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HOB ART, September 13.

The Government veterinary euTgeon reports a mysterious disease, which, hae caused many deaths among cattls, in the "Midlands districts. It is identical with The sheep disease known as louping. MELBOURNE, September 13.

The Federal Government has removed Vie prohibition which, the outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in Yorkbhire, was imposed on the importation of '.ittle and swine from England.

Gore Public Saieyards.

TO THE EDITOR. Sir, —I .am going past my own locst papers, but as the Witness is tho greatest farmers' paper, and read by practically all farmers, I consider it is the best to make my complaint (which is t-i the Gore farmers' interest) through the medium of your columns. The complaint which I have got to make is with respect to the deplorable state of the Gore public saleyards. Their condition is something shocking, especially the cattle yards, the mud and water ire some of them being nearly knee deep. Cattle are jammed into these pens of slush and mud, and no person can get near them to examine them (and a buyer lilies always to examine cows bafore he buys them) owing to the muck and water. He has to bo content with sitting upon a rail, and buying practically a pig in a poke. The odour that rises frof.n the cattle pens is nauseating, and must be very unhealthy. For the Borough of Goro (in these enlightened days when they talk much of tuberculosis) to allow yards to remain in. sudh a deplorable state as they have been during: the past winter is astonishing. I ooinsider it is time for them to close the yards for good. The yards practically all winter were nauseating and disgusting, and were a real disgrace to the Borough of Gore. They will probably dry a little when the summer comes, but these yards were, during the winter, I have been told, the dirtiest and worst kept in Southland. —I am, etc.. Gore, September 16. Disgusted.


'WHOLESALE PRODUCE REPORTS. Mr J. Fleming, Princes street south, report* under date the 30th inst.:

Wheat per bushel. Best milling 3/B—3/JO Medium <io ... 3/0 Fowls’ ... 3/0-3/2 Milling oats ]/Pjr Feed oats... J/S —1/1) Malt barley ... 3/0 Feed barley 2/3—3/6 Cane barley ... 3/0 Maize 4/0 per ton. Hour, in 200’s .. 185 0 Flour, in 50’s .. 200/0 Pollard ICO/ Bran 80/0

per ton Oatmeal, in 25’s 225/0 Oaten chaff 70/0 —70/0 Ryegrass hay 55/0—65/0 Straw ... 25/0 to 25/0 Pearl barley .. 310/6 cwt Onions, good 6/6 —7/6 ner lb. Rolled bacon 7id-8d Side bacon ... BJd Smoked hams ... 9d Cheese ... 6d —6Jd Good salt butter, 9d to IGd. according "to Quality

Potatoes, £7 10s to £8 per ton for best samples. Good potatoes very scarce. Good market. FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Messrs Irvine and Stevenson, George street, renort paying for produce during the week ending the 20th inst. as follows; Fresn eggs. ICd drz I Fresh butter, 8d to Salt butter ; not buying | 9d per In Fresh butter, good ordinary (in 11b and Jib prints), lOd to lid per lb. Pigs, 1301 bto 1001 b, 4d. Honey, 3Jd. Fowls, 3s to 3e 6d (boiling).


WELLINGTON, September 19. The High Commissioner's cabled market report, dated London, September 17. The ciuotations, unless otherwise specified, are the average market price on spot: — Mutton.—Market firm, with a better demand. Quotations : Canterbury, 4d ; North Island, 3ld; River Plate, 3|d. Lamb. —Market remains firm; stock moderate. Canterbury, sid; other than Canterbury, sd; River Plato, 4id.

Beef .—Market dull; supplies of River Plate. Chilled beef: New Zealand hinds, 3*d; fores, 2£d. The pork market is firm. New Zealand, 6id. Butter.—The market is firm. This season's Australian has arrived, and is realising 116 s to 118 s per cwt for best quality; Danish, 117 s; Siberian, 107 s; New Zealand (at present, 114 s. Cheese.—Market quiet and little doing, but a good feeling prevails. New Zealand, 575; small supply. Hemp.—The market is quiet, but steady. New Zealand good fair, on spot, £24 10s; grade, £2l 10s; fair current Manila. £2l; forward shipment, New Zealand.good fair £24; fair grade, £2l; fair current Manila, £2O 10s. The output from Manila for the week is 23.000 bales. The wcol market remains firm and active at high prices. Shipments received from River Plate during'August:— Mutton. Lamb. London -. ... . 57,311 6,975 Liverpool 180.226 20,405 Hull 7,000 - Southampton 21,000 J. 500 Totals ... -. 265,537 34,881 OAMARU MARKETS. (Feou Oue Own Correspondent.) OAMARU. September 19. Another quiet week has been experienced In the opinion of some merchants it has been the quietest they have bad during the year. Millers are simply marking time. They will only buy to suit present requirements, and for the rest are content' to make old stocks do until their own. ideas of values and those of holders arte brought mora into line. There appears, however, to be some justification for the statement that millers were operating" : n South Canterbury during the week, where ..prices arc lower. In the absence of business, quotations are merely nominal. A line of 220 sacks velvet changed :iands at 3s lid, less commission, on trucks at siding. Tuscan is quoted at 3s 6d to 3s 7d, less commission, on trucks, and red chaff ht 3s 5d to 3s 6d, less commission, on trucks. Velvet seconds changed hands during the week at 3s 2d to 3s sd. ex store, less commission, and red chaff seconds at prices* ranging from 2s 9d to 3s let. Oats aro offering sparingly, and any lines forward are easily quitted at quotations. Sales made were on a bafsis of Is lid to 2s net for A grade Cartons, and for B grade Is 9d to Is lOd. The potato market has quietened down considerably. Supplies are in limited quantity, and consequently little business passed, especially as the demand for riiipiping has been lessened by Australian "im:(. portations to the North Island. Sales made were at a price equal to £7 net on trucks at country stations. GRAIN AND PRODUCE SALES. Messrs Dalgety and Co. report as follows: —We held our usual weekly auction sale on Monday. There was a larger attendance of buyers than usual, and bidding was fairly br'i*k, with the exception of potatoes, which were decidedly easier. The following are quotations:— Oats.—This market remains the same as last week. There is a good demand for wed linos, but the shipping demand is quite off. The quantity coming to hand is, however, small, and is being taken for the local trade. Seed lines, 2s to 2s 4d ; prim;; milling, Is lid to Is Hid; good to best feed. 1* 9J 1 to Is IOAd ; inferior to medium, Is 6d to Is 9d per bushel (bags extra). Wheat. —There Js no change to report. No transactions of any extent are going through, prime velvet alone having attention. Medium milling is without inquiry, while fowl feed is selling well at quotations. Prime velvet, 3s lOd to 4s; milling velvet ear and Tuscan, 3s 7d to 3.-i Ed: whole fowl feed, 3s to 3d 4d; broken and damaged, 2s 6d to 2s lid per bushel (bags extra). Potatoes.—Larger supplies are coming forward, and prices are decidedly easier, even for .'"reshly-picked lots. At this time of the year potatces are starting to grow, and are unfit for storage unless picked over. Those are the potatoes which are. very hard to sell unless at a big reduction on last week's rates. Quotations. Best table --orts, £7 5s to £7 15s; medium to gocd, £6 to £7; inferior, £4 to £5 10s per ton (bags Chaff.— The market is very bare of supplies, .and there is a keen demand. Rwiry description is inquired for, and is readilydisposed of. We offered several lots of good chaff to-dav. and sold nothing unoor £4. We quote: Best chaff, £3 17s 6d to £4, medium to good, £3 cs to £3 156: inferior to medium, 35s to £3 per ten (bags extra). Messrs Donald Reid and Co. report: Wc held our weekly auction sale of grain and produce at cur stores on Monday. There was a full attendance cf buyers, snd, as competition for nearly *H lines on.

offer was well up to late values, our catalogue was cleared at quotations. Values ruled as under. Oats.—Little or no export trade is possible under present conditions, buyers and sellers being so far apart in their ideas of value. Sales are confined chiefly to lines of seed oats and local feed orders. Quotations: Seed lines, 2s to 2s 6d: prime milling. Is Hid to 2s; sood to befit feed, Is lOd to Is lid; inferior to medium, Is 8d to la 9d per bushel (sacks extraV Wheat.—Prime milling lines of velvet and velvet ear are still most lb favour. Choice Tuscan also meets with some demand, but medium quality is not in request. Good whole fowl wheat has ready Kale. Broken and damaged lots are only saleable in small quantities. Quotations: Prime milling velvet. 3s lOd to 3s lid; velvet-ear, Tuscan, etc.. 3s 7d to 3s 8d; medium, 3s 5d to 3s 6d; best whole fowl wheat, 3s 2d to 3s 4d; medium, 2s lOd to 3s Id; broken and damaged, 2s 3d to 2s 9d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes.—The market is more heavily supplied, and prices show a decided decline on the week. Choice samples do not show the same weakening tendency as medium lots. At this season of the year medium quality potatoes will not keep for any time, and must be quitted on arrival to"best advantage. Quotations: Prime Up-to-Date*. £7 5s to £7 15s: medium. £6 to £7; inferior, £4 10s to £5 15s per ton (sacks included). Chaff.—Prices, particularly for prime quality, remain firm at last week's Consignments are light, and medium chaff has been moving off slowly at quotations. Inferior and straw chaff have ako pair inquirv from graziers. Quotations: PrMie oaten "sheaf. £3 17s 6d to £4; medium to good, £3 10s to £3 15s; inferior and discoloured, £2 106 to £3 5s per ton (sacks extra). Straw.—Quotations: Wheaten. 22s 6d to 255; oaten, 30s to 35s per ton (pressed).

HIDE SALES. MELBOURNE. September 15. At the hide sales to-day there was excellent competition. Medium and heavyweights were e<i dearer, .and other sorts wero unchanged. Messrs Stroaacb, Morris, and Co. report as follows:—We held our fortnightly sale of hides at our stores on Thursday, when we submitted a catalogue totalling 296. The attendance of buyers was an average one, and competition' was good. All classes of hidrvs met a ready sale, and in consequence showed a rise of from gd to Id per lb. Included in our catalogue were some good hoavv hides, although none exceptionally stout". Our top pritv was 7{d, paid for three weighing 661 b. and we aiso sold three. 71's at, 7id, five weighing from 661 b to 741 b at 7Ad. and four 72'« at 7d. In row hides our ton price was 6gtl, paid for lightweights. In rnone\ values we sold ox hides un to £2 Is 7d each, and cow to £1 12s. Tho following- are actual prices paid at our s-ale. Ox hide*?: Prime stout heavy, 7d to 7jd : good h-eavv, 6.1<1 to 6|d: mediumvvoLghrl svd to bid; light-weight. s?d to 6id; Inferior, 3id to sd. Cow hides: Best heavv, s?d to 6d: medium-weight, sifd_ to 6jd-,' light-weight s?d to 6|d: inferior, 4d to sd: yearliiwr. bid to 6fd; calfskins. 5Jd to 9i<!" per lb. Horse hides, 12s 6d each. Tho Xaiiional Mortgage and Agency Company of Now Zealand report v.s follows:—We h-id rv.w fortnightly sale of hid--; on Thursdav. when we offered a catalogue of medium quality. Thsre wa« n full muster of buyer?, and. with good competition, out catalogue was cleared nt prices fully up to 'ast week's rates. Tho following are prices obtained at our sale: Ox: Prime stout and heavy, nono forward: good heavv, 6'd to 6«d: ntcdimr.-weinht. ssd to 6d': light. s'd to 6d. Cow: Best heavy, 5Zd to bid •. medium-weight. 5.1 d to 6d: light-weight. 5Jd to 6d: yearling. s£d to 6£d: calfskins (bestl. B§d to 9d : medium, 7d to M '-<• lb: tins to Is 8d per dozen. Messrs Waters. Ritchie, and Co. reoort as follows: —We held our usual fortnightly sale of hides at our stores. Crawford street, yesterday morning. There was a good' attendance of buyers, who wero k?sn to do business at late rates. We were again for'unate in some verv g< od substance hides included in our catalogue, and for rheso verv sniriWl competition was received. For Mr E. T. Lawrence. Oeorge «treot we obtained the rw» satisfactory nrioe of 9id per lb. The total offerings in Duncdin thip week were 1855 hitler and 961 vearling? and calfskins, and of this number we offered 1019 hides and 432 yearlings and calfskins. Tn morsev value the following were sonne o r our best returns: —Ox: One £2 15s. one £2 14s 9d. one £2 14s sd, three £2 lis 6d two £2 lis 2d. one £2 10s sd, six £2 8s 3d. two £2 7k lOd. one £2 7s 3d. eight £2 «s 6d, one £2 4s Id. three £2 2s 3d four £2 2s, one £2 Is Bd, three £2 Is 2d three £2 0s lOd. one £2 Os 7d, one £2 Os 4d, seven £2 Os Id. Cow: One £1 17s Id, ono £1 16s Bd. three £1 13s 6d. two £1 12s 2d. 17 £1 lis 3d, eight £1 10s 9d, 20 £1 103

each. The following were some of the beet prices obtained : —Ox.: One 761 b 9id, two 321 b 7gd. one 761 b 7gd, one 821 b 7fd eight 731 b 72d, three 851 b 7|d one 64 b 7id, one 701 b 7|d, one 661 b 7*d, two 711 b 7ld one 701 b 71d, three 741 b 7*d, one 941 b 7R ° n ?, 691 b 7d, one 1001 b bid. two 721 b Hd, one 81 b 6gd, one 741 b Md, 11 631 - Md, 13 61 b 6|d four 801 b 6|d, 15 741 b 6|d one 56 b 6|d one 641 b 6ld, two 701 b 6fd, six. 67 b 6|d six 681 b 6jd. one 771 b 6*d .one 54 b b\d, nine 621 b 6ld, three 701 b; 6*d, six 71 b 6id 43 621 b 6*d. one 101 b 6Jd, eight 561 b old', six 931 b 3d, 18 611 b 6*4 18 72 b 6|d, one 801 b 64d, two 681 b 6 Ad four 621 b 6fd, one 611 b 6ld, one 781 b 6gd one 801 b 6|d 19 571 b 61d. 18 461 b 6|d 54 5511, Hd.l9 531 b 6|d. four 631 b 6 5 d. five 581 b Md, ono 681 b 61d. three 721 b 6|d one 7 b Md, eight 581 b 6id, nine 471 b 6R 15 53 b M, three 511 b 6id, one 741 b 64d. two 571 b bid, one 501 b 6R two 341 b 64d, four 6olb 64d, one 741 b 6*d. 13 641 b 6jd, seven 811 b 64d. 15 671 b 6Jd, one 841 b 6id, three 561 b 6*d, two 691 b 64d, two 601 b 64d, one 841 b 6£d, six 471 b 6|d, three 491 b eight 761 b 6id. one 481 b 6id, one 691 b 6Ad. one 441 b 64d. three 321 b 6R two 621 b 6id, three 511 b 64d. five 611 b 6id, two 661 b 6|d, four 561 b 6Ad. one 721 b 6Ad, two 461 b 6£d, throe 521 b 6Ad, six 551 b 6id, 10 451 b 6Ad. two 561 b 6d. three 541 b 6d, one 39Lb 6d, three 321 b &d, one 771 b 6d, five 531 b 6d, 16 49!b 6d, four 611 b 6d, one 481 b od, 16 631 b 6|d, 24 44!b bid, 46 531 b 64d, 12 441 b 64d, seven 361 b bid. 12 351 b 64d, six 631 b 64d. three 431 b 64d, three 471 b 64d, 33 461 b 6Jd, 17"631b 6id, four 44!b old, 12 541 b b' 6 d, eix 461 b 6id, two 671 b 6£d, 36 55Lb 6id,' 20 531 b 6id, two 491 b 6d. 13 521 b 6d, eight 681 b 6d, 17 631 b 6d. four 711 b 6d, -nine 601 b 6d, four 401 b 6d. 13 441 b 6d, three s&lb 6d. eight 431 b 6d, three 321 b &d, 17 551 b 6d. six 451 b 6d, three 46!b 6d, three 351 b 6d. two 641 b 6d, and two 531 b 6d lb. Wo quote : —Ox—Extra stout heavy, 7Ad to 9£d; 6tout heavy, 6|d to 74d ; heavy, 6d to 6|d, medium. 6d to 6|d ; light. 6d to 6|d. Cow—Stout heavy, 6d to 6gd : heavy, s?d to 6d; medium, 6d to 646.': light. 6d' to bid. Damaeed and bad conditioned ox and cow, from to sid ; bull and, 4gd to sid. Calfskins. Sid to 9id for best: medium, 8d to 3id ; damaged and inferior 2jd to 6d ner lb. Messrs Wrisrht. Stephenson, and Co. report as follows:—We held our fortnightly <-aLe on the 15th inst.. when we submitted' a large catalogue to a full gathering of buyers. Bidding was again very spirited for al! lot* offered, and prices were firm at, last sale's quotations. Our ton prices obtaim 1 in ox hid.*? were £2 14s Id and £2 13s. The following were actua lprioes paid' at our sale:— Ox hides: One 54s Id, on* 535, one 4?* 4d. three 41s sd, one 39s 2d. seven 395. three 35s lid, five 34s Bd. three 34s 6d. 13 T 4s 3d nine 345. five 53s 10a' <si\ 33s 7d, throe 23s Id. seven ?2s 7d. :2 325. 12 31s 9d. 11 30s 9d. Cowhides: Eight 293 4d, one 275, ore 25s 6d. two 255. three 24s 6d. nine 24s 6'J. ono 235. 6d. on" 235, four 20a lOd. Actual values 'tiling in this market at ovesent ar- as follow: Stout heaw ox hides 7d to "d : extra stout, to 9\d : medium. 6.1 d to bh\ : light. &M to bid ; stout heaw cows', 6£d to 64d : medium 6d to 6gd : to 61d; calfskins. 6d to &d. according io weights condition: bor-sehides. to 12s; damaged and inferior hides a 1 lower rate.*. The Otago Farmers' Co-operative Asfioo!atio)n of New Zealand reports as follows: We hold our fortni-zhtlv sal:- of hides at our stores on Thursdav. when we offered a lorcre catalogue of hides, yearlings, and calfskins to a full attendance of buyers. Competition was keen, and prices were fully as fcood us those ruling at last -mle. Our" catalogue was nmposed principally of country butcher?" hide? in :roor! order. Quotations: Ox bides: Stout heavy. 7d to 7gd per lb. heaw 6*d to 7d; medium, 52d tr> light. 5Ad to 6?d. Cow: Heavy, sj?d to 6.|d ; medium s|d to bid : light, 5Jd to 6s<i; yearling. s£d to b\d ; calfskins, 7d to horsehjdes, to 12s 6d. R A BBITSKJ.N SA LES. The. Otago Farmers Co-operative Associafieri Association of Now Zealand reports: We hold our weekly sale of rabbitxkms on the Bth, when we submitted a good sized catalogue to a representative gathering of buyers. Competition was keen for all classes, and nrime skins sold up to late quotations. The majority of the skins ceminir forward now ar,> '•off season,' and the proportion of oritur- winters offering is each won't becoming smaller. We quote: fv.w.f<=d (iocs 43id to 44id; prime winter dce=. 35d to 43d; prime winter bucks, 19d to 22? d: second winUir docs. 2?,<\ to 33d; -•:o:;d winter bucks. 16d to 18fd : outgoing docs, 16! to 2ld: outgoing bucks, 14d ro 15d ; sprinz. 13d to 15d; black, to 33? d : fawn, ro 15|d oor lb. Messrs Dalgety and Co. report having held their usual weekly sale on Monday, when they offered a largo and representative catalogue to the ueual 'attendance of buyers. Bidding was fairly animated, but ■o-ere hardly un to last week's quo-

tations. At the same time it must be borne in mind that all winter skins aie now showing distinct signs of going off, and, although prices must be quo'ted lower, yet, according to the auality of the skins offered, actual prices obtained must be considered very satisfactory. Quotations: Winter does, selected, 38d to 41£d; first, 33d to 36d; second, 27d to 30Id; outgoing, 17d to 22d; bucks, prime winter, 18d to 20id; seoond, 13td to 164 d; winter bucks, 12|d to 134 d; incoming winters, 15d to 17d; autumns, 13d to 15d; springs, 12d to 15d; racks, 94d to 10£d: summers. Ed to 9d ; runners and suckers, 3d to 5d ; blacks—first winter, to 33d; second winter, to 22^d; winter fawns, to 154 d per lb. Horsehair, 16d to 19d pea- lb. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company reports having held the usual .weekly sale of rabbitskins on Monday, when it offered a large catalogue consisting mostly of North Island and offseason skins. Prices for Otago skins wero from Id to 2d per lb lower than last week, the drop being mest noticeable in off season skins. Quotations:_ Does —prime winter, to 42d; second winter to 33d; bucks—orime winter, to 22d ; second winter, to 18-£d; outgoing and spring bucks, to 14d; outgoing does to 18id: spring does, to blacks, to 30d per lb. Horsehair, to 19d per lb. COUNTRY SALE. Messrs Stronoh, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) report having held their Evansdale sale on Monday, 12th inst., but, owin<r to the extremely wet morning, there was very little stock forward-. Buyers were present in fair numbers, and everything submitted met with a ready sale. Daily cows brought from £5 2s 6d to £6 ss; dry cows, £3 5s to £4 12s 6d; yearlings, to £1 14s; young pigs from 10s to lis. CLEARING- SALES. Messrs Stronach, Morris, and Co. (Ltd.) report having held a clearing sale on account of Mr H. Binnio, jun., at his farm at Mihiwaka on Tuesday, 13th inst. There was a large attendance of buyers, and all dairy cows met with a ready sale at up to £5 12s 6d par head. The hor&es, implements, and sundries also sold at full values. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. report having held a clearing sale on account of Mr Hugh Bellas at his farm at Portobello. There was a very lai'ge attendance of buyers, and keen competition resulted from start to finish. Dairy cows in particular were in great demand, selling as high as £8 ss. Horses, implements, and sundries also met with highly satisfactory prices. OTAGO FARMERS' HORSE BAZAAR. The Otairo Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand report:—" We held our weekly horse sale at our bazaar on Saturday, when we offer-ad to a good attendance of farmers and contractors consign ments of draughts and light horses from Otokia, Outram. Mosgiel. Balclutha, and Purakanui, brr-ides a good entry of horses from in and around Dunedin. Heavy lorry horses wore in demand; in fact, all Classes of sound younar draughts wore inquired for. Well-grown Clydesda'e mares and fillies showing plenty cf quality are bringing good prices. Strong spring-carters have been scarce for time, and any coming forward now should bring a fair pries. Carriage horses have a bo been scarce, and oonscquentlv are bringing full market value. We quota : Coed young draught marcs at frcan £33 to £45; extra good Clydesdale mares, suitable for stud purposes, £45 to 70gs; superior young draught g»!dinge, fit 'or shaft and lorry work. £35 to £42: extra to £55; ordinary draught mares and geldings at from £25 to £32; aged draughts at from £lO to £ls: good strong, upstanding vanner3. at from £2l to £3O; heavy spring-carters at from £2O to £25; ordinary spring-carters at from £ls to £l3; upstanding buggy n.ares and geldings at from £l6 to £22; hackney and coo ponies at from £3 to £l4. DT7XEDIN HORSE SALEYARDS. Messrs Wright, Stephenson, and Co. rojx>rt as follows: —There was only a small entry forward for Saturday's sale, consisting ' almost entirely of aged and stale horses. Tito demand for sound young draught horses for exnort is still unsatisfied. and there is al«o a keen inquiry fcr local requirements. As a consequence consignments from the country, if sound, and of right ages, are readily sold, and the market is in a very healthy state. There is a decided tendency for vendors to hold back consignments for sales, where the competition of export buyers is assured. We quote:—Superior young draught geldings at from £4O " to £45: extra good do (prize-winners) at from £45 to £SO; sUDOrior young draught mares at from £SO to" £6O; medium draught maras and geldings at from £3O to £4O; aged, at from £lO to £ls ; strong springvan horses at from £25 to £3O; strong

spring-carters at from £lB to £25; milk' oart ami butchers' order-cart horses at from £ls to £25; light hacks at from £8 to £l3; extra gcod hacks and harness horse* at from £l3 to £25; weedy and aged at from £5 to £7.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2949, 21 September 1910, Page 22

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STOCK DISEASES. Otago Witness, Issue 2949, 21 September 1910, Page 22

STOCK DISEASES. Otago Witness, Issue 2949, 21 September 1910, Page 22


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