made; daintily trimmed Lace or Embroidery. Ail newest styles and shapes. LADIES' KNICKERS, CHEMISES, & CAMISOLES— Usual prices 3/11 4/6 5/11 6/11 7/6 8/11 10/6 to 47/6 Sale prices 3/3 3/9 4/115/9 6/3 7/6 8/11 to 39/6 LADIES' COMBSNATIONS, latest shapesUsual prices 5/11 7/6 8/11 10/6 12/9 15/9 to 29/6 Sale prices 4/11 6/3 7/6 8/11 10/9 13/6 to 24/6 LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES— Usual prices 6/11 8/11 10/6 12/9 15/6 18/9 21/- to 69/6 Sale prices 5/11 7/9 8/1110/9 13/3 16/3 17/9 to 62/LADIES' WHITE UNDERSKIRTS— prices 5/11 7/11 10/6 12/9 15/6 18/9 21/- to 49/6 Sale prices 4/11 6/9 8/11 10/9 13/3 16/3 17/9 to 42/--LADIES' PRINCESS PETTICOATS— Usual prices 15/9 19/6 22/6 25/- 29/6 35/- to 49/6 Sale prices 13/3 16/11 19/6 21/- 24/- 29/- to 42/LADIES' WINCEY and NUNSVEILING NIGHTDRESSES, trimmed Lace and EmbroideryUsual prices 18/9 21/- 25/- 29/6 35/Sale prices 16/6 18/9 21/6 24/6 29/6 •PES' DRESSING JACKETS, in Japanese Crepe, Muslin, Delaine, Cashmere, Flannel, and Jap. Silk; all latest styles and colourings— Usual price's 8/11 11/9 13/9 17/9 19/6 to 45/Sale prices 7/11 10/3 11/9 15/6 16/9 to 39/LADIES' BATHING SUITS, in all latest styles; in Stockinette, Lustre, and Serge— JJsual prices 5/11 7/6 8/11 10/6 12/9 14/6 18/6 Sale prices 4/11 6/6 7/6 8/11 10/9 12/6 15/9 LADIES' RIBBED' WOOL VESTS, short Sleeves; Natural and White — Usual prices 1/11 2/6 2/11 3/6-3/11 4/6 4/11 5/6 Sale prices 1/7* 2/2 2/6 2/9 3/3 3/9 3/11 4/6 LADIES' RIBBED WOOL VESTS, long Sleeves; Natural and White — Usual prices 2/11 3/6 3/11 4/6 4/11 5/6 Sale prices 2/6 2/9 3/3 3/9 3/11 4/6 LADIES' RIBBED COTTON VESTS, short SleevesUsual prices 1/3 1/6 1/11 2/6 2/11 Sale prices 1/- 1/3 1/6 1/11 2/4£ LADIES' CREAM SPUN VESTS, plain or fancy topsUsual prices 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/9 7/6 Sale prices 2/6 3/6 4/3 4/11 5/9 6/6 ...... -.J COTTON WOVEN BODICES, long or short Sleeves — Usual prices 1/11 2/6 2/11 3/6 Sale prices 1/7£ 2/1 2/6 2/11 LADIES' NATURAL MERINO BODICES, short or long Sleeves— Usual prices 2/11 3/6 3/11 4/6 Sale prices 2/6 2/11 3/6 3/11 LADIES' WHITE MERINO COMBINATIONS, short Sleeves— Sale prices 2/11 3/6 3/11 4/6 4/11 5/11 6/9 LADIES' NATURAL MERINO COMBINATIONS, short or long Sleeves —Usual prices 4/11 5/11 6/11 Sale price now 3/11 LADIES' GREY MERINO BLOOMERS— Usual price 3/11 4/6 Now 2/11 3/6 LADIES' ALL-WOOL COLONIAL KNIT BLOOMERS, elastic at waist and knee; in Navy, Black, and Grey Usual price 7/11 Sale price 5/6 LADIES' COLOURED BLOOMERS, in Print or Zephyr; full sizes, and well made— Usual prices 4/11 5/6 5/11 Sale prices 4/3 4/9 4/11 CHILDREN'S RIBBED WOOL VESTS, a few oddments ; short Sleeves ; White— Usual price up to 1/11 Now 9d Lace and Embroidery; length, 22in to 36in Usual prices 15/9 17/9 19/9 22/6 25/- 29/6 35/- 39/6 Sale prices 13/- 14/9 16/6 18/6 19/6 24/- 29/6 33/INFANTS' WHITE MUSLIN DRESSES, daintily trimmed — Usual prices—--5/11 8/11 12/6 15/9 18/9 22/6 25/- 29/6 35/- 39/6 Sale prices— . 4/11 7/6 10/9 13/6 15/9 19/3 21/- 24/- 29/6 33/6 CHILDREN'S COLOURED OVERALLS, TUNICS, and DRESSES; in Print, Zephyr, Linen, and Cambrics; in Sky, Pink, Butcher, and Green — Usual prices 3/11 5/11 7/6 10/6 12/9 15/6 17/9 to 25/Sale prices 2/11 4/6 5/11 8/6 10/6 12/9 14/9 to 19/6 INFANTS' and CHILDREN'S CREAM CASHMERE and LUSTRE COATS and PELISSES— Usual prices 15/9 18/9 21/- 25/- 29/6 35/- to 49/6 Sale prices 13/9 16/3 17/9 21/- 25/- 29/6 to 42/GIRLS' NAVY SERGE DRESSES, smartly cut and well finished 24in 27in 30in 33in 36in Usual prices 17/9 19/9 21/- 22/6 25/6 Sale prices 15/6 17/6 18/9 20/- 22/- ~£ ASKS J \J t/V/ %J\J J \J ' i ' w / Sale prices 25/- 29/6 33/6 35/ CHILDREN'S COLOURED COATS, REEFERS, and TUNICS; in plain and fancy cloths, and Serge; In Navy, Brown, Green, Fawn, and Cardinal— Usual prices 10/9 12/9 15/9 19/6 25/- 29/6 to 39/6 Sale prices 8/6 9/11 12/6 15/6 19/6 23/6 to 33/GIRLS' COLOURED COATS, in fancy cloths and Tweeds; 27in, 33in, 36in, to 39in— Usual prices 18/9 21/- 25/- 29/6 35/- 39/6 to 49/6 Sale prices 15/6 17/9 21/- 24/6 29/6 34/- to 42/6 INFANTS' ROBES, daintily trimmed Lace and Embroidery— Usual prices 15/9 18/9 25/- 29/6 to 49/6 Sale prices 12/9 14/11 19/6 23/6 to 42/INFANTS' DAY and NIGHT GOWNS, in Nainsook, fine Lone-cloth, and Flannelette; trimmed Embroidery and Lace— Usual prices 3/11 5/11 6/9 7/11 8/11 to 15/9 Sale prices 3/6 5/3 5/9 6/9 7/6 to 13/9 INFANTS' BIBS, daintily trimmerUsual prices 9d 1/- 1/3 1/0 1/11 2/9 3/6 4/11 CORSETS. P.D. CORSETS, Grey onlyUsual prices 3/11 5/11 Sale prices 3/3 4/11 W.B. CORSETS, Grey and WhiteUsual price 6/11 Sale price 5/11 P.D. CORSETS— Usual prices 5/11 7/11 9/6 11/6 12/9 16/6 18/6 Sale prices A/11 6/11 7/11 10/3 11/3 14/9 16/6 W.B. CORSETS— Usual prices 6/11 7/11 9/6 12/6 14/6 18/6 19/6 Sale prices S/11 6/11 8/6 11/3 12/9 17/- 17/6 LA VIDA CORSETS— Usual prices 25/6 35/- 47/6 Sale prices 22/6 31/- 42/6 A few oddments of LA VIDA CORSETS— Usually 35/- to 47/6 Now 15/6 LADIES' HOSE SUSPENDERS, all coloursUsual prices 1/6 1/9 Now 1/Special Line of SUSPENDERS, in Sky and GreyUsual price 1/- Now 6d AMD UNTRIMIWIED SHAPES. Owing to the very unseasonable weather during November and December, there will be many notable bargains in this Department. LADIES' COLOURED TRIMMED HATS, in Fancy straw, Crinoline, Tagel, Chips, &c. ; in all the most fashionable shapes; trimmed Flowers, Wheat, Ribbon, Lace, Net, &c. — Usual prices 15/6 21/- 30/\ 39/6 45/Sale prices 7/11 10/6 15/6 X 21/- 25/LADIES' COLOURED TOQUES, in Straw, Crinoline, Tagel, &c.; one only in each design; very becoming for matrons — Usual prices 21/- 29/6 35/- 42/Sale prices 12/6 16/9 18/6 21/MODEL HAT, in White Tagel; turned off face; with Black Velvet and cluster of Flowers at side; 1 only— Usual price 95/- Sale price 42/PARIS MODEL HAT, in Pale Pink Tagel, lined Silk to match; trimmed Prun'elle Fruit and Velvet Ribbon ; 1 only— Usual price 85/- Sale price 39/6 ENGLISH MODEL, Napoleon shape; Leghorn Crown, turned up with Black Satin ; trimmed Cherries; one only—- - Usual price 95/- Sale price 43/S LADIES' BLACK TRIMMED HATS, in an endless varietv of shapes aiV trimmings— Usual prices 19/6 25/- 30/- 39/6 50/Sale prices 10/6 12/6 15/6 21/- 27/6 MATRONS' BLACK TOQUES, very smart and comfortable — Usual prices 21/- 27/6 33/6 39/6 Sale prices 10/6 15/6 18/6 21/LADIES' BONNETS, very smartly trimmed Flowers, Feathers, Osprey, Ribbon, &c.; very comfortable fit Usual mices 21/- 25/- 30/- 39/6 Sale prices 10/9 15/6 18/6 21/1 only MODEL BONNET, in Vieux Rose Tagel, trimmed shaded beaded trimming and Blue Osprey— Usual price 59/6 Sale price 32/6 LADIES' SMART READY-TO-WEAR HATS, in every variety of shape and colour; trimmed Velvet bands, Scarves, &c. — Usual prices 4/11 6/11 9/11 15/9 25/- 427Sale prices 3/11 5/6 7/11 12/6 15/6 21/All Oddments in LINEN HATS of every description to be cleared regardless of cost — Special Sale prices 2/11 3/11 5/11 7/11 A few only TWEED HATS to be cleared— l/- each A very Special Line in LADIES' UNTRIMMED STRAWS, in Burnt, Navy, Helio., Mulberry, Black, &c— 6d each LADIES' UNTRIMMED STRAWS, in all the leading shapes, including "Peter Pan," "Pierrot," &c.— Usual prices 4/11 6/11 8/11 10/6 Sale prices 2/11 4/11 6/11 7/11 A very Special Line in LADIES' UNTRIMMED BLACK STRAWS, in a large variety of shapes—--1/11 each BLACK SAILOR HATS; PO onlySpecial Sale price 1/- each RUSH HATS, for beach and picnic wear — 6d 9d 1/- 1/6 each CHILDREN'S TRIMMED MUSHROOM HATS, for girls from 4to 8 years— Sale prices 4/11 6/6 8/6 CHILDREN'S GALATEAS, good useful Hats for school ' Usual prices 2/11 4/11 6/11 8/11 12/6 each. Sale prices 1/11 3/6 4/11 6/11 9/6 each CHILDREN'S WASHING HATS & BONNETS. Owing to the wet, cold weather, we have decided to make very large reductions to effect an entire clearance. These are all perfectly clean fresh goods— Special Sale prices 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 6/11 each CHILDREN'S SILK HATS, very pretty and dainty—- - Usual prices 5/11 7/11 9/11 12/6 Sale prices 4/6 5/11 7/6 9/6 INFANTS' SILK BONNETS, in all sizesSpecial Sale prices 3/6 4/11 6/6 7/11 9/11 INFANTS' WOOL HOODS— I/9 2/6 3/6 each LEGHORN HATS, for girls from 4 to 7 yearsUsual prices 2/11 4/11 , 6/6 Sale prices 1/- 1/6 1/9 CHILDREN'S CREME SERGE REEFER CAPS— Usual prices 3/11 4/11 All to be cleared 1/6 each CHILDREN'S SOFT FELT BABETTES, in White and colours— Special Sale price 1/11 1 each GIRLS' COLLEGE SAILORS (specially made for the D.1.C.), double brims; leather lined— Usual prices 6/11 7/11 8/11 Sale prices 5/11 6/11 7/11 WIDOWS' CAPS—II only left, to be cleared at 1/each. Usual prices 5/11 6/11 Special Value in FLOWERS, comprising Roses, Violets, Lilac, Daisies, Forget-me-nots, Blossom, Hyacinth, &c— l/- spray All Oddments in FLOWERS, GRASS, WHEAT, FOLIAGE, &c, to be cleared at 6d & 9d spray Our entire stock of CHOICE FRENCH FLOWERS, including all novelty Flowers, such as Fuchsias, Tulips, Orchids, Clover, Sweet Peas— Usual prices 2/11 4/11 5/11 7/6 10/6 12/6 Sale prices 1/11 3/6 4/6 5/11 7/6 9/6 SOFT FEATHER MOUNTS, a few only left— l/- each BLACK FEATHER POMPOMS— One penny each A few odd WINGS— 3d &6d each ALL FANCY BUCKLES, ORNAMENTS, BANDEAUX, &c, marked regardless of cost to effect an entire clearance. THE ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT. EMBROIDERED FIVE O'CLOCK TEA CLOTHS, on Silk Rep.— Usual price 10/6 Sale price 7/6 EMBROIDERED RUNNERS, on Silk Rep.— Usual price 8 6 Sale price 6/6 EMBROIDERED WHITE MUSLIN CUSHION COVERS Usual prices 3/6 3/11 4/6 5/6 to 21/Sale prices 2/11 3/6 3/11 4/11 to 17/6 WHITE MUSLIN CUSHION COVERS, to be embroidered— Usual prices 1/11 2/3 2/6 3/6 Sale prices 1/6 1/11 2/3 2/11 CRASH CUSHION COVERS, to be embroideredUsual prices 1/11 2/3 2/6 3/11 Sale prices 1/6 1/11 2/3 3/6 CANVAS CUSHION SQUARES, in all shadesSale prices 6d 74-d 9d LINEN CUSHION SQUARES, TRAY CLOTHS, and TABLE CENTRES, in White aad ColoursUsual prices 1/3 1/6 1/11 2 0 211 3/6 to 7/6 Sale prices 1/- 1/3 1/6 2/3 2/6 2/11 to 6/6 SILK and SATIN TABLE CENTRES and CUSHION SQUARES— Usual prices 3/6 4/6 4/11 5/6 7/6 9/6 Sale prices 2/11 3/11 4/6 4/11 6/6 8/6 A Special Line of WHITE SUPPER CLOTHS, stamped on Satin Jean—To be cleared at 2/11' EMBROIDERED WHITE LINEN TEA-COSEY COVERS— Usual prices 2/6 2/11 3/6 4/6 Sale prices 1/11 2/6 2/11' 3/11 STAMPED WHITE LINEN TEA-COSEY COVERS— Usual prices 1/6 1/11 2/6 2/11 3/6 Sale prices 1/3 1/6 1/11 2/6 2/11 STAG CROCHET SILK (colours only)— Sale price 3d ball PEARS ALL'S EMPRESS KNITTING SILK— Usual price 1/- reel To be cleared at 9d reel PEARS ALL'S EXTRA QUALITY KNITTING SILK— Usual price 2/3 reel Sale price 1/14 reel LISTER'S KNITTING SILK— Usual price 1/- reel Sale price 10£d reel PEARS ALL'S MALLARD FLOSS CABLE SILK FILOSELLE—SaIe price 1/9 dozen PEARS ALL'S FILO FLOSS—SaIe price 1/11' dozen WHITE PERI LUST A—Sale price 1/2 dozen SINGLE & DOUBLE BERLIN WOOLS— Usual price—l/11 packet, 7/6 lb Sale price— 1/- packet, 4/- lb IVORINE WOOL, White and ColoursUsual price—7d ball, 9/6 lb Sale price— 6£d ball, 8/6 lb LADY BETTY WOOL, White onlyUsual price—Bd skein, 10/6 lb Sale price— 7d skein, 9/6 lb Special Line of TABLE CENTRES, suitable for embroidery; either in White —To clear at 6d each SATEEN JEAN PILLOW SHAMS— 2/11 pair Don't put off till to-morrow what can be done to-day. All Orders are executed in rotation. WRITE THIS DAY.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Witness, Issue 3018, 17 January 1912, Page 36
Word Count
1,910Page 36 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Witness, Issue 3018, 17 January 1912, Page 36
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