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(Fbou Ottb Special Cohbespondent.J LONDON ,Marcn 23. jA. MOST ACTIVE MARKET— PRICES AGAIN ADVANCING. - This has been a fine week, and colonial wool growers *are° faa he congratulated ou the magnificent returns which they will receive for their clips. Coleman Street Wool Exchange has hardly seen a vacant seat, and ihe- greatest possible excitement has prevailed. , There has been a continued universal call for wool, and nobody is as yet anything like filled up- One las •tt> --go back /a. good many years to find toj-day'e parallel, and surprise is expressed on all hands that the- market shows such an attitude. Every day has seen a reauarkably fine sale, and. the excitement is ■beyond description. As high as 14,00.0 •tiales a day have been catalogued, and men have sat through the ordeai as contentedly a* if there were only so many hundreds. Tlie week's catalogues have bren very gooJ, and both in merino and cro&sbreds every day has brought aa excellent show. The merinos have consisted very extensively nf good, well-grown, nice-conditior-€d wools, all eections of the trad© being eager to secure any quantity. Tho niost marked ■advance perhaps has been discernible in wools of a. good average all-round character, and every quality now shows something like a penny advance-. Plenty of buyers I could name think that Id to l£d 36 the rise, and frequently l^d has been paid above what was ruling in January. IKofching btrikes one more than the almost tJiparatfoled call for locks and pieces, and tbese are selling ia a remarkable way. It is. hard woik to say whio'i country is doing the most to maintain prices, competition ifooing as keen from Yorkshire as the Continent, and vice versa. There is a great demand for Swan Rivers, New ."South Wale*; and Queensland woole, while even Capes are a penny better. Withdrawals are jiiactically nil, and thoso who ha\e bought in Australia and are r-e-offering in Ixxndon are making 6ome magnificent profits. Mcu's expectations ir; general are completely upset, and few there are who have prepared to take full advantage of the present boom. ' Perhaps the greatest surpu'se is in connection with cTos?breds, and these are selling :n: n an, astounding way. Good, coarse qualities arc now cjuotod 15 per cent, up, fiud fine and 'medium 10 uer cent. One wonders where, things are going- to. We «.re no.v within 6ight of the finish, but ihe K*ries has been all ton short, wool being wonted as keen as ever. Sold by Mssrs Williams and Overbury, March IS.— JSWA: Greasy— 2 bales merino I2jd, 18 first combing halfbred E 15Jd, 4 do W 15d, 17 second do E 15Jd, 6 do W 15d, 15 first do three-quarterbred E 15d, 4 do 14£ d, 11 second do E 14d, 5 do Uhd, 42 first crossbred 14Jd, 11 do 14d, 35 do 12* d, 7 third do 12d, * first halfbred pieces 13d, 5 B do lid, 2 first three-quarterbred do 12d, 5 first crossbred do 12id, 6 second- do lljd, 13 third do 10d, 4 do BJd. A very fine clip of wool, showing everything that a buyer wants. First-class conditon, quality, and style. ES over Parorangi: Greasy— 4 halfbred 14d, 5 B do 13Jd, 7 Bomney 13d, 4 do 14d, 70 A combine" W & E 13id, 13 do E 13d, 28 B combine 13Jd, 39 do 13d, 28 C do 12' ad, 11 do 13Jd, 14 combing crossbred 13d, 23 B do 12Jd, 34 do 12d. Good useful lots of tirst-classwcol. N.Z. ic A Land Co ovsr Moeraki: Greasy— 5 first combing lHd. 5 second do lOJd, 43 first combing halfbred HJd, 8 second do 14* d, 25 do lid. 6 do 13Jd, 10 da 13Jd, 5 broken do Hid, 4 Lollies do 10£ d, 18 first combing crossbred "l4-,d, 5 do 13Jd, 23 second do 13d, 14 do lUd" 8 Lincoln 12d, 28 lo HJd, 8 broken irossbred lOJd, 5 bellies lOd, 6 scoured balfbred pieces 16Jd- 4 do locks 14id, 5 crossbred pieces 16d, 6 do 15|d. These were in excellent order, competition bfciag of the keenest. BiueeliffsGreasy— 9 first combing 13d, 6 second do 12?, d, 13 do E 12d, 3 first pieces Hid, 16 super ha'lfbied lad. 20 do 14.Jd. 6 do 14d, 6 A do 13V1, 6 B do 12d, 2 do HJd, 2 first pieces 11jd,~27 super three-uuarterbred Hd, 33 do lS.'.d 8 crossbrei 12d, 6 super Leicester 13Jd, 14 do 13d, 26 do 13id, 7 do 12Jd. 3 do 12~d, 5 first crosssbred pieces lid. 2 do lOd. A first-class clip of wool, there being every characteristic that users require Sold by Messrs H. P. Hughes and Sons. March 16. — Howard : Greasy — 10 bales A combing 12* d, 12 B do 12d, 3 C lid 25 A Lalfbind 143, d, 43 B do lod, 28 do 3U, 37 C •lo 14d 21 do Wjd, 13 A three-quarterbred :3Jd, 11 do 14d, 12 B do H 12Jd, 15 do 13d, 17 C do I2jd, 7 A seven eighths bred 12* d, 6 B do 12d, 6 A Leicester 13d, 4 B do 12d, 12 first halfbred pieces lHd, 2 three-quarter-bred do lOid These lacked nothing, the clip being an excellent one throughout. Sold by Messrs Buxton, Ronaid, and Co., March 17.— WHT: Creasy— 3 bales super cdfebing 13d, 3 do HJd, 35 A halfbred 16d, 34 B do lod, 22 first do 14Jd, 55 do 15d, 19 do 15Jd, 21 second do li\d, 32 do 16d, 8 do 33Jd, 13 A crossln-cd 14jd, 86 do 14^-d, 29 second do 13id, 41 do 12Jd, 4 do 13d, 19 do 12d, 5 Lincoln lid, 5 halibred pieces 13id, 15 second do lOAd, 15 do lid, 3 crossbred dc lid, 4 second do Bld, 10 bellies 9id. Highly creditable to the owner, the wool wanting in nothing. Fencourt N.Z. Waikata in horseshoe - Greasy— l 4 first crossbred 14Jd, 7do 14d. 50 second do 13Jd, 23 first three-quarterbred 14d, 11 do- 13* d, 4 do Leicester 144 d. 41 do 13id, 19 do 13d, 10 second do. 13d, 17 do 12Jd, 5~ first crossbred 12Jd, 3 second do llhd, 10 do 12d, 5 do bellies 9Jd, 7 do lOd. These wools were in excellent order, selling like fury at ful] current rates. iiangakuri : Greasy — 7 balfbred l&i-d, 40 crossbred 14Jd, 86 do' 13Jd, 144 do 13d, 121 do 12id, 16 do 12d, 6 do "l2d, 3 do 12Jd. 47 first do pieces lid, 31 lo bellies lOJd, 22 second do pieces 9Jd, 8 do locks 7Jd, 10 first do lambs 13£ d, 25 do 13d, 19 second do 12d, 3do 9Jd. Faultless wools, several lots going to America. It was a baautifu l sight to ccc. ■Sold by Messs Jaoomb, Sob. and Co., March 19. — Hedg&ley: Grease — 6 halfbred 14Jd, 2 do B HJd, 17 crossbred 14d, 10 do 13§d, 42 do I2jd, 6 do BH 13M, 22 crossbred H 13Jd, 7 Romney 12Jd, 6 crossbred CH 12Jd, 27 do 12d, 11 do first pieces lid, 7 do second do BJd, 9 do B do 10£ d, 16 do first lambs 13Jd, 2 do second do lid, 3 do pieces lOJd. Wools full of character and style, aelling very freely indeed. Bowlands: Greape — 25 three-quarter-bred 15d, 36 do Uk&, 23 do 13Jd, 50 crossbred

14a, 65 do 13Jd, 17 do B 12Jd, 26 dp C 12£ d, 4 Romney 13Jd, 53 crossbred 12$ d, 3 do 12d, 7 do first pieces lOJd, 12 do second do lOd, 23 do bellies lOd, 3 do lambs' pieces 9Jd. These were all right, commanding very good competition, and -were certainly of i most attractive order. Sold by Messrs Charley Slßue and Co., _ same day. — Mokopeka: Gf tease — 35 halibred combing 16£ d, '21 "do 15d, 5 do 15Jd, a do ~-14|dr-^«£, do 14d, 17 crossbred da'-ISIST 36 Leicester 13Jd, 23 Lincoln 121 d, 31 half bred lambs 14d,- 5--iecond do 12d, 2 crossbred do 13&3, 3 Lincoln do 12d, 8 first half breip piece's" 13d, 3 second do lOJd, 6 first Leicester do lid, 4 second do lOJd, 5 halfbred bellies Hid, 2 B combing 12d. Here American buyers were busy, and gave a good account of themselves. Real excellent wools. Sold by Messrs Willans and Overbury, i March 20.— N.Z. & A. 'Land Co. over Hakai teramea: Greasy— l 3 first, combing 13 $d, 31 f do 12|d, 6 second do 12Jd, 32 fire* .clothing 1 12Jd, 5 second do 12£ d, 41 do 12d, 4 broken 1 Hid, 76 first combing halfbred 15Jd, 68 do W and E A 16d, 18 do H 15d, 40 second do W and E 15id, 7 do 15d, 10 first clothing 15Jd, 25 do E H 15d, 10 broken 14d, scoured— l 3 first combing halfbred 22d, 10 second do 21d, 7 do pieces 22d, 9 second do 20d, 11 bellies halfbred 21} d, 4 do 20d, 5 locks do 17d, 4 pieces crossbred 15£ d. Very good in characte, excellent in growth, and highly creditable. PRICES AGAIN HIGHER. Coleman Street has undoubtedly had a < very bracing influence on the Bradford j market, and the last two market days have • shown a continued inquiry; Bnd call for ; wool and tops. Anyone willing to accept j prices current before the sales began could sell to-diy very leadily, but all topmakers have put up their prices another id in self-defence. Plenty are now quoting Is 6d tor a Ws top, but the actual selling price j i-> id less. Cozure cro?ebied wool and tops j seem to be a very scarce article, and the raw material is badly wanted. We ha^e the most unusual spectacle of coarse woo's 801 ting liner and turning out better in quality lhaa Jtiany lots have been bought > for. 'For instance, a large quantity of 40's } wool is turning out to be 46's, and this is ; handicapping several big topmakers. It ( po doubt makes Xew Zealand bougjht wool look very cheap, and the staple being well grown and shafty is causing to be produced some very good spinning tops. Exrort requirements have the last fortnight broadened out considerably, and -all rhie is .helping to maintain consumption. A good j \\ eight of tops has lately beei; sent to | Russia, and even to Portugal. Great prc-s j sure is seen on every hand to get out j 6ales, and combeis have not been so busy since 1899. General confidence seems to prevail on every hand, and wool is being taken as freely as ever. So Ion? as con- | &ulnption is maintained it is not likely that j there will be anj weakness, and, speaking generally, every mjil eeems to have suffi- j cient to go on with U last for several j months longer. In. merinos we have to report another increase of id, a good super 60's top now being worth all about 2s 3£d, and half a crown is well within sight. It is just a question as to how fur it is wise to push prices further, for alread3" fabric buyers arc " breathing cat threatenings and slaughter," without in any wise buying more than they see they will want. There is undoubtedly a splendid trade doing throughout the whole country, and thfs is giving an incentive to everything. Mohair is enjoying quite a lively time, 6ome large purchases of every quality b&ing made both at the Oape and in Turkey. .There is a distinctly belter feeling, and everything points to mohairs being more liberally entertained. The market generally is in a lobust state. J

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Otago Witness, Issue 2721, 9 May 1906, Page 8

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LONDON WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2721, 9 May 1906, Page 8

LONDON WOOL SALES. Otago Witness, Issue 2721, 9 May 1906, Page 8


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