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Smntaifn art ra^owud to fnnrl pntlcalwi offUM* rl*n* ■ •« >nu:kMßl[i| aaieku.

The North Canterbury Centre of the New Zcak-nd' Bowling Association at its laefc meeting passed the following reeolntisns : — "That no amendment of the constitution of the N.Z.B.A. will be satisfactory to Canterbury bowlers . which does not progide for the representatives on the association being nominated by centres instead of cluba." "That all association championships should be conducted ' in the name of the association ' by the centre in whose district such tournaments may for the time being be -held." 'That unless the above resolution be given effect to by the N.Z.8.A., thie centre take into consideration the question of seceding from the association." It is to be regTctted that the last resolution was tagged on to the others, as it has the appearance of forcing the hands of the association at the point or" the bayonet. In some inexplicable manner a number of Canterbury players have gained the idea that the members of the executive are antagonistic to everything emanating 1 from the Canterbury Centre. Thi« impression is quite groundless — in fact, the contrary is the case. There ie no reason why there should be any friction between the Canterbury Centre and the executive, and if the true state of affaire in connection with, matters over which friction has arisen were clearly viewed by both parties the misunderstandings would be at an end. "Skip," in the Southland Timee, referring to the resolutions of the Canterbury Centre, writes: "The rejection of the resolutions formulated by th© North -Canterbury Centre, having for their object a radical alteration in the constitution of the New Zealand Bowling Association, has brought about what is likely to develop into an impaese. There is no more sensitive body in existence than the executive of the association. To mention reform seems to have the same effect as the proverbial red rag to a bull, and the leading players, who have enjoyed the management of affairs according to their own sweet will so long, «re loth to part with even a very small part of the power which invests them with an air ot importance that wore otherwise not discernible. It ie useless for the Dunedin l>owler-<» to refuse to {sLce tb« natural position. When Canterbury province could boast only two clube and Southland one, it was to be expected that bowling: matters should be controlled from Dunedin. But now that the game has flourished to such an extent that the northern province has 11 clube, with others coming on, and Southland has eight, it is in the nature ot things to insist that a large measure of local government shall be accorded to these thriving centres. Nor can there be anything to fear in the prosecution of such a policy. In a British community it oughu to be self-evident that a governing body beat maintains its own power and its own dignity by allowing as much responsibility of action as is consistent with the general wellbeing. Taking the particular case in point, How can Otago possibly expect to keep Canterbury always in a state of tutelage? The bowler* of the latter province are not by any means dependent on Dunedin for support in their gatherings. W e Ui n B ton lios much nearer; and. now that it has become the fashion for the northern players fco journey eoutfi for their amusement, Christchurch will never fail to be strongly supported in any holiday venture that may be attempted. Taking these facts into consideration, therefore. I cannot help thinking that wisdom lies in the direction of concession. There i* no earthly need to deprive Canterbury of the right — or, rather, to refuse that right — of managing the tournament when it i.s held in Christchurch ; and if the N.Z.B.A. does refuse to give what it is absolutely unable to keep, there can be only one outcome — the formation of a Canterbury Bowling Association. And if once secession gets in the altit is difficult to say where it will stop." After expressing a hope that wiser counsels will prevail, "Skip" goes on to say: "With provincial centres enjoying a certain measure of responsible government, scattered throughout the South Is'and, and a similar state of affairs in the North, 1 am hopeful that, before many years have passed there will be one supreme body exercising judicial authority over, without unduly fettering, the various bowling centres of the whole colony. There is to be no loitering on the part of the Canterbury bowlers. They have already called upon the president rf the N.Z.B.A. to convene a special meeting of delegates, so that in two or throe weeks— porhaps a month — some decision will have been arrived at. I believe that all th« delegates from Invercarsrill clubs wore instructed to support Canterbury's position, but perhaps fcome of the ethers representing- Southland clubs failed to receive exolicit directions, and therefore aot<nl 'on th n ir own.' If Riverton, Bluff, Miitiura. and Queeii«town have not already mo\fd in tin 1 ' matter, it ife well that they should immediately take into consideration and =00 that their representatives were fully 'o-./.r rl of then- wishes. There vfK-d bo no «ttifrjr<' s tion that the adoption ot ilip Canterbury rr -olutiona vw'l result in bcl-iilnjr tiip parent body : raiher will it, I think, lift it to a position of dignity that it doe-, not at present enjoy. The aim of our northern friends i^ not dr«t>-r.c-tioii bm con^ t siici ion, and con-tiruction ufon a firm ba<=". '


-Mr H. Prince and th« other New Z^a-lundf-r-. playing about England are mec-t-ins; with a surr*'rsion of wv«>rse^. They •wore doicati'd by West Eml Newcastle by 51 to 23 an<! by" Eanburv by 4-7 iO 36.


A meeti it <ii the executive of tlie Xew Jjfca'and Bow'r.ijr Aftc^.aticn waa held on the 17 ill, v.h<>ii theie were pre^ei 1 I—Messrs1 — Messrs \Y. C Al'nutt <\i"e- irc-idcnt. in the chain F Pcike (' T. P^ie: -on, J. Wh.te, J A Hop(ia:l D ILil".-. C. T Payne, and R T. Wheeler (=errelar>'

Ihe Stcre'a-y o! llm Lee -ton Bowling C'nth wi^te asking r tl,'» Ic-y of It rer raeniijcr o: club-, marie by the Xortb Canterbury Cer.ire had i':io d^t.roval of ihe N Z.B A , also if it had bffii mane on ail c'tiV' ; fHliatcd to tin In" ZB A or North Canterbury only — The clao to be .nforuied that the X Z B.A. hzcl m ide no It \ y end thtt the levy was being made Ijy the Xorth Canterbury Centre under its own coi stuution The Secretary of the 'Waimate Bowling and

Tennis Club wrote stating that it had" been intimated to his club that it had been regis* tered as having between 60 *nd 70 members, and so could not benefit by th» motion ra subscription proposed at the recent meeting. If such, waa the case it was incorrect. The Waimate Club consisted of two distinct classes of members — viz., bowling members and tennis members. The former numbered about 50, and the latter about 25, for whom £i. Is waa paid to the Tennis Association. The club objected to paying the Bowling Association for its tennis members. — The c!u,b> to be informed, that the subscription fixed for it was determined on the returns forwarded by the club itself — namely from GO to 70 members.

Mr F. J. Barlow, president of th« association, wrote asking that the necessary steps be taken to call a special meeting of delegate* of the N.Z.B.A. to consider notices ot motion from Mr Dall, delegate for * theCanterbury Club. He would like the meeting called for July 8, and would endeavour to attend it. The notice of motion was as follows : — " That the resolution passed at the last meeting of the N.Z.B.A. on the motion of Mr Stephens, referring to the formation of centres for the government of local matters only, be rescinded, end that the constitution of the association be amended by abolishing an executive as at present elected, and providing for the formation of centres for th« government of local matters, such centres to nominate representatives on the association, who shall conduct the business of the association, in lieu of the present representation nominated by clubs; and that a sub-corn-" raittee be set up to draw up a new- constitution and report to a. special meeting to be- held in July." — It was decided that th» request of the president for the holding of the meeting on July 8 be given effect to.

Mr H. C. Janes, Stirling, on behalf- of' the. proposed -%>aih Otago Bowling Centre, m*d* application to have- the centre recognised by the association. He enclosed; a copy of th* constitution of the centre.

Mr Miller said that as the whole question of centres was to be dealt with at the next meeting of the association, the letter should be held over in. the meantime, a. reply -could be forwarded, to the effect that the association was favourable' to tile formation of the centre on the lines drawn up, but as there was a likelihood of some more definite lines b?ing decided on in regard to centres the application be considered later.

Mr Payne moved — " That the letter be received and the- writer informed that the executive of the association entirely agrees with the- formation of centres to manage cert&ln. -districts, bu£. as tile qaeatian in xe^ spect to the formation of centres will come before the delegates to the New Zealand Bowling Association at its next meeting the executive deems it advisable that the matter be held over in the meantime."

This was seconded by Mr Miller, and carried.

The correspondence in connection with the formation of the North Canterbury Centr« was, on the chairman's request, read for the benefit of those members present who wer» not fully acquainted with it, the meeting at the conclusion approving of the action of tho secretary in regard thereto, ss disclosed by the correspondence.

The Chairman said that at ihe last meeting of the association Mr Keast had brought forward a resolution re the election of an executive, and. he (the chairman) had declared it carried by a majority of two votes. The motion had not, however, been legally carried according to their constitution, which required a two-thirds majority.


The annual meeting of the Caledonian Bowling Club was held in the club's pavilion on June 14, when there was a largo attendance of members. \


The President, of the club (Mr C. F. Greenslade) occupied the chair, and moved the adoption of tho annual report, which is aa follows : —

The club opened its 1906-07 season on the 13th October, 1906, being- the first green to open for the ssason. Tbere was a large muster of bowlers from all directions. During the recess the green had been top-dteßsed and sown, extra care and attention being bestowed on this important work not only by caretaker and supervisor, but, indeed, by ma-ny of the club members, the- result amply justifying the reputation the green earned later in the season of being the best in the district. Many other improvements were also carried cut. with a view to making the green still more attractive. The membership list shows an improvement, very iramy new members having enrolled during the seaeoc, which, with the intending membera who bava already expressed their intention of jean ing for the incoming season, should see the list well on to the century. Under these improved conditions it is only natural that the club finds itself in a thoroughly sound a-nd enviable condition as regards ita fin»nc«, notwithstanding the heavy expenditure during the eeason. As regards association matches, the c.ub also retrieved somo of its former glory, sustaining only three defeats during the "season, thereby hoMing its own right in the front rank along with one or two other successful clubf, besides being strong y represented at the tournaments held at Chris^ church, Invercargill, and Oamaru, and also in the "All White" team which toured Auetralie; whilst a. very enjoyable and successful tour waa arranged for the Easter holiday to Stirling, Kaitangata, Milton, and Lawrence. The social aida of bowling was kept well to (he fore during the winter evenings. Th» club had a' so the honour, through their president (Mr Greenslade), of entertaining the New South Wales bowlers on the occasion of their visiting Dunedin. The arrangements for the New South Wales visitors and members of sister clubs were mest complete, tho day being » Ted-'.etter one in the history of the club, i-nd thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Unfortunately the club did not oamplete its otherwise triumphant season without sustaining a heavy loss through the deaths of two of its oldest and most respected members — viz Mr John Wedderspoon (who was one of the club's past presidents) and Mr John Blaney (one of the oldest and most popular members of the club). The season may be summed up as having been one of thst most prosperous from all points of view enjoyed by the club for some years. Th« pro=pec-t9 for the coming season are of the brightest.

The ba'ane<? eheet showed a. credit balance of £16 0a Id. The report was unanimously adopted. ELECTION* OF OFFICERS.

Tho election of office-bearers for the- ens' ,i ing year resulted as follows: — President, Mr C. F. Grcenelade; vice-presidents, Mchsrs M. Conghlan and W. H. M'Lecd ; treasurer, Mr A. F. Browne; secretary, Mr D. Cormaek ; committee — Messrs A. M'Donald, R. Powley, A. Fibbes, H. Campbell, and H. M'Lauchlan; selector, Mr E. Hogg; 1 delegates to association, the president and] secretary ; green supervisor, Mr John CoL*

Uns; trustee, Mr C. E. Keast; auditors, Messrs W. A. Smith and 5. North.

notices or HOTioar.

Mr J. C. Abernethy moved— "That in future the secretary and treasurer shall be, ex officio, delegates to the New Zealand Bowling Association" In doing so Mr Abernethy said this practice was becoming general at Home, and he thought it was a good one, inasmuch as these two officials fcad th© club'« affairs at their finger ends. — The motion found general approval, and was carried.

A motion by Mr R. W. Campbell that the subscription be raised to £2 2s from £1 % me test. Mr W. H. Mi^eod's ■notion that it be £1 15s was carried by a large majority. Mr A. Fibbes moved— "That when club prizes a*e being played for competitors are not to be allowed to exceed the time »Uotted by the committee for each draw." — Carried.

Mr Fibbes farther moved— "When club prizes aTe being played for competitors to agree with their opponents on any two sights to play off ties, the committee to l»e informed o"f same. In the event of any of the competitors npj. attending as per appointment, the eommitee to scratch out offender's name from tbat competition." — Carried.

A motion by Mr J. C. Abernethy— " That life membership be conferred on members of 25 consecutive years' standing" — was •greed to. Mr T. W. Callender moved— "That the dub colours be altered *s follows:— Royal bine coat, with the lion rampant on a yellow ground in the shape of a shield on the outside breast pocket, with the letters C.B.C. on each point of the shield." — Carried. Mr A. F. Browne moved— "That when 'vacancies occur, from whatever reason, daring the progress of club ties, the committee elect by ballot a substitute from •tmongst defeated players who have occupied similar positions to these vacant, and that jshe prizes be awarded to substitutes who play in winning finals provided they have already acted £« substitute in previous round." — The motion found general approval, and was carried.


At ill* conclusion of the ordinary business, lite Chairman said he had a very pleasant dntj to perform, inasmuch a« he h+A three well-deserved presentations to mml-P — one to the secretary «.nd two to past secretaries of the Club. To the Tetiring secretary (Mr Browne) he presented a case 'of afternoon tea forks, a cot-water' jug (for Mts Browne), and * «t of studs and •leere links. Mr C. E. Keast, a past <* cretary, had well earned a. set of skeve hnk«, and to Mr Powley, who had occupied a similar position, the president tendered a similar gift.— fLoud applause.) In returning thanks. Mr Browne expressed the pleasure he felt in seeing his services recognised in a practical manner. Anything lie bad done had been done spontaneously, and he had not looked for any reward, having the interests of bowling at heart. Although he was taking Another otfioe, he would <lo everything in his power to help on the club. The membership was in a satisfactory condition, and it was intended to carry out improvements (thanks partly to the assistance of Mr Greenslade) which would ereatlv improve the club's property and aAd to the convenience of membere.— Messrs* Keast and Powloy also returned *. fbanks for the gifts they had received.

KAITUNA BOWLING CLUB. The following report will be placed before th<» members at the annual meetang of the Xaituna Bowling Club:— Youx committee, in placing before you the «Ujhtoenth annual report and balance sheet, bu very gre*t . pleasure in -congwitul*ting members on tho «ontinued sucoes* of th» club. Although tbe green w«a closed for the HU an eomewbat e«rUer than usual, members were enabled, on aooouEt of £h« excepticnaliy fine weather, to enjoy as much play as in an average eeason. During the year your committee haa held 17 meetings, and there h*ve been loor «peci«d general meetings of the dub.

Financial. — The value of the club's assets baa been greatly increased during tbe past Beison building improvements and furniture amounting to. s«y, £370. in addition to the lau-ge sTrm l>eri*g «^j*eu^«*l upon "tihe green. Ah the balance cheet Ehovrs, after paying the extra cost of bddiag, furnishing, etc., together with £70 off Mr Collins' s contraot for relaying tl»e green, tbe debit balance at the «D<Tof the «e»»oa is £109 8s sd, all of which is evidence of a stroag vitality in the club, •which is distinctly wrtafif notary. The hon. treasurer regrets to report that the record of tbe past two ye»irs, in regard to all subscription* Being paid, has not been kept this 3tnrnTi 7 three sutaeori rations being still outstanding and of » doubtful character. Inierclnb fixtures. — Kaituna again holds the cjiampdonabip, having defeated all other clubs in the inter-club area, with tbe -exception of St Clair and Roslyn. The total aggregate points scored by Kaitun* in the 12 matches was 1423, «a against 1193 scored by the opposing clubs. The result reflects oiedit not only on the members who took part in the matches, but also on the Match Committee (Mr G B. D»ll, who acted uotil bis transfer -to Wellington early in January, and Mr Fred Smith, his successor, as sole selector). Club Tiee. — A large number of members entered for these mate-lies, and they were all keenly contested. Th* following is a. h^ of prize winners- — Championship, Mi Hugh Smeaton, -with Mr T. Sneddon as runner-up , Sinks — Messrs T. L«mbourne. J. Stevenson. J. F. B«iiey, T. Sanders (c) ; president's prize— Mr F. Smith, with Mr A. Bailhe second; Doubles — M-essrs J. G. Paiters^n and H. Smeaton (s) 1, Messrs E- E. Tavlor ar.d J F Bailey (•) 2; vice-president's prize (handicap)— Mr W. M'llwnei 1. Mr W. Blackwood 2; colte" prise, Mr J. F. Bailey. Tournaments. — At the various tournaments held duriag the season Kaituna, as usual, carried off a good share of the honours. At ■tie Exhibition championship tournament held at Christohurch, Mr T. Sneddon upheld th 9 honours of the club, and covered himself vriih glory by securing the first prize (with Mx A. H. Crawford as lead) in the Donbk-3 , Becond place in the Singles, and second prize (*s third player) in the Championship Rinks. Mr Payne's rink (R. H. Coleman. A. Bail he, T. Sneddon, and C. J P«yn«, s) secured second prize in the Binks Championship out of «n entry of 88 nnks. At Invercaxgill Mr T. Sanders' g rink were winners of their section, and at Oamaru ALessrs J. C. Stephens. R. B. Smith, F. Smith, and C. J. Payee (s) were second in the Citizens' Rinks. The " All Whites."— Kaituna had the honour of being represented in the famous "All White" team, which toured Australia early in tbe season, under the piesidency of Mr C J. Payne, the promoter of the trip, by 110 less than five members (Messrs A J Coop< r H. W. Reid, F. Smith, T. Siioddofl, and C J. tayne}.

The Green The work of re-laying and sowing the green was commenced by Mr Collins immediately the scheme was finally approved by the members, and from all appearances th-e con/tractor has carried out his duti&s so far in a thorough and efficient manner. The committee hope that the members will during the coming season, reap the benefit of the confidence that your committee has shown in Mr Collins. Th« Caretaker. — The thanks of the club is due to Mr Lowe for the careful attention givwn by him to his duties as caretaker. The knowledge and experience he has gained while assisting at the resowing of the green will no doubt be of great value, and should enable him to Tnn.iTifraiTi the new green in first class playing order for tbe coming season. Mt Ball. — The- club sustained a Tery severe loss early in "the season by reason of the transfer to Wellington of Mt G. B. Da.ll, one of the founders of Kaituna Club, who for many years has bsen — as president and Green Committee, sole selector, and in other capacities — a prominent faotor in promoting the good working and harmony of the club. On January 8 the club "tendered a social, which was largely attended by the members, to Mr and Mrs Dall, and at the same time presented them with a handsome memento of their loag connection with the club. The Ladies. — We have again to -thank the ladies for their very valuable assistance in dispensing afternoon tea on the green and presiding over the refreshment department at the club socials.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2779, 19 June 1907, Page 62

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BOWLING. Otago Witness, Issue 2779, 19 June 1907, Page 62

BOWLING. Otago Witness, Issue 2779, 19 June 1907, Page 62


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