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MONDAY, July 9.

On Tuesday evening Miss Roberts gave a delightful evening party at "Litttebonrne House, ' which took the form of a "progres'••ve bridge" party. Games were played at uno tables during the evening — six tables having been arranged in the diawing-rcom and three in the morning-room. At the conclusion of the play, when the scores were added up, the winners proved to be Miss Maud Sise and JJr Russell Ritchie, whilst th& holders of the lowest scores were Mi;s M'Leau and Mr George M'Lean.

Amongst those present v<ere Mr and Mrs Roberts, Jlr Alec and' Miss Roberts, Mrs <4eorge Roberts, the Hisses F arquhar, the Mi=ses Sise. Mrs Jack Reid (Eldeishe). the Mi=ses M'Lean, Miss Cargill. the Misses Webber. Miss Fergus, Miss Macassey. the Misses Graham, ths Messrs Ritchie, Mr F. M'Lean, Mr J. White, Mr Hunter. Mr George M'Lean, Mr M. Turnbull. Mr Brasch, Dr Russell R.tehie, etc.

On Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Roberts entertained some friends to dinner at "Littlebourne House."

Mis James Allen and llr John Allen, who havo been at Queenstown and Paradise for some time, returned to town on "Wednesday.

Mrs Moriah (Invercargill) is at present visiting her mother, Mrs Koyse. at her residence in Queen street.

Miss M. Sale left by Tuesday's steamer for Wellington, en route for Wanganui, where she v. ill vitat friends for some weeka.

Dr and Mrs Batchelor left on S«turu. y foi Wellington, and expect to be absent abeiu 10 dajs.

Miss Ihomp-son (Invercargill) has been spending a few days with her sisteor, Mrs Batchdor.

Ivliss Helen Denmston JBalcluiha) i« in town for a little, paying visits to her fi lends.

Mrs Jack Eeid, who has been visiting her mother, Mars M'Lean, has returned to Eldershe.

Mr and Mrs Horold Tanley left by Thursday's steamer for Sydney, and purpose being iiway some weeks. Mrs Vinon accompanied Mrs Tapley to Sydney.

The Misses Sinclair, who went to Napier to bs present at their brother's wedding last month, returned home last week.

A quiet little wedding took place on Tuesday at All Saints' Church, when Miss Ethel -italham was married to Mi Arthur Hobson, of Wellington, Dean Fitchett and the Rev. C S. Bowden officiating. The bride wore ■white silk, and was attended by two little ljtidesmaids-r-Miss Dorothy Bowden and Miss Muiiel Lake — wearing white frocks with pink sashes -and pmk bouquets. There was a reocption afterwards at Mrs Statham's house ,n Morniiigtou, and the bridal couple left for Wait Ati, en route for Nelson and Napier, where the honeymoon will be spent.

Dr and Mrs Burt left last week for Sydiiey. and will probably be away some few w«eks.

A marriage Jias been arranged, and will take place a.t Ceylon in the autumn, between Eeginald Hyde Vilhers, D 5.0., late lieutenant 12th Eoyal Lancers, and Florence "Mananue, daughter of Dr and Mrs Stockwell, oi Orepuki. New Zealand, and sister of Mrs W. Kiddelsdell, of Dikoya, Ceylon.

INVERCAKGILL, July 9. The winter subscription dance was held on Monday evening in Ashley's Hall. The dance was arranged partly as a, farewell to Dr Sale, previous to his departure for the Home Country. The committee are to be congratulated on the excellent arangements — the hall charmingly decorated, a delightful supper, and exceptionally good dance musio, which was supplied by Mts Godby's Band (Gore). Among those present were Mr and Mrs J. W. Black. Mr and Mrs P. L. Wright. Dr and Mrs Cantrell. Mr and Mrs Christophers, Mr and Mrs F. "Wright, Mrs Cook, Dr and Mrs Ewart, Dr and. Mrs Hogg, Mr and Mrs M'lntosh, Mrs "Wallis, Mrs Hunt, Mr and Mrs T. D. M-offett, Mr and Mis D. J. Gilmour, Mr and Mrs Geo. Moffett, Dr Sale, Misses M'lntosh (2), Miss Sharp, Dr Snow, Dr Gow (Winton), F. Matheson, Miss Gardner, Miss Harvey, Miss Rattray, Mr Rodgers, Mr Seelye, Misses MacGoun (2), Miss F. Corbet, Miss Basstian, Mr Hodges, Mr Sise, Mr H. A Macdonald, Miss M'Lean, Miss Rowe, Miss Callender, Miss Brett, Misses Carswell (2). Mr Stuckey, Mr Horrobin, Miss VyneT, Mr R. Christophers, Misses Moffett (2), Mies Hay, Miss Gilkison. Mr Jamie, Mr G. M'Donald. Mr T. Ellis, Miss Wyllie, Miss Moffetl. Mr Olhver, Mr Vickerman, Mr King, Mr G Morris, Miss Ewait, Miss M. Robmson, Miss Rowley, Mr L. Brown, Mr W. Campbell. Mr Mathias, Miss Simms, Miss Mitchell, ifo U. Mitchell. eto» Among the

numerous pretty dresses I noticed Mrs Cantrell wearing handsome black merv., with accordion-pleated chiffon trimmings; Mrs Ewart, her wedding gown of beautiful white satin; Mrs Walhs, buttercup silk; Mrs Geo. Moffetfc, princess gown of reseda green velvet; Mrs Cook, cream satin with overskirt of net and lace; Mi&s M'lntosh. dainty white muslin, with Valenciennes lace trimmings; Miss M. M'lntosh, pretty pink silk frock; Miss Harvey, beautiful white satin, finished with soarlet flowers , Miss E,wart, stylish black merv.. with sequin trimming; Miss Gilkison, dainty white satin. On Tuesday evening the juvenile bachelors held their dance in the same hall. The chaperones were Mrs Christophers, Mrs Geo. Moffett, Mrs Cook, and Mrs P. I/. Wright. A largo mirnber assembled, and the young people thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Tbe Savage Club met at Mrs Carswell's residence on Thursday, when there Tva_s a gcod attend nice of members. ; Mr It Christophers left on Tuesday for ; Amenca, whoic intends to fuithei pursue his ] studie=. OAMAEU July 9. I Mrs Basil Seih-Sruilh has taken a house j in Gieta stieet, and will stay m town for I some weeks ' Mi«s Armstrong is staying in Wellington , with soai" fuends at present, being en route to Sychicv. j Miss i-rDoua'd (.Dunedin; is the guest of Mrs Cie.i e h I Ms 9J. Wait is visiting Dr and Mrs Wait I for a few days. ! The Kahanga Club met at Mrs Bur bury' s i house last Thursday evening; Mrs Bulleid | hi the chair. Musical items were rendered [ by the Misses Hood. William.", and Jones ; i paper. Miss Murdoch ; reading Mrs Whitton ; •' dialogue. Misses Robiuson and C. Murdoch. The fancy fan in Wear Street Hall in aid of Wesley Church was opened by Dr ITAdain on Thursday afternoon last, and has been a great success ; the tableaux and children's | marches each evening proved great attrac- ! tions. The bazaar is continuing for two nights longer. Among the many buyers of the aitrcles exposed for sale I saw Mrs B. Seth-Smith. Dr and Mrs MAdam, Mr and , Mrs W. Seth-Snuth. the iliss-es Beswick, Mrs 1 J. S. Holmes, Mas Porter, etc. The various ! s- Lalls and their attendants were: — Plain work j — Meodames Hudson, Crawshaw, and Concher; faney — Misses Crawshaw and E. Copping; Indian stall, Mrs Batson (in costume); .sweets — Misses Greflfell, Spurdle, and K. Sinj clair; bookstall, Miss A. Wansbrough ; young i men's stall — Messrs L. Hudson and Cross ; , produce — Messrs Valpy and Grenfeli; flowers find Christmas tree —Miss K. Irving and I Junior EndeavouTers ; refreshments — Mrs L. j Couch and Miss Wansbrough. I Mr F. C. Burry is giving an organ recital I in St Luke's Church on Wednesday evening. j CHEISTCHURCH, July 7. I The Mayoral reception, which had been ■ postponed on aceoiuit of the Premier's death, i came off on Thursday aft>erncor> at the j Council Chambers, which were simply thronged with those who came to greet Sir Jclin Ha.l. The hall and vestibule were mtussed with handsome palms, and the Mayor's 100 m, where Mrs Cracroft Wilson assisted the Mayor to receive the guests, was : Bin. ply a b?vrer of beautiful pot plants. In ! tho library ot'll more decorative palms, together with pp-^ias and early pprirg blosi soms, while a string band, ensconcsd m an j alcove, discoursed delightful music. The large i council room was used as a tea room, but 1 proved quite inadequate to accommodate iho I ciowd of visitor*. Mrs Wi -or. wore a handsome gown of black uepe ac chn.c, d«i orated with tinted la-ce, .1/ b sck-aad-' i vh tie tcquc ar.d rich furs of bia."k fox; ->h=\ Bo;,!o looked very distinguished in < au-erliysi-tmtcd cloth, with toque of the, aird handsome furs; Miss Boyle was in purple c!otk, relieved with touches of velvet ; Mts George Gould wore a costume of dark green cloth, with pale biu* in a very becom- ( ing green hat; Mts Pitman had a sma»t costume of violet c'oth, with toque of the ■ same *cie ; Miss Pitman was in dark blue; ■ Mis Steed wore ciga>r brown eloih, and a pal© gTeeu toque ; Muss Stead was in dark blue cloth ; Mrs Eonalds wore black taffetas, and black bonnet; Mrs H. Ootterill had a bocoming gown of wihite cloth and toque of purple straw; Mra Kettle wore dark green cloth, green toque- and sables; Miss Kettlo looked handsrme in a white ooat and skirt, and white beaver toque; Mrs Beswick had a ! smart gown of navy blue cloth aiid blue hat; Mrs John Mills looked well in a pretty gown of pale t>!u«, with toque to znaitoh ; Miss Mil's had a coat and skirt of fawn cloth ; Mrs Gower-Bums wore a brown cloth gown and brown hat; the Misses Burns were in white cloth gowns, white toques, and ! white furs ; Miss Cabot wore black and ' white ; Miss Johnston was in navy b'ue, with ! fawn coat and fur toque ; Mrs P. Campbell had a coat and skirt cosjjnne of ojve-green cloth, and green hart ; Mrs Mcrton had a j handsome black gown and pretty green coat, I black toque ; Mts Croxton was in grey tweed, toque of whit* and blue ; Mrs Symes wore dark grey cloth, with collar revers of green, and becoming blue toque; Miss- Syiaes wore a gown of cream cloth and black aiKl white toque- ; Mrs Morton Anderson was in grey poplin, with touches of pale b'ue. and 1 blue toqus ; Mrs Reeve 3 was in black taffetas, black and white bonnet; Mrs Litchfield had a becoming brown, costum©, and pale blue hat; Mtb Vernon was in cream cloth, and cream and white toque. i Mrs E. Palmer is spending a few weeks , with Tabart, Papanui road. ' Mrs Wilfred Stead, Napier, is visiting Mrs Stead at "Strowan." Mrs Harry Cotterill, who has been staying- at St. Cterr for some time, has returned home wvbh. he* family. Mrs John Deans, who has been paying visits in Wellington, returned home yesterday morning. On Monday last the golf players took time | by tbe forelock, and played off their postponed match in Hagley Park, when Mira Henry Wood beat Miss Wilson in the final. A foursome match was played at Shirley Links on Tuesday between the Shirley and Hagley Park Clubs for prizes presented by Mra Beals. There was some good play, and ( Mrs Pyne and Miss Harley won in the first | grade, and in the second tihe game resulted ' in a draw between Misa Wilkin and Miss i Louisson and Mi-s Blunt and Miss Fisher. Among those playing and looking on were Mrs and the Misses Ke>ttle, Mrs Gould, Mts and Miss Boyle, Mrs- and Miss Campbell, Mrs and Miss Stead, Msrs and Miss Inman, Mrs and Miss Anderson, and Misses Denndston, R eev^ Sj Symes, Harley, and Turnbull. The marriage of Miss Woodhouse and Mr Hainish M'Lean will take, place very quietly next week. Mass Stead will leave next week on a visit to Wellington. WLLINGTOX, July 7. Next week will see the commencement of a little gaiety after the dullest of dull months. The races will attract a great number of visitors, and the ball promises to be a brilliant affair, and is to be held in. the Town Hall. His Excellency the Governor will attend, but Lady Plunket, although much improved 1 in health, is still ordered complete . rest and ftuial '

The week following, on the 20th, the members of the Star Boating Club will entertain their friends at a ball in the Sydney Street Hall. Miss Fitzgerald leaves for England by the R.M.S. Athenio next week. Mrs .Percy Hulme (Blenheim) is visiting her aunt. Mrs Vennell. Miss Clara Palmer has returned from San Francisco. Mrs Sprott and her son. Mr Maurice Sprott, ieave for England very shortly. The latter goes to Cambridge to continue his studies. Mr Sprott was one of our most brilliant students at Victoria College. During Mrs Sprott's absence, her daughter, Mrs Coleridge, will re* side at the vicarage. On, Wednesday a very enjoyable "At home" was given by Mrs Sprott as a farewell to her many friends. Th« tea tables were decorated with spring flowers. Mrs Sprott wore black brocade and cream lace vest; Mrs Coleridge wore a pretty taffeta gown, with deep yoke of white lace. Some oi the guests were Mrs Rhodes, Mrs and. Miss Martin. Mrs Chatfield, Mra Balcombe-Brown, Miss Coates. Mts and Miss Tolhurst, Miss Harding. Mrs Brandon, Mrs Larnach, Miss Hai court, Mrs and Miss Edwin, Mts Pigeon, Mrs Rankm Brown, Mrs and Miss Parker, Mrs Niven. and Miss Fancourt. Dr and Mrs Pigeon, who have been living since their marriage at the Chatham Islands, have come to live in New Zealand, and are staying just now with Mrs Pigeon's parents, Mr a:id Mrs Robert Parker. Mips Borlase's assembly was held at ilto Sydn-ey Street Schoolroom on Wednesday last, and was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number of guests present. Miss Borlase wore black silk. The chaperones were Mesd.ames Jiendall, Bridge, and Tregear. Other guests were Mrs Revell, Misses Tregeax, Hickson, Elliot, - Robinson, "Logan, Brandon, Poynter, Brewer. Lingard, Lnkin. Bodmin, Sir Kenneth Douglas. Dr Robertson, Messrs Bridge, Jacobs. ELeeble, Keeling, fiichfer. Ashcroft, Rowley, Reid, Guaiter, Bendall, Williams, and Hendeson. Mr Cecil Palmer, secretary of the Navy League, was. last evening, presented with a. cheque by the committee of that body, in, honour of his approaching marriage with Miss navy. Their honeymoon trip includes a visit to England. Mr and Mrs Arthur Pearce and Miss Holmes leave on Saturday for a delightful trip to Japan and other Eastern countries. Dr and Mrs Ewart. of the Wellington Hospital, leave this week on a six months' visit to England. During their absence Dr Eoberteoii will be in charge, with Dr Ferguson as his assistant. Dr and Mrs Walter Shand have recently been receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. Mr and Mrs "Bob" Levin have been congratulated upon a similar happy event. Mr Cyril Towsey leaves next month for England, and a very large and enthusiastic1 meeting of musicians and other friends was htsla to arrange a farewell concert, which it has been dc-icled to hold at the Town Hall on the 12th prox. i .

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Otago Witness, Issue 2730, 11 July 1906, Page 64

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TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2730, 11 July 1906, Page 64

TABLE TALK. Otago Witness, Issue 2730, 11 July 1906, Page 64


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