Royds (Invercnrgill). Mr W. E. Searle (Oamaru). Mrs Gracie (Dunedin), Mr Geo. H. Roe ('Perth. W.A.). Mrs Lvons Roe (Invercargill). Miss Roe (Invercargill), Miss I. C. Allan (Dun edin), Mis 3 Baird (Timaru), Miss Harrison (Dunedin), Miss 'Wiltshire (Dannevirke), Miss Howden (Wellington), Mr and Mrs M'lntyre (Dunedin). Mr Robt. T'jmbull and Mr F. Logan, of Hawkf's Bay, have been the priests of Mr and Mrs Cha< Turnbull. Wanaka Station. Recent to Makarora. Hnd of Lakp Wanu'n Ire been:—Mr Geo. H. R<^~
(Perth, W.A.), Mrs Lyons Roe (Tnvercargill), Miss Roe (Invercargill), Miss Lindsay (Oainaru). Messrs Barrett and Tizard (Christchurch; are touring to the West Coast, via Makarora and the Haast Pass. INVERCARGILL, January 15. Everyone and everything seems to havi 'settled down again after the holidays, although there are still some going jaunir over to Stewart Island, vip to Queenstown. end to the other holidav resorts.. The weekend express to Queens'town this week carried a, great crowd of tourists and fisher men. The weather looked threatening, but cleared up before noon. A goodly number turned up to tennis on Wednesday afternoon. It was" a perfect day. almost too hot for bard play. Afternoon tea was appreciated by the players. This week ' it was provided by Misses Robinson, Bews, and Mary Wylie. The Marie Barnes Company played " Miss Lancashire, Limited," in the Theatre Royal on Friday night. /There was a good houee. Misa Baines is a wonderful mimic, and was the life and fun of the play. Mrs W. Quinn has returned this week from her trip to Auckland. Dr and Mrs Macdonald returned home from their honeymoon trip last week. Mrs J. E. Watson and family are spending the holidays at St. Clair, Dunedin". Mrs Denniston Cuthbertson is also niak*ng a short stay at St. Clair. Miss Vera Kirk (Christchurch) returned heme last Thursday. Mrs C'has. Howells and her boys are spending a short time at Riverton. ' Robert Todd has returned home .from the 'North Island, where she was spending Christmas. Mr and Mrs Leonard Wild have returned from Queenstown. and are spending a few days in town prior to going to their home in Blenheim. Mr and Mrs D. J. Gilmour have gone on a holidav trip to Auckland. Mr and Mrs Chishohu and family have relumed from Riverton. Mrs J. L. M'G. Watson and family are spending the holidays at Dipton. Misses Addie Gardner and Bessie Wylie went O* r to Stewart Island on Saturday. Miss Easter Tothill is spending a few davs at Dipton. Miss Buckland (Christchurch) is staying with her sister Mrs Arthur Moffelt, North End Mrs David Morton is in Dunedin on a holiday. Mrs Phil Wright (Dunedin) has returned home. \ Mr and Mrs Pilcher are spending thr week-end at Queenstown. Mrs Charles Clare (the Heads) has returned from her trin to Stewart Island. Mr Stanlev Clare (Hawkers Bay) is sipendinc the wesk-end at Oueenstown. Mr Hugh Macdonald. (Auckland) is in town for a few days. .OAMARU. January 8. The town was full of strangers for the races and holidays, and a great many were disappointed on account of the weather being so bad that the races had to be postponed to the following day. Wednesday began with a blue «ky and sunshine, and continued fine all day, though there waa u cold wind blowing. Among those present at the races were: —Mrs Buckley, in a soft sage-coloured gown, large green ooat with buff and blue facings, and pretty hat; Mrs Darling, in a smart dark coat and skirt, with pretty flowered hat; Mrs John Reid (Burnside). navy blue costume, with white fox furs, large black hat; Mm Woodward, dark green cloth coat and skirt, feather boa and black hat; Mrs Gillies (Haka). a turquoise blue serge coat and skirt: Mrs Cain (Christchurch). chc-rry-coloured silk with deer) band of black patin and overdress of black satin; Mrs Babington, bisouitcoloured cloth costume with facings of green: Mrs Swindlev, a gown of black-aud-whrto fl'.wered muslin, black-and-white hat with ye"ow buttercups: Mrs Sutherland, black-and-white cheque; Mrs Charlie Nichols, purple cloth gown; Miss M'Master. dark green co;it and skirt, charming toque; Ma-s Lionel Orbell. purple cloth coat and skirt, black-and-white hat; Mrs Ronald Orbell, mole-coloured ooat and skirt; Miss Fnltejton, green frock; Mrs Mountfo>-d. £"*& green coat and skirt, cream hat; Mrs H<A kirk, grcv frock of tussore silk: Mr Gi'Vks, Mr Buckley. Mr Jawer Nichols. Mr Jc&» Reid. Mr D/melas Rcid. Mr Arthur Kk worthv. Mr M'Donald. Mr Macaesev, Mr Si<e. Mr M'Ketlar, Mr R. O. Duncan. Mr R, Hurley, Mr Nurse. Mr Mills. Mr Winter, Mr Miiler Mr Chobuondeley. Mr C. Sutton. Mr T:ingley. Mr Fleetwood, Mr Swindlev. Mr 'Mmifk Mr E'ic Fraser. Mr Stringer, Mr M'Mnater d). Mr Thomas. Mr Babington. Mr Hiorring. Mr Mountford, and a very gr«at m:inv more. Miro Dor.mMoun wis the guest of Mt<Burkley at Redcastls last week. Mr Cholmondeley is stayinig with Mr Arthur -Miller. Mips is the guest of Mrs Lionel Orbell, " Fairfield." hist now. Mr and Mrs Seth-Smith arrived from Christclmrch bv motor a few days ago. Mrs Dixcn (Christchurch) has taken Mts Gavin Denuison's house on tlie North road for a few weeks. Mrs Pennison has gone to Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Havnes have their son Mr Larce Haynea visting them just now. Mr Langley. Mr Jackson, and Mr Irvine have returned from Dunedin Mrs M'Adam and family are visiting Sumner. January 14. On Wednesday evening last "The Speckled Band" was produced here by Williamson's Dramatic Company, and was very much en* joyed by everyone. There was a splendid heme, both upstairs and down. Among the audiance were Dr and Mrs Douglas, Dr and Mrs Orbell. Dr and Mrs Hargeaves, Mr and Mrs Stubbs, Mr and Mrs Haynes, Mr and Mrs Vennell, Mr and Mrs Daveys, Mr and Mrs Nichols. Mr and- Mrs Montagu. Miss Knifflit. Mr and Miss Williams, Mr and Mrs TV Bulleid. Mrs Cain. Mr and Mm Duncan, Mis - Duncan. Mr a.nd Mrs Kent. Mr and Mrs Darling, Mr ?nd Miss M'Phers-on. Miss M'Caw, Mr and Mrs Burry, and a great mnnv more. Mr J Orbell, who has been the guest of Dr and*Mm Orbell for some we<jks, has returned to his home. Mr and Mrs Cain (Christchurch) ore viaiting Mrs Bulleid at "Par-y-brn" just now. Mrs M'Adam has returned from Sumner, wh-re she has been spending some weeks with her little daughters. Miss Hobkirk has gone to Geraldine. Miss Burry is staying with Mrs Pochin at Duntroon. Miss Haggitt (Dunedin) is the guest of Miss Burbury. TIMARU. January 15. Dr end Mrs Burns arc still visiting Dunedin. The fri-p-rd.3 of Mr and Mrs Val Tcnnan< will be glad to brar that Mr Tenant lis* nc-ain been sen* to Timaru by the Bank :r New South Wales. Mrs and M::eOeorge left for West port Tue«dav. On Monday Mrs K ; ckman gave a ftirf
■well afternoon for Mrs and Miss Mac George. Among those present wore Mts and Mis 3 Bay Mrs Stronach, Mrs Henderson (Waijnate), Mrs George Buchanan, Mrs Priest, Mrs and Miss Kemptbome, Mrs Corsbie. Mr'Francis Knubley has gone as manager to Mr Pinkney on his Southland station. Mr and Mrs Hunter-Weston are staying m ICftpier. , Last week Mrs J. Fraser gavo a pleasant little evening at the Stafford Rooms. Among those present were Mx and Mrs Fraser, Mrs English. Miss White. Miss Hay and Miss N. Hay returned from Clrristchuroh last week. Mrs and Miss Hall have gone to Christchurch. . . , Miss TJlrich (Duncdin) i 3 staying with her brother. Dr TJlrich. Mrs and Miss Hay (Pigeon Bay) are staying at Beverly. Mt and Mrs G. Feilden (Waitohi) left Tinnaru to-dav en route for England. Mis S Goodwin (Fairlie) was in town last Miss Gresson (Christchurch) is staying with her brother, Mr C. Gresson. CHRISTCHURCH. January 13. A verv pleasant golf party was given by Miss Cracroft Wilson at Shirley on Wednesday for Miss Symes, whose wedding takes place shortly. The prizes were won by Miss Cowlishaw and Miss E. M. Reeves. A delicious tea was served in the pavilion. The guests included Mrs Cracroft Wilson, Mrs G. F. Ron«lds, Mrs and Miss Symes, Mrs F. Harris, Mrs lan Deans, Mts and Miss Boyle, Mr 3 and Miss Pyne, Mrs Wigram, Mrs Allen, Mrs J. Vernon, Mrs H. Wood, Mrs a" 1 ' 1 Mlss Thomas, Mrs Nancsrrow. Mrs H. Cotterill, Mrs R. Westenra, Mrs and Miss Campbell, Mrs Gibson (Wellington). Mrs Beals. the Misses Andersen (2), Mrs Dav, Mrs C. Re.d. Mrs Donald, and Misses Ogle, Wood, Hunir.hreys (2), Denniston, Turnbull, Wilkin, Braithwaite (Hawke's Bay), and Murray-Aynsley. csn Monday Mrs "Arthur Reeves gave an eftcrnoon ten for Mrs M. Turrell, of Wellington. Anicng those present were Mrs and Miss Denniston, Mrs Allen, Mrs Randall, Mrs "Von Haast, Mrs G. Helmore, Miss Helmore. Mies M. Cotterill, Mrs H. Cotterill, Mrs R. Wostenra, and the Misses Reeves. Miss Humphreys gave a small tennis party on Friday afternoon, those present including Mrs Onflow, Mrs C. Reid, Miss Boyle, Miss Gould, Miss Ogle, and Misa Denniston. Mrs Reid gave a small bridge party on Saturday in henour of Miss Symes, the guests being Miss Symes, Miss Denniston. Miss Cracroft Wilson, Miss Thomas, Miss Harloy, Miss Ogle, the Misses Humphreys, and Miss D. Ai derson. Tli© engagement is announced of Miss Margy Thomas, daughter of Mrs F. Thomas, to Mr Godfrey Hall, of Horarata. Mrs M. Turrell returned to Wellington on Tuesday. Mrs Crook© is the guest of Miss Moorhouse. Mrs T. Cowlishaw is spending a week at the Rakaia River. Mrs Day returned from Sumner last Saturday. Mias Woodhouso (Dunedin), who has been jtaying with Mrs Denniston, returned home on Monday. Mrs Beswick has returned from a visit to Timaru. Mrs Charles Clark returned from England during the week. WELLINGTON. January 13. Fortunately, tho sun, which had threatened all the morning io disappear, shone forth in all its glory on Wednesday afternoon, when it was most needed, for a garden party without tho sun is like strawberries without the cream and sugar. Their Excellencies entertained many hundreds of guosts in the pretty grounds surrounding Government House. The guests were received on the terrace near by, where a band waj stationed. Afternoon tea, ice 3, »nd fruit wero served in the ballroom. Lady Islington wore a beautiful gown of champagne ninon over silk, and heavily embroidered, and a hat of the same shade with ostrich plumes. The Hon. Joan DicksonPoynder wore white embroidered truel'i -ind a tegal hat swathed with white plumes. Miss Stipleton-Cotton and Lady Kathermo Somerset wore among the house part v. On January 9 tho marriage took place at St. Andrew's Church of Miss Carola Webster, eldest daughter of Mt A. P. Webster, to Mr L. W. Ashbolt. Tho bride, who entered the church with her father, wore m Empire gown of rich 6atin draped with Brussels lace, and carried a sheaf of lilie3. Her chief bridesmaid (Miss Edith Webster) was gowned in pale blue charmeuse with nn overdress of pink ninon edged with blue silk fringe. Her large black hat was lined with pale blue, and a bouquet of pink and blue flowers was carried. Two small maids (Ruhi Webster and Jessie Ritchie) were also in attendance, wearing dainty white frocks and black hats lined with blue. Mr Frank Ashbolt acted as best man. As the bride and bridegroom walked down the aisle four small children sprinkled rose petals beforo them. A reception was afterwards held at Clermont Terrace. Mrs Webster wearing a handsome gown of blue poplin and black hat.
On Tuesday at St. Paul's Cathedral the marriage was very Quietly celebrated of Miss Louise Constanoe Ewen, elder daughter oS, Mr 0. A. Ev.on, to Mr C. If. F. Pollock.
eldest son of the late Mr W. M. Pollock and of Mrs Pollock, South Kensington, London.
Mr and Mrs John M'Cormaok arrived from Sydnev on Wednesday, and are staying at the Grand Hotel until Saturday, when they leave fo>- Rotorua.
The Vice-regal household go into camp at JKotorua this week.
Evaa-v seat in the Town Hall was occupiod and hundreds of people turned away on Friday evening, when Mr John M'Cormack gave to the people one of the most delightful musical treats they have had, or are ever likely to have. His opening number was " The Gelida Manina," from Puccini's '" La Boheme," a favourite of all lovers of grand opera. Encore after encore was demanded, and Mr M'Cormack responded to the wishes of the people on every occasion. For the last item on the programme Mr Kaufmann and Miss Rosina Buckman both came in for much appreciative applause. Miss Buckman undoubtedly has a future. His Excellency Lord Islington. Sir Joseph and Lady Ward, and Miss Ward were present. Mt and Mrs Clark-Johnstone and family are staying at Hanmer. Dr and Mrs Tolhurst have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs Treadwell has returned from her visit to Pelorus Sound. Mrs Robinson (Picton) is staying with Mr and Mrs Tregear. Mrs John Abbott is on a visit to Australia. Mrs Holmes is spending a few weeks at Tiramea. Miss A. Kane has returned from an enjoyable trip to Queenstown. Mis 3 Preeoe (Palmerston North) is spending a few days in town. Mrs and the Misses Watson are spending the summer at Seatoun. Sir Joseph anil Lady Ward leave shortly for a visit to Taupo. Mrs and Miss Seaton have returned from Picton. Mrs W. A. Kennedy has returned from her visit to Wangamu. AUCKLAND. January 1. The second day of the Auckland Racing Club's summer meeting at Bllerslie was naturally not as largely attended as Cup Day. Some of those present were Mrs Fred Waller, in a dainty oream frock plentifully trimmed with lace, and smart heliotrope hat with roses; Mrs Edwin Horton, saxe bfue charmeuse and pretty picture hat; Mrs Foster, pale amethyst satin coat and skirt, and black hat with roses; Mrs Harry Clark, eau-de-nil frock, and large hat with flowers;' Mrs Hop© Lewis, heliotrope tinted foulard and? black hat; Mrs Arthur Myers, saxe blue silk cent and skirt, with facings of black satin, and black hat with beautiful white feather:' Miss Norah Gorrie, cornflower-blue silk frock and picture hat with roses; Miss Towle grey frock and large grey hat, with roses to match; Mm Buoklond, champasme-tinted shantung and smart black hat; Miss TTellv Thompson., dainty pale pink ninon frock rind picture hat; Mrs Lionel Benjamin, heliotrope shantung and black hat with lancer plumes; Mrs W. Ring (Waikato). navy Blue and white foulard and black hat; and Mr* F. Peacocke (Hamilton), pale grey vcile and grey hat with pink roses, etc.
I Mrs P. A. Edmiston (Symonds street) gave a very enjoyable tea party, when amongst those nresnt were Mrs Arthur Myers, in a. lovely frock of embroidered muslin." made up over pale greon eharmeuse, and. hl'ack hat with whit© ostrich feather; Mrs Lawrence Nathan, black eharmeuse and toque en suite; Mrs Sidney Nathan, black and white foulard and smart black kit; Mrs Rayner, nattier blue fropk with tunic of white ninon bordered with Oriental embroidery, handsome sa.3h in which the same shades of blue and red prevailed, and black hat with white 03prey; Mrs Donald, cream ninon made up over silk, and nattier bhie hat; Miss Edith Isaacs, vienx rose sotted voile and cream hat; Mrs Charlie Nathan, lovely cream luce frock and black ha*; Mrs Copeland Savage, white chartreuse -roiled with black ninon ' with a broad stripe, a touch of cerise at the waist, and large black hat finished with cerise; and Mrs Selwyn Upton, vieux frock trimmed with lace, 'and smart hat massed with pink and blue flowers; Mrs and Miss Oliphant. Mias Ruth Spencer, ?.fi?s Binney, and Mrs George Roberts, etc. The hostess was wearing cinnamon brown voile, j the "skirt of which was cut with an «upron | effect, the whole being finished with black satin. Mrs Rosenthal (Sydney), who has been the guest of Mrs Edmiston for some weeks past, looked charming in royal blue nii>?n with black spot, and finished with lace. Mr and Mrs Handyside and Miss Handyside (Hawke's Bay), who have been spending a few weeks in Auckland, have returned to their homo by way of Rotorua. I Other visitors at present in Auckland are. Mrs Harvey Patterson (Melbourne). Mr and Mrs David Rlair (Melbourne). Mrs ActonAdams (Christehurch). Mrs Cross (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs Hoadley (Napier). Miss Burgcs (Sydney). Mies Cowper (Dannevirke), Mr and Mrs T. H. Lowry (Hawke's Bay), and others. Miss Oodlev (England), who ha* been visiting Auckland, has left for Wellington, and later en will be the guest of Lady ■ Bo wen in Christchurch. | January 10. ! The weather for the holiday on the first dav of the new year was all that could oe desired, and there was a huge crowd at the Ellerslio Racecourse in consequence. The big race was won by Sir Gcsrizp. Clifford's Counterfeit, the ceremony of fastening the blue ribbon round the horse's neck be'incr performed bv tho Mayoress (Mrs C. J. Parr). Judging bv the applause meted out io Counterfeit, the win was a most oormlar one. \,frs Parr wn = wearing a very nrettv frock of pale grev crepe de chine, with touches of I ryil« v«ll"w, nn'i rrrt-v hat Tr»n-»H -;;!, j yellow rcso?. \ b'-Tck F>a*in *>nd Irr-e cmt vmi I nbn worn. A mineral th« 'are"> minifier of j v-lii-for. T nntW'l Ttntfv Cli«W-1 •« n Ma--k -.-id whit- toiWf.» ; tho Mi«oi I - reqpeetively; }!><. IT-n-»v PiH»r, fAf-ll,„„ r „,N I.C, ahawtwifr coat, with skirt of blue and w'<<*o i striped shantung, and smart hat with white
wings; lira Wallace (Melbourne), black silk voile with Oriental insertion iaii<l black hat; Mrs ±larry Lowry (Hawke's Bay), plentifully embroidered Manila fibre frock made up over pale blue charmeuse, and large black and white hat; Miss Knox (Melbourne), dainty white Lawn embroidered in pale heliotrope, and floral wreathed hat; Miss Brown (of the Henry Irving Company), black voile, royal blue ninon scarf, and smell hat with green foliage; Lady Lockhart, black voile made up over 3ilk, with front panel of Oriental embroidery, and black hat with white lace and red roses ; Mrs Hope Lewis, white ninon flecked with black, and trimmed with lace and touches of cerise and amethyst, straw hat with oerise and red roses; Mrs Charlie Buddie, white lace frock, and black hat with white flowers and foliage; Mrs E. Horton, pale blue ninon over white silk, and hat trimmed with grasses and flowers in a. wonderful shade of blue; Mrs Harry Clark, white silk patterned with pink flowers, the whole veiled in grey ninon. and hat with lovely pink roses: Mrs Guinness, white linen 'and lace, and black hat with ropes; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, dark grey ninon and black hat with blue feathers; Mrs Fester, grey shantung coat and skirt, and black hat with oerise feathers; Mrs Archie Denniston. black and white striped fou'ard, and black hat with blue rrses shading to grey; Miss Watt (Wanganui). champagne-coloured charmeuse and pretty hat to match; Miss Grierson, vieux rose crepe da chine, with hat in the same shade; Miss Betty Grierson, white lawn and black hat with pink roses; Mrs Harry Bloomfield. pretty bhie frock »nd hat to match ; Gwen Gorrie. champagne-coloured shantung coat and skirt, and pretty hat with shaded feathers: Miss Muriel Dargaville, pale pink coat and skirt piped with white, and black hat with shaded pink flowers; Miss Millie Cotter, vioux rose foulard and black hat; Miss Winnie Cotter, grey charmeuse, and hat massed with amethyst feathers; Miss Ba-chel Gorrie, grey ninon made up over white silk and smart grey hat; and Miss Lorna Towle, Miss BBnnche Peacocke. etc.
Mrs Greig gave a charming tennis party Inst Friday afternoon, when amongst those present were Mrs Crossley, in reseda gT&en foulao-d with white spots, and black hat with white roses ; Mrs Lloyd (who is at present a guest at Bishopscourt), black voile with sequins and black hat with flowers; Mrs Arthur Myers, white kilted linen skirt and white blouse, and lace hat; Miss Molly Cowper (Dannevirke, and who is staying" with Mm Greig). white linen; Miss Mariorie Towle, white crepe embroidered with blue, and cream linen hat; MisH Betty Grierson, pale pink linen piped with white, and m.rde-coloured satin hat with pink roses; ond Miss Dorothy ISTolan. Mrs Edmunds, Miss Thelima Bloomfield. etc.
The curtain at His Majesty's_ Theatre has been rising everv evening during the past week to crowded audiences, when the celebrated English actor, Mr H. B. Irving, has been seen in his famous production of Shakespeare's greatest tragedy, " Haml°t " The oa-st is exactly the same as that which suprjorted Mr Irving in London, and includes M : ss Dorothea Board, who takes the role of Ophelia. One cannot heln ffeline? grateful for the opportunity given to witness such a olay in the band* of such actors. Mi«« Maud (Dunedin) is visiting l Cfrvt.nin and Mrs Whitney at Wiaiwera. Verv sincere, has been the sympathy accorded Mr Mrs WaU-r P-nvill in th» hewhich has lately bef ill en them. Their e'dest child—Tom, a most manly little lad of Fome eiaht year® of age—was in pome unaccountable wav thrown from hfg horse whP>e returning from the Wamgaro Hot Sr>rin<rs to the homestead, death resulting shortly afterwards.
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Otago Witness, Issue 3018, 17 January 1912, Page 87
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3,689TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 3018, 17 January 1912, Page 87
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