(Fboh Oxra Own Cobbjespokdeht.) INVERCABGILIi, December 11. The second day of the Southland A. and P. Society's summer show was fiomewhat marred by light, but steady, rain, which Met in early, and continued throughout the day. .ThePß was, " however^ a caipital at- J tendance, and in the afternoon the grounds became a vast sea of umbrellas. - There were quite a number of side shows,* from ■which shrill-voiced gentlemen invited the' public to view the marvels within, and there wgre also a number of marquees .erected by various exhibitors of machiner— etc., which gave the ground a gay 'appearance. The Prime Minister (Sir Joseph Wird) was present, accompanied by the Hon. R- M'Nab (Minister -of tande), Messrs T. Kennedy ' Maodonald and the Hon. H. Feldwick, M.L.C.'a, and his Wo-r-•bip the Mayor (Mjr W. B. Scandrett). The members of the Ministerial party were, entertained at luncheon in the committee's rooms, Mr James Drain, president of the eociety, presiding. The toast of " Tbe\Parliament of New Zealand" wbb proposed by. Mr John Gilkison, vice-president; and Sir Joseph Ward and the Hpn: R. M'Nab replied. The party afterwards inspected the various exhibits, being specially interested in the horses and competitions. - Of the horses before the judges to-day, it may be said of the draughts that with few exceptions they were a remarkably good lot, and in this connection they were in keeping with the prevailing opinion that the draughts throughout the Dominion show a remarkable improvement on what was seen about four years ago. The judge of breed- ' ing draughts was* Mr Peter Davideon (of Timaru), and his decisions appeared "to be received with entire satisfaction. The first prize for entire' horse, three Tears and over, .was awarded to the imported Sir Thomley (by Sir Hu«*e Bell), owned by Mr Donald M'Donald (of Edendale), and the same .horse subsequently received the champion ribbon. In three-year-old colts Mr Jno. Beck (of Gummies Bush) repeated his Otautau and Thornbury successes by taking first honours. The two-Vear-olda made' a splendid ring, 14 oomine forward, and the quality of the placed horses left little to he desired. Mr- Jno. Wilson (o£. Riverton) secured pride of place with a splendid specimen by Botany ,Bay — Bonny Bdl. . The yearling colts were not strong in numbers, only seven facing ' the judge. First prize was secured by a son of Carnley, dem Mary M&carthur, bred by exhibitor, Mr John M'Farlane, of Drummond. Yearling fillies made, a good display, Mr W. J. Johnston {of Waikaka Valley) winning the first prize. Nellie Gray .was again . prominent as a prize-winner, being chosen -as tlje best type of Clydesdale, and also carrying off the champion certificate for best mare. The entries of working draughts numbered 48, and these wete judged *by Mr Alexander Allison, of Clarksville. Mr Walter Blakie; (of Ryal Bush) was the principal prize-taker, with safme good quality animals. Only seven v entries of thoroughbreds were received, and of. these only five came forward. Mr J. R. Mackenzie, of Chatsworth, was unopposed in this class, and two two-year-olds came forward, exhibited by T. Crooks (Thornbury) and J. C. and H. S. Irving (Roslyn Bush), and they were placed in that order. In the mare or filly class M&ystone, owned by Mr W. Kennedy, Otautau, was the only entry, but this splendid mare could hold her own in the best company. Light horses were^ capably judged* 'by Mr J. W. Freeman, of Waimate, and of these it may be said that, taken all through, although there -w.ere some good types amongst them, they fell short of " the standard seen at previous shows held in Invercargill. Carriage horses and- roadsters were present in Rood, numbers, and were judged by Mr Edward Saunders (of Christchurch). The show of pigs was decidedly creditable, both in quality and quantity. There were only two exhibitors — Mr Charles Brice fof Christchurch) and Mr Thomas Phillpott (Longbush), — and of the 22 entries 20 were exhibited by the former. The dairy oroduce' entries were not numerous, and the honours 'for butter were pretty evenly divided between Mrs Spillane (of Opio) and Miss M. V., May (of Mayfield. Winton). The iudce was Mr John Sawers (of Edendale). In connection with the competitions the motordriving contest proved a most successful innovation, and the manner in which the competitors guided their machines over an intricate course wa3 a revelation to many. Considering the state of the weather th>. forty-first annual show has been a decided success, and the excellent management reflects great credit on the officials^ Appended are the awards: — JUMPING COMPETITIONS. Judges: Messrs Preeman and Buckley. Hnrrter. to carry -not less than 12st over hurdlesr-J. Kain 1, J. Yorston 2, J. B. Reid 3. Motor-car driving competetion. Elevenentries—Tom Stone 1, P. H. Vickery 2, M. Metzger 3. . Breeding Draughts. Judge: Mr Peter Davidson (Washdyke, , t , Timaru). - Wl - , < Entire horse*, over three yetrs old. '. Seven entries*— Donald M'Donald' (Edendale) 1 and champion, R. Irving, jun. (Clinton), 2, D. King (Winton) 3. Entire -colt, three years old. Four-entries — John Beck (Gummie's Bush) 1, J. B. Sutton (Thornbury) 2, A. Chrystal (Lochiel) 3. Entire cotf, two years old. Fourteen entries —John Wilson (Wild -Bush)-!, D. Clark (Drunrmond) 2, Jas. Drain (Waianiwa) 3. _ Entire colt, one year old. Seven entries — J. H. Mackenzie (Clinton) 1 and 2, Andrew Hall ■(TWnburyJ 3. Entire horse" "and two of bis progeny over 12 months eld not necessarily the property of tie owner of the sire. One entry — D. Kine; (Winton) 1. Brood mare, over three years old, apparently in foal or with foal at foot. Four .entriesWalter J3lakie (Ryal Bush) 1 and 2, D. Clark (Drummond) 3. Brood mare and two of her progeny, all the property of the exhibitor; progeny not to be younger than one year. One entry — Walter Blakie (Ryal Bush) 1. Veld mare, any age. Six entries — Wm. Gray and- Son (Waimatuku) 1 and champion, John Evan (Drummond) 2, Walter Blakie (Ryal Bush) 3. Filly, three years old. Eight entries — J. R. Mackenzie 1, R. Charters 2, Walter Blakie 3. Filly, two years old. Seven entries — J. M'Far!a'ne 1 and 3, R. Irving, jun., 2. Filly, one year ojd. Ten entries — W. J. Johnston 1, J. R Mackenzie 2, John Ewan 3. Best type of the Clydesdale breed, male or female". Seven entries — Wm. Gray and Son 1 and champion. John Ewan 2, John M'Farlane *. - I
Working Draughts. Judge : Mr Alex. Allison (Clarksville). Draught gelding, over three years old. Four entries — F. S. Woodward (Morton Mains) 1, Wro. Aldred (Gladstone) 2, J. C. and H. S. Irving 3. Draught mare or gelding, 15 hands or under. Two entries — J. "R. Mackenzie (Clinton) 1, Max Bulling (Otatara) 2. Pair of mares or gelding, or mare and geldr ing (mares to be yeld). Six entries — Walter Blakie (Ryal Bush) 1, R. Charters (Mosgiel) 2, John M'Farlane (Drummond) 8. Four mares or fillies, two years old or upwards, all owned by exhibitor. Three entries —Waiter Blakie (Ryal Bush) 1, John M'Faxlane (Drummond) 2. Team of three horses, mares or geldings, or mares and geldings, three years old and upwards, all the .property of the exhibitor. Three entries— Walter Blakie (Ryal Bush) 1. J. R. Mackenzie (Clinton) 2. Pair of horses, mares or geldings, or mare and gelding, best-. suited for town lorry work; to be th« property of. town carriers; to be driven in ring. Five entries— N.Z? "Express Co. (Inveroargill) 1, Martin and Co.'(lnvercargill) 2 and 3. Spring-van gelding or mare, up to one ton, to be driven in ring. Six entries — W. Aldred 1, Martin and Co. 2 and 3. Spring-van gelding or -mare, up to half a ton, to be driven in the ring. Three entries — Martin and Co. (Invexcargill) 1, C. H. Wil-li-amson- 2. Butcher's delivery cart, beat and tidiest turnout, including horse, cart, and harness. Five entries — D. RI Jon«s and . Co. 1, M'Kenzie .and Harper 2 and 3. . Baker's delivery cart, beat and tidiest turn out. including horse, cart, and harness. Four entries— W. Naesmith 1, Derbie and Flett 2, Southland Bread Company 3. Grocer's delivery cart, best and tidiest turnout, including horoe, cart, and harness. Two entries— W. A. Gaffney 1, A. Hay and Co. 2. Milk delivery cart. Five entries — T. Ganey and Son 1, 2, and 8. THOROTrGHBBT.PB. Judge: Mr J. W. Freeman (Waimate). Entire, any age. Three entries— J. R. Mackenzie (Clinton) 1. Entire colt, two years old. Two entries — T. Crook* (Thornbury) 1 «. C. and H. S. Irving (Roslyn Bush) 2. Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot. One entry— J. A. Mitchell 2. Msre or filly. One entry — W. Kennedy ' (Otautau) 1 and champion. Light Hobszs. Judge: Mr tf> Freeman (Waimate). Cob, under 15 hands, to be ridden in the ring. Three entries — S. Solomon (Dunedin) 1, Wilson Bros (Mabel Bush) 2. Boy's pony, 14 hands and under, to be ridden in the ring. Seven entries — A. Dryden (Wairio) 1, E. R. Steveng, (Ayao»J)- 2, Thos. Ryder (Inyercaxgin) 3. Lignt harness mare or gelding. Six entries — S. Solomon (Dunedin) 1, David Marshall (Waianiwa) 2, John Lindsay (Drummond} 3. Girl's pony, 14 hands or under. Four en-tries-^A. Duncan (Wairio) 1, Thomas Ryder (Invsrcorgill) 2, Tom Allison (Invercargill) 3. Pony, 13 hands or under. Six entries^ — Dougla* Story (Wsikiwi) 1, Thomas Taylor (Winton) 2, Miss M'Laren (Otautau) 3. Pony, 12 hands and under. Four -entries — Mies McLaren (Otautau) 1, Heads and Hill (Inveroargill) 2. James Cosgrove (Winton) 3. Lady's 1 hack, 15 hands and under. Three entries— James M'lntyre (Thornbury) 1. Pony, not over 14 hands or under 12. Five entries— Thomaß Taylor 1, Thomas Ryder 2. Pony, under 12 hands. Four entries — Mies M'Laren (Otautau) 2, Heads and Hill and James Cosgrove (Winton), equal, 3. Hack,' up to list, to be saddled and ridden in the ring. Sixteen entries — R. ActonAdams 1, G. M'Kay (Riverton) 2, H. S. Orbell ( 3. Pa.ii of uonies. 14 hands and under. One entry— T. Rider 1. Best lady rider. Three entries — Miss Devery 1, Miss M'Kenzie 2, Miss M'lvor 3. Carbiaok Horses. Judge; Mr Edward Saunders (Christchurch). I Stallion, for breeding carriage stock and weight-oarrying hackneys, and any age. Three entries— J. Adamson (Waikiwi) 1, Kilkelly Bros. (Grove Bush) 2, M'Farlane .and Murray (Dornedin) 3. Brood mare, three years and over, apparently in foal or with foal at foot. Three entries— J. A. Mitchell (Invercargill) 1, A. Hfllis (Invercargill) 2, D. Hillis (Invercargill) 3. Filly or colt, one year o'.d. Two entries— Thos. Philpott (Longbush) 1. Roadsters. Judee: Mr Edward Saunders (Christchurch). Mare or gelding, up to 15st. Eight entries— J.ohn Young (Mabel Bush) 1. T. Kane (Waikaia) 2, H. S. Orbell (Redcastle) 3. Troop horse, up to lGst. Seven entries — J B Thomson (Invercargill) 1, Adam Jack (Invercargill) 2, R. H. Bisset (Opio) 3. Lady's hack, over 15 hands. Six entries — R. Acton Adams (Wilden, Heriot) 1, P. Fahey (Otauttfu) 2, W Kennedy (Otautau) 3. Light harness mare or gelding, over 15 hands. Thirteen entries— R. H. Bisset (Opio) 1. H. S. Orbell (Oamaru) 2, John Lamont (Woodlands) 3. Dog-cart horse, mare or ge'ding. Eight entries— John Young (Mabe 1 . Bueh) 1. S. Solomon (Dunedin) 2, H. S. Orbell (Oamaru) 3. Pair carriage horses. Three entries — Mrs A T. Thomson 1, J. A. Mitchell 2, Heads and Hill 3. Tandem team. Four entries — Marshall and Lindsay 1, J. B. Thomson 2. J. A. Mitchell 3. Pair buggy horses, 15 hands and over. Two entries— J. B. Thomson 1. J. A. Mitchell 2. Four-in-hand. Two entries— J. A. Mitchell 1, Heads and Hill 2. PIGS. Judge: Mr Thos. Paterson Boar, 'any age-, Berkshire breed. Two entries— Chas. Brice (Shirley) 1 and champion and 2. . ™ Boar, under 12 months, Berkshire. Two entries— Chas. Brice (Shirley) 1 and 2. I Sow. any age, Berkshire. Two entries — Chas. Brice (Shirley) 1 and champion and 2. | Sow, under 12 months o'd. Berkshire. Two entries— CKas. Brice (Shirley) 1 and 2. Boar, any age, Yorkshire breed. Two entries— -Chan. Brice (Shirley) 1, Thos. Philpott' (Longbush) 2. I Boarj, , under 12 months, Yorkshire Two entries — Chas. Brice 1 and 2. Sow, any age, Yorkshire. Thre« entries — Chas. Brice 1 and 2, Thos. Philpott (Longbush) 3.,. Sow, under 12 months old, Yorkshire. Two entries — Chas. Brice 1 and 2. Sow, any other breed. One entry — Chas. Brice 1. Sow, under 12 months, any other breed. Two entries— Chas. Brice 1 and 2. Fat pig, showing most weight and symmetry. Two entries — Chaj. Brice 1 and 2. DAIRY AND FAHM PRODUCE. Judge: Mr John Sawers (EdendaleV Cheese. Pair new. Four entries — Morton Mains Dairy Co. 1 and 2, Robert Dawson (Bay road) 3. Pair old. Two entries — Morton Mains Dairy Co. 1, Robert Dawson (Bay road) 2. Butteb. Separator fresh butter, not factory-made, 31b in lib rolls, no prints. Five entries — Mrs
] Spill&ne-(Opio) 1, Mrs M. Dickie (Mat aura) 2, ' Miss Irving (Roslyn Bush) 3 Fresh butter, not factory or separator-made, 3lb in lib rolls, no prints. Three entries — Miss M. V. May (Mayfield) 1, Miss Spillane 2, I Mrs C. S. Stevens (Opio) 3. 1 Separator fr«sh butter, not factory-made, 3:b in lib rolls, no prints, to be used (all former prize-takers excluded). Five entries — Mrs M. Dickie (Mataura) 1, Miss C. Weir (Waianiwa) 2, Miss Spillane 3. Fresh butter, not factory or separator-made, ' 31b in lib rolls, no prints (all former prizetakers excluded). Seven entries — Miss M. May (Mayfield) 1, Miss Spillane (Opio) 2, Miss E. Toby (Wainmtuku) 3. I Fresh butter, not factory or separator-made, '31b in lib rolls, no prints. Four entries — Mrs Spilkrae (Opio) 1, Mrs C. S. Stevens (Opio) 2, Miss If. V. May (Mayfield) 3. ( Fancy butter, no_ foreign matter (except ' decorations) allowed. One entry — Miss M. V. , May (Mayfield) 1. I Powdered butter, in jars/ not less than 31b. Four entries — Mrs M. Dickie (Mataura) 1, Mrs W. Weir (Waianiwa) 2, Mrs C. S. Stevens (Opio). 3. 1 - Salt butter, in jars not less than slb. Two
entries— Mrs M. Dickie (Martaurs) 1. Mrs C. S. Stevens (Opio) 2. Hams. 1 Cured ham. Seven entries — R. Meredith (Invercargill) 1 and 2, Jas. Gordon (Otautau) 3. Flitch bee on. Four 'entries — Lindsay and Co. {Invercargill) 1 and 2, B. Meredith.(lnvar--*cargiH) 8. i Rolled bacon. Five entries — Lindsay and Co. 1 and 2, E. Meredith 3. j
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Otago Witness, Issue 2805, 18 December 1907, Page 11
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2,388SOUTHLAND A, AND P. SHOW. Otago Witness, Issue 2805, 18 December 1907, Page 11
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