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It is stated that Dr Collins, of Wellington, will be among the new " calls " to the Legislative Council.

The staff of the Union S.S. Company at Port Chalmers met on Tuesday evening for the purpose of making a small presentation to Mr J. R. Campbell, the manager of the works nt the Port, who is leaving New Zealand this week for the Old Country on the company's business. Mr D. Fisher, in making the presentation, referred to the pleasant relations existing between them, and expressed a hope that Mr Campbell would hava a pleasant trip Home, and that at some future date they would reassemble to welcome him back. Mr Campbell su.tably responded.

Mr John Hayes has resigned the position of inspecting engineer of the Mines Department, with the object, it is understood, of taking up an important appointment under one of ihe Xew Zealand coal mining companies. Among the new J.P.s recently gazetted the name of Mr Wm. Crawley, of RavenEbourne, appears, and old colonists will be interested to "know that from 1861 to 1876 Mr Crawley was closely connected with the original firm of C. C. Cole and Co., more familiarly known as Cobb" and Co." From 1676 to 1903 he hold the position of railway ststionmaster, frst at Milburn, then at Prankton Junction, Auckland, and up to the end of 1903 at Ravensbourne, where he was stationed when^ he retired from the sarvice.

A "Wellington telegram states that Mr T. H. Hamer-on the 31st ult. officially terminated his office as private secretary to the Premier. At a gathering of private secretaries to members of the Cabinet on Tuesday Mr Hamet was presented with a gold , watch The presentation was made by Mr Seddon. Mr Hamer has been appointed Under-secretary ior Mines.

In response to a requisition Mr Donald Reid has consented to become a candidate for the mayoralty of Milton Mr Moore, «he present Mayor, has announced his intention of retiring from municipal life at the end of his term. Mr John Dunne will be a candidate fcr the mayoralty of Balchitha this year. Mr W. Guest has b&en asked to stand, and will announce his decision in a few days. Constable Dandy, stationed here, has received notice of his transfer to Alexandra South. Gut of 10-3 applications Mr George Crawshaw, aseistant secretary of the South Canmissioners was held on the 3rd, when the folpointed secretary and treasurer of the Hawke's Bay Education Board. Mr John A. Borlase, who for the past two years has occupied a position as shunter at the Cattleyards railway station, was enleitained by a number of friends and wel!wishers at a social evening at Ross's Kaikorai Junction Hotel. Mr Borlase was ivreeented with a. handsome Gladstone bag bearing a suitable inscription. A very pleasant evening was epent, all present expressing their appreciation of the obliging disposition and unfailing courtesy of their gue&t. Mr Bcrlaso iB under orders to proceed to tLo West Coast, and v/itl leave shortly to enter I'ptn his new duties. On Saturday 4ast Mr J. D. Andeison. -^ho for some years past .has occupied the position of manager of the manure -and tallow department at the Burnside Freezing Works, was, on the occasion of severing his connection, with the company, presented by his fellow employees and friends with a gold chain and pendant and a tastefully-designed match box. Mr Aitcheson, engineer at *he wcrks, in making the presentation, said that in losing Mr Anderson the company was suffering a great loss, for he had ,been r.n e of their most popular and valued officers. Mr Aitderson's kindly and genial nature had made him a general favourite, tvud all -would miss him. After having expressed his high appreciation of the gift and the motiv«s which prempted it. Mr Anderson was heartily cheered by all present A lequisition, signed by 353 ratepayers, has been presented to Mr Alex. C Begg, asking him to consent to nomination for the office of Mayor of Roslyn. Mr Begg decided to accede to the wishes of the ratepayers. Nearly all the officers of the local telegraph service assembled on' "Wednesday to bid farewell to Mr Robert Crow, who has been promoted to tbo head office, Wellington. Mr C. Hill (assistant officer in charge) took advantage of the occasion to present him on behal/ of the staff with a very handsome dressing-case, its contents being superbly mounted in silver. In doing so Mr Hill referred to his long connection with the local office, and his many good qualities, which are well known to outsiders. Messrs Talbot and Young also spoke, the former alluding to Mr Crow's manly qualities, the latter to Mr Crow's long connection with all outside sport (he being a champion cyclist for many years). Three '■ hearty cheers were given for Mr Crow, and an adjournment was made, after which he was toasted in bumpers.

• Mr'-R. P. . Mitchell, of the Lawrence Post Office staff, has been transferred to the Dunodin Telegraph Office. He was presented with a pipe as a Email memento of the esteem in which he wps held by his co-workers.

Mr J. A. Moore, head" teacher "of the Tuapelca Mouth School, who is appointed to v the staff of the Arthur Street School, was presented, prior to his departure, with a silvermounted blotter by the children.

Advice has been received in Sydney fiom Loadon of the death of Lady Cooper, wid^.v of Sir Daniel Cooper, Bart.

Mr Donald Reid, ;un., M.X H. for the Taieii, and Mrs Reid pas&ed through Dunedin from the north on Thursday Mr R«id was married :n Christchurch on Wednesday.

The Rev. C Dolev, foreign missionary deputation from New Britain to the New Zealand Methodist Church, arrived in Dur.edin on Thursday from the north, aud went on to Invercargill by Friday's express. The Rev Mr Doley will occupy the pulpits and deliver addieescs in different Methodist Churches of Dunedin this week.

The Rev. D. Button has been nominated as Moderator of the Otngo and Southland Presbyterian Synod for 1907 by the Presbytery of Southland.

The many friends of Mr A. G. Brebner, late stationmaster at Gore, will be glad to learn that he is sufficiently recovered to be able to retu.rn home on tha 2nd inst. Mt Brebner underwent an operation while in Dunedin.

Mr Vance, railway cleik at Balclutha, is to be transferred to the relieving staff of the Invercargill district. The vacancy will be filled by Mr Valentine, who has been stationed at Cattle Yards, Burnside, for some time pasti and Mr Pringle will leave Abbotsford to fill the vacancy.

Mr J. A. Gilruth, Chief Government Veterinarian, is on a visit of inspection of the Canterbury and Otago districts.

A private letter received in "Wellington from Sydney sta+es that Mr Robert Brough, the popular actor, is seriously ill, and doubts are entertained of his recovery. He is suffering from an affection of the heart. His partner (Mr Herbert Fleming) has also been ill, and consequently the company's Sydney season has been disorganised.

Among the passengers by the U.S S. Company's turbine stsamei Maheno on her first voyage to Vancouver will be Mr Mills, the

I managing director of the company. Mr Mills will be accompanied by Mrs -Mills and their two children. It is their intention to proceed. I for Auckland by the Navua to Suva to join the Malic no. We understand that one of the objects of their visit is to place their children at school in the Old Country for some time Mr and Mrs Mills, however, will return to the colony towards the end of the present year. Mr H. A. LeCren announces his candidature for the mayoralty of Mornington. Mr Wm. Guest has decided not to become a candidate for the mayoralty of Balclutha. The Wellington Post states that Inspector Kiely (Wanganui) and Inspector Wilson (Greymouth), of the Police Department, are to exchange stations. Mr Henning, who has been attached to the Naseby branch of the Bank of New South Wales lately, has been transferred to Invercargill. His successor is Mr C. Hall, of Dunedin. Mr Scott, stationmaster at Heriot, has boon transferred to a station on the Canterbury section. Mr D. Stewart, of Balcluthn, purposes leaving on a trip to the Commonwealth next week, for the purpose of attending the jubilee of the Melbourne University. Writing from Oxford, Mr P. W. Roberts dh, of Wellington, the 1905 Rhodes scholar fcr New Zealand, stated that he intended to spend the ' long vacation," which ' commences in June next, at Griefswald, in Germany, studying under the eminent scientist Profess^AuweTS. The Kurow railway staff presented Actingdriver Drennan with, a rug on the occasion, of his beins; promoted to driver at Dunedin. ' Mr W. .Quin, of Tapanui,. the well-known auctioneer and newspaper proprietor, Contemplates visiting the Old Country at an early date. The Rev. J. R. Clark, who has scted as pastor of the Palmeiston Wesleyan Church for the past two y-eare, and who has been transferred to Sheffield. (Canterbury), was entertained" at a farewell social on Tuesday evening last (says the Palmerstion Times). During the evening the Mayor, on behalf of the congregation and a large number of friends, presented Mr Clark with a well-.'illed piirse of sovereign. Prior to her departuie Miss Clark was the recipient of a small p-ie-sentation at the hands of a 'ew friends and wellwishers. Mr Hayes, inspecting engineer in the Mines i Department, who has forwarded his resignation to the Government, vas appointed an inspector of mines in 1897, end in 1899 \ ta appointed inspecting engineer. It is understood that h« has now accepted the managership of a mine that is bsing developed L\ a syndicate in Nelson. The following postal and telegraphic changes have been decided upon: — Mr H. Edger, postmaster at Clyde, is to bs transferred to Roxburgh. It is likely that Mr J. A. Hoit, late of Ophir, will supply the Clyde vacancy. Mr Allan, at present in the Bnc'.utha. Post Office, is under orders for the Dunedin Telegraph Office. At Raniurly on Monday evening a large mimber of the friends of Mr and Mrs W. Malone met at the Ranfurly Hall to-'-bid them farewell on their removal to Balclutha. Fully 150 were present. Mr J. Law, jun., after some complimentary remarks, handed Mr Ma!onc a handsome purse, containing the' evidence of goodwill felt towards the recipient by. the residents of* the district. Mr Mfilone made a suitable rep".y. During the past six months Mr Murray, a divinity student from the Otago University, has been conducting the church services connected with the Waikaia parish, and evidently his ministry has been most acceptable, as on the occasion of his departure he was presented with purses of sovereigns by the Wendonside Christian Endeavour Society, the Waik'iia Bible Class, and the residents of the district. At a , special meeting of the Paliner^tcn School Committee held on Wednesday evening it was decided to recommend Miss Mncgregor for the position of assistant in the school. It was mentioned thai Miss . 3£:«egregor had already been recommended for the position of mistress of the Hampden High School, and in the event of her accepting that appointment the PnlmerEton Committee will recommend Miss Cox fcr appointment to the vacancy on the staff of the local school. Mr Frank Gamble and Mr George Castle, ■who have been appointed assistant teachers at the Waitaki High School, are bath " eld boys" of Petone School. .They entered the Petone School when five years of age, about the same time. Mr Gamble won the Education Board scholarship, and also a Quecu'd scholarship, Mr Castle losing this position . only by a few marks. They attended Wellington College together, a-lso the University , CoJlege c. asses. Mr Gamble has taken hia B.A. degree, and Mr Castle the first section ; of the same. The Rev. Adam Begg and Mrs Begg, who : are leaving the district owing to the state ; of Mrs Begg's health, necessitating her re- • moval to a more congenial climate, were , entertained at a farewell social by the congregation of the Waikoikoi Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening. Despite the fact that the night was very wet, there was a good attendance. The Rev. G. H. Jupp (Kelso) occupied the chair. A short address was delivered by the Rev. W. J. F. Craigie (Pukerau), and songs were giv^n by Mrs Cunningham (Benio), Mrs Jupp (Kelso;, Miss Graham (Tapanui), the Rev. Messrs Craigio and Begg, and a recitation by Mr D. Colquhoun. Vocal selections were also given by the Tapanui Church choir and or.o by the Waikoikoi Church choir, assisted by some of , the members of the Tapanui choir. Mr and Mrs Begg wete presented by the congregation with a handsome silver afternoon teaservice. Mr W. J. Stark, who made the. presentation, spoke in very high terms of tho good work done in the district by Mr Begg during the 11J years he had been pastor of the churcb, and of the kindly feelings that both he and Mrs Begg had shown towards tho congregation. He said that all regretted their departure, and hoped that it would not be long until Mrs Begg was completely restored to health. Mr Begg wza al6o presented by the choir with a handsome solid silver serviette ring. Ths presentation was made by Mr J. Beattie. Mr Begg feelingly returned thanks, and expressed the regret that both Mrs Begg and he felt at leaving the district, but as. God. had pointed cut the way for him he felt he had to obey. Votes of thanks to all who had assisted to make the social a success brought to*a close a function, which, though spent in a happy way, was tinged with regret by the thought of losing those who, by their kindly manner and keen interest in the welfare of the church, had endeared themselves to all. On Saturday evening, 31st ult., Mr Ewen M'Lonnan, manager of Mount White StafTon for the past two years, was met at the Glacier Hotel, Bealey, by the employees of Mount White and the residents of the West Cbasf Road, and presented with a handsome go!» watch, prior to his leaving the district. The Marlborough Express states that Mr Cromb, from Oiago, has taken up his duties as caretaker of the Starborough State Nursery, in succession to Mr Craig, transferred to Kurow, North Olngo. The Premier has received cabled advice from Sir Joseph Ward that his pariy had arrived safely at Rome, and that Mr Gray had greatly improved in health.

Th© Timaru Post states that Mr G. W, Trumper, Oxari, who has been working foi some tima at an " air c -g-ine, . left for Xrondos on Tuesday, where he hopes to successful^ *. patent a " self-driving air engine." A Napier wire state® that Mr G. T. Fannii has resigned tho position of "secretary -to th< Hawke's Bay County Council after 30 years' , service. Mr A. H. Ferguson, assistant secretary, has b&en appointed to the vacant Detective Cameron on Monday arrived from Wellington to take up duty in Dunedin. The employees of Messrs Wilkie and Co., flourmillers, Mosgiel, on Monday evening presented Mr D. R. Wilkie, one of. th« members of the firm, with a silver rigarette case, suitably insoribett, on tha occasion of Lis approaching marriage and on the eve of his departure for a trip to the Old Country. The hope was expressed that he would have a pleasant holiday and a safe return. Mr Wilkie returned thanks, and said that while at Home he hoped, to gaiu some information which would be beneficial to the firm.

In the library at the Central Police Station on Monday several members of the force - assembled to say farewell to Mr George T; Gale, who has resigned from the service order to follow farming pursuits in Canterbury. Chief Detective Herbert, on behalf . iof - his comrades', presented Mr. Gale with a- haudso'hie pipe and travelling bag, Buitably inscribed,' and, in doiug- so, -spoke in complimentary 'terms'''pf. ' Mr Gale's sterling .qualities, 1 expressed regret a.t his departure, and -wished him every success' in his ne-nj sphere* of life; other'- . ber3 of *he force spoke in glowing termsT Sfr Gale feelingly replied, 'thanking his_ v co"mrades • for their gifts and 'kindly sentiments witH ' which they were accompanied.

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Otago Witness, Issue 2718, 11 April 1906, Page 31

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PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2718, 11 April 1906, Page 31

PERSONAL ITEMS. Otago Witness, Issue 2718, 11 April 1906, Page 31


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