The annual meeting of the above company was held at Matakanui on February 3, when the following directors were re-elected: — Messrs W. McConnochie, J. Ewing, C. Huddleston, E. Wallington, and T. Duggan. A sixpenny dividend was declared, the company having washed up 84oz 5dwt for the month of January, making a total of 739oz 3dwt 16gr for the past year. The company has been registered three years and a-half, and the returns show that 2908oz 3dwt 2gr of gold, of a value of £10,872 2s 6d, has been won from the mine during that period. Dividends to the amount of £5812 10s have been received by the shareholders, which is equal to 7s 9d per share. As the company consists of 15,000 £1 shares, the shareholders have received back over one-third of their capital, which must be considered very satisfactory. As there is a very large area to operate on the prospects of the Tinkers Gold Mining Company seem very rosy.
Otago Witness, Issue 2710, 21 February 1906, Page 26
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